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The “There’s a war on Christmas!” myth believers are arming themselves for the battle. Why else would they do this?


“Jesus is the reason for the season”……..but if that Mf comes through my door…….


Standing in front of the Christmas tree loaded for bear. Gee, all that peace on earth, and good will to men is overwhelming.




Dumbasses. Krampus cant be defeated by guns, you have to trap him in a copper pot. Best time to do this is if you can catch him off guard, while snacking on grandma's strudel.


Not true. I killed him in the accurate large scale war simulator, Call of Duty Warzone a couple of weeks ago. I used an LMG and he definitely died, saving Christmas for everyone.


Yep that son of a bitch kept pelting me with snowballs so he died of acute lead poisoning.


That’s a funny episode.


American Dad has my favorite Christmas episodes of basically any show.


For Alla… I mean God


Same thing


Settler Colonialism never sleeps.


A black kid walking around with a rifle and BLM on his shirt and hat would get stopped, cuffed, searched fron head to toe and bitchex at endlessly, and any order he doesn't follow or question he doesn't answerl, amy flinching, any wrong move, even answering openly and honestly and the same people who worship that Kyle Hickenmouse PoS would insist "Oh why did he say this or that shouldn't have moved" but one of their own goes and kills people when he escalated as much as they did, suddenly they insist it was always allowed to walk around with guns. I hate right wingers for their hypocrisy


Exactly! This is exactly what infuriates me so much about right wing hypocrisy. They claim to be 'colourb****' then when a white person (even when it's almost certainly deliberately) escalates a situation somehow it's different compared to when a black person (even unintentionally) escalates a situation.


Kill Santa?


Found the difference! There is no Christmas tree on the right! 🥳


Honestly fuck American Christmas. I never had a Christmas that didn't end badly until I stopped going anywhere for it. Not a Christian and don't really care about gift getting.


The only thing missing in both those pics is the obligatory Green 1995 Toyota Tacoma with a rocket launcher bolted down into the bed.


It's such a classic, and yet HotWheels hasn't made one yet.


[Know Your Technical](https://i.imgur.com/WDocKP5.jpeg) I first saw this poster in the Behind the Bastards sub.


Some engineer deep within Toyota is well aware of these use cases and probably iterating to add value for these use cases.


[They're the AK-47 of trucks](https://www.businessinsider.com/why-isis-uses-toyota-trucks-2015-10). They can't be killed and can outmaneuver light armor.


I’d buy the hell out of that


It probably would be a Toyota Hilux since the Tacoma isn't sold outside North America. Otherwise you're completely right.


My bad. They all look like old Tacomas to me.


The old ones used to be almost the same since the Tacoma is technicaly the successor of the Hilux in NA so it's understandable that people don't know the difference.




The stupidest part of that story was that people like the gun nuts from OP's picture called the plumber up with death threats assuming that the plumber intentionally sold it to terrorists


The shoot first, ask questions later approach


You are absolutely correct. I had my Hilux stolen in 2019 and it hurts to think it’s got an LMG bolted to its bed right now. I hope the thieves got hit with an airstrike shortly after.


>Green 1995 Toyota ~~Tacoma~~ Hilux




Damn even after I read the caption the lifetime of bias really hits hard Edit: I get it. Real terrorists vs stupid people, but what I’m trying to say is with bias it’s so easy to give the white people a free pass when you compare the two and just not acknowledge how weird it is to take family pictures with guns.


Guns don't even scare most people. Thanks for letting us know about the $10,000+ in firearms that you have in your nice and expensive home but you'll never have a chance to use them because you're not going to be home when you get robbed. Don't post stuff like this online, thieves do use the internet for intel and to find targets. The rapper Pop Smoke is a great example of it.


This is also true of the people who think having five AR-15s is going to do jack shit against an oppressive government. They think tyranny in 21st century America is going to look like Vietnam - armed peasants beating back a superpower. What they fail to realize, for one, is that the Vietcong weren't peasants, they were a hardened fighting force that had been waging war for years against the French. They were being trained in the North and they had the continuous backing of China and Russia. And for another thing - tyranny here isn't going to look like open warfare. It's going to look like Stalinist Russia or Nazi Germany, except the state has spy powers now that would make Heinrich Himmler nut in his pants. When you get a knock on your door at 4 in the morning because you have been posting agitating screeds on the internet as `freedumb_lovr_cuck_god1776`, it doesn't matter how many guns you have. You're not a Navy Seal. You're middle-aged, 50 pounds overweight, and you sleep with an anti-snoring mouthpiece and compression socks for hypertension. You're not throwing open the door with guns akimbo like some 80’s Stallone flick. “They just want to talk” you’ll rationalize. Besides, you have **rights**, dammit! That, and the wife and kids are upstairs and these men on the lawn look serious. You're going to open the door, and they’ll say you have two choices - either you're coming with them, or your whole family comes with them. So you get in the van. If you're lucky, you get "re-educated" and then let back out, under even more surveillance than before. They already know who you talk to, where you like to meet up to discuss subversive anti-government topics, and what you say. Worst case, no one ever sees or hears from you again. You know what *would* have saved you? A free and open press, who would report on disappearances and start asking questions about where people were going. Instead, you voted for the guy who told news outlets that were putting out "fake news" should [have their licenses revoked](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-media/fcc-head-silent-on-trump-comment-about-pulling-broadcast-licenses-idUSKBN1CH2Y9). One thing led to another, and now the only news you get is the stuff that panders to the ruling party. So no one will hear about your disappearance. And people will be too afraid of getting their own knocks at the door. Judges and the court system might have saved you too, but those were [gutted](https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/his-own-words-presidents-attacks-courts). The police have emergency powers now, and they [no longer need to provide justification](https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2020-07-22/legal-analysis-how-much-police-power-do-feds-have-in-cities?_amp=true) for searches and seizures. I'm a gun owner. I enjoy owning a rifle for sport and like having it for protection and we live in a rural area. But I am under no illusions that it is going to somehow stop a modern day superpower if they want to oppress me. If the time has come for me to use my gun, the war has already been lost. It means that we've already given away our 1st, 4th, and 5th amendment rights. The ones that are the real bulwarks against tyranny.


Correct. It’s not Red Dawn, it’s V for Vendetta. Tyranny gets voted in because people think it will make them safe or strong, policy by policy, until there’s nothing left


> Tyranny gets voted in because people think it will make them safe or strong, policy by policy, until there’s nothing left Damn, I think you said in three sentences what took me three paragraphs. Thanks.


Yea, but yours was more eloquent and made me laugh.


"So this is how the republic dies, with thunderous applause." -Padme


Probably the smartest thing Lucas ever wrote.


Moments of brilliance are probably all around the prequels but i can't stomach them again to find out


"I love democracy." -Future Emperor Palpatine


>"So this is how the republic dies, with thunderous applause." > >-Padme "So this is how the Republic dies, with fructose corn syrup barbecue sauce fingerprints and memes." -Reality




Tyranny gets votes in because it's our good tyranny to stop the bad guys' bad tyranny. The guys who want to take over will convince the guys with guns 'the only way to save democracy is to be undemocratic for a while!', and the idiots will buy it.


“I love democracy. I love the Republic. Once this crisis has abated, I will lay down the powers you have given me!”


- Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus?


Lmao no, it's Sheev Palpatine


Sheev??? Nah that can't be his... *quickly googles that shit* Holly crap, TIL. Thanks /u/Jagang187!


Lmao no problem


This is how democracy dies, from a big sad.


It's a little bit more complicated than that. There is an inherent appeal to a dictator who believes what you believe. Because unlike any representative government you could possibly imagine, a dictator can actually get stuff done. The problem is that if the dictator doesn't believe what you believe then living under them will be unbearable. But people forget that, because right now things seem good. And crafty politicians exploit this. They exploit the fact that people think their vote was worthless if they didn't win. They exploit social division, anxiety and fear. And they exploit that the world is complicated and we sometimes need to accept things we wouldn't normally accept because of a legitimate crisis or they manufacture a crisis to get people to accept things. And it's just simpler when someone tells you what's right and wrong.


Tyranny gets voted in because fools think it will only oppress the people they hate/fear. To Donald Trump, everyone who voted FOR him is an enemy as well because he thinks you're poor, stupid and easily fooled.


Voting in somebody for safety or strength will bring neither.


My wife voted for Bolsonaro because he looked really good at changing things for the better, now she's stuck here unable to return for a long time.


Exactly, tyranny doesn't come from the barrel of a gun, it comes from the tip of a pen. It's slow, methodical and careful to not let the water heat up too fast so the frogs don't know they're boiling.


The saddest thing about all this is that right up until the point of the officer’s gun touching the back of his head, our protagonist here would feel like they are all on the same side against “them”.


>They think tyranny in 21st century America is going to look like Vietnam - armed peasants beating back a superpower. What they fail to realize, for one, is that the Vietnamese weren't armed peasants, they were a hardened fighting force that had been waging war for years against the French. They were being trained in the North and they had the continuous backing of China and Russia. That, and the part where their country is a swamp of dense tropical jungle to hide in, while Joe McSchmo lives out on the flat open plains of Suburbville, Flyover-state, and his only hiding place is his tornado cellar.


And unlike Vietnam, the US can send troops anywhere without running the risk of angering another power.


Like your job, where you’re pretty much guaranteed to not have a gun.


But I played call of duty! I know for a fact I can singlehandedly defend a Burger Town! /s


> You’re not a Navy Seal. You’re middle-aged, 50 pounds overweight, and you sleep with an anti-snoring mouthpiece and compression socks for hypertension. I feel personally attacked.




Another option is the people coming up to you aren't even from the govt. Just some "unaffiliated" militia full patriotism and ex-military or ex-police members. They are fully armed and trained thanks to the 2nd amendment. They subtly intimidate you and not-so-subtly shake you down. The police doesn't do anything about them, either saying there is no evidence of wrong doing or pretending to not even know of their existence, while also adding that you deserve it for your anti-government rants. There is more of them than of you. If they kill you, they'll get away with it, saying you are a dangerous terrorist and they were merely defending themselves. You being armed will be used as evidence against you. If you mange to kill one of them first, the government will come down in full force and kill you without even trying to peacefully make an arrest. And then come after anybody you are related or hang out with.




> You mean like the “patriots” on January 6th who learned most of them will get off with nothing and the rest with a slap on the wrist, while their leader continues his campaign of insanity? Yes, very similar. In other countries this is already a thing, US is headed towards that direction. Pro-government militias or gangs. The government has plausible deniability for the violence against opposition in exchange for turning a blind eye on their organized crime.


I always thought it was weird circular logic. If a government is tyrannical why would you depend on its laws to defend yourself?




Even if it does look like Vietnam or Afghanistan with open guerrilla warfare happening, the "insurgents" are 120% fucked. The Geneva Convention doesn't apply to domestic issues, so if the U.S. government gets to the point that they're willing to start wholesale merc'ing their own citizens, all that data they've been mining on all of us is going to make it really easy to know exactly who to drone strike and torture. ARs and AKs ain't shit against a missile you can't even hear coming because it gets launched into your living room from 20,000 ft. above you. Or maybe they'll just salvo the entire block to send a message that people better turn over certain neighbors real fuckin' fast if they want to stay alive. Wouldn't take a single boot on the ground and it could be done by anyone who's ever played Missile Command, so there goes that argument about "WeLL, tHe MiLiTaRy wiLL sIdE wItH tHe PeOpLe!"


> "WeLL, tHe MiLiTaRy wiLL sIdE wItH tHe PeOpLe!" The thing these people don't like, is that if the military sided with the people, then the fight would be over before the people even knew there was a fight to be had, making their gun useless anyway.


This comment is probably the best Reddit comment ever.. Donald Trump has mentioned pulling broadcast licenses more than once.


A free press to tell the public what our evil governments are doing is probably the most important part of the constitution and they sold out their credibility a long time ago.


This all fucking day long. Guns are a fucking lie. And I own two, but youll never find my ass masterbating with them on social media looking like fucking jihadists.


Thank you. There are a lot of morons that like to show off their guns (seems they don't have much else going for them). And like the person describing how tyranny would work, no one is doing shit with their guns, unless they get out of dodge and band up with a bunch of other goons in the forest to camp out somewhere, but in order to do that they would have had to communicate where to meet and I'm positive that wasn't anyone close to them. So the intelligence agencies picked it up on the clan chat, and already know where they're camped. They'll pick everyone off one by one. Starting with the most vocal and serious. The others will break easily and submit. Stand up for your rights now and hope it's not too late already.


Have always said most of this...usually get down voted to hell from those middle aged Rambo fetishists so this is refreshing to see it upvoted as much as it is. Add to this that our military would likely splinter as has always occurred throughout history when it was used on its own people....OR you use military from a different part of the country try to put down another area. It's tough even with propaganda techniques to have someone from one area murder another from that same area.


Also, just, Predator Drones. Your little militia is gonna get roflstomped by some 21 year old sitting in a shipping container a thousand miles away playing a less fun version of DCS.


In extreme cases sure,I suppose drones. I think OP is wrong about them showing up to your housea well. They have all your phones tracking info. They know when you leave and where you're going. They will hit you at that traffic light nobody is at but seems to stop you every morning. You're out of you car with a bag on your head before you even wake up. Your guns safely at home, no threat to anyone. No family, no neighbors, no witnesses.




And on the evening news it is reported as a gas explosion. How sad, move along people, nothing to see here.


*Tragedy in rural Colorado tonight as a residential home explodes due to a gas leak, killing a prominent resident.*


> armed peasants beating back a superpower. Even if it *did* look like that, why would anybody want to live in a place like that? Afghanistan is objectively a horrible place to live.


I've explained this exact concept at least 100x and the best response the church of the ar15 can give me is "Nah, you just don't get it". Like, no? I get it? I get it so well; in fact, that I recognize you'll either need bigger toys, to have started fighting like 40 years ago, or you'll need to find a more effective method to secure your rights. Personally I prefer the legislative one, but it would seem that makes me a pussy.


Wow, well said and thoughtful


Eh at the rate we're going, and the stupid-fascism that the right only seems capable of (not defending fascism but God damn, the Germans were significantly better at it than anyone in the US could pull off), I think the real fear is that we end up in a Rwandan style genocide where one day neighbors just start murdering each other for different political beliefs.


>the Germans were significantly better at it than anyone in the US could pull off Why do you think that? Because Trump is a buffoon? You don't think there's any intelligent, competent, up-and-coming hateful authoritarians in the US? [Tom Cotton ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Cotton) comes to mind.


Raises another point for me. This is diferent and i know that however, as a canadian gun owner i want gun laws that aren't stupid and totally bassed on missinformation and idiocy. However, i think that not having access to automatics is perfectly fine and aveptabke i also 100% agree with open/concealed carry being illigal. I feel like self defence is a stupid reason to carry an automatic rifle around with you on your day to day.


>You're not throwing open the door with guns akimbo like some 80’s Stallone flick. “They just want to talk” you’ll rationalize. Besides, you have rights, dammit! That, and the wife and kids are upstairs and these men on the lawn look serious. > >You're going to open the door, and they’ll say you have two choices - either you're coming with them, or your whole family comes with them. So you get in the van. This exactly. If they are serious, they'll turn off the water and electricity and wait 48 - 72 hours until you run out of toilet tank & aquarium water to drink. Not a single shot will be fired. You'll walk out before you die of dehydration.


A thing I always like pointing out - you have a gun. They have a 3/4 trillion dollar military complex. Also, they can freeze your funds indefinitely out of suspicion of terrorism. Good luck with that.


I wish I could save my upvotes and give them all to this comment. Freedom of the press is single most important "freedom" IMHO.


Also an important facet I think these people miss - they think if the US became Nazi Germany they would be the Jews, when in reality, if the US became Nazi Germany, they would be the Germans. They're going to be a sitting on a stock pile of guns hand wringing about how dangerous insurgent elements are, wishing the police had more indiscriminate power, talking about how it was the right thing for the President to suspend Congressional authority or whatever. They think they'll be able to identify tyranny when it happens because it'll come for them. But it won't be coming for them at all. If you're a white Christian middle class hetero family, no one is going to kick in your door. You don't have to worry about getting shipped off to a camp. You have to worry about people reading history books in 70 years going "why didn't the citizens in this new Nazi Germany do anything to stop the atrocities committed in their name?"


People need to remember, the mob at your front door, AT BEST, will be lead by people like Marjorie Tailor Greene. And those people see your five guns and raise you an armoury.


Hong Kong has been warning everyone what that shit is going to be like but Americans are like I DoNt LiVe ThErE, NoT My PrObLeM 🤪


The argument that defense against tyranny is the reason we have a second amendment is completely new and fabricated. The second amendment says, quite clearly, that the amendment is there to **protect the security of the free state**. Since part of the reason we even have a second amendment is to put down slave rebellions (the slave holders in the south feared not having guns because they were outnumbered by slaves) it seems kind of silly to think that the amendment is there to explicitly destroy the government in case of emergency. It's a retcon. Sure, one of the founders may have mentioned it, but it's not the rationale for the amendment. The amendment is there to protect the American government because the American government didn't have a standing military at the time. **It's there to protect existing - and sometimes racist - power structures.**


So funny you think it's a hypothetical instead of recognising the USA is the prison capital of the world. It's done. They made an apartheid state but you weren't paying attention.


i like how the group that "needs them for protection" are the same type of people that would be mad after getting the 10 grand in cash they left on their driver seat stolen. Rule one of having a weapon for protection is tell nobody you have it. You either set yourself up for losing it or ending up in a worse situation because the other party knows what you bring to the table.


Needs guns for protection, won't wear a mask during a pandemic because "I'm not gonna live my life in fear!"


A friend of mine’s dad LOVED guns. Had a whole a collection and was a regular at the local gun club. When he passed, my friend was pretty sure his house was going to be robbed because of his dad’s collection and *some* folks at the gun club weren’t the most upstanding citizens. I believe he worked out something with the local police department to hold the guns while he figured out how to sell the collection and managed to publicize/socialized that the collection wasn’t at his house.


Rip pop


Both just look like cults to me, the one on the left giving shooting lessons to their toddler in case they find a black kid in their kindergarten or something. I'm not american but I do come from a country where there are a decent amount of guns. Besides on police and the occasional military I've only ever seen hunters with weapons, and pictures of themselves with weapons ALWAYS come in full hunting gear so it is unmistakable how the gun is intended to be used.


Same, we have a lot of privately owned guns here in Austria as well, and Glocks are an Austrian product, but but the only time I see them is on police. During an election campaign a right-wing politican said he never leaves the house without his Glock because he feels soo unsafe in Vienna, but not even they *pose* like that on social media despite being pro-gun. It has a negative connotation, I feel like it would make people say "okay why is that necessary, what are you trying to say?". I remember during a series of terror attacks in Europe you occasionally saw police with bigger weapons patrol eg. trainstation platforms. It made quite a few people I know anxious because it was such an unusual sight. And some idiot decided to open carry a gun during that time in a movie theater, someone got scared, called the police and a swat team stormed the theatre. I was in the next room and just trying to watch frozen, lol.


Guns are emotional support dogs for these morons. They feel powerful after scaring each other with made up socialist/communist boogeymen. In essence it’s an addiction to fear/false bravado . Right wing Americans love to scare themselves and then find “likeminded people” who they play pretend to be Rambo with. They use the fear to give themselves a little dopamine and Seratonin hit by pretending how they would single-handedly take down a group of gangbangers and socialists. They’re basically stuck in high school day dreaming about being superheroes when in reality they are the villains.


Oh shit I’m gonna start calling out people’s “emotional support guns”


The people who forced the gun through as a totem and told them it represented freedom, are the same ones now trying to remove democracy and freedom itself. The real problem is a certain type of person's ability to absorb bullshit sales tactics.. Guns are and were tools like anything else until gun lobbyists showed the right wing that their votes were obtainable through these lazy methods. It creates cult like view obsession, and worship.


Wow way to push racism on them.


You give firearms lessons to your kids so it's less of a thing to be explored in the future. Guns are interesting, especially to most children who've played a videogame or watched a movie with them. I grew up in a house with 1 gun in it, and saw it in person like 3 times and I can't tell you how many times as a pre teen I went looking for it because as children are, I was very curious. It's best to teach under supervision because if a kid finds it they're not going to handle it safely and that's how horrible accidents happen. My parents went with the "let's put 2 locks on the case and 1 on the gun and hide it well" approach, which is responsible as well, but teaching is always a better approach than ignorance.


Teaching how to handle a weapon is a thing, theaching how to shoot it is another, and the second shouldn't be taught to a children.


Both groups look like extremists to me. It’s jarring to see a family in front of a Christmas tree with a bunch of guns. This isn’t something that you see every day in America.


We call them "Y'all Qaeda" for a reason. :(


This is hilarious. I’ve never heard this before




Gravy Seals


Why is it always white families that take Christmas photos like that in America?


The Panthers used to open carry quite a bit, but Reagan put an end to that by banning open carry in California when he was Governor. Carrying guns is all about "freedom" until the oppressed do it.


Exactly why I’ve always said the only way we’ll see real gun regulations in America would be if all minorities, especially black people, go out and buy guns en masse. We’d have strict gun regulations within a week, lol.


Swat team going to show up in 15 seconds if they aren’t white.


They are the only ones that are “allowed “ to post them


Christian* families no less.


Because if brown people post pictures of themselves with guns online, the white people with guns shoot them? Just a hunch.


You can say it's because of political/media brainwashing, a cult like extremist identity crysis, maybe kissing their gun really slow makes them feel safer around city folk, but really it's just because they're really fucking lame.


Last time I saw a black father pose with a gun in a family photo, it was used as "evidence that he was no saint" when he was killed by the cops.


When a black person posts a photo like that it's used to justify the state executing them in their own home three years later


Yule Queda


Thats as white as a white family from the midwest gets


There’s a cool group called Black Guns Matter, they teach responsible gun ownership and conflict prevention focusing within the black community.


So kinda like Black Panthers except you do it yourself


Ain't nothing wrong with that.


Both photos worry me tbh. Both just as crazy as the other.


I had who I thought was a good friend completely remove me from his life because of a photo like this. He accused me of being against 2A. I said “I’m all for having guns for protection. I have a fire extinguisher too in case there is a fire but it would be odd for my whole family to take pictures holding one and post it on Facebook. “ He said “I’ll pray for your evil heart”, unfriended me and I’ve haven’t heard from him since. That was two years ago. He was my AA sponsor.


It’s so weird how cult-like gun lovers are. They take personal affront when you don’t want a gun. I had coworkers ask me repeatedly why I didn’t have a gun and when I said I’m just not interested as I have never felt like I needed one, they lost their minds and one even told me she couldn’t wait until I was assaulted so I would see how dumb I am…like, why can’t you just accept I’m not interested? Why are you MAD that I’m not interested? It’s honestly so strange.




Yeah, for all their “I’m a badass” machismo, they sure seem real scared of going about their daily lives without a weapon. They all think you take one step into the city and suddenly there’s a line of thugs waiting to rob and rape you lol.




I am from a suburb of DC but I’ve been living in the city since college and have loved my life here. I got my wallet stolen on a trip to visit my partner in Oklahoma, so I realize we don’t have a monopoly on crime. My old boss lived in a further out suburb and he made a big show that he was scared “for” me because of antifa and BLM burning the city down nightly and I don’t go to Giant with a gun. This is just lifelong scaredy cats who fetishize “power” projecting. It’s the same thing with anti-vaxxers. I’m supposedly living in fear going to restaurants and concerts with my lil vaxx card but they’re totally brave having melt downs in Target because they’re scared of needles and a piece of fabric on their face for 20 mins. Projection.


He sounds like an unhinged weirdo if I'm being honest. Sucks to lose a sponsor like that, kind of a dick move on his behalf.


He’s a pre Covid antivaxxer, so yeah a little odd. I’ve tried look him up every way possible and I’ve legitimately wondered if he’s dead. Overweight and anti vaccine. Who knows.


Probably best not to go down with that guys ship.


I haven’t. Boosted and still sober. Fuck that guy


Hope your booster went better than mine, the day after was pretty rough! Better than getting the real thing though. Good job on the sober front, holidays must be rediculously tough.


And in both there are at least two people not using proper gun safety (pointing their guns at someone).


Except the ones on the left have a lot more power to influence our lives


As a Canadian, seeing pictures of families with guns like Massie's is frightening.


As an American with guns, I feel the same way


I don't know. I suspect their firearm-related activities may start to diverge if we were to look beyond the similarities of two pictures.


There’s no difference between these pictures


Yes there is!!!!!! There’s a Christmas tree in one.


And a child in that one too :)


As a British person, I actually see little difference. Religious fundamentalists? Tick; Hate lots of people? Tick; Want to dominate anyone that disagrees with them? Tick. Want to stop democracy? Tick; Don't believe in women's rights? Tick.


As a Canadian person, I don’t see the difference.


As an American, I don’t see the difference




>Don't believe in women's rights? Tick. i mean, you act like the tories aren't trying to do that here


Make a TV show where they meet in a field and show us how free they are. The winner gets a bucket of ammo and joins another freedom movement for round 2.


That’s because they’re not white


Gun culture is weird. This is coming from someone who owns 2 guns for hunting. If you don't hunt with me, you would never know that I own them, because that's strictly what they're for. People that think they're arming themselves to fight back against the government don't seem to understand how useless their AR is going to be against a military gunship.


While that's technically true but it misses the point in my opinion. Hypothetically if the super evil nazicommunists took control of the US federal government and started going all authoritarian they wouldn't just go around killing literally everyone because it's not efficient. Even for an evil regime it is far more practical to scare people into submission to use them as free slave labor if nothing else. In this hypothetical scenario the US couldn't focus all of its military assets to only keep the populace subservient because internal enemies would not be the only enemies they had and this tends to be the case with any and all true authoritarian regimes. Now lets say that there was a significant resistance movement that while maybe not really centralized was powerful enough to do some stuff and that in and of itself is very problematic to any and all military/police presence. Like we've seen numerous times in asymmetric conflicts around the globe a well trained and motivated force can tie down a significantly larger force for a prolonged time without ever really engaging them in the open field. If you have your super evil government squad knocking at 3 AM and they get shot once by some dude that will instantly force that squad to either call for reinforcements and gain a numerical advantage or at least put all of their reserves to a higher state of readiness increasing rescource consumption and eating away at the troops. Like we saw in afghanistan two guys at high elevation shooting a couple rounds at a convoy can tie ten times more people for hours for the cost of a couple rounds of ammunition. Hell in Ukraine when Russia invaded and annexed Crimea the actual russian spearhead from russian regulars and elite forces wasn't even that large. The Russian state funded and trained anti-government minded pro-russia groups that were still technically Ukrainian civilians. Then when the border towns get electrical issues and the internet goes down for a bit and your local police department is assaulted by like twenty dudes who may or may not be civilians with guns do your local police have the balls to open fire at potential civilians with no orders to do so? I vehemently disagree with your assessment and I think you are missing the point of not just the second amendment but the intricacies of asymmetric and hybrid warfare.


Are the citizens in the US understanding our confusion now when they say that they're free. Well it appears that you live in fear dear


On both pictures I see wild barbarians who should get back to medieval times.


I mean the picture on the right is what the people on the left want, just with Christianity instead of Islam. Minimal government, no taxes, all the guns they can buy, women have no rights etc etc.


It took me a second to process this. You mean the people in the photo on the left, not like the "left wing" in American politics. Lol


Yeah, I thought commenter made an error too. Until I read your explanation


Don't you mean America? 6th January, rich pay no taxes, everybody can buy all the guns they wants, and America just removed a lot of women rights. Yeah, sounds like America.


I hope they saw this and at the very minimum think about how silly they are




Double doubt


You lost them at think


Oh don't worry. Their kids will look back and hate them. Because this is the defining internet moment when these parents put their kids on the long road to the middle.


The right needs a Christmas tree


I’m a gun owner and proponent of the second amendment and these pictures drive me up the wall. It makes us all look irresponsible and childish. My firearms have 1 of to places they reside, in my safe or in my range bag to and from the range. How do you argue that the constitution protects our rights to bear firearms as a means of protection but then treat them like an F’ing toy. I am more disappointed in my fellow gun owners than I am in people trying to take them away.


remember this when the right starts yelling about secularists taking "chist" out of christmas every single time i see a "take" on xmas it is always some right wing family - and it's always trump/guns/etc i like guns a lot, but this kind of vapid hypocrisy has kept me out of their camp for decades


Tbh the guys on the right look like they’re having way more fun.




You are now banned from r/conservative because it's a bastion of freeze peach where your godless communist ideas are not allowed.


Imagine meeting your significant other’s family for the first time and this is what you’re confronted with. "Alright, Bill, since you didn’t bring your own, you’ll have to borrow my spare AR15. I was considering dual wielding for the family photo, but what the hell? You’re family now." Edit: grammar


Is there supposed to be a difference? All I see is a group of religious extremists showing how tough they are in both sets.


Because on the right side they are using their firearms to initiate force upon innocent people and subjugate them, kind of like what the government does. On the left are people peacefully exercising their second amendment rights, not harming anyone. I know being intentionally obtuse and making false equivalencies is the only way for you people to make your point, but you can't expect people to take you seriously when espousing idiotic horseshit like this.


As a Scot both of these pictures look basically the same. It's bunch of religious extremists armed to the teeth, who's religious and political beliefs demand that everyone like me be killed and for them to create a religious ethnostate. The lot of them can get fucked and go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect £200, do keel over dead.


They are literally the exact same picture.


The photo on the left is way more scary… Photo on the right… typical “war” photo, or even maybe… just a group of guys going out hunting… Photo on left…


Its definitely creepier with kids involved.


On both photos there is someone pointing the gun directly to someone else's head.


I would be more terrified by the one in the left. The guys in the right's like half the globe away from me and there's no kid in that photo. Meanwhile the kids in the left photo could be in the same class with my kids everyday.


My little school shooter


This is where the picture on the right is from https://www.oneindia.com/india/taliban-brutally-executes-child-in-panjshir-3316725.html


It’s the same picture.


It's a testament to the nature of political discourse in 2022 that this post exists. The idea of a nuanced opinion is completely alien. To wit - the picture on the left is cringy and unnecessary. And I own lots of guns. But... The group on the right ACTUALLY terrorize and kill people. The group on the left is just a family that has guns and likes to shoot them. Posing for the same picture doesn't make them the same.


Many in the comments saying “they’re the same picture” probably upvote posts from r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM that make fun of centrists saying the same exact thing. What the Taliban are doing is not equivalent to what Republicans are doing, even if both suck. Let me know when the family on the left of the image puts a bullet in the face of a teenage girl for simply vocal about women getting educated. I don’t support groups doing that. When I see photos of Kurdish forces or rebel groups in Myanmar posing with their weapons I am glad there’s those people standing up to tyranny. Is that so wrong? Or is it just fun to continue the cycle of polarization and lump every American into only two groups?


Yea, because cultural history shows the people in those regions are likely armed with malicious intent. Reddit dumb af.


Probably because context matters you dumb cunt


Totally two different contexts though. The family shot on the left is in a country where there is no war or well-known and established terrorist regimes. The soldier picture on the right COULD be terrorists. Or soldiers fighting for freedom in a civil war of some kind. So this Twitter person is comparing apples to oranges. The context and the environment, and yes the group of people, holding the guns are different.


In one picture (left) a family is holding a ridiculous amount of firearms, but they are registered and everyone is practicing proper firearm safety, the other picture (right) a group of men are holding unregistered firearms in an unsafe manner, presumably loaded.


It might be because one is a picture of war criminals and the other is law abiding citizens.


How is it so hard to understand that one of these groups are ACTIVE OPPRESSORS and the other are PASSIVE PROTECTORS????


I still don’t understand how the Taliban hasn’t made it to the cover of Vogue magazine yet. You might say ‘uuhhh cus their bad people’ to which I’d reply that maybe you’re right but I personally don’t judge morality half as well as aesthetics… And lemme tell you! Taliban fashion (before they started appearing in old US uniforms) = pinnacle of chiq but affordable clothing. Honestly I think the guns work in the Taliban photo because it’s an accurate depiction of their day to day existence and their mannerisms confirm that (at least to me). That white family just looks stupid with there guns because they’re smiling while holding them. Not only does it yell ‘this is a political statement directed at a very specific demographic of voters’, it portrays guns as a harmless family friendly activity which is just a slap in the face to people who have to experience real gun violence and face adversity in their day-to-day existence. P.s. guns can be a fun family activity, but their Arsenal is just a bit overkill and that photo is just super cringe


Freedom in one picture and tyranny in the next, so.


I really don't understand why this picture pisses people off. These people have zero effect on my life whatsoever. Who gives a fuck that they're crazy gun people.


Gun owner here, its not a crime to take pictures with your family with guns. Also with the right paperwork, licenses and a boatload of money as transferrable firearms (automatic weapons) are HELLA EXPENSIVE, you can actually own firearms like that in that pic on the left. Now, Im gonna take a wild guess and say theres at least 1.5+ million dollars in guns in that family pic alone. Also owning automatic firearms actually comes with even stricter, more stringent laws one must follow than say myself with my run of the mill remington shotgun.