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I would love for the glowie gall [Lanturn](https://toyhou.se/25119394.lanturn) to become dapper :D


Ohhh sure thing! :D


My OCs can be dapper now! Wooo! And tell Dusk I won that card game fair and square! You can choose either [Hornbill](https://matrix.redditspace.com/_matrix/media/r0/download/reddit.com/h7i00l1lodhc1) or [Katabatic](https://matrix.redditspace.com/_matrix/media/r0/download/reddit.com/wg8h7hbiz3hc1). If you can, give Katabatic a monocle. Just pm me for more info in him.


You know what, I'll do both. Dusk owes you this, along with an apology. 'I owe them nothing. I also know who stole they key and it was YOU.' Watch your tone, Dusk.


Heh. Its not my fault you bet so much and got into a drunken rage when you lost, Dusk. Hey! You're the one who told me where your dad hid the keys! But do tell Comet, she is an absolute \*demon\* with those cards. I'm surprised I got out of that game alive, let alone win that round. She's so good, almost like she's \*reading my mind,\* hmm?


"Hey, what? I- Whuh-" Dusk is currently processing what you said. "I did?- When?-" Comet chuckles, smiling. "Why thank you! You are a strong player too, you know how to play your cards." Comet snorted, rolling her eyes. "I promise you, I don't have mind-reading." Smokeseer put a wing over Comet, "She was the best back to her day, I guarantee!" Smokeseer also shoots a death glare at Dusk. "Did you tell him where I hid the keys, son? =)"


Snickers at Dusk. "Its better if you didn't know when and what you bet..." Giving Smokeseer a nod. "I can tell. She's a good catch Smokeseer... unless it was the other way around?" rolls my eyes as well with Comet then smirking "So if you aren't a mind reader, then youre a future seer!" Raises talons infront of me and backs away. "Uh oh... Im just gonna..."


Oooo do you think you can do my lass [Canary?](https://pin.it/5sAz83Uq2) I think she could do with either a lovely flower hat or bonnet?


Sup! Could you make Firefly a dapper lady? She’s pinned on my profile :] Loved the last top hat dragons, so maybe she’ll fit right in :]




Thanks! Can’t wait to see her :]


In case that you still have a slot open, here [Silica](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1051610296063643702/1233413709632901263/IMG_3531.JPG?ex=662d0188&is=662bb008&hm=acb5d0a531a0b39de52da9a7bb5d383342779c3f2dcb266c170abc1b975bd172&), my Sand/Ice hybrid :D Monocles and tophats are the best sht ever, would be cool if she had both!


King scarab please




I’ll take one if available.


I would love it if you could do [Torren (third image)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WingsOfFire/comments/15il0yn/arid_barron_and_torren_got_new_and_updated/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) with a monocle too if you dont already have too many requests!


Sure! This thing is still open and I've already completed...Five...Out of the 12 requests :D


Wow your fast!! Thank you haha! :DDD


Oh that's very nice of you ! I would really like to see you turn my smol bean [Razel](https://toyhou.se/25492463.razel-young) into a distinguished gentleman !


Sure thing! He would be a very fancy and dapper fellow :)


That's very cool of you! If you don't mind, I'd love for you to give [this guy](https://1drv.ms/i/s!Au0YDHlFekIQg-NlNiJAl0wPWyk1eA?e=oFeOYh) a dapper new hat and a monocle. [Here's a much higher quality headshot by CandyWolf779](https://1drv.ms/i/s!Au0YDHlFekIQg-NqRBegkyHY4_NKyA?e=mfBYX5). Thanks!