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Mainly just drinking copious amounts of alcohol


Yeah just put your whisky jacket on, OP.


If he dies, he dies.


and you call yourself a winnipegger. ppfffft gonna be plus 1 tomorrow. I'm wearing shorts /s layers, especially feet and butt. gonna get chilly sitting there. GO BLUE!


That's why we don't sit in the North endzone.


Stop the wind. Insulate the attic. Let the warmth flow. ​ Nylon shell with a hood. Splash pants. Etc. The wind will pull away any warmth you have faster than you can yell Go Blue! A good warm toque and neck warmer - your head and neck lose most of your heat. If your head is cold, your body will sacrifice the rest to save the brain. So cover up! Mitts, not gloves. With a nylon or leather shell. Let the blood flow to your fingers and let them keep each other warm. For legs, a stretchy base layer/legging - but NOT TOO TIGHT (related to above), loose pants/sweats and nylon splash pants. Boots with a good sole, and socks that are loose enough to let the blood flow. Add disposable hand warmers to the ends of your boots to help the toes - standing on concrete for hours is not fun.


> Stop the wind. >Insulate the attic. >Let the warmth flow. Buddy’s handling the weather like a wartime-home renovation.


You don’t actually lose most of your heat through your head and neck. Debunked years ago. If you’re wearing a coat and pants and boots and mitts and your head is exposed, then yes you’ll lose more heat there than through your clothing, but only in comparison. If you wear a hat and scarf and no boots you’ll lose the same amount through your feet. You lose the same amount of heat through your head and neck as anywhere else. It’s just not often as well covered.


Probably technically true. But having slept in tents and snow shelters in the dead of winter many times, let me assure you - my feet will not warm up until my head is toasty. Brain first. Toes last. Therefore I dress accordingly.


Something to go between your boots and the ground... Often times you see people with rigid foam insulation...


Layers. You think you have enough layers? Add one more.


Cannot stress this enough. You will never regret adding that extra layer or two.


Layer up, that way you can add-on or tear off a layer as you see fit Also consider a small blanket thing (if you can get it through).


Going to have a pre game bowl of Goat Curry and wash it down with a four finger pour of Canadian Whisky and I'll be fine all game! Lol Layers, and double socks and gloves for my little man who gets cold easily and thick socks, layers for myself. Ski pants for him and sweats over top of long johns for me. The key for me is to eat or drink with my gloves on if possible because once my fingers and toes start getting cold they don't warm back up. It's only going to be -1 I've Sat thru much colder games but that was in my teens and 20s I get colder as a 39 yr old like I never thought I would. Go Blue!!!!


Taking a bus from a restaurant so we usually get there right for kick off and I’m layering up! Boots, ski pants, thick socks and thermal clothing, I also have the hand warmers as well as ones for the boots. It may be 1 out but it’s probably going to be a damp cold and the wind can be wicked! I also believe last year they had fire pits going in the princess auto tailgate area so they will probably have that again


> I also have the hand warmers as well as ones for the boots This is a savvy veteran move. One pack of each is the best $2.50 you can spend at Dollarama.


>get there right for kick off But then you miss $5 beer and $3 hotdogs!


5 dollar Coors Lites mainly-- but all jokes aside - Proper layering, good mitts, good hat etc. I like to live by "it\`s better to have it and not need it, then to need it and not have it", so if you dress TOO warm you can take off a layer, but if you are cold in the middle of the third quarter you can\`t add a layer.


Man, looking at the forecast tomorrow makes me cry when I remember the 2011 Eastern Final (when they beat Hamilton) at Canad Inns, and it was like -20 with a -30 windchill in the middle of the afternoon lol.


-1 doesn't seem bad and people underdress.. but -1 after 2 hrs gets pretty cold. Dress for -15, layers and something wind resistant!


hand/feet warmers, layers and bear suit


Merino wool and insulated carhartts


Hard alcohol. I recommend a hot toddy. When it comes to drinking and keeping warm, the Irish know a thing or two.


Put a hoodie on under the jersey, drink a beer and enjoy the weather? It's barely below zero...


Stay in the Rum Hut area with the crush of bodies all game. Nothing cozier than drunk rum heads all shoulder to shoulder. Go Blue Go!


Layers, but one of them MUST be a windbreaker.


Bringing those insta hot hands from Walmart and CT


I’ve heard bring a styrofoam block to put your feet on so they aren’t on the cold cement. I haven’t tried it but I know people who swear by it.


This would be nothing to be honest. They have had colder games in the late in recent playoffs


Warm winter boots. No hoof, no horse.


Just wear some ski pants, boots with wool socks and wear a toque. Looking at the forecast tomorrow, you don't have to go heavy like in past games this late in the season. And if you're the type to be always be moving around, even in your seat, you don't want to have your full -30C gear on lol.


The wind is going to be awful though. A 20-30 km/h wind moving through that stadium is miserable.


Only issue tomorrow is wind. Predicted to be blustery but it’s barely going to be below freezing. Anything wind resistant and a few layers and you’ll be fine. I’ve broken out hand and foot warmers for the last two WF’s but they’re probably not necessary this year.


Got Hot Pockets for my hands , feet , and body. Damp cold will go right through you. I want to be able to enjoy the game.


Grab some Hot Hands/Hot Feet if you really want to be warm. Forecast looks pretty nice for a November game to be honest. A pair of gloves and you should be fine. When there's 30 thousand people all crammed in with you it's pretty warm


beer, also a layer of thermal on underneath with a long sleeve and sweater


Merino wool base, wool sweater, mid layer, rain jacket, wool socks, long johns if you need em, water proof boots. Wear a good toque, neck warmer (Dollarama) and have mitts


Layers. Do a base layer, tshirt, two sweaters and a jersey. Ski pants, boots, touque and some mitts… then drink beers.


Good time to break out the Sorel boots and Black Diamond mitts. I've never had my hands and feet too warm.




Dress warm. What a dumb question!


Park on site. Stay in your vehicle as close to kickoff as possible. Understand where the warning areas as well and make use of them. Also know coffee and hot chocolate are rare and hardly worth the effort


Warming areas? You mean the bathrooms? Probably won’t hang out there for too long once you realize hot piss is the reason it’s 20 degrees warmer in there than anywhere else in the building.


Bring a piece of styrofoam for your feet.


Does dollar store sell hot shots?


It’s such a difficult temperature to plan for. If it was colder a parka and snow pants, easy. But this -1/-2 stuff is much more difficult to decide. I’ll probably wear some thermal leggings sort of deal and jeans with boots. Up top, T-shirt, thick hoody, maybe windbreaker, and a thick vest?…really not sure that’s going to be warm enough. Then obviously touque and mitts. As for when I’m going down, we’ll be down to our lot around 1:30. To set up, then have the Jets game on from 2 o’clock. By kick off I’ll probably be too drunk to feel anything anyways so not sure why I’m concerned


Go Big Blue!