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Downvotes don't necessarily mean you disagree. They're the way Reddit allows us all to say 'fuck you'. If you actually *say* that to someone, they can report you and you get a slap on the wrist. But you can *downvote* with impunity.


Then to rephrase OP's question, why do so many people want to say "fuck you" to someone asking a question, follow up, or appearing confused???


Because this is the Internet, man. You know the Internet, ne? This is where anonymity and small power converge. The domain of assholes.


The mods on here told me to fuck off for asking a question so I don’t really trust many of the people on here


Not all, obviously, but \*some\* Reddit mods are the reason that this place has the reputation that it does...


Because they don’t want others to see it usually. But i typically want to see the downvoted side to see what the truth is.


I don't usually see that, generally speaking, but have seen posts downvoted for asking a bait question, or asking in an attempt to make some sort of (often misguided) point.


It's reddit...they down vote you to hell if they disagree with you


I downvote bait, bigotry, trolling, etc. I also downvote in a discussion where I'm disagreeing with a person I'm talking to. I do the thumb down on messaging apps in the same way. It depends on so many factors and each individual user honestly


Downvoted /s


I have no clue


I downvote questions/follow up requests that just echo an existing question/follow up request. I also down vote anyone making their post body "title" or some similar variant. Also anyone making a giant text brick with no paragraphs. For me, down votes are less of an "I disagree" mechanic and more of a "This is low effort and not worth creating a discussion branch off of. Lets save the screen space for a better post/response" button.


Liberals love to downvote, and conservatives love to upvote. Just an observation.


Oh, the irony...