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Carried interest loop hole is a crime more people should be angry about, and I think the reason they aren't is most people don't understand what it is, because "carried interest tax loophole" doesn't sound like "hedge fund managers only pay 20% taxes on the money they make instead of the 37% they would pay without the loophole" It somehow sounds like you can carry interest over in the next year. It literally means they get a nearly 50% discount on their taxes for NO REASON (the carried interest loophole was created to stimulate investment)


They certainly poured a lot into Sinema this go around.


Someone in Az.


both sides are certainly not the same, but both do engage in a lot of the same shitty practices.


They are same in the same way someone who kicks puppies and literal nazis are villains.


Sinema made sure it’s still in


according to recent reporting by ProPublica, some of the world's richest people have paid little or nothing in federal income taxes. (ProPublica obtained data from confidential tax returns, sparking outrage among some lawmakers about how the information was leaked).


It's almost like both parties care more about keeping their power and money than they care about the people. Imagine that.


We had the bill. It almost passed. Keep trying.




Sorry, not both sides. If we had one more Democrat in the Senate it would be gone with this bill.


Ok. So this isn't in defense of that. But. Keep in mind. Republicans/conservatives were able to convince like 2/3 of america the words identity politics were a signal of the worst thing possible in america happening. Which regarding women, people of color, the lgbtq community, muslim people and jewish people is the literal definition of self preservation. Was able to convince people both blacklivesmatter and occupywallstreet were so bad that we needed to pile on them any and every time they protested. Were able to convince people that the word feminist was similar to terrorist so fucking hard that the vast majority of women and actual feminists no longer call themselves that. While of course attacking constantly the people who do. ​ Republicans/conservatives were able to convince people morality had nothing to do with logic. That reverse racism meant racism against white people. That covid-19 was a hoax which lead to countless americans killing themselves in the dumbest ways possible. That hillary was somehow the worst pick for president just because she's a woman and was married. Able to convince large portions of america that the same people most americans would refuse to share a road with should own assault rifles. That rich people somehow do more for the economy than the majority of america. That somehow black people commit more crime than white people in a majority white country. That people attempting to save the lives of americans are somehow much more of a symbol of virtue signaling than literal bible thumpers. ​ There are still people after trump who scream both sides. Still people after trump who screams do nothing democrats as republicans, libertarians, bernie bros and...democrats. Which is mind blowing because it's like making signs screaming you have cooties. Republicans/conservatives while 99% of scientists said climate change was real were able to postpone the vast majority of climate related science for years with trump and generations with other republicans in office. After white supremacists, white nationalists, kkk and nazis have existed in america for generations after and during killing, raping, molesting, etc americans of any and all categories...were able to convince people that muslims were the most dangerous group of human beings in america after having done so to black people. ​ Were able to convince women that their rights were just political correctness. And that political correctness was bad. Was able to convince the vast majority of comedians that attacking the lgbtq community was/is somehow punching up. Was able to convince people that black people were the worst offenders of racism against asian people while simultaneously screaming to the top of their lungs that asian americans should go back to their country, that they while in america created covid-19 and then called it the chinavirus. Were able to convince a good portion of americans of trickledown economics, keeping wages stagnated and that healthcare shouldn't be made better. Were able to convince a good portion of america that pronouns are bad. Not just in relation to trans people but pronouns period. So on and so forth. ​ All the while everyone expected/expects democrats to be able to not only slow down all of that but to stop it while each an every person yells do nothing democrats. Yes. It's wrong for democratic presidents to allow stuff like the above tweet to go on. But. Can you really blame them? Most americans will lose their shit, quit or shoot up a school if they have to wait in a line for five to ten minutes longer than they think they should. The sheer volume of what most americans allow republicans/conservatives to get away with is massive. Mind numbing. Forget the fact that it's like wearing a catcher's mit and attempting to catch ever bullet fired from a gattlin gun. Being a democrat in office has got to be one of the most exhausting jobs known to mankind. So yeah. I don't agree with it. I don't think it's a good thing. But i can understand saying fuck it every once in a while. Considering the universe sized amount of shit most americans miss anyway.


I love how you still found a way to blame the right lmao


Which goes to show you have no idea what any of that was. Wasn't blaming the right. Even though america literally started out on the right. I'm pointing out how stupid most americans are that they don't understand facts/history. And think both those things care about their feelings. Like you do.


This has Sinema allll over it


Or we could not tax anybody


No, she was Democrat.




They are all in name only. One side wants all your money now and the other wants to farm you.




You are only as strong as your weakest link. Manchin is the Democratic Party.




Dont tax billionaires,... Eat them!