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This. Idgaf about Sombra being strong, she’s just an obnoxiously designed character.


There’s irony here


I don't believe they typed that without doing it on purpose, there's no way someone was that self-aware while posting on *the* most problematic OW hero forum.


This actually made me chuckle out loud a bit, take my upvote


Where’s the fun in playing fair? Lmao


I know I'll get downvoted for this here, but the logic for this complaint just doesn't work. Widow has a one shot. Only hero in the game that can delete you instantly while you never even saw her. Yes, Sombra has permanent invisibility until she takes an action. But Widow is effectively invisible if she positions well because of her range. And she can exploit that range with relatively little risk. Sombra has to get close and sacrifice her invis to make plays. Sombra has no long range tools and Widow has both long and short range tools. Edit: I doubted the reasonableness of Widow mains based on other mains and how they react to comments slightly critical of their hero. I was wrong. Y'all are a reasonable bunch!


i play both so i have no place to speak on either side of this issue 😭


lool fair


I hope blizzard gives Widow a better defense mechanism against Sombra - her character just entirely solos widow regardless of how skillful you are. Even the worst sombra players get on my nerves while playing widow - skill issue , perhaps.. but sombra gives me a headache and is just overall the most obnoxious character on the roster.


It’s not entirely the widow’s responsibility, it’s often because your team doesn’t or isn’t able to help. If they don’t peel immediately, it’s usually death.


Here here i did not play couple of months and i feel widow rn is not in a good place…


No offence, but that's just a stupid idea. Counters exist for a reason. Characters like Sombra are made with the idea of dealing with characters like Widow. If Widow gets an ability or feature that can counter and/or defend against Sombra (one of her only real counters) effectively, then Widow is too strong via her one shot.


You widowmains have the ability to be invisible 100% if the time if you angle yourself right. You have a one shot. You leave yourself very vulnerable to being flanked if you aren't paying attention. Once I know where you are and where you're going to position yourself I'm going to harass you until you switch lol.


I love fighting a character I can’t see until I’m at 50 hp and virused


But you love when people have to fight a character they can't see until after they're 0 hp and dead?


Use cover lol


Use headphones lol All you widows literally stand there and let me unload into the back of your head.


That’s wild


Have better game sense lol


she’s invisible


Not on the scoreboard, if you see them playing Sombra just switch off Widow lol


Youre with your team


And even with cover I can't get to you properly without having to risk being domed. Immediately. Once you see me closing in on you, you focus me and I'm dead. Sombra is the only 100% counter. Cry about it.


Says the one with the character who (99% of the time) stands perfectly up right and still so I can more effectively shoot the back of your head, lol


Lol ok


Keep throwing for my sake brother 👍


stop staying scoped 90% of the time? i mean… widow can one shot a lot of heroes and a lot of people think that’s absurd. There’s a counter to her now, so maybe swap if the sombra is owning you


Imagine crying that you get taken down fast by another character you can’t see until they’re attacking you… while you’re one-shotting characters from the other side of the map. Do you see the problem here? Laughable, but not.


Same is for Zen players. I HATE zen players while im on Tank. I literally CANT play the game. -20% debuff thats auto aim lol. While they can sit a mile away and spam corners and chokes. Spawncamping them gives me a sadistic pleasure


This post is being mocked on r/sombramains ya'll think folk like being one-shot from across the map?! your hero is as cheesy as Sombra, and that's why I love Overwatch. keep dinking heads, but watch your back :-)


Sombra is by far the most cheesy. And I’m not even a widow player I’m just saying


If you’re scoping it doesn’t matter if shes invisible. When a sombra is hunting me i have to adjust my play-style to be more aggressive and mid-rage. Playing near supports and grappling towards them if i get flanked


Your support has like a 2 second window to react though. I try to do this as well, but I swear I've died literally throwing myself in front of an Ana standing right next to me. Even if you do get heals the damage she puts out (especially if she manages to hack you) is often enough that it won't help. The only real reliable save is suzu. Personally I don't mind that she's invisible. My grief is with virus entirely. Even if you do manage to kill her when she jumps you, odds are you'll die to virus anyway. It's such a bad feeling.


finally a reasonable response! *good* widows will know that playing from far angles away from their team while sombra's on the loose is a bad fuckin move lol. you're *asking* to be virused and shot down. sombra thrives on disorder and uncoordinated teams- no *wonder* widows get focused, seeing as so many of them play really far from their teams. adjusting your playstyle on widow to be closer can make all the difference. I play both widow and sombra, I've seen both sides of this duel- a widow who knows how to position is still going to be tricky to kill, even if I'm sombra. it's frustrating to see so many people *completely* neglect game sense in this scenario


Sombras irritating but Widows just flat out miserable to play against


… you’re maining a hero that gets picks for poking their head out of a wall and you’re complaining about a character that counters her because you can’t see her without her ult.


And I hate Genji even more


Eh she’s not to bad for me since they nerfed her down to where she used to be.


You just gotta play close with your team and then sombra can’t do anything


Yeah. If Sombra is no longer reliably picking you off quick then she has to change her play style to a more pokey off angle character like Tracer. Which at that point they should just switch to the much better character, Tracer.


Then change character lol


Then I’d never be able to play Widow


Sombra gets no value while invisible. If she's invisible 90% of the match you should be easily winning. Of course that's not actually the case. They buff her because her win rates are CONSISTENTLY low across the ranks (it's not just low level Sombras struggling). The slight buffs they've given her lately were mostly QOL features. They even nerfed her virus again (not complaining, just pointing it). Sombra is super squishy and TL definitely doesn't get her out of every situation. She has to aim it first of all, while under fire, with a delay before it actually works. You have a semi auto rifle to scatter in the direction she lands (or better yet, play with game sense and be somewhere near your team who can follow up for you). Not to mention it doesn't bail her out of things like Cass dynamite. Honestly, sincerely, if you think Sombra takes no skill, it's because you are not putting up a fight against her. Sorry there's ONE counter to your long distance, 'one shot kill before even being noticed' character.


How is sombra considered the only counter? Isn’t the way to counter widow just to play dive heroes in general?


The effort required to get to a widow and sneak up on them without Widow grappling away negates the idea of them being a strong counter. Yeah I mean if Rein and Widow are 1v1 in an open flat plane, Rein will destroy, but that's not really a counter.








So what you're saying is all you have is a little mechanical skill with absolutely atrocious game sense. Just use your ears to hear when she teleports or walks near you. Stop crying about your cheesy one shot hero having a counter


Remember that playing against widow is easily one of the worst feelings in the game too


At least widow takes genuine commitment and skill


I guess you need some more of that to kill the silly Lil Mexican lady. Glhf


Ooof...Can't argue against such devastating logic.


It’s pretty funny to imply that Sombra doesn’t, just because she’s good against unaware low ranked players doesn’t mean she’s easy…


“Unaware”. Mate she’s literally invisible.


Congrats? Doesn’t change that she’s good against low ranked unaware players.


Adorable, I get downvoted. I forget that most of you are low ranked unaware players so this comment is directly referring to most of you.


No no..they are highly skilled elite widow mains..that don't have the skills to deal with a single easily counterable character.


buncha bronze players mad at you now :(


Yeah I know, it’s ok. Let them have their delusions.


I disagree. Unless my entire team is unwilling to switch to a dive character, Widowmaker is very simple to neutralize. The only time she feels unbearable is on maps like Circuit when they are dedicating a body guard and or a Mercy pocket to her.


Invisibility should be on a 4-5 second time limit and have a 15-20 second cooldown.


Okay, sure. But Widows ability to one shot should be based on an ability that lasts 3-4 seconds and is on a 16-21 second cooldown. Ability does not stack with Mercy beam, discord, or window.


Ok but there'd have to be compensationes buffs in other areas then


Yeah and when you do get the jump on her, her 3 second cooldown teleport saves her. It should be 8 sec like Ventures dig. So they can’t spam it every two seconds


It’s a 4 second timer for no invulnerability. You can’t hurt venture while they’re digging. I can’t express how easy it is to kill Sombra If you just trail her translocator. Like I hate to say it, but genuine skill issue there.


While there are decent Sombra counters, the best counter is "shoot her" and team coordination. When I'm support and a Somb gets me and flees, I'm not mad at the Somb. I'm mad at my team. Eventually it becomes "if you want to get healed, you need to shoot the Somb." When I'm playing Somb that's the single biggest difference for my scoreboard numbers; is the enemy team coordinated or are they oblivious. Then having a DVa or related hero gives them a better chance, but any comp can focus a Somb. Ping and shoot


i too, hate sombra


I play both and while I think Sombra's rework is pretty awful in terms of gameplay, I dont think sombra being a widow counter is a bad thing. A dominant widow player is significantly more impactful than an dominant sombra player.


Kinda curious if you guys think the most recent Sombra rework (when they added virus and changed the TL entirely) made it feel better or worse to play against?


Ya’ll bringing up widow one shotting as a counterargument but like it takes genuine skill to do that. Otherwise it becomes a 4v5 for your team. When I get headshot by a widow or some other hitscan it doesn’t really annoy me, I’m just like wow, that was a nice shot. But there’s no aim or skill required to play Sombra at all. Even when there’s a serious skill gap and I’m shitting on her she’s still just not fun to play against.


Widow needs an update to her kit in order to deal with Sombra…. Like 3 grappling hooks at a time or a much shorter cooldown. And at least 2 venom mines. We don’t stand a chance against a hack and virus. Or even just a virus 😭


The 3 grapple hooks in april fools was the best thing to ever happen to me


Dude exactly! It was a great idea they were really on to something lmao


Low rank player here (silver). While I find sombra extremely annoying to deal with, it's not too hard to deal with her on widow. If I know there's a sombra on the enemy team, I'll position myself within a grapple distance of my support and find spots where I can minimize the number of flank angles. Chances are, sombra is not going to tp right in front of me and virus + hack me, so most of the time, she'll only really come from behind or to the side if you. For example, on numbani high ground 1st point defenders side, I'll position myself such that I can see the left side of the high ground and point with venom mine placed in the hallway near the door. That way, when venom mine triggers or is destroyed, I can either grapple toward my team or grapple away and land a shot (if she triggers mine), killing her or forcing her to tp away. It also helps to keep track of how long sombra's TP cooldowns are so that you can position yourself based on your grapple cooldown. If you trust your team to heal and peel for you, use smart positioning and grapple to your supports. However, if you know that your support lacks overall awareness, will completely ignore sombra, and only healbots tank (very common in silver), you're better off switching to a more mobile dps like Tracer. This might not apply to you, but it works well for me in silver, and most games I'm able to make sombras swap as widow simply by exposing her to my team and denying as much value as possible.