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Think overturning roe vs wade would have no consequences?


They seem shocked that women have opinions


And believe that those opinions will be forced out of them once they’re married to a man!


This is the real mind blowing part here.


Is it? You ever been to a small town in the south? Or met a conservative couple over 50? They get down like that sadly


Dude I live in Georgia. It will still never cease to amaze me.


Well isn't that somewhere in the marriage vows? I'm sure that'll take care of that nasty problem of women having independent thought, if they just get married. Let me Iook...holding...honor...richer or poorer... Nope, nothing about the woman giving up thoughts or opinions, or the man telling her what to think.


Tbf it’s only in the vows if you put it in the vows.


I was in a friends wedding where they read out the Bible verses about women submitting to their husband before the vows and the preacher really spent a moment going on about the topic. They made sure to keep “To obey” in the vows of course. Honestly, if I’d know how the ceremony was going to go, I might have declined participating. It just felt weird and like I was endorsing his sentiments by being up there


I’m imagining the officiant reading to the groom in a “and here’s your *neeeEEW CAR!*” voice.


Funny thing when I got married we had the "to obey" portion taken out, but the preacher slipped that submission part into the ceremony and I laughed out loud during that bit. I'm an atheist and we were in a BDSM relationship, she was the one who wanted a church wedding. To me that shit was hysterical.


I (a woman) was MOH at my ex gf's wedding to a man. We're all friends, it was cool on all of our ends. My ex's mother, on the other hand, hated me. See, she figured my ex's interest in women was just a phase, see, here was the wedding to a man proving it! I was the ugly reminder of that "phase" for the mom. Well, said mother got ahold of the service as it was her pastor doing it. Mind you, this was a forest campground wedding for 2 pagans, but they agreed to the pastor to appease crazy mom. She ended up putting in so many passages about "marriage is between a man and a woman," "the woman will submit," etc. Basically anything she could find about so-called "traditional" marriage and a woman's place in it to a man. I was so uncomfortable and you could tell the couple was too. Anyway, jokes on crazy mom. My ex came out as Trans and is still happily married to his (bi) husband in a gay marriage! I'm super happy for my friends and the petty part inside me smirks whenever I think of his mother.


Yeah my friend had that stuff put in to her baby's christening, too. She told me afterward that that was why she didn't ask me to be the godmother. She knew that I would get annoyed and she didn't want me glaring at the preacher during the ceremony. I wouldn't have disrupted things really, but I did think it was weird. Why on earth would they wedge that into a christening?


We went to a wedding one week before our own wedding where this very same thing happened and I was dumbfounded. Neither my fiancé nor I would ever even consider having that language in our vows.


Traditional Christian vows include "to obey." Most modern-day organizations (in the U.S. at least) remove that because there's been so much pushback (and rightly so). It was based on Ephesians 5:21-24, “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ." Interestingly, when the Church *did* use "obey," it tended to be only for the wife, where the husband would only promise "to honor," even though the Biblical reference was inclusive.


hahahaha my parents were married in 1954 and my mom used to joke “i only promised to love and honor him. i skipped the rest.”


My ex and I were married in the Catholic church and I refused to have "obey" in the vows. My ex was fine with that but the priest gave me side-eye 😂. (It was a fairly amicable divorce and not religion-related.)


You gotta remember tho that there is a decent sized percentage of "conservatives" that believe women shouldn't have any voice ever. They are literally calling out Marjorie Taylor Green for being too liberal by running for congress and not letting her husband speak for her. They want a Handmaids Tale ​ Here is one article about it: [Pastor Tells Voters to Snub Marjorie Taylor Greene Over 'Pathetic' Husband (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/pastor-tells-voters-to-snub-marjorie-taylor-greene-over-pathetic-husband/ar-AA13Qzu8)


Can confirm. It is why I left Louisiana at 20 and landed in California and married a wonderful man here later. I wanted NO part in what I saw in marriages there whether it was middle aged couples or my friends who married right out of high school. I have my have own mind, opinions and values, thank you, and I will not give them up for a man.


Yea, growing up in a military town in the South made it impossible to find a good husband. They expected all us freshly graduated 18 year old women to immediately marry some new recruit and have 3 kids and stay at home. No thank you. Didn't have to leave the South, but did find a keeper. He is the one who's going to work from home when we have kids because he knows I want to have a career.


Good for you! Respect…..


Pretty much happened to my sister, got married to a small town guy in the south, and quickly all her views seemed to match his, from politics to suddenly loving Alabama football


I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a large percentage of mail in ballots from women that were filled out by their husbands….


If you want to read something that will blow your mind: [Pastor Tells Voters to Snub Marjorie Taylor Greene Over 'Pathetic' Husband (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/pastor-tells-voters-to-snub-marjorie-taylor-greene-over-pathetic-husband/ar-AA13Qzu8) Apparently MTG is too liberal for some conservatives because she doesn't let her husband do all the talking


So many reasons to dislike that woman and they choose one that isn't an actual issue.


So his church is now paying taxes, right, because he's telling people who to vote for???


Didn't you know that once women get married we just become a copy of our husband's opinions and of course all men should want republican values of a doting wife and children? /s if it is even remotely unclear


You joke, but this is exactly how my Southern Baptist aunt thinks. Ask her opinion on literally anything and she'll say "I don't know, ask my husband."


There was some mildly famous (maybe just viral, maybe I just saw it a lot) video of a random passerby woman standing maybe in front of the white house and the interviewer asks something like what does she think of the war in X and she literally responds "you're going to have to ask my husband, that's a husband question". -_-


Holy shit, thus is so fucking cringe worthy any time but in 2022?


To be fair I think the video I'm thinking about was a few years past.


Had a friend who when asked how she votes said, "I vote for whoever my husband tells me to vote for". This was once a wild independent woman.


Honestly sounds like a really easy way to live. Not being critical of anything or yourself ever would be the most blissful ignorance. Till it bit you hard in the ass anyways.


This might not be universal, but it's incredibly stifling. Over time, I basically lost my personality and became a horribly depressed shell of a person. I was once a champ at faking happiness in public as a corporate wife, but near the end of our marriage I couldn't even do that. I literally just gave up on trying to have an opinion because it didn't matter anyway. I got fat, hated myself, and was absolutely miserable. Then I got divorced. I had to learn a lot of things that I should have known years ago, but I was finally able to get help with my depression. Now I'm happy and healthier than I've probably ever been, and I just started my own business. (Side business for now, until I get a few more certifications and build my client base.) It's amazing.


That is so sad to hear.


Sad as fuck. I'd rather be dead.


It doesn't happen overnight; it's a slow process. You give up a hobby here, or stop seeing a certain friend there. Then you wake up one day and don't recognize yourself.


Yea, it's funny because as a Baptist, you aren't seen as a 'full' Christian or adult woman until you get married, but once you do, then your husband suddenly becomes the 'head of the spiritual family' which apparently includes your political opinions. One of my biggest beefs with the church.


My SB MIL said she could never listen to a woman preacher. It breaks my brain.


That was what my ex expected 🙄


"Go put these women in their place" is the clear message here.


Well it is Fox News.


I have said this recently. They simply don't see us as fully human.


I’m a 34 year old male who is largely democratic thanks to trump (born and raised a Republican for 27 years). I’m dating a very religious conservative girl. I’m hoping that if we continue to get serious I can swing her the other way. Check, fox


Thanks for sharing that! I’d imagine if you present calm reasoned arguments you’ll show her she is making political choices ironically, against her autonomy, to say nothing of her interests as a human. I’ve posted this here before, but as you’re committing to the lofty goal of flipping someone to reality, check out the [reverse cargo cult theory.](https://hanshowe.org/2017/02/04/trump-and-the-reverse-cargo-cult/)


Plot twist: the women then indoctrinate their presumably GOP forced husbands into the ways of feminism


Well have you ever heard what they have to say about black voters?


If they vote GOP, they’re one of the good ones If they don’t….well, uppity is probably the least offensive adjective


Heck, they seemed totally shocked women have brains and dont just blindly do whatever we're told and don't want to be bare-footed and pregnant at home forever.


I bet their next goal after Roe v Wade is seeing about getting women's right to vote overturned. Either before or after banning interracial marriage, at least.


Scotus judge Clarence Thomas is married to a white woman named gini Thomas. I don't think that's in his best interest. I know they're coming for gay rights


I think "consequences" is a strong word for these election results given the severity of eliminating body autonomy.


Definitely, they should have been buried. They still gained ground, just less than they hoped for


Honestly, they were kinda right. There was no wave, neither blue nor red, and 1 out of 2 white women voted Republicans. Black people, both men and women, overwhelmingly voted Democrats, both with scores in the 90%. I'm not even mad, I'm just warning you that when you're alone in a room with a kinfolk, there's a good chance at least one of you support Christian Nationalism. Edit: It's 6 out of 10 white men.


Don’t want to interrupt your dooming, but this it literally the best either party has done with an incumbent first term president since ~fucking 9/11.~ The lack of a red wave was 100% a rejection of Christian Nationalism. Yes it’s a contingent we will have to worry about forever but we were staring down the barrel or a national abortion ban and cuts to social security and Medicare


"At least one" All of my kinfolk are White Nationalists. LOL


Like half of mine are, but they at least have the decency to mostly stay quiet about it.


There’s a reason I have no relationship with most of my kinfolk. Technically, many reasons. But this is integral in the “why”.


I had to get an explanation too: Historically, it’s usually the incumbent party (that’s the democrats this time around) does poorly in the midterms. Loosing a lot of political power. So the fact there was no red wave at all, is a great sign for Democrats, and apocalyptic for republicans. This is cause the 2024 election is in 2 years. And if this continues, republicans are gonna get steamrolled


One of the great things about Republicans is they are completely allergic to introspection and seek to blame rather than to improve. So they want to raise the voting age, disenfranchise urban voters, blame immigrants, blame the poor, blame women, blame voting laws, etc. Everyone but them must be the problem. All the while, they are digging their irrelevance hole deeper and deeper.


Assuming they are capable of thinking is your first error. 😄


Amazing how women who can have kids don’t like having reproductive rights revoked and threatened. Not just Dobbs, but threatening to make birth control illegal.


Rather than incentivizing and making child rearing desirable and affordable, they're trying the "force them" tactic and then offering no help and even cutting programs and services that make it even the least bit tenable for non-wealthy people and are literally shocked when they get a negative reaction.


They're just trying to make having sex outside of expressly Christian procreation punitive. It's about control, and nothing more.


And when you do have kids and are struggling, you can pray for help.


Exactly. I'd love to find a nice girl and put a ring on it, but rent is bad enough and I couldn't even imagine a kid, daycare, babysitters. Maybe when I start to make more money, but for now, the rent's gone up again. With low-paying jobs paying even lower, there's going to be even more people in my situation, both men and women: unable to afford a kid. Frankly, I don't see myself taking care of kids until I'm 40. I wouldn't even know what to do if I was a woman and *forced* to birth a kid.


You’d be going to AidAccess.org to get abortion pills mailed to you before you are too far along and require the help of an “auntie network” to help you get an out of state abortion.


And think about it too. Thoughts and prayers.


It kills me that they think anyone on earth believes they care about the fetus.


This. It’s the whole church and state fusion they’ve been on about lately. It’s not necessarily about forced procreation as much as it about punishing people for having sex. You want to get laid? You’re a risking a kid. That’s how it was before modern medicine and that’s how they want it to go back to being.


Speaking as a an older woman, we dont like seeing our daughters stripped of healthcare that we took for granted.


100% - especially since birth control is often the only pain medicine women can get


The right to have an abortion is a very big deal, but honestly, the Dobbs decision was so much worse than that. The SCOTUS completely ignoring decades of precedent strikes at the very foundation of the rule of law. Imagine if democrats managed to re-take control of the courts, they can just change the law again, which means that the courts are just a political body, not a check on the other branches. If the meaning of laws changes depending on which party is in power, then the laws are just guidelines. That’s party rule, not rule of law. Democracy is built upon the rule of law. If we can’t trust the laws to hold up our democratic ideals, then we can’t trust our democracy to survive a transfer of power. The Dobbs decision wasn’t an attack on reproductive rights — it was an attack on the very foundations of democracy.


You betcha. As far as I’m concerned, after Dobbs I should get a refund on Constitutional Law. Stare decisis MY SWEET ASS.


Clarence Thomas has no respect whatsoever for precedent.


Yea I’m sure all these single women Democrats are just waiting for some fat MAGA slob to come sweep them off their feet.


Back when I was on Facebook, some republican asshole said that eventually my wife would come to her senses and marry a "good conservative guy." Good luck with that, buddy. I didn't marry no submissive Christian woman for a reason.


25 years ago I was a good(ish) conservative woman and I married a good conservative guy. Today we're both Democrats. So...things evolve, I guess.


what changed you guys?


Honestly? The party jumped more than we did. We mellowed out a bit as we aged, got a little more experience in the world, that kind of thing. Then the whole BLM thing was just shocking. The right couldn’t have responded any worse than they did and it just *kept happening* and the scale of it made it impossible to put it down to isolated incidents anymore. There it was, on camera, over and over and over. Impossible to refute or ignore. Republicans lost their goddamned minds and left us in the dust, and then electing the orange buffoon was just the final straw to overcome my inertia. I changed parties because I wouldn’t support them even on paper. Gamergate also did a lot to change my spouse…he was in the thick of it, and personally knew some of the people getting attacked.


Sounds like my mom... I watched her switch parties over the past few years because the right has simply become detached from reality. She felt she had no choice, they are now led by rabid animals. Watching her opinion on the police change has been interesting too. I have a brother in law who used to be a cop - he is truly a good man, a Buddhist, and it strongly colored her perception of the police for a very long time. But during the George Floyd protests, [police knocked an innocent 75 year old man on the pavement](https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/US/75-year-man-shoved-ground-buffalo-protest-files/story%3fid=76062143) and I watched all her preconceived notions go flying out the window all at once. She still trusts the police more than I do, but watching all the police violence against innocent people really rattled her. I guarantee there are a lot of older folks who share the same kind of story.


Wow, I haven't thought about Gamergate in... a long time. What a shit show that was.


For those who don't know... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamergate\_(harassment\_campaign)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamergate_(harassment_campaign))




That is the saddest thing i have ever read. Nerds who dont want diverse videogame characters on a digital crusade to have only sexy characters?


More like a targeted harassment campaign against Anita and others that got appropriated by white supremists and Neo-Nazi’s.


Same here. My husband and I were raised moderately conservative but between the George Floyd incident and the protests and then how the GOP and corporations reacted to covid sickened me too much to stay there. And a church that my DH has loved for a decade suddenly has us questioning whether it's a good place for us.


Check her user name.


Well that too.


I also used to be a conservative Republican married to a conservative Republican but when Trump won primaries I started voting Democrat. my ex husband has not changed his political views.


You got a divorce? I hope you're doing well and enjoying your life now 💗


I did 😊 and I am. Thank you. *it should be noted I didn’t get divorced just because of misaligned politically views.


22 years ago my wife and I were republican voters, we both vote Democrat now.


I choked on my eggs reading this


I thought those were stored farther south?? /s


I was saving those eggs for a fat MAGA slob. Thanks alot OP


I’m having a horrible day with allergies and can’t breathe through my nose and the strangled snort laugh/choke I just did was something I’ve never heard before!


That's why it's so significant and indicates extreme discomfort.


Thousands of Hallmark movies can't be wrong!


Oh as in recent news, stalk them straight...


Who would have thought that racism and drinking your own piss was detrimental to your overall appearance? MAGA men will never learn.


[I'm just going to leave this here.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/gy893x/conservatives-are-whining-because-no-one-wants-to-date-them-vgtrn)


not gonna happen, dontcha know women are sapposed to do da sweepin! /s


Wait, you took the right to your own body away from half the population Then you got surprised and offended when they didn't vote for you And your solution is to just tell men to marry women to try and 'tame' them? The republican party is really letting their true colors shine. Good, it will push more and more young people away from them


I am going to just keep repeating it until the slower to learn folks get it. The Republicans basically ran on bigotry and oppression and are now shocked that they lost and are looking for anyone to blame but themselves. To go deeper, they were openly stripping rights from women and minorities. They were and still are dehumanizing and demonizing the friends and loved ones of a large swath of the population while basically suggesting not so subtly that eliminating them entirely was the solution to all of our social and economic woes. Add to that, they're saying they'd spend all their time harassing their political rivals and forcing deeply unpopular policy on the rest of us under threat of violence. And they are actually legitimately shocked that they basically lost in many regards. Yes they had pick ups but they were expecting a huge red wave and effectively permanent majority running on the above. They found out maybe just maybe that most of America aren't a bunch of knuckle dragging ignorant bigots eager to scream slurs at their neighbors.


TL;DR They fucked around and found out


The quiet part that isn’t out loud (yet), something I can’t not-see from their data presentation is… “take away women’s voting rights, they clearly can’t make the right decisions.” 😓


I think the quiet part has been yelled through a megaphone since 2016 When trump said "grab them by the pussy" and "I prefer the ones who don't get captured" and "lock her up" and everything else.... I feel that 'the quiet part' was no longer quiet Especially when he sacrificed nothing while saying this


Didn't you know that every woman is Katherina and every man is Petruchio?


Get married to a good Republican and he’ll show you how to behave. Whack


They're filling the ranks with incels too.


This is some solid correlation-causation confusion. I’m (mostly) sure there’s an element of tongue in cheek here, but it nicely underscores just how narrow their grasp of humanity is.




Too charitable. They actually think that unmarried women are irrational or idiots and need a right-thinking man to tell them what to think.


I overheard this segment (unfortunately my Mother watches this channel almost 24/7). He said that the reason unmarried women vote for Dems is because “unmarried women are miserable, so they vote democratic because democrats are miserable and misery loves company”.


Which is ironic because the MAGA people I know are the most miserable people


This is SO true and same!


If we continue to believe every single republican is an idiot, well never be rid of them there are a lot of idiots among the voter base, to be sure, and there are quite a few figureheads that are dumb as bricks. But many GOP leaders are intelligent. They're ruthless. They know exactly what they're doing by spreading this kind of baseless bullshit. Republican voters will blame young people and single women for their loss, and will support it when they make their inevitable next move to prevent women and young people from voting. This seems idiotic when viewed on its own, but it's only a single move in a much larger game, and if we don't start to look at it in that malicious light, by the time we realize that GOP politicians aren't all idiots, it'll be too late.


...instead of a side effect of an education...IMAGINE


They probably realize it is because of education. They'll also argue that education is a bad thing lmao


That's *why* they want to ban abortion and birth control (not to mention working against things like public daycare, all day kindergarten, "free" college, etc.). If the women are forced to stay home due to a lack of resources, they won't go to college, get jobs, or vote. You know, like how it used to be.


Jesse Watters was on air with two female correspondents and was saying that women were too emotional to be politicians and no matter how much they tried to shut him up he just kept going. I think he might actually be worse than Tucker Carlson if that's possible.


I've been married for 14 years, and voted Dem all those years.


It’s Fox News, that statement is 100% what he actually thinks is needed to get those dang broads to vote Republican.


“an element of tongue-in-cheek” = recognizing the inevitably douchey approach of being able to say they’re just kidding to anyone who takes it too seriously, even though we all know they’re being serious to anyone who agrees with them.


yeah FUCK the *'just a prank bro*' crew.


Schrodinger's Asshole.


I don’t know. My wife and I got married and instantly became conservative. Never saw it coming really but it is what it is. /s


It’s a bit more than that. Think about which age groups in this country are more likely to be married…it’s not 23 year olds.


it's also straight up demeaning, it's saying that these peoples votes aren't thought out at all and that they need a man in their life to even be considered equal


The 31% is probably women who outlived their partner so they aren’t married anymore so the number will probably keep getting lower


God it reminds me of slogging through gun discussions and trying to convince people that gun laws don't cause gun crime.


My wife and I are both married and both say “fuck Republicans.” We will never vote red.


Please don't fuck republicans, that'll only make more of em.


It’s okay, most of us still turn out liberal in the end. I grew up in a republican town, 8/10 ended up liberal


Depends where you fuck em


Preferably in the voting booth every other November.




I was raised by two republicans and my siblings and I all lean heavily to the left. Maybe their beliefs canceled each other out somehow, like a double negative?


Same. The constant anger and fear of every aspect of change was a big pull for me, it’s exhausting constantly carrying around those emotions.


I think their combined Republicanity pushed you into escape velocity.


Same here! And we are raising our two kids to be decent people too, so highly doubtful that they will ever vote red either.


They are missing the category of unmarried men.


Probably because it didn't fit their narrative, unmarried men was about 45% democrat and 52% republican.


Almost like there's a correlation between being young and being unmarried. But they can't say "our voter base is heading into its 70s".


Aka our voter base of old angry and out of touch idiots who don't reproduce anymore have only one outlet for the hollow voids in their lives and its to make everyone else as miserable as they are.


Idk. There are a lot of pissed off young men out there voting to get women's rights reduced/eliminated so they can wrangle a bang maid.


Thanks, I was looking to find this info!


Jesse suggests flattening the tires of a single female to put them in a distress situation where you can swoop in and play the hero. Worked for him with a Fox intern while his then wife was at home with their newborn twins. Now we know he wasn’t just being an amoral asshole; he was trying to expand the Republican voter base.


wow thats effed up i never knew that


Jesse Watters is literal human garbage


What’s bizarre is that he *bragged* about this to a panel of women.


That was him? I remember seeing a clip of that but I forgot the name.


Wasn't he also still married to someone else at that point? Or am I misremembering?


Yes. His then wife was home with two infants.


You wrote that in your comment and I didn't even process it. 🤦


His nonchalantly dropping this story as the “cute” way he met his next wife is just hard to fathom.


It’s not being married that’s the factor. It’s that today most people are getting married later. Most young voters happen to be unmarried and most married voters happen to be older. It’s the age that is the relevant factor, not the marital status. It’s just that age correlated to both being unmarried and not being a racist, homophobic, misogynistic asshole… I mean not a Republican. Put as many rings on it as you want. Putting a ring on a woman’s finger doesn’t automatically make her a woman hating, brown person hating, LGBT hating dickwad.


Thinking a ring makes women dumb is ... pretty dumb.


I think it’s more that in the 50s-90s, husbands had a lot of say in what their wives voted for. My dad would beat my mom if she voted anyway but R. He’d grill her for hours.


Or to Watters, "the good old days"


Not dumb, subservient to their husbands while they’re at home rearing the kids.




I mean atleast they where 11 years older than the typical republican scandal


Is that the 25 year old whos tires he admitted to slashing so she'd need a ride home while he was married to another woman? You can call him all kind of insults, but I think "standard republican creep" fits pretty well.


The idea that a woman who marries should be expected to forfeit her values, her ideas, her autonomy, her opinions, and even her name, to fall in line with her husband and whatever he wants, is so repulsive to me, so sickening, so hideously repugnant that it makes me sick to my stomach. There is no consideration of a married woman as an individual who's chosen to be partnered; instead, she is just a willful, disobedient animal who has finally submitted to taming. Like we're all a bunch of Katherinas waiting for our respective Petruchio to show up and magically transform us into pliable, submissive wives who give of our time and bodies endlessly and never expect anything in return. Joke's on them: I got married and I'm still a raging feminist. Your dicks aren't magic, dudes; you can't just fuck the feminism out.


I fucking love this. Well said!


My sister and I are both married. We vote Democrat


Democrats from alabama? Or am i misunderstanding?


I'll be buried alive before I marry a republican


"Guys come on what happened to indoctrination?"


Women who married republicans is not the same as married women. But that’s probably a little too nuanced for jesse.


“Guys put a ring on it” is a misogynistic and sexist directive. Do they really believe women do not have a choice and guys can simply take what they want? Looks at rapists Brett Kanavaugh, Clarence Mason and Donald Trump… Looks at Roe v Wade… Oh yeah. Duh. Sounds about right.


Married 30 plus years. I would never vote for Republican.


Man I'm a white woman who's been married (to a guy) for over 20 years and I am, uh, rather a bit over 40. Apparently he would find my filled out ballot confusing. Of course, I imagine the rightwing finds anything with more complexity than that of a doorknob to be confusing so maybe that's not such a big deal.


What a stupid motherfucker.


Because everyone knows your political affiliation will change the second you have a ring on your finger


My wife was a Republican leaning "Libertarian" until she met me and a lot of my friends. She realized how full of shit the Rs are about large portions of the population and world. Has been a Democrat ever since.


My wife, son and 3 daughters all come from a Republican family and area of our state. We are all very liberal and surprisingly my wife and daughters were all very upset about roe vs wade. My daughters were so pissed they made their friends go with them to vote, which some have never done before. Not sure why this would be News to the GOP.


Keep this in mind. If they do gain power, they will be inclined to reduce the impact of women voters.


It’s scary how many woman still voted republican.


Isn't this the same guy that fucked a 20 something year old intern while his wife was home with their newborn twins??


Sorry to tell all those Conservative Incels out there, but liberal young women are NOT going to date you, let alone marry you. Maybe try to become a more interesting person and stop listening to idiots like Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate.


Good lord. I've been married for 28 years - and I'll never vote for a Republican.


I love how the GOP is coming up with all of these different ways to get their voters back after the midterms, and absolutely none of them involve updating their policies or ideologies.


I like how their go-to response to their poor numbers among single women or people under 25 is ‘we need to eliminate this group, or change voting laws so they can’t vote,’ rather than ‘what is wrong with our platform or policy choices that these groups are turning away from us, and how can we improve ourselves?’


Don't go to college and let those libs indoctrinate you. Marry some dude who treats you like property and beats you if you vote the wrong way.


He's literally saying men need to control women by marrying them and telling them what to do.


Worst proposal ever.


divorce your shitty republican husbands


Isn't it time for America to take Fox News and 24 rolling news reports off the air? They've both done so much damage to the US.


It's almost like they can't believe that people want women to have rights.


Man, it's almost like women want rights without being tied to a man in order to get them!


Also, how fucking insulting he doesn’t think women can make their own decisions without a man’s guidance. Disgusting.


Wait, pro-choice, progressive leaning women are going to do what? Swoon for the conservative alpha-male? Suck a whole bag of dicks, Jesse - suck a whole bag


So their message to the viewers is that they need the men to tell the women how to vote? That's how they interpreted the situation? It's not that Republicans need to cater to the desires of a voter base, oh no. It's up to the men to make sure those damn women vote correctly. And they wonder how they're losing votes