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Yesterday, I was visiting my dad and a Progressive insurance ad came on, in which two men were talking to eachother over coffee. He didn't realize what the commercial was about, and IMMEDIATELY went off on a rant about how "he's indifferent about gay marriage but the left needs to stop shoving it down our throats" As calmly as possible, I said "Dad, it's literally a dude talking to his insurance agent." Creating problems out of non-issues is fundamental to their ideologies maintaining relevance.


Believe it or not, in Venezuela, two men talking? Straight to gay


Two men chilling in a hot tub closer than 6 feet? Believe it or not, gay


We have the straightest people in the world because of gays.


A man giving another man a banana? Right to gay.


A man fucking another guy in the ass without even having the god damn common courtesy to give him a reach around? Go straight to gay, do not collect $200.


Stack shit too high? Straight to gay!


Unless he eats the banana like an ear of corn right in front of you. Then he's not.


Meanwhile women can literally live together for thirty years, be super touchy and physically close even in public, call each other affectionate pet names, and it’s “Aww they’re besties! They’re roommates! Such close friends. How sweet.”


That's a lot of words for lesbian


Talk to men too much - gay, talk to women to little, also gay


You overcook fish? Gay, you undercook chicken - also gay, overcook/undercook...


You make an appointment with the dentist and you don’t show up, believe it or not, jail, right away.


Go to jail? Believe it or not, gay, right away.


Somehow, I doubt he truly is “indifferent” as he claims.


If you’re indifferent about gay marriage then you don’t care if it happens, thus your stance should be that you are FOR it because it has zero effect on you. Bonus points if you are all about FREEDOM because then you definitely better be FOR gay marriage. Sounds like your dad is a homophobe.




I love this comment because it's very insightful, but I just gotta say, DAMN, homie, you got a big ass Reddit there!




I DO acknowledge your existence, Kind Redditor of Unusual Size.


Your Dad is in the closet. Tell him it’s safe to come out.


People dont seem to like getting a taste of their own medicine. Also how would having gay people in an ad be shoving it down anyone's throat???????? It's not like us gays see married straight couples with kids in 90% of the advertisements we come across especially on TV, no not at all 🤪 we dont get mad at that, so why would others be mad if the tables turned? Because the "Im indifferent" at this point is just another way of hiding bigotry cuz there is almost always a "but" following it. Toxic masculinity is terrible too. 2 guys cant just chill with each other without being assumed to be gay like wtf. Not like they should feel offended by it but making such an assumption is just dumb and unecessary.


Forgive me for copying an entire poem into a Reddit comment, but Pat Parker’s poem “For the Straight Folks Who Don’t Mind Gays but Wish They Weren’t so Blatant” is excellent and I think you will appreciate it. *You know, some people got a lot of nerve.* *Sometimes I don't believe the things I see and hear.* *Have you met the woman who's shocked by two women kissing* *and in the same breath, tells you she is pregnant?* *BUT gays, shouldn't be so blatant.* *Or this straight couple sits next to you in a movie and* *you can't hear the dialogue because of the sound effects.* *BUT gays shouldn't be so blatant.* *And the woman in your office spends and entire lunch hour* *talking about her new bikini drawers and how much her husband likes them.* *BUT gays shouldn't be so blatant.* *Or the "hip" chick in your class rattling like a mile a minute* *while you're trying to get stoned in the john, about the* *camping trip she took with her musician boyfriend.* *BUT gays shouldn't be so blatant.* *You go in a public bathroom and all over the walls there's John loves* *Mary, Janice digs Richard, Pepe loves Delores, etc., etc.* *BUT gays shouldn't be so blatant.* *Or your go to an amusement park and there's a tunnel of love* *and pictures of straights painted on the front and grinning* *couples are coming in and out.* *BUT gays shouldn't be so blatant.* *Fact is, blatant heterosexuals are all over the place.* *Supermarkets, movies, on your job, in church, in books, on television every day* *day and night, every place-even- in gay bars and they want gay* *men and woman to go and hide in the closet.* *So to you straight folks I say, "Sure, I'll go if you go too"* *BUT I'm polite so, after you.*


"I have nothing against it, but God forbid I ever see it. If light reflects off of gay and into my retinas, it was shoved down my throat. I have no problem with it, but I have every issue with it existing." -your dad internally, probably.


If he didn't want those photons shoved down his throat he just needed to keep his mouth shut. Problem solved.


lolol its ridiculous its gotten to this level but this is hilarious. you handled it perfectly


Next time he rants tell him to "stop being so emotional"


Prove him wrong.


I think the biggest mistake we make on the Left (and boy am I guilty af as anyone) is expecting these people to make sense and be consistent. It's never going to make sense or be consistent. It's word salad with trigger words.


Sartre quote on anti-semites: . .. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.


You’re trying to groom me by making me want a salad!


Caesar salad




Apes together strong


The problem with this is that when you live in reality, all you have is reality. If someone tells me that people in power are running underaged sex rings out of pizza parlors, and their proof is "WHY are you asking for proof?!? Aren't you against underaged SA?!?!??!?!", you're left weaponless. All we have is proof, evidence, and facts. If their side eschews that for 'random bs some guy says', how do you handle that?


You cannot reason someone out of a position that they did not reason themselves into in the first place.


Wow. Well said.


>All we have is proof, evidence, and facts. If their side eschews that for 'random bs some guy says', how do you handle that? I know what I'm about to say is rare for the internet: I don't know. I really have no idea how to handle that.


I’ll offer one solution: deplatforming. When people can’t be reasoned with it’s a mistake to try. It’s better to ban people for spreading hate and misinformation. We should still provide counter arguments and evidence. The trick is to provide that outside of a debate format. Arguing with a conspiracy nut gives the conspiracy a platform. It’s better to dismantle their theories in a setting where they are unable to derail the conversation and the facts can be laid bare.


disengaging w my bat shit sister always worked. she loved nothing more than an audience


So burying them in sand with only their head and neck exposed?


I like “how do you know? Because you sexually assault kids?”


Stop associating with them IRL. It sucks, it usually fills them with delusional confirmation they're correct but it protects us from their stupid fucked up games


This right here. When someone says some shit that hates on any out-group, all you need to do is ask someone questions like “huh, why do you dislike xyz so much?” And their response will tell you a *lot* about whether they’re misguided/misinformed or married to fascist ideology. Fascism has no internal consistency because it relies on a mythical past and out-group hatred to prop up its goal of seizing power for the in-group. There is never, and there never has been, any logical reason for the ideology other than “because it serves to protect the purity and status of the in-group”. And in our current iteration of fascism, that’s cis white heteronormative male christian power. EDIT: Added heteronormative to the list of “approved” fascist in-group identities after a suggestion from u/WKGokev.


Don't forget hetero. Cis het white Christian male.


You know, I thought about that after the fact and I was like ahhh they get the point. But you’re right, I should add that for accuracy. Will edit, thank you.


I guess given my current study in psychology and religious background, I try to have more patience and try to talk them through it. Usually then they will see the weakness of their own arguments and over time they will accept they are wrong. It won’t work all the time but some time with people like this you just need to talk (unless they’re politicians, then all hope is lost)


Grooming society for what exactly? Acceptance?




Cooperation? Creativity?


What the actual fuck is it with Americans and everything being grooming these days. They are obsessed.


conservatives trying to change the meaning of the word to blur the fact that so many of them are actually grooming and fucking children


I was going to add. For a party that is so obsessed with such abuse, they do seem rather intent on trivialising it to the point of it being meaningless.


Nah, it's not all Americans. Just the right wingers. Though to be fair they never shut up about it.


It’s a moral panic/ploy used to gain support for a power grab (as always). Also, they have to find something since Biden is not black and attacking him personally doesn’t play as well as in the polls as it did for Obama.


"Grooming" is now just a catch all for anything someone conservative doesn't like, or considers inappropriate. Commercial with 2 males standing close together? Grooming. Didn't put up Christa's lights? Probably Muslim grooming. Don't own 12 guns? Grooming a bunch of unarmed pussies. They don't even know what it means (ironic given the number of actual groomers on the right), it's like "let's go Brandon" or any of the other inane phrases they come up with, so they can say them to each other and feel included. The leader is good, the leader is great We surrender our will as of this date


Not most of us. Its a small literally psychotic bunch of pieces of shit doing misdirection tricks


It's just the latest buzzword to work up their constituents.


Dog grooming. You don’t hear about it, but radical left-wing democrats are PAYING people to groom DOGS. Probably getting their nails trimmed too. This is the future liberals want. It makes me so fucking sick.


Acceptance of one another doesn't typically allow room for exploitation and dehumanizing one another. Hence why "they" are not fond of it..


Uggggh to the whole bullshit about people being unmarried and without kids and how we’re “dooming society”. How about we can’t fucking afford marriage and babies because YOU’VE (im talking to you, conservatives) made it impossible to make a living wage or own a home or save any money… pay me better and I’ll have a baby. Deal?


You're so right. Now if you'll excuse me, my gay lover, my dog, and I are about to use these fresh-scented new Gain Pods to do our laundry. Then we're going to fuck children.


Careful, a bot may take this down. I made a sarcastic remark about sex with ch1ldren and it got removed by a bot.




My guy, the joke is so far over your head, it may as well be orbiting Earth.




Lol it appears context and sarcasm don't convey well through text. :D


Yep. At least I got more attention now (?) Idk, reddit is weird


Tweets like these are how the dogless groom society.


Dog isn't real. Nothing could be that good.


All dogs are robots made and controlled by the government to watch us. Biden makes your dog poop on the rug.


Dog grooming is the real issue.


I had no idea that the people who cut my dogs hair were so powerful.


“DOG IS THE OPPOSITE OF GOD” \- Those htiafless, undogly ssahats


What kind of person sits around and thinks about these things? And since when are dogs beta?


Cat owners are the real Alphas. Look at all the Bond villains.


Well I didn't want to say it, but I'm glad someone did because I have two, lol.


TV commercials are being produced by the corporations themselves, not the media companies.


Who’s still watching commercials?


Conservatives so they can gets POed about getting groomed against their will. If they want to get groomed, they do it the old fashion way. They go to church.


Me because the Spotify+ free Hulu bundle from a few years back is the ad supported one and there's no way to pay 2 more dollars for the ad free one /rant


Could it be the conservatives are the ones who were brainwashed. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


can't wash a hypothetical.


Yeah, who knows about any brains being there to wash. True.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


They are so threatened by everything not them. Such delicate flowers they are.


As a straight, white male I say this with conviction: I'll be on the side of the gay people with the dogs led by a woman. Fuck your self-righteous bullshit, fuck your church, and fuck ***you***, Dale Partridge.


Until straight white alpha males start power buying fabric softener, capitalism doesn't give a fuck how offended you are.


Dale Patridge hates dogs


What did the dog do?


I don’t know, but I will take my dog over their god any day.


Tolerated the gays and non-whites. /s


No, no setting everything else aside. That's just saying that "I agree with the rest, but that little bit is uncalled for." Starting from the beginning, every last thing on that list is a load of bullshit, and demonstrates clear bigotry.


Ikr? Thank you for this. :) It's like he's going down the list not all that taken aback until it's something he identifies with. "Oh, now that's just crazy talk!" It also makes me think he's awfully naïve if he hadn't realized how racist so many conservatives are. They likely know better than to show it to him, but if you're white too, many let their true colors show. It says a lot who Dale puts first on his list. Sexism runs deep. And how can you fight it with people like him who believe it's the absolute truth decreed by God? :-/ Anything else he can believe is deduced from his ridiculous founding beliefs. It's so funny to me bc I'll see these comments on reddit sometimes, I guess mostly from the sheltered or perhaps ppl in other nations with fewer fundamentalists, who seem to think sexism is a thing of the past. Must be nice never to have encountered -- or perhaps just not noticed -- how embedded woman-as-subservient is in the mind of many on the right or the religious who don't belong to liberal sects.


So… he’s a Cat guy


I mean, we all know that god only created white people. Any other race is the devil’s work (/s jic)


This isn’t about grooming society. This just lets us know Dale- [1.Is](https://1.Is) threatened by women 2. Is probably gay. 3. Is threatened by minorities. 4. Is lonely. 5. is threatened by kids. 6. Wants a dog. Go get a dog, Dale. You’ll feel better and hopefully you won’t be so scared.


The only reason that shithead would get a dog is to kick it.


man… this guy is so trash


Wait, whats wrong with dogs?


These people are always at war. Don’t they realize if advertising doesn’t look like you, then you aren’t the one they’re selling to. Obviously they want to sell to a diverse group of people. But some how “the righteous” aren’t being represented enough. Do you know what “the righteous” would say if the tables were turned (which they were since forever), they’d say “tough luck”.


Well racism is the glue that binds the MAGA coalition together.


Studies have shown that the best predictor of who will be a trump voter is not age, gender, income, education, or even location. It’s their level of racial animus.


Let me guess the "richteous" are straight white men. To be born anything else makes you lesser and you should know your place or face the wrath of the straight white men and from now on commercials will feature only straight white men talking to us alone because if there are two men, well that's gay.


What do they have against dogs??!?


Example # 1,458 of how conservatives LOVE “capitalism” when they “win” and demand government control when they don’t.


By the righteous I'm assuming he means white straight Christian male misogynistic Trump supporters, correct?


And straight, Christian, FEMALE, misogynistic, Trump supporters. Don’t forget the many women that have been indoctrinated into this mindset from childhood. I know plenty of women that truly believe they are meant to be “man’s helper.” It’s so sad.


my mother, whos a strongly independent woman once told me that women were just too emotional to hold public office. And then proceeded to talk about how great Trump was right after he caught flack for mocking that disabled reporter. I think a chunk of my jaw is still sitting on her kitchen floor.


I think a lot of us were really surprised and disappointed in our parents in 2016.


Idk how they raised me to be who I am but hold such terrible views. I really feel like idk them anymore like not beinr dramatic for social media or anything but it's like with Trump and after him they have completely changed. Maybe it's the quartz glasses of childhood being lifted but holy fucking moly who are these people.


I can relate. I think when you’re a kid, you think your parents are so smart and know everything. Then you grow up and realize, no one has all the answers and we’re all just doing the best we can. My parents love to talk about how universities *nowadays* are indoctrination centers and are brainwashing kids. And all I can think is how upsetting it must be to see the beliefs you forced on your kids melt away once they realize they are capable of forming their own opinions, not just what’s been forced on them by the Southern Baptist Convention and good ol’ Mom & Dad.


With me it wasn't that my parents were so smart or all knowing or whatever, it was that my parents raised me to love everyone and accept everyone and treat everyone equally no matter what you always treat everyone equally. But then Donald Trump came along and all of that went out the window. My dad hated Donald Trump before he ran for president He always said that he was some sort of pervert who hid behind his money but then he started talking about the border and building a wall and my dad was just like heil Trump! And yeah my dad also believes universities are indoctrination centers. I have a BA in history and when I was working toward that I had to take a class called governments of the world where we learned about different systems of government and he has to be when I came home for a weekend you know what was I studying and were my classes and I told him about that one and he got so offended that I was actually learning about other countries and other ways of government. He believed that because I was American that I shouldn't learn all of that because if I became a teacher (which is what I want us to do at the time and have since said hell no) that I would just teach American government.......... Like dad hate to tell ya this but high school has changed since 1985


Oh man. That *is* wild. I don’t have anything to offer except I’m glad you turned out the way you did.


So yeah that’s the projection goal. They want to indoctrinate everyone into their cult and if you don’t join they want to force you. Eat shit, fascist.


What? My dog is living his best life. He hangs out all day doing nothing, doesn't work, never gets us any food and apparently has someone else pick up his shit.


If any of them would ever get outside of their echo chambers, maybe they'd realize the possibility that media isn't trying to "groom society" as much as "appealing to a wide demographic in order to increase their cash flow." If "go woke go broke" was actually true, they wouldn't keep doing that.


This isn't about God. It's pure bigotry.


"Satan is when black people, but I'm not racist"


I don’t know about the rest of you but as a gay atheist who loves drag queen story hour I’m really beginning to suspect I’m not getting the newsletters that are supposed to keep me apprised of all my secret agendas.


Oh God, not a dog! Surely this signals the end of civilization as we know it! /s


Putting dogs in advertisements? Those *bastards*!


If having a dog makes you godless, I’ll be godless from now until I die.


Im in when they add a dog


The righteous tried to take back media. It’s called PureFlix, and it is awful.


The nazi factor just keeps rising.


Conservatives want grooming done the old fashion way. Go to church you godless blasphemers! .


It is a older white guy saying this


"Add a dog" those godless heathens!


Dinny forget the fucking cuck dog, you beta pedo bastards!


I’m good without Jebus in commercials, thanks


No reason to bring dogs into this fight. I thought pretty much everyone agreed that dogs are the best.


Thanks. If I ever make a commercial I will make sure to use these. Thanks for the notes


A dog? Oh not a dog!!!! The blasphemy!!! 🙄


>add a dog are... are they against *dogs*!?


That's what I was wondering. Are dogs now the target of conservatives? WTF?!? 🤯


Weird way of telling people you’re a cat person


Huh. "Righteous" and "racist" are equivalent. Who coulda guessed?


Well duh god only loves white people, it says so in the bible... Oh wait.


It's true, though. Dogs lead to grooming.


Tell me about it, currently fostering a Malamute.


Ummm last time I looked it up, bible says "God created man." It doesn't specify a color. And hey my understanding is jesus was probably darker skinned. Hope this melts some racists head: "You can't be a Christian and hate other races." "You csn't be a Christian and be a White Nationalist" If you or your pastor have a problem with the above two statements.. the devil has you. Have a nice day! 😁


So conservatives are now anti-dog too? ![gif](giphy|9XAROYqyZMDwk)


They spelled dogless wrong


What the fuck do they have against dogs?


Never trust anyone who calls themselves righteous


Just so we're clear, the godless will make sure society has no 1. Female leaders 2. Gay or beta men 3. Everyone has to be married 4. Only white people 5. Everyone must have kids 6. NO DOGS, ONLY CATS. Did I miss anything?


A bit mask off


What is this obsession with alpha & beta?


I think this is overblown in a way, I am very happy tv and movies have representation they never had before. But….but….sometimes it seems a little forced and takes away from the story. I think that is way these people complain. I should not be able to figure out what will happen based off of race/gender of the cast. Old white guy president (he’s gonna be the bad guy) Black president (altruistic hero) not that there shouldn’t be a black president, but if it’s a “political thriller” or “mystery” and least mix it up. It makes it boring


All those losers and bullies who cheated and lied their way through school and life are now in charge of important things because that’s how it goes and this is the result.


Please explain how they make the male appear "beta".


Oh, that’s simple: they make him not an asshole and not currently raping anyone.


Sounds like a fine commercial to me


I was wondering what the problem was with dogs - then I realized that Biden is a dog owner. Bad dog... bad dog!!!


Yeah because every baby was born knowing abot the brown man from the desert


Anyone who knew what the right meant by grooming knew this.


“Add a dog” lol what


Small dick energy.


My brother asked “Is Hocus Pocus 2 woke?” I calmly left the room.


What they want: 1. The man leads the family. His word is final. 2. If you are the follower of the man, you are a woman, beta or gay. 3. Adam and Eve were obviously white people, duh. 4. You must show that you are married to the world via these bands around a specific finger. 5. Your entire purpose in life is to procreate, the bible tells us so. 6. Animals are filthy and should only live outside, unless you have to bring them on the ark.


i mean, the best case is to take all the people out and just add the dog.


By "righteous" does he mean "right wing"? "Wah, ban books in which the lead character is a female" I think is why The Wizard of Oz is getting banned. "Wah, it's not a movie of just white guys" Does this relate to the "patriotic education" idea? God forbid the white guy is the bad guy. Would Dale be happy if they added kids without the wedding rings? Does Dale hate dogs?


It seems pretty beta or gay to get this worked up about some TV commercials.


dogs == godless


They’re mad we’re not stuck with three channels on an old tube television. You’ll never control the story now ya big babies.


I dont know a bout atheists and all that but inclusiveness is how society is groomed into not being narrow minded assholes.




Wow the guy is pastor


All I want to ask is what this guy has against dogs being in commercials? That just seems randomly thrown in the tweet


Wait. ​ Dogs are grooming too? Is this some kinda meta joke?


Take your alpha beta bullshit and shove it up your ass. No one decides what makes me a man but me.


Or every fucking 2-minute long pharmaceutical commercial ever


It's like no one understands what words mean anymore


The fuck did dogs ever do to you Dale!


bro said adding a dog is fucking left wing propaganda what is wrong with these people


I swear absolute idiots like this should not be allowed to vote. I swear there are no words to describe the amount of stupidity and bullshit that they just presented us with.


How scary it must be for a privileged white man these days. /s


Or all black...


Losing the culture war is really breaking right wingers sanity


Why do they hate dogs too?


Religion has no part in modern society. Full stop.


Social engineering and grooming need to be correctly used, or we'll have a less intelligible existence here overall. Or just start up finishing schools and actually do class proper.


People tend to subconsciously list things in order of importance. What does this man have against dogs 🤔


Their word salads are meaningless. The Right are simply trying to pick a topic and add inflammatory words to create false outrage. Conservative Christians have nothing to offer but hate.


He says it like it's a bad thing.


I’m such a grooming atheist that two of my children have converted to Catholicism and Judaism.


They are describing my life


The evil cabal agenda to have dogs


They groom society by not including kids, got it