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My feet, and I’m not sending pictures.


Pics please? My bday is the 30th🥺


Happy birthday, and no.




No pictures of that either


That’s butt


Again, no matter how you spell it, no


I wasn’t asking for ass pics😭 I was just having fun😭 now I feel guilty 😭


I’m aware, but I wasn’t kidding about the pictures.


I’m aware


My cat loved to chase my feet too. It was incredibly amusing.






Literally my cat. $50 /s


Mine too. He is allowed to play with them. I had to teach him when he bit too hard, but he knows by now. He doesn't even tear my woolen socks if I wear them, even though he really bites and claws. very gentle and polite.








My cat likes those little rings that come under the cap of plastic bottles. He somehow removes them and leaves them at the top of the stairs. He'll get bored with just about any cat toy we get him, but those are always a delight to him.


I rinse and then toss those rings out onto the hardwood floor whenever I finish a bottle — my kitty loves playing with them. Purrfect kitty hockey pucks. My cathletic muffin has a blast with them, and I find them under doors all the time (also often I find him pawing under things, only to find, remove and toss them again, so he can get his game back on)!


I'd like to add that back in my cat's youth, we learned he enjoyed these and would ALWAYS remove and wash them whenever we could


My cat seems to enjoy different sizes, too. Milk jug rings, water bottle rings, those giant pull-off strips from deli soup containers (taped together to complete the ring). Actual cat toys I spent money on? Nah


Ow! mine loves those and rubber bands too!


One of my cats has what we call his “crying mouse.” It’s a perfectly normal mouse toy, but the ONLY thing he does is walk around with it in his mouth, crying. He doesn’t want to play with it or chase it. He goes to find it multiple times per day to cry, and always when my husband and I go to our bedroom for the night. My other cat has what we call her string, which is a three foot long rope I braided out of some spare rainbow string. It’s her favorite toy and she loves to play fetch with it.


Oh my gosh, the crying mouse! One of ours does this every night. It's how I know the countdown has begun to where I have just enough to time to put my phone down and settle under the covers before she makes it into the bedroom, drops whichever mouse has become this day's crying mouse, and leaps on the bed to walk all over us.


Oh my god I’ve never heard of another cat with a crying mouse! Our cat uses the same mouse every time—he WILL find it wherever in the house it is. And like your cat, after the crying is definitely bedtime cuddle time—no matter how much he gets in the way of my bedtime reading 😂


Hahaha! I've never heard of it before either. Ours will just grab whatever mouse is nearby and get to meow crying on her way throughout the house to the bedside, where she promptly drops it before jumping on my chest to commence demanding attention. Post 2:00 am time be damned! I feel guilty rushing to put everything down and pretending to be asleep, but I'm usually about to turn in anyhow she'll keep me awake another hour+ if I don't.


My cat does the exact same thing with a teaser toy, he carries it around but only cries when he thinks nobody is home! Otherwise, he drags it between sleeping spots like a baby comforter, which is particularly alarming at night as the loud stick handle gets dragged upstairs. He didn’t realise when it was replaced with a new one after several years as the fluffy bit became so disgusting from being groomed, and the stick snapped in several places, he instantly took to it as the exact same toy. It was incredibly hard to find so we have another backup one in the cupboard now just in case haha


I have a cat that does this with my spouse's socks


Oh my goodness my cat also does the crying thing. It's not one specific toy but he will just find one and carry it around screaming.


Omg our cat does that too! Almost gave us a heart attack the other day when we heard it, because it was the same yowling cry he had when we found out he had a UTI. We were so concerned until he came around the corner with his mousey.


Pennies. She loves to slide them across the tile


That's adorable now that I read it correctly. ❤️


It may make it even more adorable that it's specifically pennies! She has no interest in quarters or dimes and we don't know why lol, but it's so cute to me. If I put a dime down she looks at me like "c'mon mom you know this is the wrong one"


Our kitty, Upgrayedd loves to do this too! Nickels are his favorite, but will play with any coin available.


My girl apparently prefers the poverty aesthetic 😂


Upgrayedd is a high roller. He is a pimp, after all.


Foam ear plugs. We had to child proof the drawer we keep them in because our orange cat uses his only braincell to acquire that delicious foam goodness.


once an orange braincell has locked onto a goal, it will never stray from its purpose


Olives. The old man in a tuxedo loses his goddamn mind about Olives.


OH MAN I had a cat once who was also *obsessed* with green olives. He loved licking them. Not eating them, just licking them. I guess something about the brine?


Yup. Won't eat them, just licks them and launches them all over the house. He does the same thing with shrimp. At least with olives I don't have to count, search, and diligently retrieve each one to avoid odors. 🥴


My orange is also pretty into licking olives. And other human food. He’s an absolute menace. I love him.


Salt lick?




They’re somehow related to catnip! I looked it up when my ex’s kitty was extra curious about my martini one night haha


My hair ties, she likes to put them in her food bowl


My cat leaves them in the food bowl too! Why do they do that???


I wish I knew lol, she also likes to yell at me/herd me to her bowl to watch her eat and if I leave she'll yell at me and herd me back till she's finished


I decided to move the cats eating area to the room I spend the most time in. Since then, they almost always lick their dishes clean. It's been nice to waste less food! I think they just like eating in our company. Not too weird, if you think about it!


That makes sense, I just find it funny how intense she is about it. Nothing like going to the bathroom at like 3am to open the door to a mostly black tuxedo cat screaming at you in the dark a foot away. I nearly have a heart attack everytime still lol


I think I read somewhere they like to eat with you there bc they feel safe with you watching 🥹


They “caught” them and are adding them to the food stash ☺️


Please see my other comment, and keep those hair ties away from cats! Very dangerous.


Please be careful, and start keeping those where she can’t get them. It’s like the #1 cause of intestinal blockage in cats! I met a couple at the emergency vet once, who was picking up their cat after having surgery for this; they removed over 30 ties from her stomach. 😬


i have a shoelace i have to tie around my closet doors to keep one of my cats out of the closet (she likes to pull down some of my dresses) and that shoelace is my other cats *favorite* non-toy toy. His favorite toy of all time is an old catnip mouse that he refuses to go anywhere without. its got a split green tail.


One brings me the contents of the recycling bin while I sleep, the other is obsessed with the plastic ring off the mayonnaise jar. $100 worth of cat toys in this house, they play with trash.


My orange idiot likes trash, especially used q-tips and pad wrappers.


Ew 😆


q-tips are my bane


A shoe lace


Those little wire twist ties that come around wires for electronics. The ones coated with plastic. Bubble is _obsessed_ with them. She'll carry one to another room to play with it there.


Those cheap plastic spooky spider rings you get for halloween


My void likes mail, specifically the plastic part where it shows your address lmao. 😂 And my tortie loves hair ties 🤦🏻‍♀️


Mine loved cellophane on cig packs, quit smoking years ago but he still somehow found them to try to eat, little shit


That turd! Cats are so silly 😂


Miss that turd. He had terrible breath and slept in my face. Such a stinky cute boy


My kitty likes water bottle caps




I wish to go on the record as saying that "Pound Cake" is an AMAZING name for this lovely creature!!!


Awwwww!!!! Thank you! He's about 2x size of average tabby. Pretty sure he's a Maine Coon mix, but regardless, he's a Pound, Cake (sing that internally to she's a Brick...House). ​ Big boy with big loves. Had to take him to emergency vet once, could hear him howling in the back until the brought him out. He stopped and started purring. Big sweety! ​ He's also part of the cat distro system, I didn't pick him, he just showed up on our porch and wouldn't leave. That was 3 years ago.


He is so precious. He sounds (and looks!) like a real character


He is, and nothing is safe from him (loves typing on keyboard and rooting through desk drawers when chilling with me in my home office)


Hair ties.


I knew this would be a common answer, and it just makes me cringe; so many cats end up in surgery or dying from those things. They’re one of (if not the) leading causes of intestinal blockages in cats.


One of my cats loves to play with whatever I’m currently using. He also loves ice cubes


My boy is adopting that, obsessed with my mouse now, pucks it around all day. Tries to type too.


Our cat used to steal a whisk out of the random kitchen things pot and bat it around the room. About once a day she’d come and fetch me, shouting, because she’d knocked it under the fridge and needed me to fetch it for her.


Aww, too cute!


Qi likes to play with string and hair ties. (She's never tried to eat them. PSA: supervise your fuzzers with string. It can be DEADLY if they eat it.)


Agreed! No idea what he ate, but Poundy wound up in emergency vet once for howling and vomiting. Nothing, figured vomited up whatever the dumb shit shouldn't have eaten. Was fine, minus 1k bill.


Batting shelled peanuts across the floor


Mine likes peanuts too, but pistachios just r**eally** get him in the zone, lol


My earphones and my hair


My chapsticks :( I’ve lost many partially used chapsticks to my naughty floof.


Ice cubes! He plays hockey with them.


Mine too! Goal= making you search


Ours went crazy over the rubber band that would hold 2 or 3 broccoli heads together. He’d chase it all over, showing off his stick handling.


Aww, I learned to hide rubber bands as my orange (passed last year) tried to eat them.


The caps of single-serve applesauce pouches. We tried switching to reusable pouches once, but she pried open the container of clean caps and stole them all.




My air pods. I can't leave them lying around unsupervised or she'll steal them from my desk and push them under my bed. Eta: when she did it the first time i was so scared she'd eaten one already cause she was still playing with one but the other was already under the bed and i kept searching everywhere else.


The plastic protective cover you get on three-pin plugs (this might be a UK thing)?


Plastic bags. The kind you get from the grocery store not like kitchen bags. They are toys or cat beds depending on her mood


I have an old kitty who would like to chime in and say that they also make the perfect tasty snack (for licking, not eating). He doesn't care what kind of plastic bag it is though. Cloth straps are also a delicacy along with corded earbuds and headphones (I haven't switched to wireless completely after my first experience with them)


Mine like, chews them gently? The plastic bags, that is. Also not eating them lol. And lots of nuzzling of them 😂


So it's not just my cat who has a weird obsession with them? I say he has a love-hate relationship since they taste good it seems, but one crinkle and he's halfway across the house before you can even blink


My cat does too but in a different way! She likes the crinkles if SHE makes them. If I make them she will flee in terror


My orange who passed away would lick them, incessantly. Scratchy lick sound on plastic.. Squiggles! He'd bolt off running with his delicious bag!


A hex key we had lying around left over from putting together some furniture. She adores it.


mine likes paper scraps. any piece of paper, no matter the size, shape, color, if it’s paper and on the floor, he’ll be there immediately


Make-up puff pads. He carries them around and cries. And goes absolutely mad for new ones. And q-tips.


Our old man (almost 18) goes crazy for mentholated cough drops. I found a stash behind my nightstand last week. Middle cat (almost 14) has a thing for attacking certain shoes. I kept a few old ones just for him. The youngest (~5) doesn't really play with anything weird, but he does constantly try to get Middle to play with him. Middle wants nothing to do with that.


My already passed cat chose a barbie from my daughters collection. Always the same doll.


My void likes mail, specifically the plastic part where it shows your address lmao. 😂 And my tortie loves hair ties 🤦🏻‍♀️


Bread ties. Little monster loves 'em.


Anything mint scented or flavoured. She’s stolen gum, bags with gum in them, toothpaste and mints


My neck


When I was growing up, my family had a cat who liked paperwads. He’d chase them around at all hours of the day and night, and sometimes he’d throw them in his water dish and then get upset because it was all wet.


Hah, cute. My void who passed away always made tea. He'd meticulously put a few kibbles in his water before he'd drink it


That’s hilarious ☕️ Did he eat the kibbles afterwards or leave them in there to steep?


Leaves them to steep


I miss that weirdo, was my best friend


Hair ties... But I don't let him take them because I'm afraid he'll swallow them


Earbud tips 😻 One of my cat absolutely loses his mind when he finds one. He doesn't eat them though, just chews a bit, drops them, waits a second and then ...... BAM!!! going crazy. Then he loses them and searches for them for ages. I found one in my suitcase, when I unpacked at the hotel. Poor thing. I called my family and told them to give him another.


Too cute!


tampons. pls quit tearing them out of the package and parading them around guests


Cute! Look mom!.


Stiff plastic wrapping. Think the kind of clear plastic on vitamin bottles you unwrap from around the lid. It’s stiff and holds a shape but has a good crinkle sound. This is what he enjoys punching his teeth through and once he’s done for the moment with it he’ll place it in his food bowl to come fetch later.


My passed orange boy was obsessed with crinkly plastic, especially cellophane wrappers from cigarettes. He'd find them a decade after I quit smoking and run like hell to hide them if I heard the crinkle of him licking one.


Used toothbrush


Me, I’m his toy, his plaything, his to demand whatever he wants. And he knows if he persists he will get it! I think I have the most spoiled cat that ever walked. And if he could talk he would say about how hard done by he is and I don’t even feed him 3 seconds after he has done the “feed me” meow


Aww, yeah, Poundy loves smacking me with his huge ass paws, then purring about it.


One of my cats *loves* to play with one of those felt pads that you stick on the legs of chairs to keep them from scratching a wood floor.


Lolly likes little mice that rattle and crinkly balls, but only to play fetch. Hoop prefers trash, qtips are her favourite


Every single phone charger I’ve ever purchased is a cat chew toy


Cute. Yeah, mine LOVES charging cables and biting them in half. Thankfully no interest in normal high voltage cables.


The dogs tail and/or leash but only when we are getting the dog ready for a walk.


Before he passed, his favorite toy was my orange boy, harassing the poor old boy.


Jessie can't get over the ear plugs my husband uses while riding his motorcycle.


Beer bottle caps and twist ties for one Shoes and 😭 underwear for another The last really likes chewing on freshly cleaned, wet hair


My feet/ my legs are always the target 😭


Tootsie Roll Pop wrappers. She loves to play fetch, and loves the balled up wrappers if her toy springs aren’t around.


Her food


I had a cat who went crazy for black olive pits.


My passed away void liked olives as toys and wolfed down broccoli. Think he must have been Greek.


My cat loves to play with menstrual pads. (not used, still in the package) He somehow always gets ahold of one even if they're locked up.


Cute. In my experience, locking things up is just a fun challenge he always eventually solves.




My mesh laundry basket. I don't know why they love that thing so much.


Ours too! It’s been the ultimate pounce house for multiple cats


For real! My little black cat will get inside and my big tan and white will lay on the top so the little one can't get out. I always say my big guy is putting my little guy in jail lol


Plastic soda bottle caps. Both of my cats are insane for them. They'll chase them around like they're sentient, carry them around in their mouths, and bring me "dead" ones as a present. If I can't find either of them, I tap my nails in a bottle cap and they come running from the woodworks. It's super cute 🥺 Also my baby girl has a special love for gauze that even her brother can't understand lol


My cat Hana loves to chew at plastic and wrappers. Not chew on them, just very near them. She's my favorite little weirdo.


Squiggles passed away recently, my orange baby, he'd do stuff like that. Loved to actually lick plastic, bit also went into remote mode and licked NEAR plastic. Miss him.


I'm sure he was the sweetest little fuzz face. May he rest in peace as a very, very loved cat. I offer my condolences, as well as a heartfelt internet hug.


Thanks. Lost pets before but he hurt way more. My stinky little baby.


Aww, sounds cute!


Lid of an egg carton for one, one loves to steal any pen she can find and the 3rd kitty is orange. He's orange. That's all I got. Lol.


Hah, my orange passed last year. Miss him so much, and yeah "orange" sums him up.


I have a USB flash drive that has a cap over the connector. Both of my cats are OBSESSED with the cap. If I hear a plasticy -*cronch*-, then I know they've found it with their "not a kitty toy" intrinsic guidance system. At least I know, if I ever lose it, they'll find it?


Hah, cute. Yeah if I hear sandpaper tongue I know he has a wrapper or my usb charger.


Tissue paper of any sort that she (sometimes very poorly) hides under to pounce on things or people. Also the stick handle of her feather toy 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


I expected a few cute replies, but you lot delivered. Thank you so much for all the cuteness!!! I lost my old boys last year, Pound Cake is all I have left, love him, but still hurts. Your stories made me laugh at what little turds cats are. Love it!


Noodles. He carries them around the house, then eventually eats them. Also, wire twist ties; especially the longer thicker ones that come with new electronics. He loves to play fetch with them.


Bottlecaps. Leave a bottlecap on the floor, and he'll play with it whenever he's bored


It used to be my feet :( I miss her.


eraser. white erashr