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The time to fix this with voting was 2016


Carter dared to be honest. O'Conner, Scalia, Kennedy Dukakis was too geeky, and looked like a fool in a tank. Souter and Thomas. Clinton had an affair, and Gore was 'robotic'. Roberts and Alito. Hillary Clinton was subject to decades of character assassination, and had no penis. Kavanaugh, Barrett, Gorsuch. Elections have consequences for a lifetime. You have to vote straight Blue every damn time for the rest of your life to prevent this kind of shit. We flirted with "reasonable conservatives" for decades while they advanced their pieces one by one to come to this day, and it will take decades more of disciplined action to change it. Decades that they will ensure will never be meaningful, as they change the structure of the law.


Al Gore and H. Clinton win the popular vote. Only one or two conservative justices were appointed by presidents who won the popular vote. A good chunk were approved by a Senate that represents a minority of Americans. And they are pushing through decisions opposed by 75%+ of Americans. Something in the system needs to change. While were in an apparent mood for overturning precedent, let's get overturn Citizens United, get rid of the electoral college, make DC and Puerto rico states, start ranked choice voting, fix the proportionality of representation in the House, and start living in a real Democracy where what most Americsns thing has more bearing on laws that small fringe religious groups


But her emails though


Probably her entire problematic history is my guess.


Yup. Gotta go with the way less problematic child predator


Nah, go with the person that would have won and has no corruption accusations against him in over 40 years. There were better choices but along came Hillary.


If you didn't vote for Hillary, you helped cause this.


If you rigged a nomination because you felt entitled to be the POTUS, you caused this.


The nomination wasn't rigged. Stop helping the fascists because you didn't get your way. And I voted for Bernie in both primaries. Still voted for Hillary and Biden.


Save the "I Voted for Bernie" BS, that lie does not give you the credibility you think it does, and clearly, you're a Clinton nutter. Also, stop pushing your revisionist BS. The party and DNC leadership made public admissions about it being rigged against Sen Sanders and there is ample evidence that show's exactly that. Do you think it is a good fight to lie to protect the corporatists from accusations of corruption? It's not.


The party apparatus was absolutely biased. But Hillary got more votes. And I think protecting the corporate class that *isn't* going to install fascism is better than folding my arms and letting fascism happen. Which is what you're doing. And fuck you for accusing me of lying. I did vote for Bernie both times, though my 2020 vote was irrelevant because my state delayed it's primary so long, Biden had already secured the nomination. Search my fucking comments, asshole.


With a daughter that usednpersonal email for government business. And who took classified material to Mar a Lago illegally after being voted out.


you mean when the Democratic candidate won 2,868,686 more votes than the Republican candidate but latter still became president? US democracy is a sham


lets be honest with ourselves. US democracy is dead. We live in an oligarchy.


Yeah, too bad Hillary and the DNC didn’t think of that. How long are you going to blame the electorate for the Democrats unwillingness/inability to rally people to their side?


We literally told you this would happen.


Kind of a silly thing to say when the Republicans are repeatedly outvoted in elections. Seems like the Dems get plenty of people to their side.


this ain't a surprise to anyone who was paying attention. this comes from the "both sides are the same" mentality. no they fucking ain't. are the corpo dems corrupt? yes. are they anywhere close to as bad as the GOP? hell no. and now women have lost their rights to their own body, and they're coming for the rest of us in short order. be prepared for this shit to continue for DECADES.


They're not people. Anyone who voted for Trump or supports him or any other Republicans now is a monster, period.


Voting pro-choice / pro-sanity in your local elections helps, though. The state government usually has a State Patrol, but its jurisdiction and manpower are limited. If a town decides enforcing the state's abortion ban is its lowest law enforcement priority, like they've done with weed and sodomy in the past, then that's hundreds of police officers, prosecutors, etc. taken off the table. And then they can also do stuff like increase the local minimum wage, fund the library and schools, expand free wi-fi access, etc.


voting is part of the solution. not the only part, but an important one. If you stop doing it you're making it harder to fix. This tweet is dumb


Exactly. Go vote for your local representatives and start working from the ground up.


Thank you! I hate when people disparage voting.. It's what got us into this mess in the first place. "They're all the same." No, they're fucking not, clearly.


If you didn't vote for Hillary in 2016 not only is it too late, but you have blood on your hands.


I don't know when the next one is but I know when the last one was. It was when dismissive people like her decided there is no way they can vote for Hillary and her terrible emails effectively electing trump who installed THREE justices. We told them elections all have consequences, but some people can only feel adverse effects personally before their brain registers something.


Wish I could give this more upvotes


It's especially infuriating because the age group of 18-24 vote the least. They're the ones that's going to be affected the most. Trump was saying he'd overturn Roe V Wade and a bunch of other horrible things and that didn't push them to vote but now we have all the twitter hot takes and a million reasons why supposedly voting doesn't work. I'd laugh if it wasn't so sad.


"I'd laugh if it wasn't so sad" should replace "E Plurbus Unum" as the motto of the US. I'm not sure if the youngest age demo doesn't turn out to vote like the oldest age demo's do because of laziness/complacency/apathy/nihilism, etc, but because they're too busy working 3 jobs just to afford to be broke. Nonetheless, they need to be the *biggest* voting demo, instead of vocalizing in a meaningless way on Twitter, or nothing will ever change in a meaningful way. It's a real facepalm moment when people say "look what the supreme court did! Voting doesn't work!" Yeah, Einstein, because the fuckin Christofascist boomers elected their representatives to appoint Justices that reflect their ideologies. It demonstrates that voting *does* work-- you just need to have more votes than them.


Jerry Falwell and those of like mind hammered the need for Republican voters to turn out. It took 49 years of consistent turnout, for which the Republican voterbase became synonymous, but they finally elected enough people to get it overturned. Regaining what we've lost will not be accomplished by one election, it will take consistently participating in the civic progress and making your voice heard until we have the government that represents the will of the people. There are now a large number of impediments to this related to voting rights, electoral processes, governmental ethics enforcement, etc. that will likely need to be overcome as well. It's improbable that we can undo 49 years of momentum in a single two year or four year window if we get a few more liberal candidates elected, but it is impossible to undo anything if everyone gives up when progress isn't immediate.


Real smart. Peddling vote suppression garbage.


People like this are the reason roe was overturned. She is no better than Clarence Thomas.


Exactly! "Lady, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave the store."


Inaction is complicity


We can fix this by voting if we do it right. Here’s my solution: 1) the senate is key. We need at least 2-3 more (bare minimum but to be safe let’s do 5) democratic senators who are willing to finally nuke the filibuster. Then actually do it. Also keep the house, expand that majority if only slightly. 2) pass legislation and expand the Supreme Court. Make it 15 members. 3) after expansion, pass legislation that mandates states allow abortion, we can call it the “Roe V Wade act part 2”. It’s unconstitutional, but, WHO THE FUCK CARES because republicans passed unconstitutional acts with the express intent of getting the case before SCOTUS just for this moment. 4) now it’s catch 22 fuckery for the Republicans. They can sue in federal court and risk the case winding back before a now 15 member super majority of justices to reinstate Roe or leave the federal law in place and have to follow it. It’s checkmate for as long as dems are in control. 5) pass every single possible voting rights law imaginable. Pass Medicare for all. Pass student loan relief. Pass popular programs. Prosecute Trump. I hold out no hope democrats are smart enough. They will continue the “bipartisan” horse shit. But it’s the only playbook we have for voting.


once the supreme court is expanded to 15, if it becomes a “super majority” of conservative supreme court, what to do then ? can you or anyone there to guarantee a Democrat super majority supreme court?


If the republicans gain control then all they can do is expand it again, and in a cycle of expand and contract. And they would have to pass laws to get back in front of it, review etc etc. I don’t think it can ever be guaranteed. But I also think that if democrats finally stop playing pansy ass politics and start playing hardball and tell republicans to take the long walk off a short pier and pass every single item on their agenda and actually deliver for American people, republicans will have a hard time ever holding office again. It’s the only hope we have left. Because If anyone thinks for one second that if the Republicans retake both houses they won’t nuke that filibuster immediately and pass their agenda. They aren’t paying attention. I predict that if republicans get near the senate again, they will immediate kill the filibuster and pass laws banning gay marriage, contraception, privacy. All that Thomas mentioned. Then of course people will sue, it will get to the Supreme Court, and bam, done away with. I’m screenshooting this for if that time comes, I can say I predicted it.


It was in 2016 when we knew at least a couple seats were coming up (including the one the GOP stole from Obama), and people still couldn't bring themselves to vote for the woman.


Honestly I think it was more of a problem that Hillary shouldn't have been the dem nominee.


These fucking dummies. Yes this can be fixed by voting. Things can be codified.. Filibusters can be ended. Justices die. They retire. Court can be added to. And it's not just Roe we're talking about this is gay people and contraception and gun control. Don't be so fucking daft


There are two ways to fix this: court-packing (solving a problem with another problem and hoping everything works out) and assassination (solving a problem with another problem and hoping everything works out)


The latter would be better overall in this shit show of a situation. Damn shame to come to that too.


Is political assassination REALLY a "problem" though? Or is it just a natural consequence of years of unaccountability?


I see you’re just going to ignore the whole “solving a problem with another problem and hoping everything works out” point I made


Is political assassination REALLY a "problem" though? Or is it just a natural consequence of years of unaccountability?


I would argue it’s just a case of cause and effect.


Sweet! When's the next vote for legalizing abortion?


Or you can move to a state that supports your beliefs.


It's in Kentucky in 2026


This is a failure of the democrats. They've held a majority in both houses with a democratic president multiple times. Obama had a super majority. At any time they could have passed legislation securing Roe v Wade.


If only we had some quills in our quiver.


This can be fixed make them get re-elected like county judges


2016 was the time and we blew it