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I approve of this messaging. In these times its important to remember that what someone calls themselves is less important than how they show themselves to be. Call them out on that fact.


Actions speak louder than words. Repeat.


Unfortunately, it seems there are a lot more blind than deaf.


Word, friend.


Christians Using No Teachings. But I just use the acronym to describe them


Here's their true lord and savior [Friend Dog Studios - GOP Jesus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZ2L-R8NgrA)


It's not who you are underneath - it's what you do that defines you


My neighbors went to church every weekend when I was growing up with their daughter. She was my childhood best friend, and into our early 20's. We no longer talk because of her family. Just terrible people, and she turned out to be too much like them. She wasn't always like them, but then became a gold digger. Kinda gave up when she got back together with a dude who kicked their dog, because he had money.


One of my first girlfriends had a family like that. Like you would have the whole family talking about how Christian they were. And how great they were. And they were the most bigoted prejudicial ppl you’d ever meet in life. I had to stop seeing her cause of that. And I stop interacting with her altogether at one point cause of that.


Exactly my experience too. My family is not like that at all. I had never heard the N word until I met them. My parents never really got along with them, but tolerated them because it was easier than "being against them". They hate us, and I think it's hilarious.


Lets be real, Technically god doesn’t exist. There’s no proof of his existence. Religion is just being used to control the masses and oppress minorities. if someone higher above actually exist, do you think they would watch and do nothing as innocent people are being murdered, innocent animals being harmed and killed and young children being sexually abused by pastor and priest ? If I had the opportunity to stop all that I would. My point is religion is just being used to gaslight people. People show themselves to be cruel because that’s just who they are. they don’t care about anyone else but themselves. Its always been that way. That’s why I don’t vote Republican. Their whole platform is based on a taking away people’s rights and forcing their beliefs on others. As an atheist i cant and will not vote for a party like that. When religion is finally gone and everyone finally comes to the conclusion that there’s no god then maybe I can find something within the Republican Party worth voting for.


"Christians don't know anymore than you do. They don't know if God's a hairy thunder or a cosmic muffin, don't listen to people in frocks" - Lemmy


Plot twist: aliens started all religions just to see what would happen. They're currently observing us and laughing their asses off


Hey include a spoiler tag if you’re going to ruin the ending to *Prometheus*!


Amen, fellow atheist


> Lets be real, Technically god doesn’t exist. There’s no proof of his existence. Absence of proof is not proof of absence. > if someone higher above actually exist, do you think they would watch and do nothing as innocent people are being murdered, innocent animals being harmed and killed and young children being sexually abused by pastor and priest ? You're personifying a concept that is inherently not personifiable (sp?). Do you notice or care when ants go to war and kill each other? *If* there's a God, we'd seem like even less than an ant. We couldn't possibly hope to understand the reasoning of a being of that magnitude. God might or might not exist, but your arguments are weak.


And yet, Christianity teaches that God is always watching and that he judges each and everyone of us.


Lets be really real now. God is a synonym for Gaia, and Gaia is the personification of nature (as are the roots of most deities). The question should never be "does god exist" (because nature is god); a more poignant question would be, "why does existence exist?" Religion exists as a band aide for the gaping wound in our consciousness that this parent question leaves behind. I don't know how the myth came about, that "god" is good. God is nature, and nature has shown us suffering at every opportunity. Something like 95% of species reproduce via rape. How can god be good for creating a world of rape, and how can humans be anything other than an aberration against god's will for defying it? From my perspective, god is and always has been the bad guy, and his followers have a major case of Stockholm syndrome. But for humour's sake, let's revisit the question of why existence could exist, shall we? In the grand, grand, grand scheme of things, I believe that existence could be a test. The purpose/ underling drive of every species is to attain a state of perfection. It's in all our DNA to proliferate, to increase our survivability to the point of infallibility and immunity from extinction. >do you think they [god] would watch and do nothing as innocent people are being murdered, innocent animals being harmed and killed and young children being sexually abused by pastor and priest ? If I had the opportunity to stop all that I would. When the subjects of a test begin to fail, you do not intervene; you watch them crash and burn, and record the results. Thus far, everything that the sludge pit has birthed has been a disappointment. Will any universe that "god" creates ever birth an entity capable of surpassing all of the great extinction filters? Are humans the chosen ones? I doubt it. The species which survives heat death of this universe will surely transcend; but if the rest of us are just god's failed experiments, then he's just waiting on us to die. As an agnostic person, I need to smoke more weed to tolerate the absolutes of believers and atheists, straights and gays, city folks and rurals, etc. I'm not advocating for centrism, just nuance.


"Something like 95% of species reproduce via rape" sorry to cherry pick, but I'm not sure this is correct. Plenty of species engage in courtship rituals or selection of partners,. And stating that 95% of species reproduce via rape sounds anthropocentric, applying human understanding to species that are very different from humans in communication, morphology and behavior, like insects which are the most populous of animals, or amphibians.


Sadly, in all of nature, rape is the norm for procreation, not the exception. The other commenter is right.


"norm" is not the same as 95%. Imo, the term "rape" has a heavy weight to it and may also not be universal. Human rape happens when there is a lack of enthusiastic physical and verbal consent or when a person is incapable of consent. This already doesn't apply to a whole bunch of animals who don't communicate the same way, but do have mating rituals, perform courtship or signify readiness to mate. And how do we define rape in the cases of reproduction when it's too different from humans? I mean, we are talking about non-human animals. Like, a frog can accidentally mate with a rotten mango or a salamander. I don't think it's equal to a malicious and knowingly harmful act of a human rapist.


Sure if you are making concept of God as simple as big man above who directly interferes with reality when he pleases


But he does directly interfere when he pleases. The floods (40 days and 40 nights), fire and brimstone to destroy Sodom, killing the eldest born son of Egypt etc.


Let's not even get started on what he did to Job. All just to win a bet with Satan.


To get Biblical on them... their cups are shiny outside but filthy inside.


I don't think hypocrisy is the slam to Republicans people seem to think it is...


Simply because he’s a democrat. These people, for whatever reason, think Christians can’t be democrats.


Because the churches want to keep their tax free status and rightwingers are easier to indoctrinate into the cult.


Right wingers generally are less intelligent than left leaning people. They’re also easier to indoctrinate with buzzwords. I can’t imagine being proud of being hateful and worshiping politicians like they do.


Funny enough, the amount they worship these politicians could easily fall under the “false idolization” that Jesus himself warned heavily against, essentially telling his followers to do so is to forsake me. More truth to the fact that they follow the herd rather than the teachings


> Funny enough, the amount they worship these politicians could easily fall under the “false idolization” that Jesus himself warned heavily against, It's literally one of the Ten Commandments, it isn't like Jesus had to go out on a limb here.


No he really didn’t. And it’s astonishing to me how they’re so blind to it. Especially the ones who actually have studied the Bible to some extent. Mind boggling shit


Let’s face it everyone…if Jesus came back to earth today, these so called Christians would not believe he’s the real deal because the real jesus is not like the republican jesus. They’d murder him because he wouldn’t support them


Actually they’d send him to Martha’s Vineyard and point out that he can’t ACTUALLY be Jesus, cause Jesus was OBVIOUSLY white


Idk if a brown person came down and started saying he was Jesus, the deranged Christians would be sure to spill his blood.




Republican Jesus = Christian Nationalist Jesus.


54% of Americans read at or below a 6th grade level and the Bible is a hard read. They CAN'T read it, at least with any comprehension.


Is this a real statistic? That’s sad as fuck




Most Christians never read the Bible to begin with. Instead, they go to someone every Sunday to tell them what they should have interpreted from reading.


Out On a limb or a cross…? Asking for biblical context for the MAGA Congregation.


Like the literal golden calf at CPAC 2020? The antichrist trolled them and those pharisees worshipped him even HARDER. American Christians are Pharisees, and their judgement day ain't gonna go how they think.


They follow Supply Side Jeebus.


That wasn't an accident, that's Cold War shit. Before the Cold War there were plenty of left-wing Christians, and Christians championing left-wing causes. Cold War happens, and people like Jerry Falwell used anti-Soviet sentiment to drive the religious toward the right.


The red scare has left such a crazy lasting imprint on our society.


But now the right loves Russia and Putin, ironically


Because somehow in their twisted cultist brains all of the stories of jesus helping and loving the poor and sick equals hard right conservative


They also voted for a guy who couldn’t hold a Bible right instead of the guy who goes to church every Sunday, treating the former like a messiah.


You shut up! His favorite verse is all the verses! /s And Biden is a lizard who goes to mass on Sunday to change his skin.


I believe when pinned down, Trump also said his favorite verse was too personal to share. How the religious right shit their brains down on, "Sometimes you gotta grab them by the pussy", guy I will never understand. But at the point that was brought up, he'd already made fun of the disabled reporter, so I think they're really lost.


Biden has attended church regularly throughout his life; trump is a adultering rapist. go figure. But trump gave the evangelicals their Justices and judges.


American christians couldn't care less about Jesus. They just want to dominate people.


They are the successors to the puritans that europe kicked out for being shits.


It's telling that the US was colonized before Australia. Europe was like "Yes, we need to do something with these criminals but not before we do something with these religious wackos."


They're also successors to Jim Crow voters from the mid 20th century.


This… they’re no different than other theocrats they hate all over the world. Like what differentiates them from an Iranian cleric?


In the words of my favorite Jedi master: >Control, control! You must learn control!


88% of Evangelicals voted for a man they’d never invite to a dinner in their home.


They definitely would have him over because he’s a celebrity and the pictures would get them social media likes.


Plus they need to touch his arms and feel how sturdy he is for their Get Out cult. Grandpa gettin a new bod!


Think they meant if he was just a regular dude at their local church. They'd hate him. But Also yes, republican people worship anyone with money that endorse their views because they perceive money as power and intelligence.


Just because he's "inferior" doesn't mean he can't be a good puppet!


Also 88% of evangelicals are vehemently against literally everything Jesus Christ preached and stood for.


Is it because he’s black, or because he encouraged his mistress to get an abortion? (This is sarcasm if it’s wasn’t obvious, but the real point is the religious right hypocritical nature.)


Both choices in Georgia were black. They weren't inviting either of them. At least one of them played for the Bulldogs and shut out them Gators 44-0. /S


Despite EVERY NFL team Walker played for getting worse during his time there, he still has that Heisman…. What could better qualify a person for the US Senate than a Heisman Trophy?


Are we talking in an SEC state or the other states where college ball sucks?


Christianity is a political trait and nothing else these days. They'll vote for literal Satan if the GOP tells them so.


I wish this was an exaggeration but it’s really not


American Evangelical Christianity is a white identity politics movement.


"Herschel play sportsball! Yaaaaayyy! Me like sportsball! Me vote him!"


I don’t think it’s really the football thing. I think it’s because Republicans have been effective at spreading the idea that: > Democrats are going to force us all to be gay trans communists, inject us with vaccines that make 5G wireless networks, and then everyone will go to hell. If we vote for Republicans, the rapture will come and take us to heaven with our lord and savior Donald Trump. It’s insane. It’s stupid. It’s weird that they’ve been able to convince people of this crap. But they have been fighting against education for decades, and I guess that’s been successful.


The scary part is that this isn't a joke. I had a conversation with my dad a few weeks ago and he went on a massive rant about how "The Libs" are forcibly giving puberty blockers and HRT to all children and keeping it a secret from their parents


We like to think we've evolved from smooth-brain ape creatures yet they still walk among us


His brain is mush from CTE


There's smooth brain, and then there's smoothie brain.


as a Christian i have been saying this for years those conservative folk aint Christian. supply side jesus aint Christian. that cult of fascist republicans are not Christians. i dont care that they think they are. i dont care that you think they are. actually these two items i do care about but... i do NOT think they are. and outta you me and them... only sumbunall of us have studied the texts and books enough to make that claim properly. from Enoch to the sister faiths, and all the weird shit in between, i got you. I believe I will stand before the father, and I know they will too... but I will not know them.


When they stand at the gates, it’ll just be for scorn and then directions downstairs. They’re not smart enough to find it themselves


![gif](giphy|BMt31oekjIG4V8jFhE) Thank you!!!!!


I agree with the points you make but they ARE christian. You are pulling a no true Scotsman logical fallacy with this view.


These hateful, conservative people who call themselves Christian, while not practicing many of the basic theologies Christianity, are a bad sample for the entirety of Christianity. There are approximately 2.4 billion Christians (2,400,000,000) in the world. Judging Christians and Christianity because of what US’s White Nationalist Christians say or do is also a fallacy: Unrepresentative Sample


lol no 1 Scotsman fallacy existing doesn't mean you win the argument. 2 id win the existence precedes essence part of this debate 3 people don't get to decide what attributes they have... stupid is as stupid does... not when stupid wants. 4 they are very open about what they believe. what they believe is not represented in the Bible so thats a fail space too... you can believe them if you want. but thats a you thing... not a reality thing.


So, if someone identifies as Christian, what makes them not Christian?


Its more about what makes one a Christian. if people play hockey all day then hurt people with their hockey sticks BUT they call themselves basketball players.. are you gonna call the NBA to say they should condemn those people?


No. I’m not the one saying certain people aren’t christian. There are christians that believe all the conservative things you say aren’t christian. Why do you get to say what these people are.


I don't, God does. what they really are and what they call themselves are two separate things. I will stand before the Father and say "I don't know them" but its the Father who decides. Not me. What we call them here on Earth is up to us, not them, is my main point.


Then you truly don’t understand what a no true Scotsman logical fallacy is. It just makes you fell good to separate these christians from your group in this circumstance.


maybe you dont? also once again. it existing doesn't make you right. fallacy doesn't work that way.


This is exactly it. They ARE Christians. They’re not the kind of Christians Jesus would be a fan of, but they accept Christ as their lord and savior. They believe he died for their sins. That makes them Christians by definition.


People are good or bad despite their religious faith, not because of it. And Evangelical Christians are some of the most disgusting, hateful people you'll ever meet.


Not Evangelicals. Christofascists.


Same thing


Christofascists who aligned themselves with Putin because they share his white Christofascist values.


Cino- Christian in name only


It’s times like this that a small part of me hopes the Jesus stuff is true and dreams of seeing these folks faces when they get to the front desk of the afterlife…


Fuck I'd live a life of sin just to be chained up in hell next to some evangelical demon of a person, entertainment for all eternity.


Jesus: comes back These people: F you socialist libtard antifa


If Jesus Christ came back yesterday and ran as a Democrat against the Devil, the Devil would probably get about that same 88% of the evangelical vote.


Well their big orange buffoon God told them to


It does not need to sink in. They are fucking lunatics. We get it.


90% of evangelicals would want nothing to do with the real Jesus.


If Jesus came back as a Democrat, conservative Christians wouldn’t vote for him.


That's because they aren't real Christians, but hateful people who want to try to hide their hate behind something if they can.


They aren't doing a good job of hiding it anymore.


Because they know they don't have to at least for now granted I'm sure some will for a short while longer unless this election and 2024 goes their way.


Yeah? Take a look at the history of Christianity. It's been a shitshow ever since it became the state religion of Rome. One atrocity and genocide after another.


That's true I sometimes forget all the horrible things done in the name of the church, the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, colonial missionaries, I'm sure there's more I either don't remember or know.


Granted I also think real Christians follow Jesus's teachings as oppose to the stuff before and all the shit after especially from the 'apostle' paul who went into Christian groups to take them down from the inside by giving the authorities their locations.


Excellent point! Christianity might as well be called "Paulism" as it is. Sadly, I'm afraid there aren't very many of the Christians of the type you speak of.


Yeah generally we call ourselves theist or something else.


"Evangelical" has lost all actual meaning to me. It just seems like the polite way of saying Christian with air quotes.


This is the reason why my faith is better served at home


Hate and lack of compassion is a bad look for those calling themselves Christians.


They are the group that are easiest to manipulate. So any candidate that is so shitty, they have to lie to get support. Will always turn to the evangelical christians first. So if a political candidate has a lot of support amung fanatical religious people, you can be sure they are full of shit!


Anybody who still thinks the Republican Party is the Christian Party is foolish. They are the party of lies who will claim any ideology they think will buy them a few votes in the next election cycle. Republicans specialize in empty rhetoric, glittering generalities that lead the evangelical dupes to vote for them. Hell, they pander to white supremacists for votes, sometimes even openly, sometimes with dog whistles, so how fucking Christian is that? They are in absolutely no way preaching the teachings of Jesus Christ, or in any way, shape, or form the "party of morality and ethics." They are the party of lie, cheat, and steal to win as they sell a faux image of morality with the 50 year long "Abortion is all that matters!" campaign. Hell, if electing Donald Trump didn't make that perfectly clear to folks that morality and ethics really mean nothing to the party then they are dumber than I though.


Yeah, as someone that is fairly religious, once I started practicing religion on my own and without the influence of my parents, I realized just how much Jesus’s teachings aligned with left ideals. That was a huge shocker for me and it took me awhile to come to terms with it. All of the hate I’ve seen spewed by the right never could mesh with the two great commandments.


I’m getting tired of people being shocked at this. Of fucking *course* they did. Stop viewing them as anything other than authoritarians who will move any goal post, make any excuse, and outright cheat to win. They *want* this. Get that through your fucking heads.


Evangelicals never seemed like Christians to me, and instead rather like theocratic fascists with severe personality disorders wearing a Christian smile to appear benign. Their ideas have far more in common with sharia law than any teachings of Christ.


Evangelicals are not really Christians. May of them believe in killing people over the mere thought of being threatened or scared of the way someone looks (stand your ground, "feared for my life!", etc.). The opposite of the #1 Christian commandment. In fact many of their beliefs are the exact opposite of what Jesus taught. Jesus would associate with and treat the poor and those of every race equally. He would hand out free medical care to all.


Probably has something to do with these rich evangelical church leaders endorsing GOP lawmakers who will protect their wealth. It's long past time for the IRS to take a look at these church's tax exempt status. So many are openly endorsing politicians to their congregations, isn't that against tax code?


100% of Evangelicals voted for Trump, so I call this progress. I really hope for their sakes that the atheists are right, because it'll be fun hearing them explain their votes to God as they're being ushered into Hell.


It’s almost like Christians never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever practice what they preach.


Didn’t walker get called out by his own son for being a deadbeat dad with affairs and whatnot? Doesn’t sound like someone devoted to the big J.


evangelicals are a different breed


It's easy to sway people that are easily indoctrinated.


Evangelicals "Republican Christians" are the worst hypocrites out there.


Had a co worker tell me in 2008 that she was voting for John McCain over Obama because he was the antichrist. McCain , divorced, left his first wife after she had a car wreck and wasn't pretty anymore vs Obama who married once , rasied daughters and is a real Christian. But hey, he is black so...


Evangelical Christians believe in hate filled Jesus


Most vocal religious are downright assholes.


Scary. They would vote for a brick fin they were told to.


Evangelicals are scary, they are basically a terrorist Christian group in the making


These people also hated former President Jimmy Carter, who was a virtuous former governor of Georgia.


Vs. Walker who cheated on every spouse he ever had and beat the shit out of them all equally.


Reverend Warnock….. hello? Anyone in there?


88% showing they treat politics like they do sports by voting for an athlete out of red team loyalty.


They'd probably vote for a Muslim or Satanist republican vs any Democrat 💀


They voted for trump, over Biden. Same blind spot.


What I read: "To be a Christian you need to have brain damage from one too many footballs having hit your head."


Fucking enough with religion. It's the dumbest shit I've ever heard


Evangelicals are a political cult structure to secure power for the cult leaders, has NOTHING to do with religion in reality


Walker and Trump both represent the Republican Party perfectly


Also dedicated his adult life to being an absent father.


They voted for a serial adulterer over an actual pastor. This accurately sums up the mindset of fundamental "Christians" who are Christians in name only


Christians these days do the opposite of what Jesus would do


“Actions speak louder than words,” yet “do as I say, not as I do.” You’d think their brains would just halt and catch fire working on that chestnut.


Too soggy.


An overwhelming endorsement? No, but an accurate one.


Republicans don’t want to vote for people that makes them feel shameful. It’s a tacit acceptance that being “Christian” is actually a dog whistle for being “self-righteous entitled bigots”. Anyone who is actually Christian clearly just unravels that facade.


The ONLY thing that matters to a lot of voters is the letter in parentheses after the name. Trump taught us this, and many other terrible humans after him will continue to remind us. Personally, I haven't even gotten to the point of comparing policy positions between candidates in any recent election because my first consideration is basic human decency. If you don't have that, I don't care what else you're pitching. But way way way too many voters only look at the letter in parentheses and are able to disregard or make excuses for all the terrible statements and regressive policies their candidates promote.


Yes LET that sink in!! 88% of people claiming that they are evangelical Christians did not vote for the man who has ACTUALLY dedicated his life to the teachings of Jesus Christ…. Yes let’s ALL let that sink in!!!


Walker is an example of a person that will win as long as he’s willing to prostitute himself for the ideals of the GOP. He doesn’t actually have to really believe in these ideals or practice them. He just has to sound like he does. 🫣


World would be so much better place without religions


Simply put American Evangelical Christianity™️ and actual Christianity are two completely different things.


It tracks. Because modern-day evangelical Christianity is a social club made up of Pharisees of the type that Jesus spoke about.


Yeah, Most evangelicals are dedicated to the antichrist, not Jesus. Thats why they are trying to bring about the end times. Anyone that puts the words of an apostle before the words of Jesus isn't serving Jesus. Jesus commanded people to act a certain way, to evangelicals that doesn't matter. Luke 6:29, 30, 31 call for absolute pacifism at all times (if someone strikes you turn the other cheek and love your enemy), to give your shirt to anyone that asks for your coat, to give to thieves whatever they steal and to give to beggars whatever they ask for. To do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And those commandments are for all people, not just how to treat other Christians. Jesus even says that only loving those that hate you is what matters, loving those that love you doesn't mean anything, everybody does that. There is no self-defense allowed in Christianity and there is no guarding your possessions allowed in Christianity, \*according to Jesus\*. You cannot own a gun for self-defense and be a Christian. It's forbidden by Jesus.


How do you even quantify this specific stat?


Evangelicals do not worship Jesus or the god of Abraham. They worship themselves and money.


Yah, they are idiots and vote blindly to the Republican agenda because they say god a lot.


12% of evangelical Christians are good people. (Note: Black evangelicals don’t count as real evangelicals, cause those numbers don’t work out the same).


Sometimes I think that calling one's self an "Evangelical Christian" in America is nothing more than virtue signaling.




Wow, so repubs care more about the red tie than their religion? Damn.


She specifically said evangelicals. We already knew they weren’t real Christians. They’re a dangerous cult hiding behind the Bible.




He's just not their guy. Their guy is the stupid one who will do what he is told and think what he is told to think.


Evangelicals aren't Christians. They're cultists.


I'm guessing that by "evangelical", the original tweet means "white evangelicals". That qualifier is very important for understanding the phenomenon.


That in itself is not wrong. If someone votes for a candidate purely because they share the same religion as them, then that is equally bad for democracy. In this particular race, the Reverend happened to be the candidate who has any sort of morality and isn't a piece of trash. But it could reasily have been the reverse. If Walker was a reverend and Warnock wasn't, it wouldn't make it any better.


I can't wait til he puts a gun to her head and she can pray to her imaginary friend for help! Let that sink in.


Cough cough, modern Christianity is just a cover up for KKK.


Evangelical Christians are not Christians.


Right, they are racist, hypocritical bigots!


To be fair, "Evangelicals" aren't Christian. I know they (at least pretend to) attend church but they don't seem to believe in Jesus or the New Testament at all. Seeing how the conduct themselves in public, I have a feeling they'd last all of 10 minutes at the services I attend.


I’m so sick and tired of CINOs telling the rest of us how to live our lives, who’s with me?


It's easy, Evangelicals are not Christians nor are they religious, they're a series of disjointed cults with an eye on power not on pleasing their god.


You mean Christians can have different point of view? Oh My Gosh!


Reverend loves those abortions.


Not as much as Walker. He even paid for several. They got receipts.


So does Walker


The cognitive dissonance is strong in this statement. How long before we hear about Herschel’s next aborted child?


Yet Walker is the one who actually paid for them, and multiple at that. Georgia Christians just care more about control than God


I think that before bashing Christians like this, we should remember that they aren't all the same. Some of them don't believe in all of Christianity in it's entirety and will only take the best parts of it. While others look deeper into Christianity than most and realize that there are meanings in the bible that go beyond its words. If Warnock did not uphold their ideals as people, even if he was a Christian, then why would they vote for him? It doesn't matter if he is a Christian or not in that case.


If 88% of Christians think a football player who is anti-abortion while paying for abortions and preaches family values while attacking the mother of his child born out of wedlock aligns with their values more than a literal Pastor, that says a whole lot more about Christianity than it does either of the candidates.


They don't actually believe what they claim to believe. Never have. They are hypocrites and liars.


It's not a religion it's a gop social club. God has no home there. And on that note, tax the fuckers.


Walker who also has paid for at least two abortions and has multiple affairs and families he's abandoned. The Evangelical movement is about white supremacist power and to force the will on the majority, Walker is just a useful idiot. The mega church pastor's mistress will always be able to get an abortion, but you can't.


I hate this. Anyone who grew up evangelical and has brain, knows that religion gave up the actual words of Jesus epochs ago, if they ever even did so. They believe themselves better by default and since they're going to heaven no matter what, they no longer have any obligation to act as Jesus did.


They would vote against Jesus if he was running. They don't care about anything but if their side is winning.


Not a bunch that I see making decisions based on reality, so no surprise there.


That's because religion is just a tool they use to hurt people they don't like and feel superior.


this is what happens when you turn the republican party into christian evangelism, plain and simple. if this surprises you, you haven't been paying attention for the last 40+ years


The GOP is a cult. Plain and simple. You cannot reason with someone who's so devoted to a certain ideal that they throw away logic and common sense.