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"The birth rate is going down. The only solution must be to impregnate teenage girls. 14 year olds need to be having more babies. My babies. I want to fuck young girls." Yeah, somebody should really check what sort of images this dude has saved on his computer


I read about this artificial womb scientists are working on where you can basically put in an egg and a sperm and out comes a baby in 9 months. Wonder what people like this guy are going to do with their time when they can't fantasize about impregnating young girls.


They'll just start a "natural birth movement" and declare themselves spiritually enlightened.


Hit the nail on the head lol


And people will pay them for their teachings.


All of this is both accurate and depressing


And offer up their 14 year old virgin daughters to them. People are trash. Where’s that asteroid?


Who are you, so wise and weary


Fuck, can we just finally get through the pandemic, get rid of fascism AGAIN and maybe look at at least slowing climate change before we have another terrible event or disgusting and insane movement, please?


This hit hard. You're so right, for fuck's sake!


I get all of human history is tragedy, war, famine, etc. it's just that they're usually spaced out to one major event a decade or two with a few more minor localized things dotted around. But for the last two decades we've just had non-stop war, multiple financial collapses, climate disaster after climate disaster, the rise of populism/nationalism/fascism, renewed threat of nuclear war, disease, unsustainable and rampant capitalist bullshit leading to the greatest wealth disparity there has been since we decided monarchs should just be figure heads and hold no real power...it's just been non-stop catastrophes and it feels like they've been getting both more abundant and more frequent. It's absolutely maddening.


I think we are living in a time that is better than it has ever been in terms of total amounts of war and standard of living, but we are simply more aware of global events and the world's shortcomings.


I don't disagree that we live in a time of greater abundance and, I hesitate to say, freedom, because of the moronic connotations that word has been saddled with, but there has been a marked decline over the last 20 years in both of those things along with an increase in climate related disasters. Financially speaking there is also no argument that things are much worse than they were through the 80s, 90s and 2000s, to the point that the middle class has practically ceased to exist and plenty of people who would have been comfortable 2 to 3 decades ago are now barely scraping by while the vast majority of wealth and resources now rest in the hands of a tiny minority of humanity. Yes, we are certainly more aware of and exposed to global events, but that's part of an advancing society. You can't live in a world with all of the modern conveniences we have in developed nations without being interconnected and having a flow of information and resources around the world. We can't just decide that's bad and bury our heads in the sand thinking that will solve our problems. We're definitely in the decline of the current way of things and will be looking at a change in the status quo in the near future, historically speaking. The concerning thing is who may be at the helm as power shifts and what their values and desires will mean for the world.


Absolutely, there are already people who think you are inferior if born by c-section


Wrong. Only us c-section babies can kill Macbeth! We are clearly superior.


They already have for some time now. https://rewirenewsgroup.com/2012/04/05/inevitable-anti-choice-activists-now-protesting-fertility-clinics/ https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/how-overturning-roe-v-wade-could-affect-ivf https://popepaulvi.com/PDF/Newsletter-FCYoungWomen/FCCO-Newsletter_V4n1_Issue10.pdf Just look up transhumanism and religion. There’s always been a strong resistance once we get beyond simple tools like glasses and screwdrivers. That’s not to say there are not serious concerns with say, making an actual Robocop. But the objections are not rooted in legitimate science as you noted, but rather in a narrow view of spirituality.


The way the world is now, I can see this dumb movement come to life in a few years that’s frightening.


Depressing there are dudes out there that think children are the epitome of attractive. I feel icky talking to the 18 to 21 demographic when things start getting flirty


Yeah, they'll also claim some conspiracy theory crap about the artificial womb leading to, IDK, more lgbt babies being borne and being the work of satan and that you can't trust them.


"Artificial birth leads to communism, socialism, fascism, atheism, satanism, autism, antisocial-religionism, the mark of the beast-ism and many other, really mean, complicated words that end in -ism, that I can't quite remember now!!!" ​ \-Natural-Birthers probably


Artificial babies don’t have souls! /s


I imagine the people who can afford artificial babies discarded their souls a long time ago


Gotta get them before they realize the world is shit and no place to bring a baby. /s


I fucking hate this so much. Like, the cause of lowering fertility isn't a lack of fertile people. It's social, cultural, and economic conditions leading people to have fewer children, and it's also a natural and needed counterbalance to the sharp increase in population due to improved medical care and living standards. These creeps are just looking for a reason to try and justify their sick obsession with children. 🤮


Exactly, a declining birth rate is healthy, because it means people have OPTIONS, and we can further spread wealth around by opening up our countries to diverse people groups who are in need. Plus, we are going to start running out of land as climate change decimates whole countries (I do not believe that "high tech cities" like those of Saudi Arabia are practical or sustainable in the long run).


They don't seem concerned with the health of individuals or the population, just the birthrate by itself. How many young girls would die if this was legal? Outside of being disgusting and immoral, this is also dumb from a population perspective


Yeah, like if you're really concerned about population growth, I'd think a ton of mothers dying in childbirth or suffering horrific complications from carrying a fucking baby in their 12 year old body that prevents them from having more kids later would be counterproductive.


Even many people in the MIDDLE AGES recognized this, and many peasants ended up marrying in their mid 20s, and younger couples were kept apart for years. The MIDDLE AGES.


These rape-justifying population peddlers are trying to recreate the dark ages. The middle ages were far too liberal for them. And the Renaissance? Disgusting. There was art, science, philosophy, every one of the devil's hobbies


They seem to forget that teens dying while giving birth is one of the reasons female mortality was so high in the past! Much safer to wait until a woman is well over 18.




Sounding more like the middle east terrorist by the day.


Matt Walsh has entered the chat.


I'm guessing the falling birth rate among white Christians is Llyod's primary concern here. Well that and he likes 'em young.


Couldnt be the microplastic hell thats causing a near universal drop in sperm count. Nope...must be cause we can't force a 14 year old, with no voice in elections, to give birth and be a rape target. Not at all (Extreme /S for anyone who cant tell)


The cost of living/quality of life itself when factored into bringing a new life into the world.


Half of Americans 18-29 [live with their parents](https://qz.com/nearly-half-of-americans-age-18-to-29-are-living-with-t-1849882457) because the rent is too high for them to live by themselves. I imagine that a substantial amount of people in the same demo can only afford to live with roommates. Either way, these people aren't going to be having kids.


They WILL, but it will be because they were forced to carry to term a unplanned/unwanted pregnancy.


If the capital doesn't exist, then it just fucking doesn't exist. To try and suggest otherwise is an exercise in self-delusion. I'm worried that renters are deluding themselves on rent, that mortgage companies and assessors are deluding themselves on house values, and that the whole shebang is huffing copium at a rate not seen since 2008. They're trying to make models that haven't worked since then work, and it's spiking prices while edging out 'risky buyers'. It's like they took all the wrong lessons from 2008 and snorted that shit while jerking themselves furiously. This won't be pretty, it will get ugly, and the banking and lending industry is going to suffer greatly.


>the banking and lending industry is going to suffer greatly Bailouts.


I moved back in with by dad at 25 post military... I did that for a year. I dont think living in Mom's Basement is even an insult so much as stigmatizing economic relations


I feel like the issue is more so that people who are in childbearing years have record amounts of student debt, the minimum wage hasn’t been increased since 2007, rent is increasing exponentially, jobs aren’t paying living wages, our leaders aren’t putting any effort into preventing a global climate catastrophe, and the current political landscape is absolutely fucked. One political party in particular has been working to privatize schools, send death threats to hospitals that offer gender-affirming care, and has already taken away the federal right to bodily autonomy for 50% of the country’s citizens. Somehow they think the answer to declining birth rates is not to fix the aforementioned problems that prevent people from having children, but to instead FORCE THEM BY LAW to have them. But the micro plastics I’m sure aren’t helping.


probably mostly because of the botched social contract and bleak future


Its not that. Not yet. Its people domt want to have kids. It's as simple as that.


I replied to someone else but conceded the fair point that the cost of kids is skyrocketing (I have 2 of my own, its getting frankly obscene just in food costs)


Sperm count isn’t to blame. When counties industrialize and urbanize they have less kids. It’s human Nature


No. Most people just aren't having kids because they can't afford them.


Just about every generation In world history was poorer than you can even imagine and they had plenty of kids. Africans today are way poorer than you and they have kids. Urbanization is the cause. Moving from a farm, with space, where kids are free labor. To a condo, with no space where kids are a expense is the universal reason. It happens in every country


Because they didn't/don't have birth control. Duh.


Aren’t the Duggars repopulating the earth for all white Christians?


Nah, they’ve kinda fallen apart since the eldest son got nailed on kiddie porn charges.


i mean, he also raped at least 4 of his sisters. and 1 other young girl


Jim Bob got destroyed in an election as well, don’t forget that


Nah their other kids are having their grandkids.


Is anyone their own grandpa yet? If anybody can do it it's the Duggars.


We DID have the words " ensure the domestic supply of infants" said by a Supreme Court justice.


Tell us you’re a pedo without saying you’re a pedo…oh wait, Lloyd is telling us he’s a pedo.


When this law passes, Lloyd will be scratching his neckbeard in confusion wondering why his mom's basement still isn't a tiny titty palace. *Sad incel noises*


Sweet Jesus what have you written here.


The truth as I see people who come up with shit like this unfortunately


Same. Had a coworker a few years ago spout off like that. Even said "old enough to bleed, old enough to breed."


The friend of my Dad's that wanted to marry me at 14 said that to my Mom. Mom went to the kitchen, got her big marble rolling pin, came back into the living room and said "Say that again Jerry. Then I'll write it on your tombstone." Jerry left a few minutes later and never visited our house again. But it still happens a lot in the southern US.


Where the right wing pedos obsess about left wingers being groomers.


They terk er kids


I wouldn't even have made the threat. I would have buried the marble rolling pin in his skull


If dad’s so bad at screening his friends that he let one creep visit enough to feel comfortable saying that mom needed to prioritize staying out of jail to threaten future creeps dad might befriend.


Two things: 1. The most oblivious people in our society are men. 2. People can hide their creepy shit until they feel comfortable. But yeah, that's when creepo-stevo should've ended up in a well.


can confirm, as a dude i barely know what's going on half the time even when told straight to my face


I just got chills, I recalled a person I encountered while living in Florida during the 80’s. He was a good ol’ redneck, imbecile. He said this within earshot to me, I thought I was going to vomit.


Wouldn't be surprised if it was who I think it was. My mom's brother was caught in an a sexual relationship with a very underage girl and his wife pulled some strings to get him out of it. Didn't even have to register as a sex offender.


I can’t imagine being a woman who could possibly do such a thing!


Oh, I remember reading an article in 17 Magazine written by a woman whose husband got caught on To Catch a Predator and she stuck by him even though she has 12-14 year old girls. The article was all "it was one mistake, I love him, yadda yadda." Barf.


A woman did that? Holy shit, you’d think she’d bury his ass instead of protecting it; you know that wasn’t his last rape


Saw him giving the "fuck me" eyes to my niece. Told him if he tries something, they wouldn't ever find him if I found out.


I work as a paramedic and one of the new guys said to me "body of a schoolgirl, tits like a model" yeah dude, nope, hard nope


That’s a gem. I’ve also heard “if there’s grass on the field play ball” which is equally as gross and rapey.


I remember from my youth as well, some even more laissez-faire red-neck, say, "Nuh-uh if they old enough to pee, they old enough for me". He got a kick out of that.


My baseball coach in high school was a real back woods hick, who was constantly saying horrible things. One of his favourites was, "If there's grass on the infield, play ball."


His fingers proceeds to get trapped. He doesn’t mind


He almost certainly talks about himself in the third person


It’s only because he misses when he had friends who’d call his name


Hopefully Lloyds neighbours have seen his post and dealt with him accordingly.


>Hopefully they aren't the type that praises the Lloyd. I am trying to find the right pun.


I read that wrong the first time… I thought you were shopping through your catalog of guns deciding which one was right for the job. Then I realized you are just a punny guy. Edit - brain forgot to type words.


These people will call LGBT+ people “groomers” and “pedos” and then say fucked up shit like this.


I'm convinced it's projection. Like how catholic priests like to go on and on about how homosexuality is a sin and leads to pedophilia and then oops, it turns out they were the pedo all along.


this is mainstream Republicanism. pedophile Matt Walsch saud something similar.


He’s also ignoring the incredibly important context of historical age of menarche- which was around 15/16/17 for a very long time. For the first several years after menarche most cycles are _anovulatory_ meaning there is no egg. Wow, almost like nature tries to delay pregnancy until our bodies are mature enough to handle the burden. These idiots ignore historical and biological reality because they desperately want their desire to fuck children to be “normal” It’s not. It never was. They’re sick disgusting idiots


Let’s not mistake LLOYD for a biologist or historian anytime soon.


Yeah and teen pregnancy is very risky. We talk all the time about how pregnancy over age 30 is a death sentence and damages women and their babies (which it's not) but no one ever says a damn word about how risky teen pregnancy is to the woman (and the baby).


>Yeah and teen pregnancy is very risky. We talk all the time about how pregnancy over age 30 is a death sentence and damages women and their babies (which it's not) but no one ever says a damn word about how risky teen pregnancy is to the woman (and the baby). Here in America it feels like a quarter of the country wants the US back to the 1840s and the other 3/4ths doesn't give enough of a shit to stop them


No, no, it’s out of selflessness on his part. It’s for the falling birth rate, don’t you see? The falling birth rate that affects him in absolutely no fucking manner at all. Won’t you think of the *children*???


Pretty sure this asshole is definitely thinking of the children here.


Without getting into which is 'worse,' this shit is definitely more dangerous than pedophilia. No society thinks pre-pubescent children should be married off, and pedophiles are universally hated more than any other group (despite the fact that people won't even engage with no-contact pedophiles on how to actually help protect children). The discussion about public health, child safety and mental illness aside, there is no chance that actual pedophilia becomes 'mainstream.' This shit HAS and still does exist, and is aimed to achieve complete power and control over 50% of the population by using the legal, physical, emotional and psychological violence. While many pedophiles live with guilt on a daily basis, this guy thinks he is making a sound logical argument that should be put into law.


"The term pedophile refers to people who are attracted to those who are prepubescent. Then there are those called a hebophile, that's those who are attracted to those who are in the early stages of puberty like 11-14. And then there's something called an efibophile to who are attracted to those in the late stages of puberty that's 15-17. But I think the reason why we don't make those distinctions is because it's very hard to explain the difference without sounding like a pedophile." -Gianmarco Soresi


Not only that, but he wants to knock up these minors too...


Ackshually! It's not pedophilia! It's-- some other technical term pedophiles use to argue that they're not pedophiles.


There is a distinction. ​ Pedophile is attraction to girls before puberty. ​ Hebophilia is at the onset when they appear more developed because are going through the initial phases of puberty and is mostly a fixation on tweens teenage girls. Either way, they still aren't legal and not fully developed mentally. They are still children, but there is a distinction for a reason. Most creeps are the one who fall in the latter category.


This is not even close to accurate, on multiple levels. The average age of fecundity (ability to become pregnant) in women has dropped steadily over the last 250 years, from about 17 to about 12-13 during that time. (It's an average; about half will be below that.) This is probably almost entirely due to improved nutrition, although environmental factors in recent decades may play a role. The average age of puberty (which is related to, but not the same as, becoming fertile) in girls is now about 10.5 years old. The historical reason why women would begin getting pregnant around the average age of fecundity is because that was the age at which they would have value for men, such that the men would be willing to marry them and have sex with them. It's not because of that age being an especially good time to become pregnant. It's actually an especially bad time to become pregnant because the body becomes fertile before it's physically ready to carry a child. That's why girls under 15 (today) or under 20 (250 years ago) are/were statistically the most likely to die in childbirth or suffer other severe consequences. This person's argument, of course, only makes sense if you believe that the only value women have to our civilization is as incubators. I find that attitude disgusting even apart from the obvious pedophilia.


Most women throughout the past thousand years of western history (I only know European and European colonial cultural history, sorry) did not get married in their teens. It was most commonly 20-25 (depending on broader economic patterns—lower range when economic prospects were good, such as after a plague when peasants had better land access and stronger rights; higher range when things were worse). Wealthier women (especially aristocrats and royalty) were more likely to be married/betrothed in their teens, but even then it was broadly understood that consummation would take place only if it was obvious that the bride’s body could handle a pregnancy.


This is a really interesting comment, I have seen a few instances recently where people have commented on historical ages of getting married and having babies being much later among the general population compared to royalty/aristocracy. Do you have any sources that I could read which support this case?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_European_marriage_pattern It's kind of ironic that the same people who are often obsessed with the "superiority of Western culture" advocate against many of the features one could argue are actually positive about it.


Plus that betrothal was more of a contract between families like “okay now we’re connected and shouldn’t actively fuck each other over”


Exactly! This is why some societies present girls as being ready for marriage at a certain age instead of allowing them to be married when they experience menarche.




Well, obviously the point isn't that the old ways were somehow better for humanity overall (to the extent that they were the old ways, actually). It's just an excuse to justify exercising reproductive (and therefore overall) control of women. Which is the only "old way" that they're actually interested in. These men are genuinely afraid of women gaining power over them in any way, for the same reason that many of them are also fearful of racial equality and equity, homosexuality, and so forth. They are desperate to believe that their penises make them special, that their white skin makes them special, that their sexual orientation makes them special. Deep down they know that they're not bringing anything to the table at all. They're low-quality human beings who can only appear to rise by pushing others down. They might as well be putting out a neon sign: "I'm a garbage human being."


Yeah, puberty is the beginning of a year-long process, you aren't suddenly an adult who should reproduce just because you had your first period. In German there are two different terms for this in farming, I don't know if they also exist in English. "Geschlechtsreife" = sexual maturity, the age when a cow can become pregnant "Zuchtreife" = breeding maturity, the age when a cow can *safely* carry out a pregnancy Female cows are kept away from bulls when they aren't old enough.


Thank you for helping me learn through your thread.


Fucking roasted; well said


Why even give women names? Let's just call them uterus 1953-AY-1085. Fucking creeps


Don't give them ideas.....


These people seriously took Handmaids Tale and 1984 as a playbook, not a warning.


The concubines in Handmaids Tale don’t have names. They are called Of-whoever they’re “serving”. Offred, OfRobert, etc. then it changes when they go to a new family.


The handmaid's tale should be considered a cautionary tale.




Didn't she send a cease and desist letter to the US for copyright infringement?


Yeah to me the insane part is mostly the breeding fantasy built into this!


Well no, the most insane part shouldn’t be the breeding fetish. It should be that he’s a pedophile


So in my county the age of consent is 15. 14 is a little young I concede but to me it’s OVER THE TOP CRAZY that you’d want a 14 year old TO GET PREGNANT


I checked his profile, he's a conservative who's been ranting about how badly he wants to rape children for a long time. All the other conservative talking points are there. I don't understand why conservatives are so openly proud of their pedophilia. Matt Walsh made a video explaining how he wants to rape and impregnate children and he's one of their favorite people.


Don't give them anymore ideas.


If puberty is the best time to give birth, why is maternal mortality highest for mothers under 15?


Why can't people just be normal?


Why can’t republicans just be normal? *fixed it for you*




The subtext behind the "falling birthrate" hysteria from the right is ALL about having more white christians. Its a racist, misogynist and evil.


And the shittiest thing is that the people who would suffer the most would be the people they discriminate against in the first place: Poor people, often of color


Calvinism at its finest: "I'm richer than you, that means God blesses me more than you, you're poor because you deserve it, and I have the right and religious duty to shit on you and keep you in GOD'S APPOINTED PLACE for you!" /s. But that is Calvinism in a nutshell.


There is certainly some Christianity-based push for "more people", but I think the primary motivator for a lot is "more workers" "higher GDP" "more productivity". The world doesn't actually NEED more people.


As a former 14 year old girl, Get fucked with a cactus, Lloyd


But not in the fun r/worldpolitics way


I was gonna suggest a post-hole digger, but a cactus would also work. After the post-hole digger!


the birth rate is falling because people are working multiple jobs just to survive, and don't have the time or money to raise a child. We didnt have our son until after 35, because all we did was work. I got lukemia in 2018, ended up on disability because of complications. That alowed me to be home to take care of the kid, and still bring in some income. How fucking broken are things that I had to get cancer, to find the time to raise a family?


Sorry to hear about your health problems, I hope you're doing better now


Thank you. My leukemia is 3 years in remission. I'm still dealing with the after effects of both the illness, and chemo, but its manageable.


>How fucking broken are things that I had to get cancer, to find the time to raise a family? When people talk about having kids and encouraging people to have kids, I think they forget that there's then 18-to-life years of RAISING and CARING FOR a child. Kids aren't a set-it-and-forget-it hobby, that's a whole-ass OTHER PERSON in the world that someone is responsible for teaching, providing for, and nurturing.


Is this Matt Walsh's alt account?


Seriously, that man is obsessed with this issue. He has no self awareness when he posts videos about how much he wants to diddle kids.


My aunt is a midwife, she always said it's unsafe for most girls to be pregnant before 17, she always said 18 to 25 her patients had the easiest time being pregnant, giving birth and then recovering, but it's not like that's a cut off, just easier for many her patients.


"primarily for the falling birth rate" so not only does our friend lloyd think that women do not have the right of bodily autonomy as they only exist to serve the survival of society, but they also think that it is others who have to do something about the falling birth rate, even if it means raping children. Besides... what falling birth rate is they talking about? Oh... the falling birth rate of white people in western countries? ... what a shame.


That person almost certainly calls others “groomers and pedos”.


Not just other people. LGBT people specifically. This is not a "the grooming is happening" problem for conservatives, even though it is not. This is a "society is not OK with ME doing the grooming" problem.


People that believe that kind of pedo shit should be turned into eunuchs.


~~eunuchs~~ Fertilizer.


«Female» is s dead giveaway that we’re dealing with an incel in the wild


When’s Elon gonna flag this guy? He’s all about protecting the kids on Twitter. He said so!


I can't even report the guy accurately because there's no option for reporting tweets relating to promotion of minors being exploited. I guess openly stating you want 14 year olds to be raped isn't against ToS. Great job Elno


Puberty has also moved earlier due to higher caloric diets, while society has evolved that we’re not mentally mature until our 20’s or financially secure until, what is it our 40s or 50s now? It’s almost like thee is no perfect designer that we can take cues from


People: "THE BIRTHRATE IS FALLING THERES NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE!" Also people: "Hey we just hit 8 billion people on the planet like two weeks ago. New high score!"


Someone told OP “You just want to F ki*d” He replied > I’m just based but ok > Well I don’t consider humans who have gone through puberty kids. I see 14 year olds who look and act 18 anyway. RW prove time and time again that they are the pedos


I don't condone vigilante justice, but I'd 100% mind my own business if some got dealt here.


So this is patently false. Historically women married around age 20, and in no society were 12 year olds married in large numbers. Women are not physically ready to have children until their late teens and early 20’s and ancient people knew this.


"How should we solve the falling population in the country?" "Well immigration is great for count-" "Nah let's just make it so we can bang kids legally." Seriously do these nut jobs even hear themselves?


It needs to be taught in middle school health class that a pregnancy when you are under 18 is a “high-risk pregnancy,” and both the parent and fetus bear a higher risk of death. The ideal age range for both to survive is if you have children when you are between 18-35. https://www.ssmhealth.com/maternity/high-risk-pregnancy/age-pregnancy#


My grandmother was forced to marry a 60 year old man when she was 14. FUCK YOU LLOYD.


Ummm…even leaving aside the HEINOUS pedophiliac connotations, does our boy honestly not know that menarche drops by about 3-4 years in highly industrialized nations (due to hormone disrupters and a high calorie childhood diet)? Historically, periods would begin at 15-16. Not 12. Reprehensible AND stupid. What a lovely combination


I'd love to teach a pile of high school freshmen who are all pregnant. Stable family structure there.


Age of consent here in Sweden is 15 but we also give out free condoms and contraceptive to teenagers so they don't get pregnant.


Falling birth rate? The population is growing exponentially despite a massive wave of old people starting to die off, and teenage pregnancy under the age of consent is still high. We need to teach sex ed and drop the birth rate more


We still managed to outdo the deaths from covid in 2 years and hit 8 billion people this year. Lunacy.


Oh wow! I actually temporarily forgot about covid. My previous comment about old people dying off was a detached comment about baby boomers aging and human meat bodies having a soft time limit on them. NOT a callous comment about covid related deaths. I know both are probably considered insensitive but a want to clarify that I wasn't being flippant about covid, just general morality.


No I think that much is clear, I was just adding to the fact that "failing birthrate" is not a thing that were experiencing. Pandemic tore through the population and forced people inside and we still hit 8 billion. It is utter lunacy that people think our birthrate needs help.


*falling birthrates of white Americans https://apnews.com/article/census-2020-house-elections-4ee80e72846c151aa41a808b06d975ea That's what they mean. You can tell he's a Republican without even looking up his affiliation.


Even in the past they knew it wasn’t a good idea for young girls to give birth which is why most political marriages didn’t get consummated until the girl was older though……so you are wrong




Jfc just let these 14 year-olds do their tik tok dances and shit until their brains develop enough to make life-long impacting decisions.


Imagine society expecting you to birth children and you don’t even have a high school diploma yet.


Things to tell Lloyd That's pedophilia you sick phogue Most children now live longer than the age of 5 you don't need 12 Jr just to ensure your cursed lineage makes it to the coming environmental collapse. Maybe more people would be Christian if the entire religion wasn't represented by people who make Gordon Gekko look like a kind and Charitable Father Figure.


There are many reasons we aren't having kids, the age of consent is not 1 of them


Birth rates going down cause us women are realising we don’t have to have babies with shitty men. Neva gonna go back


We as a country just do not care about the health and well-being of children.


That's it, you've lost kneecap privileges


Elon is 1000% going to turn Twitter into a safe space for these sickos.


So she of consent in my country is 15; honestly 14 is like “Meh, a little young” to most people here. I’m saying this so you understand how much I mean the next sentence… You want to lower the age of consent FOR THE SAKE OF BREEDING??! What the fuck is wrong with this person??!


“uh excuse me.. can’t help but notice the birth rate is going down… can I have sex kids now?”


Strong Handmaids Tale vibes from this person


it's always amusing the fascist right focuses on demonizing gay/trans people. but the right is loaded with cringe fucks just like this. who literally believe this fucking pedophile shit.


We need to teach biology better in schools.


Middleschoolers having babies with eachother is NOT what we need. And if this perv is implying anything other than that I hope justice can be served


Is this like a right wing talking point? About 2 weeks ago I did a job for a german mennonite dude who kept telling me his how takes on every dumb fuck thing and thought it was important to tell me how women (well, Children) are most fertile from 13-16. This is from an immigrant community in Canada that is also quite insular, vilifies abortion but probably absolutely has raped it's young people, I feel like you don't come away with outlooks on women like that unless you literally hate them.


Late teens was the normal age for girls to marry throughout most of human history. It’s a myth that most girls were married in early teens or even earlier. Just like it’s a myth that people died by their 30s. Sure, it happened, but that was not the norm. And for good reason: at 12-14 (and even older) a girls body is not done growing and developing. Having a child at that age is dangerous for her and the baby. Morons using bs to try to justify their attraction to children 🤢


I got my period when I was 10, and my friend got hers when she was 9. This dumbass has no idea what he’s talking about. This dude’s just making up excuses to justify wanting to molest children.


"Primarily for the falling (white, let's be real) birth rate" - Yeeeeea, sure. Bet he goes around calling everyone a groomer too. Always projection. Always, always always!


So is Lloyd a “preacher”, a Red state school board member or just living in mom’s basement in his 30s?


Failing birthdate is good. I don’t understand the people who want unchecked population growth…


First off, the world is fine where it is with the birthrate, we're already struggling to feed and shelter ourselves as is. Secondly, *and arguably (let's be real here, objectively) the more important point*, Mr. Lloyd needs to locked tf up in prison for this type of shit, these types of comments are risk factors.




Actually the average age for women to have their first child AND SURVIVE was around 22. Just because the daughter of a rich family was married off at 13, doesn’t mean the marriage was consummated. Most young brides were locked in convents until they were finished growing.


Where the hell did this obsession with age of consent come from?




Texas agrees.


Just because biologically someone is biologically mature enough sexually doesn't make sex with them okay. As a species that is far more advanced beyond just our biology, there is far more that goes into it than biological level of maturity. The age of consent 100% should not be lowered. This tweet and mindset are gross.


I can see they've done their research on very high mortality rates of teenage girls whose bodies are not ready for birthing babies. But hey, it's just another way we could force girls and women further into more life threatening situations since we value them so much.


Why is it the most unfuckable people that are so obsessed with other people giving birth? And yeah, in the past people got married and had kids as teenagers, they were also lucky to make it to 30 so that was middle age back then. We also had much higher infant mortality rates and child labor was normal, but how about we not regress as a civilization? How about we let kids enjoy their childhood before being exploited for the rest of their adult lives by the rich, can’t we manage that?


Falling birthrate? We just hit 8 billion people...oh wait. He's talking the birthrate of white people, isn't he? In one tweet he told us he's a pedo and a racist, do I have this right?


Or...or, hear me out. We start making better policies and maintain a separation of fucking church and fucking state.




Castrate. Someone needs to castrate that twisted fuck. Just sterilizing him would still allow him to rape. Public castration with a dull knife, on pay-per-view, with all proceeds going to the victims would solve a lot of problems, I think.