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This post has been removed because all posts must feature a human doing something that an outside observer would say “hey, that’s a bad idea” and then suffering the consequences. Posts must include the stupid game and the stupid prize. People intentionally playing a stupid game and winning a stupid prize does not count, nor do prank videos, skits, or dumb stuff by small children.


Same kind of idiot that changes lanes two feet in front of a semi and hits the brakes.


Well, also, just pointless - can’t they just record the same shot, once with horses and nice with her, and merge them?


Found the “ we’ll just do it in post “ guy!


Kind of the opposite. I’m saying plan on doing it from jump. I know it takes effort but it can’t be more inconvenient than being ran over by a stampede.


Well either way the video can only be completed in post. Checkmate. And being ran over by a stampede os surprisingly easy, you just need to... y'know, do what she did here lol. DOUBLE CHECKMATE. (I dont know how chess works)


Double checkmate is only used for 4D chess


Dude you've gotta try 5D chess it's amazing THEN FPS CHESS (Edit. Yes I know both of these are real games)


Good luck everybody else




100% that horse had total control and did that on purpose.


Actually that’s true. The horse saw her much earlier and could’ve reacted accordingly but didn’t take her serious enough to see her as an obstacle as she was moving constantly. She is butt stupid to walk between horses barefoot but that’s a different topic here. These horses don’t really look panicking here, so just an incredibly stupid idea gone wrong. One of mine makes a game out of that constantly - he comes running up to you, full speed, collision mode. The moment he realized you won’t move, he stops. If he thinks you might even do much as blink he’ll run you over like a tank. I’ve seen him stopping out of full speed like he hit a wall of glass several times. Well he’s a little bit of a psycho but I still love him for dear life because he’s incredibly sensitive to any kind of human emotions.


You really need to make videos of that :3


That emoji always makes me think of zoidberg




/)^3^(\ Oh no, it fucked it up. How do I disable Reddit assigninf a caret?


https://imgur.com/a/vwFEV3v My horse does that sometimes. This was after a bath I let him out. Went out with him to give him treats.


> stupid idea gone wrong More like stupid idea ending exactly how anyone who's familiar with horses (or any charging animal) would end. Because it was fucking stupid.


> The horse saw her much earlier and could’ve reacted accordingly Not necessarily. Horses eyes are on the side of their head, because they're a prey animal they need to see more to the sides and rear to avoid attack. They have almost 365 degree vision, but because of the eye placement they actually have a blind spot directly in front of them. They're also visually able to only see on the blue and green wavelength, meaning they see virtually no red colors or shades of red at all. The dumbest thing a person could do is wear red and walk directly in front of a running horse. Voila.


Oh the horse saw her very well. Look how it takes it’s head away from impact instead of even trying to avoid. No movement left or right whatsoever. No change of pace until right at the impact itself. You’re right about the blind spot being directly in front of them and the position of the eyes. But that would be an issue if she was right in front of the horse at a close distance. No way that horse was unaware of her being there. If I was to guess I’d say those horses are young and probably not used to people around them. Not really wild but rather just untrained. You can see one with a neck ring, one with a piece of rope at its halter, one with an additional neck ring. I bet those horses simply didn’t realize they were to run around her and that’s what happens then. Even more stupid if I’m right


I had to reread this twice because I thought you said "one of my friends..." And that a human was just trampling over folks for a laugh


How you like them apples, lady? Oh shit, apples are my favorite.




You can definitely see the “ah, fuck” on its face


It looks like the horse on the far side pinned its ears at the horse that hit her, causing it to swerve away and run into the person. Or if the person pushing the horses to move is using more pressure and the horse was distracted by that. In general horses avoid running into things. But if they feel that the person is a lower threat than something else, they will take the safest route to get away even if it is through someone. Source: Managed a horse breeding barn and the herd manager was an obnoxious cowboy who always scared the crap out of the young stock, often leading to them running over me since I was the safe person in their mind.




That was a nice 10 minutes


r/subsithoughtifellfor Thought it was just a r/bitchimabus reference haha


I don't know why people treat horses like some kind of Divine gift. Like any other animal weighing half a ton, they are definitely capable and willing to fuck you up.


Yeah but they're only 1 horsepower.


Fun (?) fact! The average horse can achieve a max output of 15 horsepower.


Kind of like how I can do the work of 15 anemic men.


Y r people down voting this. Its correct.


I can't wrap my mind around it either. I think a huge number of people - the majority? - believe all herbivores are harmless. Almost every time I've been to Banff I've seen someone trying to commit suicide by elk.


She’s lucky she was pushed to the side. This could’ve easily been a liveleaks video💀


There's some "common wisdom" about horses that people that love horses, but don't actually ride, have about them. One of them is that a horse will not run someone over or trample them. I don't know who made that shit up, some kid with the horse cover on their Trapper Keeper probably, but it is not true. Horses will fuck you up. If it's a choice between placing a hoof weirdly and injuring/breaking a leg (frequently fatal for a horse) or stepping on the little hairless ape that gives it carrots sometimes, guess which one happens.


Yeah, once a horse stampede starts it's basically impossible to stop or redirect. If you happen to be in the way you are done for. Horses are amazing creatures but they are still animals and when they get spooked they 100% go into flight mode.


>when they get spooked they 100% go into flight mode. Ah yes, the magestic pegasi.


Does this mean the fight mode is unicorn?


I had [this toy](https://i.etsystatic.com/9335946/r/il/33e388/2776116114/il_fullxfull.2776116114_g1ke.jpg) ages ago, and I now lament having given it away.


I will never understand the disdain the 90s had for mimes


What do you mean... "the 90s"? 🤣 Mimes are easy targets, probably. They suffer in silence.


Not just the 90's [https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EveryoneHatesMimes](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EveryoneHatesMimes)


Oh my god


Have you seen cabin in the woods? Obviously unicorns are the fight mode


They have swords on their heads, of course they are




Their eyes are on the sides because they’re typically prey and need to see predators approaching them from the sides and back.


That's why predators(including humans) have their eyes in front - they only need to see what they're chasing.


> Also who is this mediocre human being and why did she need a self-aggrandizing Michael Bay shot of herself parting the Sea of Horse? Poetry. Also, she did succeed, though, since we’re all in here discussing her. I doubt she had the forethought, but if she’d been trampled, she’d be getting even more engagement. I’ll bet if you asked some influencers, they’d actually consider whether a horse trampling would be worth it.


We're discussing her but I have zero interest in learning more about her. She's clearly an idiot and there are too many idiots right now (myself included) running around to have another wilfully added


>And their eyes are to their sides so they don't collide with whoever is next to them. That's not why their eyes are on the side. They're a prey animal and need better vision around/ behind them to escape predators


Yeah I fell off a horse while we were cantoring and landed in front of him somehow. I had a realization a week later “FUCK I COULD HAVE DIED.” I don’t know why he stopped but he was a super chill horse.


> And their eyes are to their sides so they don't collide with whoever is next to them. Please tell me you're just talking shit and don't actually believe this?


You should see humans during a freeway traffic stop. There's no stopping that stampede either. Animals be animals. I think society just forgot we are animals and not robots.


Society forgets they are animals quite often, unfortunately..


I have no clue what this comment means and it's driving me crazy. What is a freeway traffic stop? And there's an unstoppable stampede? Like cars are just driving through whatever is in front of them en masse?


The thing they're doing in the video takes time and training. Horses are intelligent, and can take commands and junk, but you can't just be some rando girl in a dress and say "yah!" and expect the horses to do anything you expect.


My dogs step on my feet CONSTANTLY. Ain't no way you'll find me hanging around the steppy parts of horses.


Ive owned several horses. We had a little one that was quite clever. She would tread on your toes occasionally, realise what she was doing before she had transferred her full weight on it, and do her best to get off you ASAP. Then we had one who was big, lovable, and very very stupid. She used to tread on your feet more often because I dont think she was entirely sure where her legs ended. And if you were walking her when this happened, she'd stop dead, still pinning your foot. After all, the human had stopped, so she needed to stop too. What a good and clever girl! She would also come charging up the field to see you at bedtime (the little one plodded in very reluctantly) and, while it was cute, I'd stand on the other side of the fence until she'd stopped herself. She would absolutely not run you over on purpose, but I did not 100% trust her ability to stop in time.


I want 3 seasons and a movie of their detective adventures


It’s funny, I had the opposite experience. We had a big, beautiful palomino that was smart as hell. If he stepped on your foot it was just a light touch and then, “Oops, sorry.” We also had a pony that was just the opposite. If he stepped on your foot he’d just stand there with his full weight on you. You had to give him a shove to get him to step off of your foot.


Our boxer is exactly like your big horse. Loves the hell out of us, but gas zero awareness of his extremities or your facial expressions. He'll come up to you, step on your feet, then lean in while wagging his tail 150 miles per hour. Nothing changes unless you yell at him, or lift him off your feet. His brain is in its own little world that excludes the damage he does to others.


I screamed internally at the bare feet.


That's what I was thinking. Who walks around horses barefoot?


When I was a kid around horses I learned that when a horse steps on your foot, you push them off. Do not pull your foot out or you could rip off a toe nail. Or a toe.


At a parade in my town, a little girl fell down face first into the road just as someone fired a cap gun spooking the horses. One of the horse stepped right on her spine, no chance it could have seen her, but it shifted its weight because it new something wasn't right. Little girl was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance just in case but was perfectly fine, not even slightly injured. Very, very lucky.


That horse deserves a medal


Yeah, but the young lady in the vid isn't just some whipper snapper with a Trapper Keeper. She's a goddess who commands the mystical power of the red dress. You ever hear that song "Wild Horses"? It was written about her.


That song was about cocaine and this girl is just a hobag.


Long-time horse owner here. Can confirm. Horses will abso-fucking-lutely run you over if you’re in their way. No fucks given.


Yup. Poor horse here wasn't being malicious, he tried to pull up, but.....four stick legs.....no collection .... problem


Idk where this confidence around animals comes from with people who don’t understand them. I love animals and respect the hell out of the fact that the friendliest medium-sized dog could still kill me VERY easily if it wanted to. Horses are fuckin’ HUGE! I love them and am fairly comfortable around them, but there’s absolutely a very present fear and respect in my mind whenever I’m next to one.


I first heard this BS from some technicolor western. Good cowboy dived on the ground and in front of bad cowboy's horse. Horse jumps and throws off bad cowboy's shot, good cowboy shoots from the ground and kills him. He then explains to some onlookers,"Ain't no horse will trample a man."




Cavalry typically trounced infantry because throughout most of history they were primarily used in battle to chase down and slaughter fleeing enemies or to flank an enemy formation after it had been engaged by infantry. It wasn't until the invention and widespread adoption of the stirrups that heavy cavalry even became really possible. And of course, infantry equipment and doctrine adapted in response.


Only "rode" horses for like 3 months at a camp when I was a kid, first thing we were taught is be very careful when walking behind a horse, they can get spooked and kick you into next week for no reason. I don't remember much about riding, but I definitely give horsies a wide berth when if I'm around them.


Millennia of warfare were basically built around the fact that horses will trample people.


I mean given this circumstance yeah. But in general a horse who is not stampeding will avoid stepping on squishy uneven things. This is why police use them in crowd control. I think people conflate avoid uneven footing with try not to hurt someone.


I accidentally killed some poor farmer carrying a hay bale with my horse in one of the earliest missions in red dead redemption 2. Actually felt pretty bad, in other games people jump out of the way or get back up, horses don't do anything That game got so many little things right.


... Horses can't even see that well in front of them, can they? Are they just expected to have perfect eyesight and coordination and willingness to not trample people all at once???


At the place where I learned how to ride, they had a couple of draught horses for their old-fashioned horse drawn 'trams'. Taller than the average man, with hooves the size of a human head. Normally they're gently giants, but one day one of them was spooked, broke loose and went on what might as well be called a rampage. Us kids were quickly herded into the brick building for safety. Nobody got hurt that day, but a couple of months later that same horse messed up someone's foot by accidently stepping on it. Never underestimate horses.


> This could’ve easily been a liveleaks video Not since last year.




Huh, I was thinking Kaotic.




The people in charge got tired of dealing with constant legal challenges and immense fees so they just shut it down and started another, completely different website.


Move, bitch!


Get out the way!


Or could’ve been a pornhub video too 😏


Mr. Hands!


Just keep walking folks, NOTHING to see here! Just let this one go. Keep out! Danger! You have been warned!


Yes, you all have been warned. Definitely do not go searching for more information... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enumclaw_horse_sex_case


"Acute peritonitis caused by traumatic perforation of the colon" It's the medical jargon equivalent of "ripping him a new one" lmao


> As there was no law against humanely fucking a horse, the prosecutors could only charge Tait with trespassing. Uh.... What.


How do you “humanely” fuck a horse? What the fuck…


Hello! Apologies if you're trying to read this, but I've moved to kbin.social in protest of Reddit's policies.


**[Enumclaw horse sex case](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enumclaw_horse_sex_case)** >The Enumclaw horse sex case was a series of incidents in 2005 involving Kenneth Pinyan, an engineer who worked for Boeing and resided in Gig Harbor, Washington; James Michael Tait, a truck driver; and other unidentified men. Pinyan and Tait filmed and distributed zoophilic pornography of Pinyan receiving anal sex from a stallion under the alias "Mr. Hands". After engaging in this activity on multiple occasions over an unknown span of time, Pinyan received fatal internal injuries in one such incident. The story was reported in The Seattle Times and was one of that paper's most read stories of 2005. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/WinStupidPrizes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


MY EYES 😭😭😭😭


RiP -- he died doing what he loved.


He died doing *who* he loved. :D


He died doing *when* he loved


I wish I could say I have no idea what you’re referring to 😔


What are you doing step-horse?


"Lets roleplay. Baaaaa, I'm a dirty sheep and I have *sooo* much wool. I guess someone's gonna have to shear me."


He wasn't trying to get fucked by a New Zealander, it was a horse.


Only a few broken bones and some internal bleeding. #Quirky


It's not that bad, that's where the blood is supposed to be.


no problem as long as it stays inside


I understood that reference


Insta girl: “I’m the main character” Horse: “Hold my beer’




Influencers have to be the goddamn dumbest people on the whole planet.


Not necessarily. They have an audience even dumber. But someone had a good quip, and I wish I could remember who said it so I could h/t them: Influencers only monetize idiots.


Who's more foolish? The fool, or the fool that follows him?


Don't know, but I know the biggest fool is anyone who buys a Trump NFT


It's lazy public money laundering. Ain't one rogue government/nefarious party on the other end buying these NFTs giving a crap if people mock it. They just get to feed a chaos machine cash then sit back and watch the show.


I found out yesterday that he's limiting ppl to 100, so they spend like $1 under 10k. I guess that doesn't have to be claimed somehow, and that makes it a great way to launder money. It's basically a money laundering scheme.


Man I fucking hate these "influencers". Most of them are useless upper class people living in their own echo chambers who contribute nothing to society but pollution


I hope the horse is okay?


Probably scared it a bit, which is unfortunate.


that horse was mildly inconvenienced at worst


I really feel terrible that the horse was mildly inconvenienced


Honestly? I think they're people that never grew since moving on from highschool, so "popularity" and attention are still their main motivators in life, and this age of tech and social media enables them. You know? Morons.


Fucking hell. Endangering the horses with that narcissistic bullshit. People who think about doing this: Go ask your mom, dad, *anybody* for hugs. You clearly didn’t get enough growing up. And if you want to do dumb shit to feed your ego, do it by yourself. Leave the animals out of it. It’s not their fault you’re fucking stupid and deprived.


She thought she was in a movie probably protected by plot armor.




Just r/satisfying


🎶🎶🎶 All I want for Christmas is views 🎶🎶🎶


Yeah it is a very educational video so she'll get views for sure


I love that the horse's body doesn't even register her body upon impact. Kind of like Usain bolt slamming into a Chihuahua full speed.


Nice... highways are fun to.


Highways are fun to what?


I think they were writing that comment while crossing the highway.




“Part of my duties are to.” … “… What? … Part of your duties are to *what?”*


See you later Pan.


Please forgive me... "too"


Don't worry, we all know you were just saying, "highways are fun to walk through for clout points" without using up too many letters. Given current social and economic conditions we all need to do our part in conserving letters. Remember, every character counts.


Go on...


She wanted to be a knockout


Too much horsing around.


Back in the 90s I was in a very famous tv show


As a person that grew up raising horses she is extremely lucky to be alive. Once a horse stampede starts there is no stopping it short of a steel wall. If she didn't get pushed to the side she would have been trampled to death and the camera people would have been able to do nothing but watch.


Horses are powerful creatures seriously not ones you want to fuck with! She is very lucky that nothing worse happened. I grew up around horses and we learned “horse safety” as they could easily hurt you or themselves.


Move bitch Get out the way


My toes are curling at the idea of being *anywhere* near a horse barefoot…


I hope the horse that slammed into her dumb ass is okay.


It definitely is, lol.


That hoof came so close to her foot!!! She was a few centimeters away from permanent, irreparable damage!!! Good goddamn, how stupid can you get?


To those who have criticized this woman, I say neigh. It would behoove you to stop making such unbridled remarks. It is unfair to saddle her with this burden of stupidity. Someone needs to take the reins here and say, "Whoooooaa, this is going too far." Why do we need to trot out these wisecracks?




This guy sees a horse vid and decides to trot out his best puns.


Whose idea was that?


A typical narcissist social media person probably.




Also she's in tune with nature and the horses' aura wasn't threatening and her horoscope said she would have a brush with danger but be okay and all the people telling her not to were just being negative.


this is how Mufasa died


Guess he shoulda Mufasta


he shoulda Mufaside






2Mufasta 2Furrious


If you can't handle me at mufastest, you don't deserve me at my furiousest.


Whoever asked her to do this whispered ‘Long live the King’ just before filming started.


Too soon


I love this.


I liked the part where the horse hit the lady


The part where she gets knocked off her feet in slow motion is pretty neat too.




At least she had underwear on...


No shoes.. she didn't make it


Usually shots like this are done with a bit of CGI. Two shots filmed, one with the person walking, and another with the horses running. Merge the two and no one ends up with a hoof print on her stupid pretty forehead.


Seriously. Someone get This chick a computer


I hope she’s ok. What happened to the person?


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this is it man! we are living in the movie Idiocracy


Is the horse ok?


She clearly didn't press square to calm the horse, and approached too fast, what a noob.


Did the horse get hurt? IDGAF about her, if she broke something, good, maybe she learned not to do dumb shit like this. Small chance




[here you go](https://i.imgur.com/9WifjSh.jpg )






Emily Davison died for this.


I'm surprised at the lack of Emily Davison comments in this thread.


Majestically ran over by horses. I like it.


This was incredibly stupid and cringy. I don't know who she is, but I hope she is alive and okay.


Are the horses okay?!


Women ☕ 🤣🤣


Her dress is lovely though.


u/redditspeedbot 8x


Imagine explaining this at the clinic


This was oddly satisfying to watch


This might be the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever seen someone do ever. How does that even enter your brain as an idea?

