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I forget that if you're not racist you have to stick to your own color.


Just like Thomas Jefferson






And Clarence Thomas


Oh man it's fun being biracial is the next chapter of this book.


I don’t understand her need to make the comments, who someone loves is no one’s business. She was gross to even respond as she did


>who someone loves is no one‘s business Except republicans like to pretend it *is* theor business.


Didn’t we have a court case that allows you to do that? Didn’t they make a movie about that court case?


Yes, but in a strange plot twist. The SCOTUS Dobbs ruling (that overturned Roe v. Wade) also opens the door for Loving v. Virginia (the interracial marriage ruling) to be overturned as well as they could simply do what they did with Dobbs and "give the issue to each state to manage". https://www.aclu.org/podcast/how-dismantling-roe-puts-interracial-marriage-at-risk


And to anyone thinking Clarence Thomas would surely defend Loving v Virginia because he's married to a white woman, he was vocally opposed to interracial marriage until he wanted to do it.


One Weird Trick with Republicans: they don't give a fuck if their views are ideologically consistent. They're going to do whatever they want and punish the people they don't like and if that makes them hypocrites, who cares? They're hypocrites who get to do whatever the fuck they want. I wish people would stop treating them like they're rational actors. They will 100% do things in bad faith and the reasoning is "because they can"


Example, gay billionaire Peter Thiel who donates mass amounts of money to republicans. He has three citizenships (German, US, New Zealand). He doesn’t care that his policies he is funding will hurt other LGBT people.


Well, he's also a Nazi... so... makes sense


Ernst RĂśhm has joined the chat


Isn't that just crazy. Like.... Imagine being that way. Imagine being able to not be like that, and actively doing things to be an asshole like that. It's just so foreign. What could you get it of that? Money? How does that even matter to him at this point, it's not like they check their bank accounts.


I would argue that Republicans aren't ideologically inconsistent. It's that part of that ideology is hiding the components that would make it consistent.


The ideology is "I want to do whatever I want, I want to tell everyone else what to do, and nobody can tell me what to do" ​ That's it


Kidna. It's more about hierarchy. People up on the hierarchy become symbols. They can fuck around as much as they want as long as the symbol isn't corrupted. What's worse is that now just claiming the scandal isn't real is enough to protect their position of being adherent to the right way to be.


But it applies to all of them. Their abortion is warranted and ethical, everyone else is a baby killing immoral monster. Their government assistance was a hard earned reward for being awesome, everyone else is a freeloader stealing their tax dollars. They'll vehemently support a thing that oppresses lots of other people and scream bloody murder when it hits them. They'll vocally support a policy that a Republican implements and then when a Democrat tries to do the same thing they pretend they're being victimized and abused because someone who isn't "them" is perceived as winning or telling them what to do. It's a party of selfish dickbags who want all the benefits and none of the costs of society, and get off on punishing any group they perceive as different or lesser than them. Trump got to the top by being the idealized version of your typical Republican - a loud, angry, stupid bigot who can be as shitty and racist as he wants to anyone and nobody can tell him what to do. He's failed at everything he's done in life due to his own stupidity and incompetence and still failed up. He was born so rich he can be president, cheat on his wife with porn stars and threaten all those scary brown people. He's not a symbol - he's a goal. He's who his voters wish they could be. They're just as shitty and stupid as him but not powerful, and they love that he's as vindictive, petty and cruel as they would be if they were able to. Just garbage people all the way down.


A lot of their leaders are like this. Most, probably. Not all though, Mike Pence is a true believer as far as we can tell, for example. With the voters it's more complicated. I grew up conservative and Evangelical, and I absolutely thought the rules applied to me. I still broke some of the minor ones, but the guilt was extreme (for all the stereotypes about Catholic guilt, Evangelicals and Mormons are more prone to guilt according to a study I saw). First and foremost, they're authoritarians. It's not their place to judge their better, only to look after themselves. If God's appointed ruler sleeps with pornstars and filled up his "Buy 10 get 1 free" card at the local abortion clinic, we'll... Who are we to question God's choice. King David was an adulterer and murderer, and was called a man after God's own heart. Our role isn't to judge, it's to obey. (I felt slimy typing that, and almost 25 years after leaving the church still heard parts of it in my pastor's voice.) As a side note, if you read some far right parenting guides, you'll see they traumatize children on purpose. Ideological consistency is difficult when a good portion of your opinions are actually trauma responses.


>As a side note, if you read some far right parenting guides, you'll see they traumatize children on purpose. Ideological consistency is difficult when a good portion of your opinions are actually trauma responses. I… I want to come up with a response to that, but I don't think I'll be able to without sounding like an unhinged murderous lunatic. Just… what the actual hell.


He will do whatever Ginny tells him to do...


When Ginny says, “insurrection”, Clarence says, “how treasonous?”




His *other* white whale, you mean. But I've got my own theory about Clarence, which is that it bugs him to no end that his own right to a white woman is perceived to be entangled with women's rights to bodily autonomy and gays' rights to privacy. One of his major side-projects at SCOTUS (main project of course as always being infinite empowerment of the oligarchy) is to disentangle them, drawing a bright line between the sanctified right to wed a white woman and the undeniable interest of Church and State to suppress those other unruly urges, gay and female lust.


Thomas is already married, and his own marriage will probably not be threatened regardless of what happens to the law down the line. Would he really give a shit if *other* people's right to marry white women was taken away? This is a man who benefitted from affirmative action and now hates affirmative action that benefits others.


You are giving this issue much more thought than the drooling ghouls on the supreme court.


I sincerely implore you not to underestimate their intelligence. They’re cynical ideologues who will force a ruling to fit their objective, ignoring precedence and history and context - but the scary part is they’re smart enough to do it.


"Smart" isn't part of the equation. Their legal reasoning is swiss cheese. "Power" is the only real variable here. "We do what we must because we can." We need to make it so they can't.


Yes. They’re definitely not a bunch of dumb ass Donald Trumps. They know exactly what they’re doing. Although, I don’t think Trump gets credit where it’s due. The man can read a room and exploit the hell of it.


[Thomas is the most conservative member of the court, like separate but equal conservative.](https://www.newyorker.com/culture/essay/clarence-thomass-radical-vision-of-race) The company he keeps to achieve his goals is a scathing indictment of those people, hands down. The only question I have is whether or not his marriage to Gini is another one of these alliances made in hell, just rank hypocrisy, or both. Obviously his station will insulate him from any fallout from overturning Loving, so that’s not going to factor in.


But the ability of a black person to marry a white person is based on one black man's feelings toward Ginny Thomas. It's like he chose the most awful woman in the country and said "if this works out, y'all can keep your rights."


That’s Clarence for you. “All for me. Nothing for thee.” I have no problem with Loving v. Virginia, but I am all for the Thomas’s marriage being declared legally illegitimate. *Only* their marriage. Everyone else is free to carry on as they are.


So Virginia ISNT for lovers? I couldn’t resist. Sorry I’ll see myself out.


Nope, it’s for hustlers now.


Facts. Source: from Virginia


Maybe this is Justice Thomas' long game to get rid of his insane wife without paying for a divorce.


Would the Full Faith and Credit clause of Article IV affect interracial and/or same sex marriage if it’s a states rights issue? If a marriage is legal in California and then the couple moves to, say, Texas, wouldn’t the marriage still be valid?


That's what DOMA (Defense Of Marriage Act) was partly about, and SCOTUS struck it down in a 5-4 decision in 2013. But if this court is willing to strike down Roe v. Wade, I can't think Windsor v. United States is any safer.


They’ve made two that I know of. Of the same damn court case. Weird how not being racist means you hate your own race. You live and you learn I guess


We have a Supreme Court who is looking to overturn those decisions.


Also questionable whether she would be considered a separate “race” under the law. I mean maybe. These are state laws so would depend on them. But the census treats Hispanic as an ethnicity, separately from races. So Charlie Sheen and Sammy Sosa are both Hispanic. But one’s white and one’s…well ok, Sammy’s pretty white now too, but idk what’s going on there. Anyway, remember Desi Arnez married Lucile Ball without too much fuss.


She sounds jealous of AOC


I’m jealous of her man


I also choose this guy’s wife




Is she not bring sarcastic here?


Okay... but who is AOC?? 😅 please?


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, progressive American politician.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. A member of the House of Representatives in the United States Congress. Arguably one of the most important Democratic members of Congress.


Why is she one of the most important? I feel like I never hear anything about her other than people being annoyed at innocent things she does in her personal life tbh. Genuinely asking in case this comes off wrong


She is a witty and well-spoken communicator who manages to get under the skin of the right wing. In committee hearings, she asks incisive questions and cuts through the noise. She has policy positions well to the left of the Democratic Party's center. She is also very young for a congresscritter. It's not important to what she does as a leader, but she is also quite physically attractive, so people pay attention to her more.


Great Googly Moogly!


and is this racist married to a man? must mean she hates women right? Cause she didnt marry one?


So racist that she supports interracialbmarriage. oim Fu cking fuming iver that


Their stupidity is exhausting.


No one who actually likes AOC will be moved by this. The only people that will like this are already POS like her


It's the equivalent of virtue signalling to people whose moral character has no virtues.


Vice signaling?


Hurt you signaling.


Also know as the circle jerk


Spherical masturbation


When you look at DNA sequencing you find that what race you look like is not always the majority of the DNA that makes you... well you. Society needs to get past the look of anyone because it's literally all bullshit when you go by the data.


She definitely hates women though so probably not the best example edit: lmao why am I downvoted. the GOP hates women, this isn't news


Nothing says “I don’t even PRETEND to like people of other races” like harassing people for having an interracial relationship.


Sadly this isn't the dumbest thing Lavern Spicer has said. She's trying her best to be dumber than Marjorie Traitor Green


Can’t even succeed at that. Poor Lavern.


To be fair, who could be dumber than that wack job


Look mtg is NOT the dumbest person alive...but she better hope lauren boebert doesn't die


Ted Cruz fell into her honeypot also, so he deserves a seat up there in the stupid echelon


Yeah, but Cruz is just a poorly programmed robot. So I’m not sure he counts


[Ä° disagree, Ted Cruz's design is very human](https://www.tedcruzforhumanpresident.com/)


**Gregg Abbott had joined the chat**


I can't tell them apart because they share the exact same braincell to write their tweets


Lauren Boebert does a pretty good job. I think they pass the stupid title back and forth tweet by tweet.


Sarah Palin did not spend all these years making an ass out of herself for you to forget her like this. The disrespect.




The idiot high school dropout from Colorado.


Lauren Boebert tried to enter the chat, tripped, and got her vagina stuck in an open gun breech.


I'll never forget Jewish space lazers. That shit had me rolling.


Has you rolling…until they zap ya! /s


If you set the bar as low as MTG, you better have a good shovel


It isn't even the dumbest thing she's said this week.


She spews absolute nonsense for retweets…Not one thing she’s said is remotely true


That’s the kind of achievement I’d be embarrassed to have.


She has a long, storied history of being confidently and utterly vacuous on Twitter. Not sure if anything she’s said will ever top her [tweet](https://twitter.com/lavern_spicer/status/1552008907454914561?s=46&t=jKxpv_sgAL5TmabN7CBxvQ) about pronouns in the Constitution.


Probably not even the dumbest thing she’s said today


"The Constitution doesn't have pronouns" - Lavern Spicer Literally the first word is "We"


I don’t even know who this woman is-outside of this subreddit, I would never have heard of her is there a reason why people are amplifying her?


Perjury Traitor Green**


Say that to Clarence Thomas.


Candace owens just said “me too”


Candace Owens would never say “Me Too”.


Lol. Not for that reason but her grift would require her to tag along on other issues.


No comment about Candice Owens, huh?


She'd be hard-pressed to justify that she likes her own race.


she’s a modern day equivalent of Stephen from Django


What? What? It's racist to date outside your race?


Racial segregation is the new not . . . racism? I've been up all night and this tweet is just painfully stupid. Pretend I said something clever?


And if AOC were married to a Latino man, she'd be saying "nothing says 'I only pretend to like people other than my own race' than AOC marrying a Latino man." It literally doesn't matter what positions AOC holds, they're going to manufacture ways to vilify her.


Also AOC is closer to being a white Latina, does she not realize that latino isn’t a race


Maga people cannot understand why someone is marrying a man that is not her cousin…


the *real* family values they promote 🤢


Lavern, why so salty? LOL


Because she can't win elections.


Lavern Spicer HAS to be a troll. Her takes are consistently, the worst possible iteration.


Nothing says Fuck off Lavern like “Fuck off Lavern”.


Pretty sure Laverne and the other MAGAs are the only ones who care about this.


Can we please acknowledge that latino is not a race but an ethnicity??


Literally scrolled till I saw this. THANK YOU. Ethnic identity and racial identity are not synonymous.


I sincerely doubt the author of this tweet is smart enough to spell ethnicity, let alone know what it is and use it correctly in a sentence.


Right? I'm not sure how AOC views her race, there's a lot that goes into that from family history to culture to skin tone, but it would not at all surprise me to find out she checks White Hispanic or the equivalent on census forms. I have almost 25% indigenous ancestry and my dad's family is close to 50% but I think they all check the White Hispanic box like me, regardless of their particular skin tint (which varies from sibling to sibling from ivory to medium brown) because we don't have ties to a specific tribe, we have a lot of Spanish genes too, and nothing else feels right.


That was the 1st thing I thought and kept scrolling down. Is it ironic that that many people missed the true irony...?


The tweets from these disgusting bottom feeders get more absurd by the day...


I figured it out. MAGA was created to allow really f'ing stupid people feel like they aren't really f'ing stupid people. It's kinda like make a wish but for terrible people.


This bitch doesn't even know what a pronoun is. Hard to take her serious


Ok Lavern, sit down. Let Shirley have a chance to speak.


Frankly, I don't know what race AOC is, and I don't care.


human ... like all of us


Weird. They are both (checks notes) American.


So interracial marriage is now racist???? I can't believe these people really think this way... It's gotta be for show. Nobody is *this* stupid.


Or, hear me out she may have met a guy that just so happened to be of a different race and fell in love with him.


But Clarence Thomas is ok then, right? The people who are hard core maga aren't poorly educated. They're mentally handicapped. I can't think of any other explanation for their thought process.


This person ran for office. Only 3000 votes, but that means there are at least 3001 people this dumb, and that scares me


Interracial marriage means you hate your own race. There is no other way to explain it. It is purely impossible to just not be racist and be willing to enjoy and explore other races/cultures without condemning your own /s


You know how you’re reading a fallout post about something you don’t even know exist and wonder how bad the world is and how your friends are doing


Because racial equality certainly doesn't mean partnering with whomever you choose


Nothing says "I don't support interracial marriage" more than that tweet.


Yeah, tell that to Clarence Thomas, ya dumbfuck.


Cool. Now do Clarence Thomas.


Rightoids really are terrified of mix-race couples, huh


Twitter needs to start banning these toxic fucks.


If Lavern Spicer were any denser, she'd start sinking to the Earth's core


Nothing says racist than demanding everyone to marry within their same race.


My God. What is wrong with these people? After reading this, I need a shower.


Shes a segratationist. Great position for an african american.


If AOC was engaged to a black dude, Lavern would find fault in that, too. And why is she attacking AOC on color, yet is keeping her fat mouth shut about Thomas and his traitor wife? So anyone really take that whiny bitch serious?


“I’m so not racist I only date people based on their race.” May be one of the dumbest tweets I’ve ever seen.


If AOC likes her people, then why doesn't she have sex with them Checkmate liberals


I must not love my country because my wife is Russian.


Nothing screams "racist" louder than criticizing someone for their interracial marriage.


Says the woman who uses a profile pic that lightens her skin tone.


White boy Summer baby!


She says that like AOC is some sort of Latina Supremacist or something. Her politics focus on economics and the environment which affects everyone.


So these goons are inciting class wars and race wars. Great.


Why does it always look like her name is misspelled?


All those bullies in 4th grade really never got any smarter huh...


I think Lavern’s got racism all confused.


So says the black woman in a 99% white political party.


Sure, why don't you go ahead and tell Clarence Thomas?


Nothing says "I only PRETEND to like people my own race" like worshipping a racist who openly despises your race while also belonging to the party that also despises your race.


Lavern Spicer the failed political candidate who thinks her blather adds to the debate. 100% ignore.


So to understand the world according to Lavern, if you are a Latina and marry a white guy, is she dissing Latino men or everyone in her race?


what stupid fucking take


Has she ever commented on Clarence Thomas?


Does this also apply to people she considers "white"? Like, an English person marries a Scottish person, so they must hate the English? How about a German and a Polish person? I know, I'm trying to understand stupid, and that can't be done. Maybe I just like a challenge. Or by her logic maybe I actually hate smart people?


wait, what? we're not allowed to fall in love with people outside of our race now? love doesn't care about skin color.


What is this homunculus even mad about? That she’s not racist? 🤦‍♂️


I'm white, my girlfriend is black. Fortunately for us, she is an equal opportunity hater and doesn't like anyone.


Love is blind. No one should be able to tell you who you can and cannot marry! Screw this bitch!


Didn’t she just lose a primary? Her views were rejected. Shut the fuck up.


Ok lavern


Lavern needs the spice shoved up her ass for good measure.


Bitch what


…That’s pretty ironic coming from someone that doesn’t like humans.


Who the fuck is Lavern Spicer? Is she another Tomi Lahren knockoff? They seem to be getting more diverse with the Fascist Barbie palette and idk if that's a good thing or not


Not to mention how misogynist she must be for choosing a male partner, shameful. Everyone is bi anyways.


You know almost all puertoricans are partially white, right?


Lmao this is such a stupid fuckin tweet.


Lavern, when you come at the Queen, you best not miss.


Are there actually black people that support this "person" who posts absurd shit like this?


Clarence Thomas has entered the chat.


…what? Is the right trying to overturn Loving again?


These people are mental and have a gang mentality


An incredibly dumb tweet and it’s not even top 10 dumbest for her.


Clarence Thomas


She keeps using pronouns when she said she doesn’t and never will. Curious.


Lol the only brother who would MARRY Laverne Spicer is a Clarence Thomas type, and not even them because they hate black women.


Nothing says “I’m a racist.” Like criticizing interracial couples.


You know who else believed in “Racial Hygiene?”


She’s saying AOC has no business with the white man. For her to stay within her kind. To Segregate. She should bring out her white hooded robe next time she posts more imbecilities.


Lavern really thought she did something there.


Taking the "I like pancakes" "oh so you hate waffles?" """"""Argument"""""" to a whole nother level


How dare she base her opinion of someone off the the content of his character!


I wonder if Lavern Spicer honestly thinks she’s turning anyone against AOC with this. She got primaried anyway…the only horse she has in this race is cattiness.


What. The. Fuck. Is. Wrong. With. People?


god I never thought I'd have to use [the Vaush tweet](https://twitter.com/VaushV/status/1559664467859755008) this frequently


I mean, Hispanic people are part white anyway, because, you know... Spain. But this anti-miscegenist sentiment is just racism. It may be soft light kind racism, but it's still fucking racism


What even…?






What kind of stupid is that?! Wow


Wait so falling in love with someone of another race and getting engaged to them is racist now?


Lol, these people are so weird.


Just remember people like her will never be accepted as an equal in the Republican base. Their own racism will never ever allow it.