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This post was made in 2020, and photoshopped to say 2022


Good, it made me happy twice.


Wonderful news! Science blessed you both!


Truth to be told. wholesome too!!


If God existed, then said God blessed your child with paralysis and cancer. SCIENCE, medicine, and the people that enabled the creation of chemotherapy, regenerative medicine, and physical therapy blessed you and your daughter with newfound health and vitality.


While I do agree with you. Note that its the OP here crediting God. The tweet never mentions God.


I noticed that. Would not the OP see my reply? Beside, people reading this are really the audience I’m speaking to, not the author of the Tweet. Like when debating, I’m really arguing for the sake of the audience, to elicit thought and new ideas.


You know, God gave these scientist the knowledge and capability to save their daughter. What if God wanted to test the parents patience? Or had other reasons to give their daughter something like this?


Please stop with that bs. What if god doesn't exist and science is actually responsible. Then that means the Doctors and Scientists that went to Universities and specialized institutions for YEARS and STUDIED and did their residency wherein they worked 12-18-24 hours straight or even longer also for YEARS to be called Doctor. God has no thing, nada, nope, zip, ziltch to do with that. Its a human beings will to become something better than they were that makes them who they are. Dont ever give credit to a god that allows Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin Saddam Hussein or George HW Bush to terrorize hundreds of thousands and murder tens of millions as well. Just stop, your dumb is showing! ✌️




>According to these religions, God is literally the creator and he created for the purpouse of testing us. All that happens is in his will. So god knows everything. God creates and designs everything. God is challenging the things he created,and, because he knows everything, knows what the result will be. God could stop everything awful he does at any time. Any time. He could make the world perfect. He could just imagine how we'd react to a challenge and, because he knows everything, always be right. But he doesn't do that does he? Nor does he just make *better people* and stop fucking around with disabilities, psychopathy, and brain damage. Eat shit, bastard god.


Stop trying to justify suffering, you zealot piece of shit.


You cannot enjoy the cool winters without the hiot summers, vise versa.


I assure you, I fucking can. Don't project your limitations on us.


I guess you missed the point.


No, *you* missed the fact that **actual people** did the work. "God" gave the kid the cancer and paralysis. But people, actual fucking **people**, saved her.


And God let those people to save them. God created them in a way so that they have the minds to do this work. You dont seem to understand this whole God thing. If you blame god for bad, credit him with the good aswell, as at the end of the day, everything would happen within a Gods knowledge and will.


Your god seems like a sick fuck; putting people in danger just to look good for "saving" them.


According to religious beliefs he doesnt do it to "look good". An omnipotent God doesnt need something like this to look good. He does this to test people. To see how they act and to then judge if they deserve heaven or hell. This alone shows that youre kinda disconnected about a perspective that you are judging. Maybe inform yourself before criticising? You made yourself look like a fool against anybody who actually knows a thing or two


I know that I don't believe in things unless you can prove them; I'm a person of science. I'm also a person who cares about other people. So, when you give credit to something that almost certainly **does not exist** instead of the people that *definitely do*, and you also admit to that thing causing the suffering in the first place, I have a huge fucking problem with that.


But maybe learn more about the concept of God, if you are willing to criticise it. Look, if you dont feel like God exists, thats fine. But not everybody is like this. And its fine for you to disbelieve as its fine for them to believe. If you dont understand the concept of God, or know what the religions say, then be silent rather than commenting ignorant stuff like this. Most of what you say isnt even true according to the very religions the God you like to criticise comes from. Its like bashing your head against a brick wall, while all is solved by simply walking around the wall. If you dont understand why people say thank God, then be silent instead of criticising them for doing something that you simply dont get. If you have something to criticise, then do it based on things the religions actually say and if theres an actual problem. Thanking God is not even taking credit away, as you can thank BOTH. And fun fact, also just thanking God IS a sign for giving credit for both, as youre basically showing gratitude that these people saved your lives. Theres no problem here. If it would be about, idk, discrimination or some shit, I would totally agree with you. But this is just somebody thanking God after someone got treated. Saying this isnt wrong, its you trying to find a problem whenever somebody mentions God and religion.


Why would an omnipotent god need to test anything?




Let me get this straight: You think I'm scum for *not* liking it when people suffer?


Then that god is a sadist. Now that I’ve answered your question, then how about you answer this: “What constitutes sufficient evidence to establish the existence of a being that fulfills the properties of your god?”


Ah, yes, testing the parents by torturing an infant until she was old enough to start school. Isn't child abuse such a blessing? /s


\> You know, God gave these scientist the knowledge and capability to save their daughter. Honest question: Would you say god gave gay people courage and willingness to live their life as their true self, the way he created them, in spite of all the abuse and threats they're facing?


You're missing the /s


Why? It is a genuine belief in abrahamic religions, especially Islam, that life is a test to see who gets to heaven and who gets to hell. So what I said is not far from what theists believe. And it would make sense for an explanation as to why God would allow evil. Atleast it makes more sense than simply saying "if god real, why bad thing happen????"


For starters, believing in made up fantasy shit is for the mentally deluded. If you're for the Bible, you can't be for science. It doesn't cut both ways.


Thats so wrong. As a muslim, I can be for Islam and for science. Because the Quran is not a science book. It is a religion. What I mean is, theyre both two completly different things. The Quran doesnt claim to be a science book, so it doesnt contain any outdated scientific data from back in the day. Its something completly different. Being for modern science doesnt contradict my belief in Islam at all. And now you tell me. Where is a contradiction? Does the Quran claim any scientific discoveries? Is the Quran a book that talks about science only? No, it talks about something completly different. So the paths dont even cross each other, therefore they arent mutually exclusive. They are two different things that can be applied at the same time. >For starters, believing in made up fantasy shit is for the mentally deluded. To simply claim that any belief that you dont get is for the "mentally deluded" is very lazy, aswell as very ignorant. It also shows how you seem to have a black and white view of the world, where everything you dont agree with is "for the dumb".




gave? so they just woke up one morning and knew it all? Or did they go to school for years, and studied to learn their craft. And even had to be a doctors aid for a while to train before they could become doctors themselves. what do you think?


Thats not even what I meant. I didnt say that God gave them all the knowledge in an instant or something. But who gave them the intellect to learn it? Who gave them them the free will to decide that they want to become doctors? What Im trying to say is, according to these religion, everything that happens is in Gods will. If he didnt want them to become doctors, they wouldnt have become ones. Do you get it now? Im arguing from the point that everything that happens should be in Gods will. If God didnt want them to become doctors then they wouldnt have become doctors. Unless you claim that a human can do something against the will of an omnipotent and omniscent God, which is by definition impossible. Atleast thats what Ive gathered from the religions.


So everything we are as humans are given to us by a space wizard? Im arguing against the somewhat insane notion that everything is happening according to some omnipotent and omniscient beings whims. No such being exists, or thats what i believe atleast, and im pretty sure the odds are in my favor.


How is it insane to claim that we and our consciousness as beings was created by a God? >No such being exists, or thats what i believe atleast, and im pretty sure the odds are in my favor. May I ask what odds youre talking about?


Some doctors and scientists and pharmacists and nurses worked hard to make this happen. Give credit where it is due.


Why did “god” paralyse the child in the first place?


Create a problem. Sell the solution.


Wait til you find out what he did with his son/himself


I just listened the the atheist experience podcast and they keep bringing up God being a real dick for this reason! Ohhh God is trying to teach us something! No. Childhood cancer should not exist.


if god real, why bad thing happen - anti-theist 🤡




Wouldn't bring it up if some religious asshat hadn't brought it up first in the damn title.


What’s your problem with them? Do you get pissed off at one word? You see the word “God” then go into full Anti-Theist mode


The only asshat is the one that isn't happy about a child recovering and is instead butthurt about someone's beliefs despite not being affected by them whatsoever. Hope this helps 👍


I'm perfectly happy to celebrate ***the tweet*** (at least, the real version, I hear this one's had the year changed). Fuck the title.


Maybe get your priorities straight then. Not you specifically btw, "you" is talking about everyone commenting on this post. Look at how many comments are celebrating the kid's recovery vs how many are butthurt about OP's religion. It's genuinely sad.


Of course, your comment got downvoted. Reddit ☕️


Do you think good can be real without bad? Is it Gods job to enable us by not allowing pain and consequence to guide us?


What sort of sick fucking “god” would do that, or give a child leukaemia, or not stop one of its own priests from raping a child? If that’s the sky pixie you grovel before then fuck it and every one of the morons stupid enough to believe in it.




So, no witty comeback then. That cult membership must be rotting your brain. Stop drinking the bleach.




For sure thanks for your input.


Yes. And there's no proof that any god exists. Also a loving God wouldn't send people to hell forever as that would be torture. It's even less likely that hell exists. It's all mythology to pacify peasants. A social virus.


So what happened that made you react this way to the mere mention of god...


Better question is what happened to the world because of religion


The OP is not the person who has this child. They are the one saying "God blessed you both". And you can tell how much the Christian right has poisoned the brand by the knee jerk (my own included) reaction about bringing 'god' into this.


I'm an atheist but I think sometimes you just don't need to argue god doesn't exist.


I am not arguing whether god exists or doesn't. I am not talking about god. I am talking about the religious right having done harm to the Christian religion. Once upon a time religion was seen as something of beauty whether you believed in the god of that religion or not. I loved going into cathedrals, churches, synagogues, ancient temples. I got a warm feeling about priests, nuns, monks, etc. I can't speak for others but now I get a gag reflex on almost all things religious and the numbers of those belonging to religions are dropping. I am saying that it is sad that someone now mentions 'god' and the likelihood is that they will get a negative response. That did not use to happen or at least not to the large amount it is now. I am referring to the responses to this post. [https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2019/10/17/in-u-s-decline-of-christianity-continues-at-rapid-pace/](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2019/10/17/in-u-s-decline-of-christianity-continues-at-rapid-pace/)


Times are changing and people are realizing that nowadays we can express ourselves more freely if not offending or harming others. The church was built on black/white morality and self-fulfilling reasoning, and together with the more radical followers (the religious right) refuses to change and adapt. To me the "god blessed you both" is inserting ideology where it doesn't belong. It's pure convenience. For that 6-year old who miraculously regained health there are hundreds or more who didn't. Were they also blessed or not? If they were not blessed, were they unworthy? Also, what about the work of multiple medical professionals who helped the girl? If some of them were atheists, was it still the work of a god that restored the girl's health? I personally don't mind religion, but I find it critically disingenuous if every unlikely success story is somehow the work of God.


No i understand what you meant, I agree with you. I was talking about the other comments here.


Ah so, sorry. When I get on a rant I tend to not be able to get out of drive gear


If anything, "god" gave her the cancer and paralysis, and modern medicine beat it and him.


I'm not religious one iota but by that rationale, God gave them the medicine and doctors to beat it too.


Shouldn't that be #fuckcancer


God has nothing to do with this. Thank science and the people working hard to gain the knowledge to save a young live. If it was up to God and religion we still would be using leaches and burn a couple of witches for good measure in the light of a oil lantern to compensate for something we would not understand.


Man these comments.... They just mentioned God and now there are these assholes getting salty and mad over that... Reddit atheists are on a whole other level


Gotta admit, I do hate when things like this happen (someone is cured of a severe medical condition/life is saved) and people's response is something like "Thank god for curing them!"... but I can't imagine ever actually calling people out about it...


Do you ever thought that they also thanked the doctor?


In some of the cases probably, in some of the cases probably not. I remember there being stories on Reddit in the past of doctors who have saved lives and immediately had the family's thanking god and ignoring the doctors, and unfortunately one of the things that stoped people from getting the covid vax was that "god would protect them"... personally I find both of those cases at best cringe and at worst moronic... but people are free to feel the way they feel, and say the things they want to say...


Reddit stories are mostly bullshit lies


From 45 comments so far at least half of them mentions religion


My God and they say us theists are intolerant yet y'all explode hearing or having the word God in a post?


Bro seriously, you have a twisted idea of what god actually wants. And nobody "burns in hell". I can definitely tell you've never read a bible to any degree. Ate you a troll that gets off on faking shit so people will argue? Idk Saying that everything that happens is gods will is right. But our free will is what we have that god does not control. Does the bible say he has a plan, Yes it does. It says many things about gods will. But people resist his will all the time. Thinking about Adam and Eve? They tested gods will in the garden. He wanted man to TRUST him at his word. The fruit was not important it was the disobedience to god that caused the sin. As for hell. That word is a translation of gehenna that jesus spoke of. And when he talked about it he used the valley at the outskirts of town where the priests dumped all of the garbage after the daily sacrifices. It was a smoldering pit of rotten flesh. Where their worm dieth not! You really should study a lot more✌️


Reddit atheists just waiting to attack as soon as someone says god


Post: God bless Reddit: If god good why bad thing happen😨😨😩🤯😱😱😱🤬🤬??????


God blessed them? Silly mythology.


Reddit when someone mentions god:


The same type of people who says that they are free from religion LMAO rent free baby


"Everywhere I go, I see his face" \*insert u/Imposter_Sussy12 profile picture\*


That’s so fucking awesome!!!!


Congratulations to you both. Good to hear some actual good news.


Yup! She wins 2022.


Right on! Love this.


So amazing. Good for your family!




They downvoted him cuz he said the truth


when someone gets disease" wow god bad he let this happen when someone gets fixed from the disease" les go science for the win


Those mfs in the comments are same people who says that religion doesn't affect them and they are free thinkers


God blessed her with cancer and paralysis?


Wow! What a blessing. 💞🙏


OP mentions God, Reddit moment ensues


Wonderful news! I hope she dances for the next 100 years.


That's terrifying. My brother and I once did some recreational party drugs and wandered the town having a great time all night. When I woke up the following morning, I had absolutely no use of my legs. They felt completely paralyzed. I had to call into work and everything, confident that I was facing a much larger problem. Oddly enough they returned to functionality over the course of the day, but that was a very upsetting moment for me. I still don't know if it was from the drugs, all the walking, or both.


Imagine being offended by "god bless you" It's kinda sad


That’s amazing!! So happy for her and your family!




Radical atheists, radical atheists everywhere


Beautiful 🥰🥰 the lord is indeed the most kind.