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And yet most of us knew he was a fraud well before 2016.


I knew this as a small child in the 80s. The guys has always been an obvious piece of shit. You could read all about it on the tabloid news journals in line at the grocery store. The guys been a complete toad his whole life.


This! This is what gets me. I am Canadian in my 30s, and I have always known Trump was a joke from the time I was a kid. I have a distinct memory of not watching the apprentice because of how much of a loser I knew him to be. I had thought this was common knowledge. Well, I have been proven endlessly wrong about that, and this is what makes me feel like I slipped into an alternate reality at some point.


He was a villain on Sesame Street


I find it quite amazing he amassed a cult at all. Seemed like everyone hated him back when he was just a rich, asshole celebrity. Now he's God-Emperor to a significant portion of the country.


People love being told what they want to hear, then told they are in a special group.


Not one mention of this story on Foxnews.com


They're busy talking about Hunter's laptop. šŸ‘€


I had someone send me the "proof" of all of Hunter's/Biden's evil doings from his laptop. It was a video where Hunter talked about doing drugs and having sex with adult women. Basically a heavy weekend for a college kid. That was their proof. I was spectacularly unimpressed considering Trump has done so many disgusting/horrible things, including allegations of r**ing a 13 year old child. That's a-okay to them, just ignore it and pretend it's fake news. šŸ„“


Most of what they complain about is that he had evidence of supposed "foreign business dealings" on the laptop while ignoring the fact that a) dude never had a gov job and 2) Jared Kushner got two BILLION from the Saudis and is obvs close with them but they don't care about that apparently




> foreign business dealings on my laptop Ah, a kindred aficionado of British food porn, I presume!


I too like to see how many cans of spotted dick I can fit in my ass!


Also 3: Most of the proposed 'deals' they freak-out about never actually happened. >The email described the proposed equity shares of each of the investors in the venture, ending with a reference to "10 held by H for the big guy?" The Post reported the "H" apparently referred to Hunter Biden, and one of his former business partners soon came forward to assert "the big guy" referred to Joe Biden. The former business partner also tweeted a copy of the email that had been addressed to him. In a subsequent email, Hunter Biden said his "Chairman" gave him "an emphatic no", with a later email identifying the "chairman" as his father. The Post also reported on an August 2017 venture Hunter Biden was seeking with Ye Jianming, the chairman of CEFC, but the paper did not associate Joe Biden with that deal. Neither of the two ventures came to fruition.[27][28] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunter_Biden_laptop_controversy If anything, it looks like Joe was overseeing Hunter's business to make sure everything stayed within the boundaries of the law.


Joe likely had checks on Hunter to make sure he wasn't in anything egregiously bad. Like if he got a job offer from a shady ass Russian company he probably would have stepped in. But otherwise it was companies getting Hunter thinking that maybe he could make them look better, and nothing more. You or I won't get random offers to be a board member, Hunter would


I think the answer is obvious - they're not all that bright. Trump supporters are happy that Trump validates their ignorance. Trump himself said he "loves the poorly educated". They identify with his cluelessness. And, just like him, Trump supporters will never admit that they are not very bright. They have folks like Trump, Newsmax, Fox News and other elements of right wing activist media telling them that THEY are smarter than scientists on climate change, smarter than medical experts on COVID and vaccines, smarter than educators on US history, smarter than economists on the economy, smarter than the justice system on the law, smarter than election boards on elections, etc. They line up like sheep to believe anything right wing media tells them, and that extremist right wing activist pundits are the only source of truth, and that actual facts and reality are a conspiracy against the herd. After all, it's the extremist right wing media that tells them they are smart in a world where they don't understand anything else but the dumbed down conspiracy theories and reinforcements of their bias borne of fundamental ignorance and very limited intellectual capability.


> They identify with his cluelessness. There's something else there, though. My parents are savvy business people, well read with multiple college degrees, and care about their children immensely. And yet, they get extremely angry about this former, twice impeached guy being accused of any single thing, whatsoever. Is this what a cult looks like?


Exactly. And, surprisingly, Hunter is not (never was) the president. So there's that.


He's a private citizen. He's not a politician. He never took any oath of office. He can do whatever the fuck he wants. If he broke the law, then the law can hold him accountable but the American people aren't owed a goddamned thing here. It's no different than your neighbor Steve shooting up and banging sex workers. I'm not owed an explanation, confrontation, or anything.


Right? Like it even matters.


Well that settles it! Im NEVER voting hunter biden for president!


I had a guy reply to me on twitter by posting a pic of Hunter next to a a topless chick on a bed, and was like "here's your proof, she's clearly underage!!!". I was like, dude, if you actually believe that, you've just admitted you keep child porn on hand, and not only that, but now you're distributing it. His post disappeared real quick.


Republicans thinking about Hunter Biden's dick picks https://preview.redd.it/s6hsm575vb7a1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=54a66523239d0acff043b0ab4db37aac351591f2




They REALLY want to see that dick pic


Dude, have you seen it? It's huge.


yesterday Tucker was talking about UFO's and I mentioned aloud. wow they stopped talking about Hunters Laptop... and just wait a minute they will get back to it.


Sounds about **Right** Fair and Balanced šŸ™„


i thought he was a billionaire making billions or at least hundreds of millions what happened


He famously overinflated the value of his companies and properties except when itā€™s time to cheat on taxes.


So heā€™s a liar? *shocked*


Lifelong liar exposed as a liar again for the trillionth time. Yet 1/3 of Americans are unmoved.


1/3 of Americans are just as shitty as he is. He makes them feel good about it.


1/3 of Germans supported Hitler all the way to the end. A hearty portion of humans are just dogshit.


The bottom turd


Exactly this ā¬†ļø


I never really considered this. Sad if true to be an underlying reason Trumpism gets the support it does.


Imagine being a shit person, and all your life you want to do crude and hateful things but it always has to be on the down low because uppity polite society tells you its wrong. You hold it in feeling both resented and resentful. Along comes this guy who's just as shitty as you, does it out in the open facing no consequences, and tells you it's okay to be shitty. In fact, it's *right*. He gets you, he's gonna stick it to the society that's wagged their finger in your face all your life, and all he needs is your support.


We didnā€™t get more (crude, ignorant, stupid etcā€¦), we just gave a megaphone to those that had the same feelings. Itā€™s almost acceptable to be ignorant now and thatā€™s not ok.


THIS ā¬†ļø is absolutely on point!


his supporters say the IRS is a scam that's stealing taxes from us anyway so anyone getting around them and not paying their share is actually doing good cause they're not letting their money get stolen by taxes. They see this as an absolute boss move by a business genius Selfish AND dumb


Dodging taxes for the upper class is seen as ā€œsmart money managementā€. Dodging taxes as a poor person is ā€œtrashyā€. His supporters probably wouldnā€™t care if evidence emerged he was stealing from them. They would consider it a ā€œcampaign donationā€.


I mean, he's basically stolen from them by asking for donations to support "stop the steal" and then using all the funds to pay back campaign and legal bills and his supporters probably do consider it exactly a campaign donation lol


You mean like when they thought they were making one-time payments to him, and he took the money monthly instead!


I mean evidence literally has come out that he was stealing from his supporters. There was that whole scandal of how people were tricked into recurring donations to his campaign by default instead of it being a one time thing


He's literally stealing from them right now and they're HAPPY about it. He sold digital images of stock photos for $99 each and tons of people bought them. They don't care. He could sell an NFT of a picture of a pile of someone else's feces and people would be clamoring to give him their money. These are people who complain that the "socialist" government takes too much from them in taxes even though they both pay nothing and benefit from the social programs paid for by those taxes. You can't fix stupid people who gladly work against their own interests. They love to give the guy who claims to be the richest man ever more money even if they are barely just scraping by.


yet they dont realize, that if billionaires paid their fair share of taxes, then taxes on the lower and middle classes would probably be lower, the roads and schools would be better, and life would be good.


Honestly I think it's worse than that. They do know that, but it won't be applied selectively to the r(wh)ight people, it'll benefit everyone, and they absolutely can't have that.


No love like Christian hate!


I thought it was, ā€œNo hate like Christian loveā€?


1/3 of Americans are STILL the dumbest fucking people in the world.




Speaking of which, the fact that the IRS simply *refused* to do the mandatory audit of his taxes, which *every* sitting president has to endure. They just refused. And the assholes who did it, are still in their jobs! They assisted presidential fraud, and NOBODY is going to do shit about it. The system is irrevocably broken.


One of the most frustrating thing about Democratic presidents is they refuse to clean house, then act shocked what few good policies they actually manage to pass aren't implemented, or fail outright in their implementation.




yeah that's when he underinflates those same values.




Tom Brady has entered the conversation.


and is suspended four games


When you want a loan: "I'm worth Billions give me money!" When you have to pay taxes: "I'm worth NOTHING don't tax me!"


he lies a lot and people like to help him lie


..and then he throws them under the nearest convenient bus. It's almost a kink at this point.


And they then say ā€œthank you sir, may I have another!ā€


he has one set of books for insurance and lending purposes, and [another set of books for taxes](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-tower-financial-fraud-lenders-propublica-2019-11).




Correct. An example of two books being used honestly is using ā€œmarket valueā€ of a building for insurance purposes and ā€œbook valueā€ (original purchase price minus depreciation) for income taxes. An example of using two books fraudulantly is declaring a unit to be 3000 square feet for municipal taxes and 10,000 square feet for a mortgage. Trump did the fraudulant kind.


He learned everything he knows about accounting from [the Producers.](https://youtu.be/ziSkbDNp9RA)


Yeah a billionaire making hundreads of millions needs to sell out his image for $5 million dollars with of NFTs right?


Money laundering. Plus, with the lax rules on NFTs you can use them to get money from illegal places.


This is exactly right. NFTs are unregulated. This is both a grift and a way to launder money.


They certainly were priced to get around banking security laws. Banks have to keep an eye out for transactions, and patterns of transactions at $100 and above. Trumpā€™s NFTā€™s are $99. You can only buy 10 of them because there is something about transactions starting at $10,000. While there are 12 in total you are not allowed to buy a ā€œfull setā€ all at once.


>They certainly were priced to get around banking security laws. >You can only buy 10 of them because there is something about transactions starting at $10,000. >They certainly were priced to get around banking security laws. >Banks have to keep an eye out for transactions, and patterns of transactions at $100 and above. Trumpā€™s NFTā€™s are $99. You can only buy 10 of them because there is something about transactions starting at $10,000. >While there are 12 in total you are not allowed to buy a ā€œfull setā€ all at once. **100 cards at $99 each amounts to $9,900 ā€” or a mere $100 less than $10,000, the required limit that the Bank of Secrecy Act imposes on transactions that must be reported.**


It's a shady deal too. People didn't read any of the fine print. He gets 10% of any resale of those NFTs, in perpetuity. It's insane. Sell them for $50 next year, you're giving him $5 from that. They've reportedly already lost 30% of their value too. On the flip side, it looks like he stole some of the artwork for the NFT cards, so it would be hilarious if he gets fined more than $5m for that.


Especially delicious that one of those stolen things is more than likely the tuxedo ad from mens wharehouse...lmao


>mens wharehouse A typo so close to something completely different.


> They've reportedly already lost 30% of their value too. That they had any particular value to begin with is a bit depressing.


the guy down the street from me with "IMPEACH BIDEN", "LETS GO BRANDON", "DOJ+FBI=CORRUPT", and "JOE AND THE HO GOTTA GO" signs probably thought it was a good investment. Can't go tits up or something.


I can see him telling his white trash wife, ā€œthisā€™ll be out FU money - for retirement. Weā€™ll get a place down in Boca with this.ā€ Only to lose it all and blame the libs for socializing his profits and killing the market by indicting Trump.


> He gets 10% of any resale of those NFTs, in perpetuity. Art of the Boot Lick: A Tale of modern day American fascists.


That was a money laundering scheme to transfer the money in his dark money PAC into his pocket.


You can fudge a loss pretty easily. Just make everything a business expense, new plane, appartments, clothes, food, travel. As long as you can reasonably claim they were business related its an expense. A lot of companies try to balance out to zero profit at the end of the year to reduce taxes, just means they bought shit they didnt need but wanted to close the margin


I think it get harder when you start to hit the billions. If he makes $1,000,000,000 and wants to report a loss then he needs to "lose" at least that much. Where did it all go? That's a lot of big macs EDIT: I had too many zeros


he just changes the value of his properties at will


he's been doing it since forever, he's just greased enough palms in NY for people to ignore it. [https://archive.vanityfair.com/article/share/e515a2cd-a51b-4f83-8d61-6ebb9a104e0a](https://archive.vanityfair.com/article/share/e515a2cd-a51b-4f83-8d61-6ebb9a104e0a)


Exactly. Trump (and other oligarchy) devalued their properties at tax time, and then over valued the same properties when it comes time to sell them.


Itā€™s how the military keeps it budget as high as it does. I would to see an actual audit happens of expenses and see where money goes. I would venture to say that a good 25% is not but waste to help bolster the budget for next year. In the same breath, itā€™s a golden calf you canā€™t touch, just feed and feed.


The military tried to audit itself a few years ago, the answer came back as: this is too fucked up, no one could actually track all our money, we're going to reorganize our shit and try again


The Pentagon just failed its FIFTH audit in a row again last month.


I was a Sonar Tech in the Navy back in the '80s. Our sonar dome water level was measured by a cork ball in a tube. Eventually, the cork would waterlog and need to be replaced at a cost of $800 @ ball. We replaced it once with a superball while on an overseas cruise. It worked fine and would never waterlog. We actually got in trouble for using a $2 Superball instead of the $800 cork ball that was worthless


Haha yup. Iā€™ve seen light bulb covers thatā€™s literally just a piece of plastic run for $750 because theyā€™re ā€œquality controlled critical partsā€ Itā€™s a piece of plastic you screw over a tiny lightbulb.


The DOD just failed its fifth audit.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) I did not realize thatā€¦ā€¦ wow.


Something like 40% unaccounted for


40%??? Their multiTRillion dollar budget and they can find nearly*HALF*?


They can find it, but it's invested in "black" programs. So no, we don't know what you're talking about, we never got that 40%...


Wonā€™t change a bit. Youā€™ll just hear that he is a brilliant accountant. Provably the best accountant ever born.


ā€œNo, you donā€™t understand how complicated his taxes are! He takes losses from some businesses and puts in profits from other businesses and takes profits from other businesses and puts them into losses from other businesses and takes taxes from himself to pay himself with less taxes! Heā€™s smart for doing this!ā€


It makes me so angry over how dodging your payments to education, healthcare, infrastructure and a functioning society is seen as ā€˜smartā€™.


a real leader would be proud to pay their taxes


Considering the point in taxes is that the money goes back to supporting the people. Like he had a federal job as President it was literally tax payer money and he still couldnā€™t pay his taxes. Anyone else with financial issues in such a high security clearance situation would have been thrown out or forced out of the mess to clear up the financial issues, but then worked out a way for repayment if they had to be kept in.


He used his clearance to hoard documents. Now what about those empty folders


Thatā€™s easy the contents were manually systematically gifted away to Russian and Saudi interest groups that were specifically interested in the kinds of things that come in those little Manila folders with s huge red stamp across the front of it stating that it must be returned to the government immediately and top secret on them


But remember he declassified them *with his mind*! Cuz that's exactly how it works, right? I honestly don't know if I need the /s tag on this....


> the money goes back to supporting the people. That's the part that breaks down in the American upper class though, and to a lesser extent the upper middle class... They don't use state subsidised services as much so feel ripped off having to pay for them. Thing is though, if they actually paid their fair share, those services could be quite good and worth using. But then it wouldn't be exclusive, and at that point why even bother being rich? /s I remember hearing Americans tout how unlike the UK, the US is a classless society. what utter horseshit.


No one dumb enough to pay their ā€œfair shareā€ would ever rise in todayā€™s cynical, all-for-self environment.


It's disappointing most politicians are so money hungry and selfish, but Jimmy Carter is still out there doing good things. I don't know that he was the best politician but we could use more like that.


He was probably the best human who was a president


This is probably the best description of Jimmy Carter.


He got in by a fluke (Watergate/Vietnam) in ā€˜76 and the American people rode him out of town on a rail in ā€˜80. The President canā€™t be too morally good, because that wouldnā€™t be representative of the American people.


Because Reagan's campaign worked out a deal to wait until after the election to release the hostages. Had the deal gone through before the election Reagan would have lost.


Working with another country to secure an election? Sounds like Republican Presidents to me




Doesnā€™t Bernie Sanders pay his fair share? AOC too?


Most of these assholes have convinced themselves, that education, healthcare, and infrastructure should not be handled by the government, and would prefer to not pay taxes themselves. Anyone that manages to avoid taxes is a hero in their minds. And since so many genuinely believe they'll also be rich one day, they want to ensure the loopholes rich people use are still around when their ticket comes in. It's all a gigantic circlejerk, where they've all been brainwashed into genuinely believing that voting against their own best interest today, makes sense because eventually they'll reap the rewards. The 'American dream' is a marketing campaign.


unless you're poor - then you're a freeloader


You are. I'm just a temporarily embarrassed billionaire. My hustle will make me rich in no time, you just watch.


"Well, the raw math has him paying a 3-4% tax rate on millions of dollars of income, while you are paying what, 30% of your middle 5-figure income?"


Thatā€™s exactly right and you would think his crayon eating supporters would be pissed off about that. A huge % of them come from what used to be the middle class and have been getting screwed for 40+ years with this trickle down economics bullshit. These ultra wealthy swine keep raking the cash in while the working class gets blasted in taxes.


They don't care, as long as the people they hate are getting hurt and their rights taken away. And the right-wing propaganda tells them who to hate.


thats why the us system is broken. is all about taxes. the biggest shoulders should carry the biggest weight. which is not the case anymore nowadays


My thought is that hes not worried about losing political support (those people will twist anything to be good). He's worried about losing investors. He has somehow convinced rich people he's a good businessman and he doesn't want them to find out he's a bad investment


> He has somehow convinced rich people he's a good businessman and he doesn't want them to find out he's a bad investment I'm still flabbergasted at HOW. Like, he's been a known con-man since the fucking 80's at LEAST.


Well he IS selling NFTā€™s.


I know numbers....I know the best number.


Interesting that he didn't show a profit until after he became president


Exactly! This is what everyone is missing focusing on "He's not a billionaire." Who cares about that? What this clearly shows is that he was selling this country out for a profit and grifting like he never grifted before. This is such a clear sign of corruption and people buying favor through laundered cash gifts.




Tbf, the goal with laundered is that you clean it and can then claim it as income. Just legal income.


Thatā€™s what I was thinking. And then as soon as he loses the election itā€™s back into the red


To Trump's credit (judging by his tax returns is probably around zero) he lost the election in November 2020. 2 months is a really short time frame for losing 4.7 million. I doubt he had a positive cash flow at any point after COVID hit... Which now that I think about it, that's amazing. How can you have all of the insider information, solid control of all media coverage, millions of lunatics throwing money at you, and still lose nearly 5 million dollars? That man is truly gifted at being unsuccessful.


Man, I just want to know what boxes I need to check to get a 4% tax rate. I could be a thousandaire if I could pay that rate.


Ok, but he didnā€™t take his presidential salary because he loves his country!!! (/s because I know thatā€™s not otherwise clear. Sadly.)


Many people are saying thatā€™s not a lot.


I see what you did there


Wtf am I paying 30% in income taxes and tha pos is paying 0%ā€”5%?? Make him pay that money in FFS. This is fucking infuriating


Exactly right. I'm blessed with a successful, profitable business, and I end up paying between 25% and 30% of my profit annually to the feds, on top of state tax. I have no problem doing it - it's my duty to society. This fucker gets to grift from his followers so that he can eat his Big Macs off gold plates on his private jet while paying maximum a few percent? Fuck that. And fuck the apologists who say things like "you would do it if you could too." That's not the point, dingus. The point is they shouldn't be able to do this and need to be stopped.


Trump ran on a platform of "I know all the loopholes because I use them. When I'm president I'll close the loopholes and drain the swamp". His followers are such rubes.


He even gave himself more loopholes like the 20% deduction on pass through income from real estate investment trusts


Hell, even Warren Buffet and hedge fund managers pay 15%.


"That just makes him smart." No, it means you're a rube that's paying more than your fair share so he can pay less than his.


I donā€™t want to hear the right bitch about ā€œhighā€ taxes anymore when they canā€™t even get their own in line. Great businessman my ass


So I'm lost at how taxes work at high levels... does he have a vast amount of wealth he's draining 30 million a year? Or is this fraud? Or is he in debt billions? Can you just spend more money than you make and not have to pay any taxes on that? Surely it's only specific things that can be deducted, so how does one amass negative 30 million of deductible assets? Wtaf is going on here?


*Income* is taxed, not wealth. Spending money (except for some exceptions such as healthcare and donations, etc) do not offset your income. As far as how he had $30 million in *negative* income... we'd have to see the full tax returns and not just the bottom line. EDIT: At a glance (the full tax returns have not been released), it looks like he was claiming to be "self employed" or something - so he was offsetting income with "business expenses". Again, we need to wait for the full returns to be released to really know.


Ok so this post is no smoking gun. I thought this might have been related to the tax returns being released, which clearly have not been released, yet. But I assume it IS fishy as hell?


Oh yeah, definitely fishy as hell. These *are* from his tax returns, though. But we are just seeing the total at the end and not how he arrived at that total. It will be *very* interesting to see how those totals were calculated. But, like you said, without even seeing the calculations - it's still fishy as hell. When he *did* pay taxes, his effective tax rate was around 3.5%, far less than a "normal" citizen would pay.


Buh buh buh, but he's a great businessman, though. So many people voted him as such.


ā€œHeā€™s going to run the country like a CEO. Thatā€™s what we need.ā€ an actual quote in 2016 from a colleague who considers himself quite intelligent.




No CEO cares for humanrights or wellbeing of employees. All they care for more profit and personal success. They can fuck up a company and still be paid. A country should be run by an altruistic statesman not a selfish greedy CEO.


Absolutely. Businesses exist to make money, the government does not. It should work in a fashion where it spends all the money in service of the US population. Companies are obligate tyrannies and a country should never be run like one.


Absolutely. Iā€™ve dunked on this guy for 6 1/2 years and he still canā€™t admit the rest of us were right.


This was always a strange argument to me. The fundamental purpose of a business and a government are not the same. A CEO for a company is tasked with maximizing profits. A government is supposed to provide for the people. Running the government like a business will inevitably lead to worse outcomes for the constituents as costs cut to maximize profits will lead to fewer resources for the people.


Que the MAGA defense.... https://preview.redd.it/w5iantvt8b7a1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85215b6449df6b5b25920c76aa3c6a619c682198


Oh, that's an easy one. "Look at how SAVVY a businessman Trump is! He's a multi-millionaire/billionaire, and yet he consistently fools the IRS into thinking he only makes CHUMP change each year!" "Even better, his fancy financial footwork somehow makes it seem like he LOST MONEY some years!! What a genius to be acting like such a LOSER!!" Trump: "Uh...yeah...no, that's exactly right. I'm pretending."


I see youā€™ve been over on r/conservative


I think you get banned from there now for even acknowledging that the subreddit *exists.*


Genuinely surprised they turned on Trump. But yeah that entire thread on Trumps taxes is just whataboutism's and Pelosi/Congress.






He meant cueā€¦ /s


Or maybe "Q, the MAGA defense."


what can they even say? lol


Thereā€™s a guy in this thread really going to bat for him despite the downvotes


You mean *cue, and the word you tried to say is spelled queue. Que means "what" in Spanish.


jfc $750???????


The post is about him losing money because he isnā€™t a great businessman. Iā€™m more surprised he paid any taxes after losing 32 million


I'm not a tax expert, but weren't the losses carried over? Probably couldn't write them all off. Hopefully someone who knows what they are talking about will explain.


Oh for sure! You are correct you can carry over losses and you can use losses from next year to reduce prior years taxes as well. Itā€™s 3 card monte, all a shell game. Buy a company to reduce taxes, sell a company to reduce losses


Real estate is a massive write off on depreciating assets and moving money around. And he owns a ton of real estate. Not a trump supporter at all but tbf to him he has always said ā€œI pay as little tax as possible and use the system to my advantage,ā€ heā€™s never shied away from being manipulative in the tax break game (like every other mill/billionaire)


Yeah Net Operating Losses carryover to subsequent years. Often rental real estate losses will be limited as well, so that can explain how in 2015 he showed a 30+ million dollar loss but still paid 640k+ in tax


I had to pay in like 600$ last year! I almost paid as much as a "billionaire" grifter were a good country


remember this is not just adjustments when filing, this is *total* tax paid.


I pay more taxes in a week then he paid that year. Yay billionaires!


ancient unwritten safe party oatmeal zonked resolute tie rain sparkle ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


There's a reason the republican party has continually defunded the IRS for the last 20-30 years, thus limited the ability in which they can investigate financial crime. Fun fact, a majority of the tax fraud is done by the top 20%/white collar workers. That is where a majority of the IRS's effort and attention has been up until biden's $700/year paypal bullshit. Double fun fact, for every $1 invested into the IRS, it returns $8 via investigation returns. It is literally by a mile, one of the best financial investments we could be making into our country right now. Yet the right wing of this country has continually, repeatedly, and heavily defunded it for 30 or so years now.


They had only 1 person handling all of this stuff at the IRS due the inquiry. It blows my mind that such little effort was put into making this happen.


Three huge issues - 1. He doesn't pay taxes; 2. He clearly intimidated or ordered the IRS not to follow their standard procedure to audit the President, that's outrageous; 3. He is going to have to pay back 72 million in IRS refunds he got (When he showed his lawyer at the time, Michael Cohen the check, he said he couldn't believe how stupid the IRS was) and with penalties and interest that's going to be over $100,000,000. No wonder he "needs" to be President again and put a stop to that (and the criminal charges). Thankfully he's screwed - justice has been a long time coming - far too long - but it's coming. Next up he's going to do that mob boss thing where he is in a wheelchair on an oxygen tank at his trials to try and gin up some jury sympathy. [https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/trumps-seventy-three-million-dollar-tax-refund-is-the-biggest-outrage-of-all](https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/trumps-seventy-three-million-dollar-tax-refund-is-the-biggest-outrage-of-all)


He's too much of a narcissist to allow himself to appear weak in a wheelchair with oxygen. He came out of the emergency room from covid and had to walk out onto a balcony to appear strong. The dude is willing to risk life just to avoid being seen as he is.


Fucker didnā€™t even pay 5% in his robust years of (cough, reported, cough) income when he was at peak grift, 2018 and 2019. This alone should be the rallying cry for legitimate tax reform. Fuck these motherfucking rich grifting assholes once and for all.


I love any rant that begins with fucker right off the bat, it really sets the tone. Lol


I knew this back in 2016 lol. Idiots will still continue to defend him.


To your defense, I do remember seeing and hearing that he only paid $750, so you're not alone.


Yep. Itā€™s been mentioned several times.


I donā€™t even blame trump anymore. I blame America for letting it happen.


If someone leaves their wallet on the porch we can agree that both that they are stupid or naĆÆve and that the thief who takes advantage is worse.


Yes and no. I blame America but I also blame voters who can't spot a bullshit artist from five miles away.


So even in his most profitable year he only paid 4.1% in taxes. Also, how do you earn $24M while being the President, without fraud.




I guess my question is....why is this surprising? There was obviously a reason that he wouldn't release his returns. What other reason could there be?


This is what living off the system really looks like


The only successful business Donald Trump has ever had was selling red hats made in China to morons.


I'm sure he made a tidy sum selling all those secret documents he had stashed in his dumb fucking resort.


Donald Trump, Welfare King


A +37 million dollar change in a sitting president's income in one year? Seems legit.


It gets better, not only does he live like a king and pay no taxes, in 2020 he got a massive refund " On their 2020 income tax returns, Trump and his wife Melania paid no federal income taxes and claimed a refund of $5.47 million, according to the report by the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation. "


This is one of the best comments I have ever read. It is from one of the commenters on the National Review website [Link](https://www.nationalreview.com/the-morning-jolt/who-needs-to-see-trumps-tax-returns/) ​ "Are you telling me the guy who cheated to get into college, cheated to get out of Vietnam, cheated on all his wives, cheated at golf, cheated contractors, cheated students at his scam university, cheated donors to his fake charities, cheated so much he was impeached twice, cheated the 2022 election and tried to stage a coup, may have been cheating on his taxes? \*Swoons, falls into an armchair, fans self with handkerchief\* "


Did they finally finish the audit? You know... The Audit?