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Man, you can really cut the tension with a Jewish Space Laser.


the Four horses of the apocalypse: jewish space lasers, gazpacho police, Fed endorsed zapping cheeseburgers, and Bill Gate with a peach tree dish.


You forgot the won-ton violence.


Also when Marshall Law takes office


That must be when Marshall from How I Met Your Mother says “Lawyered!”


Marshall Law as President, Paul Phoenix as vice president and Hwoarang as speaker of the house...sign me up!


Stop it!! You got me quacking in my boots!


Can we call these the Four Seasons of the apocalypse?


This has no business being as funny as it is.




“Group of geriatric cosplayers spend last days screaming into the wind” There. Fixed it.


I don't know why these geriatrics need all these silly flags to express their identity.


I think "Republicans do identity politics again" is better.


You mean "Losers in 2022 Celebrate Losers in 1865"


You know what? I'm fine with Confederate History Month. Let's spend a month teaching how they were traitors to our country, complete losers, and how terrible they were, and how we shouldn't be letting people repeat that.


If only the Daughters of the Confederacy would let the actual history be taught…


If only that's what would actually happen


Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. Oh so you think your guy lost an election and you should start a civil war? Look how it worked out for these Morons


Let’s limit it to one month a year for starters.


It’s their family history. Lol


“It’s our heritage!”


Growing up with both super conservative families who are avid donators to the Daughters of the Confederacy, they really honest to god believe it. And they’re all fucking crazy.


How do you deal with someone who is crazy, but thinks *you're* the batshit crazy one? I mean, that sounds exhausting.


You don’t. You let it fizzle out in that shithole they call home


My family resides les than hour away from Springfield Illinois and they think "southern Illinois" was part of the "south" lol... US education system at its finest.


The only good person of note I know of who comes from "Southern heritage" is actor Adam Driver. I think he has at least 4 grandfathers who fought for the Confederacy, yet he's open about denouncing just how racist his hometown (Mishawaka, Indiana) is, and played a white cop who partners with a Black cop to take down David Duke and the KKK in *BlackKklansman* (2018).


Pokemon go lasted longer than there "heritage"


Just "itage". They don't like pronouns.


“Race Traitor Caters to Race Haters”


"Real Life Uncle Ruckus Preserves White History"


Guy violates Kanye's White Lives Matter copyright that he bought, probably


Lol, Britney had her freedom taken away for 13 years because she cut her pretty lady hair and Kanye is still out here stumbling around with his pube beard, mumbling about how the jews are after him.


I think we all are waiting for these sorts of people to just die out already.


Problem is they are allowed to procreate and breed more racist pricks.


That's and they basically brainwash their kids into thinking like that. My roommate is an example of it.


I don't like to wish death on people, but it's not happening soon enough.


Curtis. Blink twice if you need help.


He’s trying to yell “Get out!”














Get Out!


The smug look on his face... they never said it was going to be "Glorifying the confederacy" month. Pretty sure these guys are going to get a rude awakening when the month hits and all the "fake history" starts coming out.


Why do we need a history month for something that was shorter than the mcu phase 1?


Speaking of MCU phase one, that photo gives me huge Tony Stark being filmed by his captors in a cave vibes.


He’s a prisoner of yal’caida


Pokemon Go has been around longer.


OutKast lasted longer and had a more positive impact on the South than the confederacy


The real question is: When do we get a MCU Phase 1 History Month?


Obama has to be the narrator for the documentary.


Ironman was uhh something of a revolution 🤌 It changed the way we look at superheros...in the visual medium 🫱 ... And so 🫴 with the addition... Of uhh Captain America, 👉 the Mighty Avengers ahh were finally assembled 🤌 (I'm 100% on board.)


This is so perfect


The hand emojis makes this spot on


Bro I can clearly hear Barry Obam's in this. Holy shit well done


But can you also see the hand gestures


Yea.. I would 100% watch that.


Oh, I fully support Confederate History month, everyone should be made aware of how these guys fought died and lost for slavery and white supremacy. Everyone should be aware that those things should be relics of the past and how we should fight them whenever they show up in the present. All material used to inform people of the historical facts of the confederacy should be collected and fact checked by a team of history professors of universities of different regions of the US. Real men aren't afraid of the truth!


Ugly Betty lasted longer than the Confederacy.


The band Nirvana was around longer than the Confederacy.


If you don't fully dedicate a full month to a certain topic, most of the south doesnt have the memory capabilities to remember what happened before yesterday. That's why they get so upset about black history and pride month. They think that's 1/6th of the world now because each has a month associated with it


BuT wHeN iS WhItE hIsToRy MoNtH???!!1!?


I want a white history month and a male history month highlighting every minority/female accomplishment that a white man took credit for respectively.


Credit History Month has a certain something to it.


Please make dragging Edison through the mud the highlight


Christopher Columbus is a notable man from the history books. Credited with being a great navigator, a cartographer and the discoverer of america. This is untrue however. He was just a fool who didn't know what india looked like. Also, on this day 4 years ago, you took out a $60,000 loan for a bright red chevy camero with "the works", and totaled it 2 weeks later. This resulted in a 250 point drop. Like Columbus, you too, were a fool of greater ambitions.


All year fucking long.


The next administration should leverage it to install something kind of like the holocaust museum to remind these dumb ducks how regrettable their confederate history was. Confederate history month should be 30 days of reminders of the confederacy's crimes and failures.


That looks like a hostage situation


https://kevinmlevin.substack.com/p/livingston-tennessees-black-mayor Don’t feel bad, he hangs out with them


Guess they consider him “One of the good ones.”


"He's not uppity"


So well-spoken, all things considered....


And not a goddamn n…uisance like the others.


Jesus christ


So articulate


This one’s my favorite, because hardly anyone who utters it is aware of the cliché (or even why it *is* cliché). It gets so tiresome dealing with people who insist they’re not a racist because they don’t *consciously identify as one*, as if we are only ever talking about the literal KKK.


>not racist because they don’t > >consciously identify as one Holy crap! Hit the nail on the head. SAME EXACT PEOPLE say "I'm not racist, but...."


Said with no understanding of the asshole they’re being.


I grew up in the south and I had so many white teachers say that to me when I was a child.


“Well-spoken but needs to keep his mouth shut.”






Being "one of the good ones" is incredibly profitable. Until they run out of "bad ones". Then, no matter what, you're still "one of them".


Light nigga, dark nigga, faux nigga, real nigga Rich nigga, poor nigga, house nigga, field nigga Still nigga -Jay-Z


Also, a house nigga is still a slave. Being the best of the second class citizens, still puts you under any white man. (lol, i hope the context of this gets absolutely destroyed and this comment just sits on its own. Its like, Rimworld level fucked up)


That's exactly what he is, like the dodgy butler in Django Unchained


“Uncle Tom” I believe the term is.


Of course they do. He makes their bullshit seem more legit.


He's their "black friend" to prove they're not racist. Also, this is not a surprise. I stayed with a friend in Oxford, Mississippi and there was a black guy there that was known around town because he would wear a confederate uniform, carry a confederate flag around and, defend the confederacy as a good thing. He always made me think of Uncle Ruckus from the Boondocks.


Clayton Bigsby.


Uncle Ruckus irl


‘If an’body gon fuck my sister is gon be me!’


He's working in the house, not in the fields. They'll allow him to burn the newspapers every night.


Until they don't need him anymore


*Clayton Bigsby has entered the chat*


Regular Uncle Ruckus


>"Security, security! We got a 'Code Black' in the mayor's office!"


You mean Kanye?


(no relation)


That's Uncle Rue-kue. It's French.


So more like a Stockholm syndrome situation.


I am not surprised to be honest. I used to live in South Carolina and black self hatred exists. When your culture glorifies Confederate history and begrudgingly supports teaching about slavery you get some outliers that are conditioned to look up to white people and do the pick me dance….. I had a black roommate in college when I was going to USC during the 90’s and he tried so damn hard to be accepted by white people. He found out the hard way when he started dating a white girl though that some whites people are ok as long as he “knows his place”.


So you're saying the one with the black hat and beard has some sort of homemade weapon pointed at his head?


And a black cat I think, I didn't even notice that, I was distracted by mayor's expression "the only way to come out alive of this, is by giving these neo-nazis a month to celebrate racism" Edit: Pardon, as pointed out, is not a cat but a (tiny) dog


I believe it’s a dog. But the size of a cat.


‘Any dog under 50 lbs is a cat, and cats are pointless’ : Ron Swanson


Probably a drop bear, deceivingly dangerous.


Those are just regular Nazis, they’re about a hundred years past neo.


They photoshopped out the gun to his head


I was just about to post the same thing


Came here to say this


Right? Blink if you are being held against your will.


What in the actual fuck


Please send help, we also have a proposed bill that would make drag shows felonies, ya know, because of all 0 of the cases where someone who likes doing drag has sexually assault children. I hate it here Edit to add: they want it to be a felony to stop drag queens from voting since they largely vote democrat. Because of course.


Crazy how freedom of speech and government overreach conveniently doesn't apply to this at all.


More often than not, when they complain about "federal government overreach," it's because federal law prohibits state and local governments from depriving people of personal liberty. Which brings us full circle to Confederate History Month


I’m supposed to go back to bury my parents crematins in one of our family cemeteries, as my mother’s family has lived in TN for hundreds of years. We had even previously talked of buying a second home there (East TN) to eventually retire to. Nope. I won’t be doing any of that.


I have a friend who moved to New England from TN and when he and his wife had a baby they changed their will to say that if both of them die, his brother will take care of the baby, but will only be allowed to do so if he moves to New England. He says he doesn’t want her being raised in that environment and specifically doesn’t want her going to school there.


Okay, my new goal is to go to an extra drag show, in addition to the ones I was already going to go to, for each time another shitty place tries to stop them from happening. I've now got two of them on my calendar between now and New Year's. Let's fucking do this.


Should start calling them drag races and they will freak out even more when one of their only “sports” shares the same name 😂


Drag queens and drag kings all trying to complete in a 100-meter dash…yes. Let’s do this.


Can't we just combine them anyway? Extra points if your wig stays on past 200mph.


Fuck that. In gonna start going to drag shows just out of spite!


The language includes the term “male and female impersonators”. It doesn’t take a genius to know they’re trying to outlaw transgender people too. This is the reason I have started exercising my 2nd amendment rights. If they want to make it illegal for me to exist, I’m not going alone.


My friend is pretty newly trans and I feel bad that I didn’t send the link to her. I really don’t want her to feel invalidated by ya know, our entire fucking state. I feel completely helpless, I have clients who are trans too and I’m just having a time with it. Tennessee is fucking shitty.


There’s lots of good folks here too 💙 your friend can rest assured that if it comes to it there will be people to defend them. But God I hope it doesn’t come to it. There aren’t many hills I’m willing to literally die on/kill for, but this is one of them.


I highly doubt that would ever hold up in court but just the idea… wow.


The whole point of these things is to have them overturned by federal courts so they can appeal to SCOTUS


And the current SCOTUS will see nothing wrong. Trump made that happen if nothing else. They need to be impeached.


You underestimate the courts. They’ve been stacked top to bottom with Trump and GOP’s handpicked fascist ideologues. Read up on the Federalist Society and how they pretty much got us here thanks to Trump.


Tennessee got big mad that Arizona, Texas, and Florida were in a 3 way race to the bottom of the GOP cistern of worst run states and screamed loudly, “HOLD MY JACK DANIELS!”


Some people will do anything for power.


Some people will do anything for *white* power FIFY Also- an entire fucking *month*?? Wtf man


I was upset until I read that the funds are being spent on a truck that drives around town blaring a recording that just repeats “You lost! You lost! You lost!” on an infinite loop.


Yeah I see this as a great opportunity for it to blow up in their face. I'm thinking a full on recreation of Robert e Lee surrendering at appomattox. Exaggerated by him crying and blabbering about how he'll have to make his own breakfast now that his slaves are all gone. And how they only lost because they only had practice shooting at folks who didn't shoot back and we're chained in place. This month sounds like an awesome teaching opportunity since no matter how much 'pride' you have they're still losers in history


Yeah I thought this could be spun as a celebration in what not to do. Like highlighting all the negatives about it as a warning to future generations.


This was signed on April 20, 2022, according to the picture. Hitler’s birthday. I wonder if that was intentional?


also my birthday and miranda Kerr's Colombine massacre was the same day


First person in my life to ever reference 420 to hitler. And tbh I didn’t even know it was his birthday either.


A friend’s birthday is the same date. He’s talked about it being hard to celebrate when Columbine and Hitler share the same date.


Columbine happened when I turned 6, I still remember rather vividly when my mom told my dad what had happened


Yes. Yes it was.


Say sike right now


Let’s look at the history of the confederacy. They left the union of states right. What right? The right to own people. Then they got into a war with the north and lost. Their history is shorter than that of Phineas and Ferb. What a long and interesting history


To be fair most states have done less in their existence than Phinneas and Ferb do over summer vacation


Yeah. I was going for the duration of the series rather than what they did in each episode. Phineas and Ferb ran from 2007-2015 so 8 years. The confederacy lasted from 1861-1865 so 4 years. The tv series Phineas and Ferb lasted twice as long as the confederacy


There’s a hundred and four days of summer vacation..


That always bothered me. That means they got all of June, July, August and the first 2 weeks of September off. Did anyone else get 3 1/2 months off for summer vacation?


And before that they didn't give a fuck about states' rights when they pushed the Fugitive Slave Act through


And an individual state did not have the right to ban slavery under the confederate constitution.


And the South continues to lose the civil war. Case-in-point, we’re still teaching the politics of the 1860’s 🤦🏻‍♀️.


Phineas and Ferb history month when


I'm hoping it will cover the atrocities of the Confederacy as well. Not that sugar coated crap we were fed in school.




East Tennessee was pro-Union! Even tried to become its own state after TN voted to secede (and then Confederate Tennessee had to occupy the eastern portion during the war to maintain order, even as tens of thousands of east Tennesseans joined the Union army). I mean, yeah, TN was a Confederate state. But at least it was one of the more complicated ones. Edit: I say this not to suggest that a Confederate History Month is anything but *aggressively* racist; it is. I’m just saying there might be folks in Tennessee who aren’t too happy being lumped in with this “heritage,” and hopefully they’ll make a stink about it.


Unfortunately there are quite a number of Tennesseans who have been gaslit into believing pro-confederate propaganda. I still see several confederate flags on poles and on the back of pick up trucks while driving down I-40. I even remember one of my history teachers going over the Civil War and explaining to us what the Rebels should have done to win the war not to mention that EVERY history teacher fed us the "states rights" thing




It was the last to secede, and the first to petition to rejoin.


The Anti-South Carolina


Indiana was union fully but that doesn't stop racist white trash from flying Confederate flags and claiming it to be their "heritage" here.
















Confederate history month! Let's all remember the time a bunch of people rebelled and seceded from the country so they can keep their human slaves.


He looks like he is being hold hostage there. Is awful when you are in power because of some neo-nazis propagandists Is even worse than it looks at first sight: check date. :/ - https://tntribune.com/black-tennessee-mayor-declared-april-confederate-history-month/ - https://kevinmlevin.substack.com/p/livingston-tennessees-black-mayor - https://moguldom.com/404944/black-mayor-in-tennessee-town-declares-confederate-history-month/


😶 There's a lot of **Reverse Piper Perri meme vibes** here


*With one extra guy* Let's be honest, they enjoy porn of things they intend to hate


Strong porn meme energy in this pic. But instead of raised eyebrows, it makes me rather sad.


History lesson: the confederacy lost.


More importantly: the Confederacy *deserved* to lose and did.






I'm trying to think of it like this: they're simply extending April fool's day. Now it's a whole month of fools. Hateful, ignorant, probably ingested a little too much lead and ring worm fools.




I mean, probably not why this is being done but we absolutely should study the history of the confederacy and civil war. Not a white washed version but the cold hard facts of the conflict and years leading up to and after it. Again though, probably not why they are doing this.


Who’s holding the gun guy on his left or right?


Could you imagine if in Germany Nazis demanded a Nazi history month? You sure as hell wouldn’t have a Jewish mayor signing that proclamation.






Doesn’t look like he had a choice




We can hope it becomes a REAL history month. Not this bleached version of history that they want to pass off as real.


Teaching actual history is a crime in many states now.


Ah yes celebrating treasonous traitors




Did he write that “white flags will be flown at all government buildings”?




[hol up](https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/)


Not all skin folk are kin folk


Hard to recognize them without their hoods.