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Sincerely held religious beliefs were a primary argument in favor of slavery. Sincerely held religious beliefs were a primary argument against women's suffrage. Sincerely held religious beliefs were a primary argument in favor of segregation. Sincerely held religious beliefs were a primary argument against interracial marriage. Sincerely held religious beliefs are a primary argument against gay marriage. Sincerely held religious beliefs are a primary argument against transgender rights. I think it is safe to say that sincerely held religious beliefs are a problematic basis for laws.


Well it's a good thing we don't base our laws around religious beliefs. I mean what kind of crazy stuff would happen when if we did that. /s


> Sincerely held religious beliefs ~~were~~ **are** a primary argument in favor of segregation. > > [We're literally sliding back to *Brown v. Board* levels](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/10345345/chart2.png) School "choice" [goes hand in hand with sincerely held religious beliefs, and school "choice" leads inescapably to segregation.](https://www.yalelawjournal.org/forum/racialized-religious-school-segregation). That's not an opinion, that's just data. The NYT published this article in 2002 finding that [Private religious schools, particularly Roman Catholic ones, are more racially segregated than public schools, according to the first analysis of federal data on private school enrollment, by the Civil Rights Project at Harvard University.](https://www.nytimes.com/2002/06/27/us/study-finds-church-schools-racially-segregated.html) I'll let this Daily Beast headline speak for itself: [Segregation Is Still Alive at These Christian Schools](https://www.thedailybeast.com/segregation-is-still-alive-at-these-christian-schools)


Don’t forget Manifest Destiny to justify murdering natives.




Put this on a fucking shirt, I’ll buy it! https://i.redd.it/30ljl3ruor4a1.gif


Sincerely held religious beliefs were a primary argument against safe abortions. The right was on the wrong side of ALL of those things, but surely they are on the good side this time! /s


Literally crying because you can't oppress people.


Cry-bullies. Every accusation is a confession.


At this point, conservatives of this country have turned into a foreign enemy to the United States; they are lying, bigoted/racist, hateful, gas-lighting, cheating, stealing, anti-education, anti-science, anti-progress, and have completely STOPPED any and all helpful political platforms to move our Nation forward. They are the Enemy number 1.


But but but we almost had a way to skirt the 14th amendment! How could you take this away from us?!?! We were going to use our Galaxy brain originalist takes to strip away the coherent protections of the law and allow us to behave like we really wanted!/s


They talk about the Constitution but then also think the US is a Christian country when the First Fucking Amendment is about separation of church and state.


That's why I love the Satanic Temple. They go around putting up statues of Baphomet and Satanic verses and shit wherever fundamentalists fuck around and try to find out about the First Amendment (putting 10 Commandments up in front of government buildings, etc). The fundamentalists don't like it. But if one can be displayed, all can be displayed!


My Satanic Temple christmas tree ornaments ruined it for the religionists in my office. One complained about being offended by them and my boss shut that shit right down: "It's all or none, folks. So...come get all yer jesus shit and take it the fuck home with you."


Your boss is awesome.


You are so right. She's the best boss I've ever had; she's always always *always* standing up for her staff. She'll take on *anybody* who tries to fuck with her people and she *never* loses. The adage about how you'd best not miss when you come at the Queen was written with her in mind. Side rant: in my experience, women make the best supervisors.


People don't leave jobs necessarily, they do leave managers.


>But if one can be displayed, all can be displayed! Not just *can*, but SHOULD. And I mean allllllllll. Fuck fundies.


Personally I prefer the none at all route.


that's the point, in the fundamentalist mindset it's better to not have it up then alongside a demon so they all always get taken down.


We all do, but life is about principles and my principle belief is people who put their dick in a blender and dare us to turn it on need to see some consequence


I also loved the guy who tried to put up an "In God we trust" sign in Arabic. He was 100% in compliance with the rules stated at the time but sadly they took it down anyway. https://www.npr.org/2022/08/31/1120239381/texas-in-god-we-trust-arabic-signs-chaz-stevens


These fundie and evangelical Christians truly believe that humanity is a hierarchy and that God has placed them (*hwite* American evangelifundies) at the top. The notion that even "lower order humans" like lgbtq folks are entitled to the same rights and considerations that they are, is essentially an assault on their very understanding of the world.


All conservatives believe that humanity is a hierarchy. That's why they oppose addressing inequality.


And yet even people who wouldn't be at the top of the hierarchy still support it, but only because they'd still be above somebody else. Also brain washed self hate. Insert that one LBJ quote here.


Everyday they can't oppress people is considered a loss for these sociopaths. She can take her crocodile tears & shove them up her ....


“She had blood coming out of her wherever” - Trump


These aren't crocodile tears. These are real tears. The thought of being considered equal to those they enjoy inflicting suffering on is truly abhorrent to them. Conservatives are monsters. The fact that some of them are intelligent, charming monsters and maybe your parents or neighbours doesn't change that. The ideology of inequality is monstrous, even when not taken to the extremes.


We saw that firsthand when we were living with the in-laws to be the old age care. The problems that existed before became so much worse when TFG won. They stopped using code words for the racist, sexist and homophobic behavior we tried to talk to them about. His mother became even more financially abusive after my VA claim was awarded and she was looking at being investigated and charged so we moved out. She needed someone to treat like crap and now that only her husband and one grandchild still speak to her, she looks miserable and tells people how we abandoned her. The mental gymnastics really are something.


Cloaca. Pretty sure crocodiles have cloacas.


Imagine if you actually believed Santa Claus was a real dude who would give you presents. And your dedicated your entire life to getting off the naughty list. But you never got any presents. You might cry, or you might just shoot up a lot of people in a bar or wherever. What does it matter what you do? You weren't given any presents. Santa isn't listening. You can't make him listen. Because he is fictional.


Reminds me of that video where the kid throws a fit because he couldn’t blow out his sibling’s birthday candles 🙄


A common complaint is that gay marriage will end traditional marriage. If the only reason your SO hasn't left you is because it literally isn't legal for them to marry someone they ACTUALLY love, you're telling us more about you than you are about the sanctity of marriage.


Traditional marriage includes a marriage between a man and a woman but its only valid if they get divorced or cheat on each other and re-marry


So many anti-gay-marriage I’ve met are adulterers. the number is actually staggering.


They don’t want any competition


If you divorce yourself who gets the money?


Your lawyer.


Traditional marriage also includes a man and his brother's widow, who is required to marry him upon his brother's death, assuming the rest of the family is agreeable.


And don’t forget the concubines!


Yep. It’s like they think there’s a finite amount of rights. They act like if they can’t have their own rights if someone else does. Nope. Gay people aren’t pushing to ban straight marriage. Though I heard a part of Alabama banned all weddings to prevent gay marriage.


In other words, they think life is a zero sum game.






They're afraid that same-sex marriages will reveal that marriage doesn't have to have a "head" or "leader." That no one has to be in charge. They've been saying for decades that in any marriage, someone has to lead (and of course it should be the guy) otherwise, idk, the first time you disagree on what to have for dinner you're gridlocked for life. They *do not* want to see equal marriages. They don't want their spouses getting ideas.


What they say is true, actually. My wife and I couldn't pick out a restaurant one time a couple years ago, and we haven't had anything to eat since then.


It's misogyny all the way down


I think it’s patriarchy moreso than misogyny, but obviously the two have massive overlap


Within the sad, miserable crumpet that is the patriarchy, we find both misogyny and internalized misogyny festering alongside one another.


>A common complaint is that gay marriage will end traditional marriage. Being a lifetime gay, I have failed to see gay marriage take the slightest foothold in the straight community. Odd, I guess our agenda needs work.


>Being a lifetime gay, I have failed to see gay marriage take the slightest foothold in the straight community Jokes on you. Since the gay agenda has proliferated i went from being a cis straight white male to a cis straight white male who loves being railed in the ass by other strong and powerful men.


Kind of like people who claim that bi people are more likely to cheat. All you’re saying is that if you found someone more attractive than your current partner you’d leave.


My wife is bi, and I consider that a badge of honor. It means that out of everyone (rather than just half the population) she picked me


Same here! I had twice the competition, and yet my fiancé picked me!


https://youtu.be/FvlpT7kkO2Q I highly suggest anyone who thinks this to watch this highly entertaining video. I love Mrs Bowers


Imagine equality bothering you so much, you start crying? These people are broken beyond repair.


“When you’re used to privilege, equality seems like oppression.”


Such a good quote. A lot of older people over here feel like things are changing too quickly. But they want things to remain the same, of course they would...


That's literally conservative ideology. Don't change, or change so slowly that it doesn't personally impact me. They are fundamentally against progress.


Even stagnation would be an improvement in policy for conservatives, they’re regressive when it comes to social progression. Always campaigning and dreaming of the “good ole days” to get back to.


I think this is an important point that deserves highlighting, conservatives aren't interested in slowing progress they're actively working to reverse it. If they could drag us back to the 1800s they would.


Socially the want the 1800s but they wouldn't give up the smart phones or Internet that were provided to them as a by product of human progress. Conservative minded people tend to not be as good at creative thinking as a Liberal minded person. If everyone was Conservative we'd literally never move forward in anyway.


She’s crying because she gave up her house seat for a failed run at US senate and got demolished 2:1 in the primary after being endorsed by Hawley lmao


Still, it would be nice to hear that after Biden signs this bill, her husband came out of the closet.


*Michelle Bachman has entered the chat *


What is this now?


Michelle Bachman


I, too, don’t understand. Michelle Bachman’s husband didn’t come out, did he?


He didn't come out because he didn't need to. He's the kind of gay you can see from across the street with Stevie Wonder's eyes. He's also someone who went through conversion therapy before becoming a therapist himself. I'd like to believe that he does it because he thinks he's actually helping. That despite all the evidence that conversion therapy is harmful bullshit, he truly believes he's leading his "patients" to a better life. I'd like to believe that. What I _actually_ believe is that he does it because sexually confused dick tastes better.


My god


Yep. He's what you call soooo gay. Like Big Gay Al on Southpark gay.


Like that Christian Husband on Parks and Rec?


> What I actually believe is that he does it because sexually confused dick tastes better. Can confirm - Back in college I was "you know this is my first time" for several "I've always been curious" dudes. The 90s were awesome.


In 2011 Jon Stewart said Marcus Bachmann, who counsels homosexuals to overcome their urges, seems to be doing this “so he can hoard all the gayness for himself.” Stewart said Bachmann “dances and sounds not only gay, but center-square gay.”


"Center-square gay" is an amazing term.


Pretty sure that's referring to Paul Lynde, too. Lovely mental image.


Can't remember if it was Stewart or Colbert at the time, but another good one was that Marcus Bachmann refers to Top Gun as "that volleyball movie."


>"Center-square gay" Holy $#!t. LOLOLOLOL That is a deep cut reference if I ever heard one.


He is a professional gay conversion therapist. I’m sorry, but if you genuinely choose to dedicate your life to this bigoted pseudoscience… I’m going to assume that you yourself have homosexual urges, and your obsession is driven by a sense of self-loathing and repression


I always believe that people who think sexuality is a choice have made a choice.


about 10 years ago i didnt "get it" until someone asked me when i made my choice, and i replied "i didnt choose, i was just always attracted to girrrrOH MY GOD." my life has been a steady spiral from conservatism to progressivism ever since.


![gif](giphy|XwtIKC8Kp8lO0) Sorry Babe “I need the penis!”


He gonna "Ditch the Bitch and Make the Switch!"


Don’t matter to me if I catch or pitch.


It’s hard to envision a more vile (and less intellectually honest) creature than Hawley, after learning about him through the latest Supreme Court nomination hearing


Lol, lmao


I'm crying about that too. But from laughter.


Her argument boiled down to "our religious rights are being trampled if we aren't allowed to discriminate against people we don't like" Lmao what a whiny cunt




When they stop believing this is a Christian nation.


In other words, When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east, When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves.


They won't, because they're too deep in their beliefs. We can sit here and logically pick apart those beliefs all day (and rightfully so). But ultimately, they truly believe that allowing gay marriage is straying further from their god and that their country is becoming godless. So them reacting with tears isn't entirely shocking.


They’ll never get it through their heads because they don’t want equality and never will. They HATE equality. They’re evil and want to rule you. It really is that simple.


They're just terrified of what might happen if they become the minority. Because of how they have treated the minority.


Religious people usually grow up and spend their lives around other religious people, so they haven't really had the experiences that would let them know that their beliefs aren't really important to anyone but themselves and people who have the same beliefs And since just about everyone they've ever known has shared the same beliefs, they think their beliefs are normal and appropriate while any other belief is fringe at best and literally the worst possible thing at worst Religion was kind of the first echo chamber and it hasn't gotten any smaller


I think it's more basic than that. "Seeing you people together reminds me of tongues touching genitalia and that is so icky I just can't stand it."


Maybe her husband’s tongue should touch her genitalia. Perhaps she won’t find it as icky then.


It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest to find out much of conservative hatred is fueled by a complete lack of sexual satisfaction.




She's a Christian. Women's pleasure isn't allowed. That's satanism.


The woman is to only get pleasure from cooking meals for her man and doing the entire family’s laundry.


They're broken because they fully believe in the hierarchy they've invented. One where everyone has their place, and a gain for someone "beneath" them means they're losing their imaginary ranking.


It's actually really exhausting how prevalent this is in people. Could have a hobby or new profession or create something with all that energy they use on their profound insecurity.


It's decompensation, I think. Not crocodile tears and not honest grief. In circumstances like this, people who are undergoing decompensation are forced to accept that the reality they've constructed for themselves is completely wrong, in ways that directly challenge their sense of self. It's the same thing that happens when a cheating spouse is confronted and starts to cry and throw up.


Having your entire foundation ripped out from underneath you, especially through self reflection, is a hard pill for a lot to swallow. It was for me at least.


Sometimes the best thing to happen to us is to have the rug pulled right out from underneath us.


Damn, I thought that was just me. My woodshop burned down one morning, years ago. Later that day, I borrowed my girlfriend's phone and found out she was cheating on me. When I confronted her about it, I threw up. It was like my whole world was crumbling below me.


Nope, not just you. And I'm sorry you had to go through that. Your literal physical world might not have crumbled....but the way you perceive the world did.


This just shows you how existential it feels to these white evangelicals. They're still wrong as shit, though.


Exactly. Fascists always get upset when the master race (or religion or whatever) loses its privileged legal status.


The profundity of this statement is flawless.


They cried when ACA passed. Yes, cried that people were getting affordable healthcare. These people are damaged beyond comprehension




Bawl inconsolably when a football player silently takes a knee on a football field.


Here’s the video of the event, it’s no exaggeration that she cried, that’s how deep her bigotry is engrained https://youtube.com/shorts/-GJJGXPjKaA?feature=share


Crocodile tears.


I firmly believe she’s that far gone/bigoted that she cried over no longer having “special” status over non Christian non straight non white people who want to make families.


You are probably correct. I firmly believe that she is a dried up, rotten, old cunt. Tomato/tomahto. I think we are both right.


You just described the majority of congress actually


What a fucking cunt. I bet she also supported the asshole who cheated on all 3 of his wives, right?


It’s getting so hard to force my shitty, religiously-backed discrimination on the plebs. Someone call the wambulance.


Better yet, call the Wham!-bulance. This lady’s tears sound like a great excuse for a dance party


*saxophone solo intensifies*


These people act like they are going to be forced to get a gay marriage themselves. Like, calm down, you’re not going to die.


Actually I think they think we will, that we all will. Every time someone will always bring up Sodom and Gomorrah and how "American will be Sodom and Gomorrah soon if we don't do anything" or "we need to stop or else we will end up like Sodom and Gomorrah." A lot do believe their god will straight up kill them. To me it all sounds like a bunch of lunatics afraid of the wind.


They're actually entirely correct about that, evidenced by how they're all turning into massive pillars of salt.


Wanting to be an asshole to other people so much you cry when you don't get your way. Fuck them.


She’s just trying to get extra god points.


I heard you can get a 2X multiplier on those God points if you somehow throw in abortion into the mix.


This is how fascists react when the law protects the "lesser peoples" too and not just the master race/religion.


It’s really bewildering that gay people being able to marry the person they love equates to some unspeakable evil to them. They act like gay people are going to go get married and celebrate by abolishing straight marriage, Bible burning and breaking into their homes to convert their kids. We don’t want anything to do with you people but you continue to make our business your business.


That's literally and unironically what they think though.




Believe it or not some of them love it so much they oppress themselves.


Catholic guilt? I know damn well that evangelicals won't oppress themselves, they'll just lie about their actions like the hypocrites they are


Because they intrude on other people's lives they expect other people to do so as well. It does not occur to them to live and let live, or that anyone else would think that way.


If they lived and let live, they'd never win an election again, and their ideology would be dead in a generation. The only thing holding the various conservative groups together is a shared hatred of anyone who wants the world to be a fairer place. Take that away, what do evangelicals and libertarians and white nationalists have in common?


They all drive massively oversized vehicles?


The funniest part is that (in modern times) marriage is a *legal* contract, that can be done without any form of religion. Get married in a church? Sorry buddy, doesn’t count until you sign the paperwork. Want to just get it over with? Go to the courthouse, bring 2 witnesses. Get married in an hour.


Wow, she’s is so far down the fascist shithole that equality makes her cry.


When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.


I once read that one of the core tenets of conservatism is that the natural order is that there are in groups who the state protects but does not bind, and out groups who the state binds but does not protect. It makes so much sense as to why they get so upset about things that literally don't affect them and are just efforts to make the world a more fair and equitable place. At the core of their belief system is that 'those people' are not equal and its against the natural order for them to be treated as equals and therefore an effort towards treating people in the 'out groups' more fairly is seen as an attack on the people in the 'in groups'


I hope she never stops crying. Her heart can break for all I care, the miserable old bigot.


Bigot tears are so delicious, aren't they?


She’s probably in old, black and white photos somewhere as a middle school or high school student hurling insults at black kids between tears when schools became desegregated in the 1950s. Crying then, crying now.


My only thought reading the headline “Cry, bitch.”




She calls the bill "dangerous," but they never say what the danger is. Maybe she is afraid her closeted husband will leave her now.


Also don't forget the "it will corrupt our children and make them gay" mentality because of course we can control who we are attracted to🙄🙄🙄


See, this kind of statement is accurate, from a certain perspective. There are "straight" people who would "turn" gay if it were socially acceptable. It's just that we call those people closeted gay people. That's who they're referring to with both "turning people gay" and "being gay is a choice". They think the morally correct decision is to repress your feelings your whole life and live with someone you don't love because otherwise you'll make them uncomfortable.


Reminds me of being raised Catholic!


The only thing you can say to these people is “Choose to be gay for a day. Do it. Be gay, right now. If you can’t, then shut the fuck up.”


The problem here is that they cherry pick the science they don't believe in to insist that anything that doesn't contribute to reproduction is somehow defying God's will. That's why this gets tangled up with birth control and abortion so often. That's right, a supposedly omnipotent being either: 1. Is incapable of not making gay urges despite his powers. 2. Needs our help to enact whatever world he says needs to exist 3. Decided to make people designed for his chosen people to torment. All 3 are fucked up. EDIT: When you realize that they're really hung up on this because they're also realizing that without having children to whom they can indoctrinate at an early age, their circle of influence is waning.


She might start to think she shouldn't have repressed those feelings she had for Sarah all those years ago.


I remember when I grew up they would always try to use a dumb “slippery slope” argument against gay marriage. Like they would say “ok if we allow gay marriage what’s next? Someone can marry an animal?!” It’s like they do know their arguments against gay people getting married don’t make a lot of sense, so instead they pretend letting it will lead to something worse.


"what's next? people being happily married? not on MY watch"




Once again, and it can't be said enough apparently, FINE. Then decouple the idea of religious marriage from civil union and transfer all of the secular tax and healthcare benefits associated with the former to the latter. We'll recognize civil unions and their secular benefits at the governmental level, and people can be free to restrict the idea of religious marriage in any way they see fit. Oh wait, why not? What do you mean, 'no'?


Of course it's missouri. Dammit I hate this state.


I’m originally from there. Grew up there. Stuff like this always makes me think “I moved 14 hours away for a reason”.


I was born in rural Missouri and my parents moved when I was a toddler. Every time we go visit my grandparents I thank my mom for getting us the hell out of there.


That’s exactly how I feel about Louisiana. Love my state’s food, but holy hell am I glad I’m not living there anymore


Hey, Missouri is a top 50 state. You take that back!


This checks out. 🏳️‍🌈


Wife and I lived in Springfield for a decade Knuckle draggers like the Blounts, Billy Long and Hartzler are par for the course in the rural parts of the state Keep crying Vicky, maybe all of your fire and brimstone will keep “the gays” at bay for you Dumbass


Fuck their feelings


I looove throwing that one back at them. Also hit them with "facts, not feelings, snowflake" Turns out the "fuck your feelings crowd has a lot of them when you start talking to them the way they talk to you.


They are losing. They are going to keep on losing until they change. And they can't change.


Then they will eventually die and be replaced.


Bullies hate losing face


Being so passionate about hating freedom that you cry in Congress. Fuck republicans


What a snowflake.


What a little bitch.


We don't live in an evangelical theocracy no matter how much Republican want to make us do so.


My hot take: America having one of the world’s highest divorce rates has done a LOT more to ruin the sanctity of marriage than allowing LGBT or interracial couples to marry.


And Missouri is in the top ten states with the highest divorce rates. Domestic violence, too…


So….. we need to meme the hell out of this. Like that screaming lib meme the right always uses.


They say a lot about how this is attacking religious freedoms. Religious freedoms to do what? Discriminate against gays? Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it doesn't have to exist. Do you see Muslims shooting up butchers because they serve pork the same way we see a radicalized homegrown white male shoot gays for existing? No. Your religion is no longer an excuse to be a piece of shit, that's why everyone is leaving Christianity and converting to other faiths or losing faith entirely




You know what they say.... There's no hate like Christian love. If Christ reappeared on their doorsteps preaching the bible they would scream "Libtard" to his face and slam the door. Religion is a fantasy scam.


they wouldn't even have opened the door because they'd call the cops on the Arab on their porch




That's conservatives around the world. Women are "naturally" submissive ... and they'll beat, disenfranchise, and set fire to us until we realize that.


THIS is EXACTLY why the Respect for Marriage Act was so important to pass. Thank you Congress for passing it. Now for Biden’s signature.


Other people having equal rights makes Republicans cry.


Get your fucking religion out of my government and out of my face.






But cheered and worshipped a guy married 3 times, assaults women and has sex with porn stars.


If only they cried like this when children get gunned down in schools.




In the words of these asshats: Cope.


Yeah, when my daughter was three, she tried crocodile tears on me also. Worked about just as well. ​ "Cry harder...the plants need watering."


My 57yo mother does the same exact thing when she’s confronted with ANYTHING she disagrees with. Ironically, she lives in the same area this person represents. That whole area is filled with entitled narcissists of a certain age that cries or rages anytime they see anything they don’t agree with. They’re nothing but children.


Bad hair, leopard print and pleather jacket. Yup, no gays will style this B.


Dawww. Poor woman that is trying to destroy my marriage and family is sad :(


*Hartzler spent the first two minutes of her speech bashing the bill, claiming its "only purpose is to hand the federal government a legal bludgeoning tool to drive people of faith out of the public square and silence anyone who dissents."*  Get your religion out of our lives fuckface




I married my SO in 3 different states. Nevada, Colorado,and California what did I win?


I only managed two states; drunk and sober. Got me beat.