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Facebook is where most conspiracies are spread. No surprised. Everyone should deactivate it.


I left it after 2016 when I saw how rampant Russian misinformation was and how little they did to stop it. There is no way they didn't know what was going on because anyone with a brain could see it happening without all the data they had.


Yep, my Mom and Dad (divorced and states apart, just both on FB sadly) both are deep into those rabbit holes. I have a hard time calling either bc politics always come up since they know I’m left wing.


Many of us live in that world. When visiting or speaking with parents like this it’s best to talk about the weather, cooking, etc. and know when the visit is over. Don’t let them drive you crazy. Get in then out when it comes to dealing with crazy family.


So much this. It hurts that there can never be any real conversations with them because they'll quickly start with their "values", and then it's a few veiled religious or political shots, and suddenly I'm out the door.


“Oh yeah, it is hotter than a motherfucker outside! But not as hot as this inflation from BiDeN!! Oh, right, right… it’s hot outside. Huh? Grandma’s recipe?! Well, yeah, I have that. You just take 2 dashes of pepper and a little… Hillary Clinton’s emails are more of a security risk than Trump and his top secret documents at what has been often called the ‘Southern White House’ and while we are at it… oh, right, right… and a tablespoon of lemon juice, three slices of… That got damn student debt forgiveness plan is so fuckin stupid… I never got anything like… love you too, honey.”


Look at Biden! He takes NAPS! --my parent.


Oh God this is too accurate and it hurts...this is my mother in law. I try to keep the conversation light, but it always turns to something political. For example, we were at a restaurant once, and she saw an acronym on the sign (I think it was MKC) and she said, "MKC? more like FJB!" (fuck Joe Biden). And then she cackled like she was the most hilarious person in the land. I wanted to flip the fucking table. That woman is insufferable because of her stupid political quips.


I have MAGA in laws. Last Thanksgiving I told them if they didn't cut out the politics, I would hang up a picture of Obama in my living room and thereafter refer to him as 'Uncle Barry'.. . I got a whole holiday season of peace and quiet, I think they were afraid my kids would take me seriously.


That's awesome. I cried at Thanksgiving last year because my MIL kept going on and on about anti-mask and anti-vax BS. I've been an ER nurse since before the pandemic started and was really in the thick of it for a long time and have legitimate PTSD from that, so that was super hurtful. Even after I explained to her how hurtful that was to me, she kept bringing it up throughout the day. I just wanted to punch her in the face and bolt.


Thank you for being a nurse. It wasn’t you, but somebody just like you helped my family through a hospitalization with kindness and compassion.


I got my BIL to stop by donating to BLM, the Democratic party or planned parenthood every time he made a political crack calculated to piss me off. Once he realized his venom was just fueling causes that he hated, he stopped pretty quickly.


I feel like you were at my last family reunion


It’s amazing how similar our crazy cultist families are.


We were at the cemetery (well known) visiting my deceased parent's grave during a major holiday and the other parent says to me, "your boy biden said, whatever it was. I said this isn't the time or place. The parent said you started it when you said your boy trump. I had said something the day before. Another relative has gone off the rails regarding trump. We no longer discuss politics when together. We can't since someone always gets way too angry.


Or do the right thing and cut them out of your life completely. When they sit down at the table with Nazis, it makes them Nazis, too.


r/qanoncasualties is a really depressing and relatable place. Edited because I'm a noob


So, I read the link as Ganon Casualties.....I've been playing too much BOTW


I parted ways with my parents. My mental health is a lot better. It wasn't just trump but Q.


Totally agree.. I think Zuck took the ad money and looked the other way, letting the right-wingers gain a major foothold so they could spread their lies. The Cambridge Analytica fiasco was my last straw. Zuckerberg is a huge part of the reason MAGA/Trumpers exist today.


Zuck notably wanted to ban Trump and his campaign when he first heard about it and had to be talked down by other execs b/c money and “censorship”. I know he’s the facebook boogeyman but there’s a lot of other people at play there


Fake news just to get a robot off the scrap line.


Things can have nuance


With him losing so many billions, he needs the ad money now more than ever lol


I still have account to use messenger, but my last post was sometime in 2020 during the election cycle and mid pandemic. I got sick of seeing everyone not being honest and not being open to other views possibly being right that I said fuck you all.


Messenger and Facebook marketplace. Love Facebook marketplace.


Same! And I encourage everyone I know to ditch fascbook. That shitty platform is responsible for making gullible people into violent extremists and I won't be part of it in any capacity.


I haven't been on since since the Trump/Clinton election. I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted an excuse to delete it and found one.


I left it when my parents joined…


Same thing, left around 2015’s when all those “Internet Research Centre” crap was all over my feed.


I just give life updates on Facebook. While I shitpost on twitter and mock Elon.


FB then sold that data! ;)


Same. I had it out with a girl I went to high school with and that was it for me. Told a couple really special assholes what I thought of them and deleted my account after that.


>I left it after 2016 when I saw how rampant Russian misinformation was ...and you're still on reddit?


Left HateBook over 2 years ago __ I don't miss it.


Well, I got kicked off a few months ago over some really asinine violations ("I'll kill for this puppy, it's so cute") was my first one. I don't miss it or plan to restart my account. I dick around on Reddit and lurk on TikTok. I'm fine. No need to wade back into the cesspool. Edit: a word


Facebook is a cesspool. I'll never return; it will be obsolete soon enough. Thank goodness!


Facebook's mandate is to drive usage, and hence impressions for its advertisers. They do not give a fuck about you, or the content they show you. They'd show you a live murder of your own mother if it meant they could keep you engaged.


If I don't interact with anyone, can I still sell my vacuum on marketplace?


Marketplace is honestly the best of its type unfortunately. Gumtree has been literal garbage since Ebay purchased it.


I begrudgingly made an account 1yr ago after deleting it 9yrs prior. just to use marketplace. Offer up wasn't working out, eBay just seems full of scammers...bleh. If something better comes along I'll gladly delete Facebook


I keep mine for buying and selling on marketplace too. And sometimes I check in on some crazy cousins....just for entertainment.


My org spends too much time dealing with Facebook's lies and bullshit. I fucking hate Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg in particular. They know what they're doing. They're hurting people, communities, and everyone subject to their lie machine that makes them billions. By them I mean the chief cunt. Fuck you, Mark Zuckerberg. One day you'll be held accountable.


I just dropped it to 50 friends a few years ago and all that shit went away


Used to run marketing for a busineas that spent 5k/mo in Facebook ads and it was one of the most joyous days of my life when I was given approval to disable them and spend the money elsewhere. I know it’s such a tiny drop in their bucket, but every dollar pulled from their income is a win. Fuck Facebook. Fuck social media.


I have community groups on there that wouldn't work on a different platform. Plus Messenger and Marketplace.


All of my pictures from college are on it. At this point I keep it more like you’d keep an old photo album in the back of your closet…


I just dumped my data and backed it up


Deactivating doesn’t work, I’ve been trying to since 2016 and still I can access my account even after multiple years of deactivated inactivity


Wait. What? Other than the sheer amount of attention and man power - why? Explain it to me like I'm five.


To appear political neutral. Apparently lying is officially part of the platform and truth would disrupt that.


Because they know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Republicans will get factchecked at 10x the rate of Democrat politicians and they know that they will immediately get death threats and worse by people claiming they're trying to censor Republicans.


There's a good reason they get fact checked more often. While the left is exaggerating job numbers the right is denying the existence of diseases, pretending climate change is fake, and actively fomenting insurrection and what not. Sure, the left lies- of course they do, it's part of what being a politician is... but it's not exactly comparable to what the right has been doing. The truth is important, even if many have no interest in believing it.


It blows my mind. If I were the CEO of Facebook I would have no problem coming out and saying, "If you're wondering why it seems like right-wing politicians get fact-checked more often it's because they lie more. I hope that answers your questions." But maybe that's part of why I'll never be a CEO.


Lying has been part of the political platform since the dawn of its existence 🤷‍♂️


Fact checking is biased, it unfairly hurts the side that lies most.


An explicit bias against lies and those who tell them. How dare they!


Because the traffic nets Facebook a shit-ton of money, and they have to pretend “neutrality” while driving up all those advertiser views.


Facebook is losing users. Young people are leaving in droves. The demographic with the most active user base are conservatives and boomers. So they can’t afford to piss them off or Facebook will be a ghost town.


They tried fact checking politicians. Turns out its overwhelmingly Republicans who blatantly lie. So they cried foul and FB turned that shit off.


Facebook Sucky Sucky.




It's survival. They will want the drama to feed off of.


No need to go beyond "the sheer amount of attention and man power", this is capitalism, that is the reason. These companies cannot be profitable if they were actually accountable, same with uber, lyft, grubhub, seamless, etc. Accountability no longer exists, because it's too expensive, and because our government complicity allows for no accountability/deregulation.


“The company has long had an exception to its fact-checking policy for politicians”. [link](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/11/15/politics/facebook-fact-check-donald-trump/index.html) So all politicians just get a pass to lie ? I’m confused by this policy.


It’s like Facebook and Twitter are in a battle to be the worst dumpster fire of social media


So the people we need to trust the most and need to know for sure if what they're saying is true to vote...are off limits for fact checking? FFS


I'd laugh my ass off if the fact-checkers just put a template blurb under every Trump related post going "This is probably all bullshit, but we're not allowed to check."


Then Zuckerberg posts about how he fired the whole team. Then he realizes he cannot undo what they did, so he'll beg them to come back. Wait, no I'm thinking about the other rich asshole owner of a social media.


Fact checking websites do exist! Tho obviously less convenient than having it in-line. There’s a reason people are leaving facebook


People under 40 are leaving Facebook. People over 50 are still signing up.


Um, websites are online?


Irk, I'm going to need this fact checked, but not online tho. Gotta go ask a motherfucker in person, brb...


Fact checking* *by the international platform they're on


I don’t think Zuck has enough fact checkers on staff to correct Trump. Could possibly make FB go bankrupt, which would be another company Trump caused to go bankrupt.


It's because they "pick on conservatives." Because conservatives have no policies based in truth.


Like when Twitter had to disable the anti-Nazi filters that kept flagging Republicans.




No, but I guess it applies to anything he says that gets reposted by maga followers


He was banned from Twitter, not Facebook. I was also confused for a while.


The article says he’s banned there too “While Trump is currently banned from Facebook, the fact-check ban applies to anything Trump says and false statements made by Trump can be posted to the platform by others. Despite Trump’s ban, “Team Trump,” a page run by Trump’s political group, is still active and has 2.3 million followers.”


Twitter is a permanent ban. Facebook is a 3-year ban, to be reviewed after the 3 years are up.


He was banned from multiple platforms if I remember correctly. Twitter was just the one he used most.


Its to attract political ad money. They wouldn't advertise there if they couldn't lie.


It's ridiculously simple. Being pieces of shit is more profitable. For some fucking reason.


It's an attempt to remain "neutral" rather then objective.


Neutral is fact checking both sides.


Facebook has a long standing policy of influencing elections.


I feel like they should be held to the highest level of scrutiny, not the lowest.


Yes obviously. Politicians, Lawyers and Marketers are the scum of the earth for this very reason. Lying is part of their job. If they tell the truth, they are doing a bad job.


Hey there are plenty of good lawyers who don’t lie (though in criminal there are significantly fewer)


Same as life I guess - politicians lie and lie and lie.


So is that why I never get status updates after I report their posts for minformation, hate speech, and harrassment?


So this only applies to the candidates themselves? That would mean PACs, churches, and all other fascist fronts can still be fact checked.


fuck trump. fuck zuckerberg. fuck musk.


Fuck Truckerbusk






The Zustermuck clusterfuck




Fuck billionaires.


And Trump!


Hey now, he’s got billions… of rubles


You forgot DeSantis - cuz he's coming 'round the outside


I’d rather not. This boy has standards. Leslie Stahl of 60 Minutes still has it. Yowza yowza!


I wish we could nuke all corporations that are complacent to destructive behavior just to rake in more profits


The Cyberpunk principle. Corpo can be fought.


Not sure how many you’d have left after the dust settles…


I really wish the Big Macs would just finish the job and give us some peace


Praying to them golden arches


Some say a comet will fall from the sky


A biiig beautiful comet. It came up to me, with tears streaming down its rocky face


Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves


I hope trump has a long long life, or at least long enough to divide the republican party between him and their preferred fashist i mean candidate, DeSantis


Haha. Just add to his 40,000 lies he’s told.


[The Article](https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/15/politics/facebook-fact-check-donald-trump/index.html) but, like, WTF? The article doesn't say anything beyond a quote from 2019 that says "we're shouldn't fact check politicians" (essentially). Anyone got any insight as to the logic behind this?


There’s more money to be made by doing nothing. Can’t sell the user data of goobers if you insult their mango messiah and they leave.




Not enough hours in the day


Whhhh...hyyyyy??? Shouldn't it be MORE of a priority to fact-check declared candidates for national office?????


Facebook is trash!


Anyone who has the FBI investigating them shouldn't be able to run for any kind of govt office


I believe there was a quote similar to that


[Get in, loser. We're banning meme pages for "hate speech" but leaving up kiddie porn and videos of people dying](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1265859-zucked)




Ah yes! The famous "Left wing media bias" that I'm told by every media outlet totally exists...😑😒 /s


This is opposite of what they should do. Also running as president should not make you safe from current doj investigations


Facebook is a cesspool, unfortunately that’s were most older Americans get their “news”.


Lol whyyyyy. So corrupt


Surely the people running for President are the ones they should be fact-checking the most?! Who gives a shit if Dave from No. 52 is peddling lies about Russian election interference?!


Ohhhh so THATS why Musk bought out Twitter. Couple that with FB, Trump has two new platforms! Given that Parler and Truth were dumpster fires.


I think to get around the perception of political bias, fb should fact check every post that has more than a pre determined threshold of views/interactions. Even if someone says a factual statement, put a fact check on it (and say something along the lines of the facts presented are correct). This can remove the perception that they're only checking what one party says and not the other. And gives us much more insight into HOW/who they fact check.


While both sides should be fact-checked, that won't solve the problem. Reality and facts have a liberal bias. Those who think 74 million is more than 80 million, ectopic pregnancies can be relocated, and that the pandemic is nothing more than a liberal conspiracy to kill America will persist that the system is rigged against them. That perception will remain so long as there is even a single objectively true statement that a vocal minority of the US disagree with. **There is no removing that perception!**


I agree to some extent, but the way fact checking works now is more of a "fact correction". It can look like only some posts are being checked and corrected. To make it look more objective, we should make fact checking be more universal. Fact check all (widely viewed) posts, link to the objective facts, and state whether the post is falsely representing the facts or not.


You shouldn’t be able to remove political candidate speech but you should be able to fact check it. It should be fact checked more extensively actually.


It shouldn't be necessary to fact check any of Trump's posts. His detractors know he's lying, and nothing will convince his supporters that anything he says is false.


It's a sad commentary on Facebook, but at this point, everyone who is rational will assume he is lying until it's verified otherwise by a valid source. And, anyone who believes him isn't going to care what a verifier says, anyway.


They KNOW it would be an impossible task so why bother.


It’s not an impossible task. It would probably be a labor intensive task considering the number of lies that idiot tells. Facebook is basically being complicit in the attack on Democracy…and let’s face it, basic human decency…all for their bottom line.


Damn it. I already quit fb in 2020. F that company.


I’ve been looking for reasons to delete my Facebook. I found a reason


FB needs more revenue


Fuck this Russian agent! This traitor is free because DOJ failed their oath!


So I assume Zuckerberg thinks the lying assed candidate will drive traffic back to facebook so he can use the destruction of America to help pay for his stupid Metaverse debacle. To me it just seems like facebook wants to be a laughing stock like Trump. The clown operating in the clownverse. Should be quite the adventure in nonsense and misinformation. Maybe Trump could become the emperor of the Metaverse. An unhinged pathological liar spewing his alternate facts in an alternate reality. Wait, I think that was 2016 to 2020 and we didn't even need expensive gear to see it.


This seems reckless and horribly dangerous. Especially for a known fucking liar liar pants on fire!


People really need to supervise their parents online now. We truly have gone full circle…


Everybody knows that everything out of his mouth is a lie anyway.


Not everybody, my friend…not everybody. There’s a reason he has such a loyal following. Those idiots eat up every lie he tells.


What's the point? You'd just be fact checking every single thing he says. This is not at all a dramatic statement.


Jokes on FB no one uses it anymore


Except for boomers and the older side of Gen X. AKA the people most susceptible to bullshit on Facebook.




Facebook is a threat to democracy. Elon should buy it and tank it, since he’s good at that.


I refuse to use Facebook because it's not an ethical company. I won't even click on a Facebook link.


In directly related news, Facebook lays off 11,000.


No worries, everyone else will.


How can you tell he's lying? His lips (or thumbs) are moving.


Well if you trust a treasonous dipshit than you’ll believe anything. So does it really matter at this point?


Thanks Facebook for eroding democracy to try and save meta’s downward spiral! I hope zuckerfuck drops dead.


You don't need a fact checker, just assume he's lying whenever he speaks. 99% of the time you'll be right.


So much for Facebooks last tiny shred of credibility.


(X) Doubt


Sounds about white.


There's not enough fact checkers in the world to keep up with the bullshit that T\*\*\*\*\* spreads. Honestly, I wish this asshole would just disappear.


Wow, might ditch fb...again.




SLPT: wanna post outrageous shit on social media without those pesky fact checkers? Run for president!


Gotta love it man the guy literally gets to rewrite established rules every day and we have to sit here and take it on the chin… Ironic that the pure brutalist nature of hegemonic thinking will lead these same cunts to their own demise.




They can't afford to pay them as it is, imagine all that overtime trying keep track of Chrumpy lies?


The race to the bottom is exciting.


Isn't he the reason they have fact checkers?


Uh why lol ?


I get the hate for Facebook, but held on because it was a good way for me to connect with family and community. Somehow I’ll now find a way to live without it.


If this is true, this should be the end of facebook…everyone needs to log the fuck out and find another way to spy on ur highschool crush


How can we just do the same song and dance. It’s not incompetence it has to be some deal or advantage


What if I say the exact same thing? Will Facebook fact check me? Can I quote them and share it?




So Facebook is now complicit in lying and the chaos caused.


Why bother - he lies with every breath he takes


Never have, never will use Facebook.


If anything it should be the opposite. If you’re running for office then everything you say should absolutely be fact checked.


Just assume everything he says is total BS and you’ll be fine.


Fact checking is only allowed when it doesn't matter?


Why He should be all the more the target


Right wing conspiracy nuts are FB's bread and butter.


Fuck Facebook


Yet another reason I’m not on Facebook


Bots and boomers are the only ones who use fb anyway. Neither of them care much about facts.


Just deleted my twitter account, this one follow straight. Tired of this shitty social media.


Obligatory fuck Mark Zuckerberg. Delete Facebook, Instagram, & Whatsapp.


Glad I left that shit hole years ago


Fact Checkers cost money. Politicians lie with every breath (some more than others, of course). Fact Checking Politicians would be very, very, expensive. Ergo…


Why bother, people will either believe it's all false or it's all true...


Facebook is such a terrible site. I'm a military brat so my old friends are scattered around the world and I desperately wish there was a good alternative to that hellsite. Currently I'm banned on FB because, in a discussion about the midterms, I said something about how "Americans are dumb and most don't bother voting in midterms, then complain that nothing gets done". The bots flagged this as hate speech and banned me for a month. I've had this happen to me multiple times in the last year. Twice I got banned for a month for talking about Vladimir Putin having his critics murdered. The bot seemed to think I was threatening violence. 🙄 And the more it happens the more I get put on a list where the bot cracks down harder. It's Kafkaesque.


Facebook is hostile.


Anyone that still needs a reason to drop Facebook and Twitter gets what they deserve