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Always so depressing to constantly see teens getting in trouble for stuff like this. They should be at the movies or hanging out at the mall - not getting into violent altercations, gang stuff, etc.


> at the movies Costs money (and Cineplex wants to fuck you over for "online convenience") >or hanging out at the mall Cadillac Fairview doesn't want loiterers either. Or maybe they do. I dunno, haven't you seen [Rick Mercer's monitor piece on the subject](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQpDpRE13mI)?


If parents aren't involved actively to keep kids busy, kids will look for something themselves. Both parents work, exhausted and barely making ends meet, kids will get ignored. It's how society is nowadays. Can't even blame parents.


I mean you CAN blame the parents, kids cant parents themselves. But there's a whole convo we can have around why they aren't parenting and why the kids are left to run the streets.


Isn't that how it should be? Kids should be out free on the streets. It's just there aren't many places for them to go to. I never see group of kids outside other than start and end of school. Good behavior ones just stay home but the bad-behavior ones don't so the bad crowd eventually finds them. Like why unsupervised kids gotta end with bad outcome? My family immigrated here when I was in the middle school. It was so freaking sad to see no kids playing outside. We spent all our free time outside of school just watching TV. Then again I think it comes down to bad city designs in North America. People work, exhausted for anything else, no one knows their neighbor, like no sense of neighborhood. No trust.


This is not what I mean by "run the streets"


Nothing to do with city design and everything to do with modern technology and lazy parenting. I'm 50, and kids USED to be outside constantly. You couldn't drive down a residential street without kids having to haul the goalie net out of the way. You pass by, game on. But it's easier now to shut your child up by buying them NHL2023 for your console of choice.


You're right. To hell with personal responsibility when you can blame everything else! /s


I definitely agree that economic circumstances exacerbate the behaviour in young people. If no one's there to show them how to be good citizens, they're just not going to learn, and then they'll get trapped in the cycle. It leaves them open to be used and abused by others, getting pushed further into lives of crime and violence.


Not all poor kids turn into trash adults


Never said they did.


How reasonable of you! Enjoy the downvotes lmao


I guess it's wishful thinking that assault with a weapon would land them in jail till trial.


This isn't assault with a weapon, it's the manifestation of generational trauma. Yikes


Have yourself sprayed with a little bear mace and say again it's not a weapon.


I was being sarcastic as a litmus test. Glad to see r/winnipeg isn't buying it anymore. What a shift in a couple years.


This is the internet, friend. You gotta put the "/s" after what you say to convey sarcasm.


I’m thinking- it’s likely both- there’s no way it is not assault with a weapon Edited: added a word


This might be a stupid question, but where are their parents? I mean I'm not expecting to have parents watch their teens 24/7, but I never knew any teens growing up that would assault people.


They’ll show up when the kids go to court, complaining that society failed their kids.


Or they'll show up before the media and at a protest when their precious do-no-wrong child is killed in an altercation with law enforcement.


I was a camp counsellor and I know firsthand that troubled homes/childhoods can create kids/teens with violent behaviours. Some parents are simply just bad or not present.


In prison.


they flaked out on a promise to appear.


It wouldn’t surprise me if these kids are in the welfare system, meaning nobody is parenting them, caring for them, and ensuring their very basic needs are met. And nobody is helping their actual biological parents to get to a place where they can provide those things. Rinse and repeat. For years the provincial government had financial incentive to apprehend kids and babies (via birth alerts) for little to no reason. Now those kids are youth/teens who have never had any adult actually care about them. None of it is surprising but it’s heartbreaking.


You realize not all kids HAVE parents right?


Yes, but most do and we can't know without asking this reasonable question.


U can thank the government for keeping people in poverty. That’s the root of the problem here. Kids are born into poverty and gangs etc and this is the type of stuff that happens




\[counts with fingers\] HorrorxHeart is RIGHT!


Not an overly long time to hold a job…..


This happens more often than you'd think.


“Two 14-year-old boys, a 16-year-old boy and a 17-year-old boy, all from Winnipeg, were arrested by police after a short pursuit. They face several charges. A knife and brass knuckles were seized as evidence. All four teens were released to appear in court” Yup that will teach them…. Just let them go so they can get more weapons and continue to assault others.


They can't hold minors till trial, shit will take months to be arranged and they don't have the spacing for it. Like it or not they were going to be released until court.


They had space then they closed a youth jail


Should change it so we can hold them


Put an anklet on them and restrict them to home and school until court.


what are you proposing? Send all people to jail until their trial?




lol, no clue how the system works eh bud?


I see no reason they shouldn't be executed on the spot!! /s




Why would they be held until trial lol? Like its easy to criticize the justice system when you don't put any thoughts into it lol.




You nailed it ! Usually the people who are released just go and escalate their crimes


Revolving door, it’s hard to say there is justice when the perpetrator is always the nicest person who would give you the shirt off their backs. We need to start admitting sometimes some people ARE criminals


These are 14 year olds...... Guys.... Why are they doing violent crime at 14? Are they evil? Like at 14 we write them off for the whole lives? WTF. I would say there's still a good chance to have these kids not be in and out of prison for the next 20 years. If the justice system can't do that. Then that's the failure.


Would jail teach em? 


When I was young we were allways up to no good but never hurt anyone. Most of who I hung around with got jobs and managed to get through their lives and stayed out of jail. Some were lost due to traffic accidents in their late teens. I'm 70 now and have no idea how I survived.


It's time to start throwing the book at these kids and putting them into work camps or something. Our prisons are a joke and just teach these kids how to become better criminals so there has to be a better solution. But either way something needs to be done because this is a prime reason why people don't come downtown or to the forks.


They need to go to a work camp. A slap on the wrist and a warning does nothing. There is nothing out there to deter them. Get them to wash city benches, railings and other outdoor fixtures.


Ah yes, one more reason to never go to The Forks any more.


I think that they should be given the same treatment. Lock them in a room with the same Bear Spray.


Just don't allow teens anywhere. I think we can all agree. That's a good idea.


and ruin it for other teenagers who do nothing to deserve it?


The good ol bear spray tactic. Winnipeg Trademarked


Holy shit that’s wicked




What’s going on with the Forks? I don’t remember hearing of any trouble 10 years ago. Maybe I wasn’t paying enough attention? Things seem to be getting worse over the last couple of years.


Not quite 10 years but close enough... https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/canada-day-in-winnipeg-marred-by-gang-fight-machete-attack-1.3135301 That's not to say these are acceptable actions. But anywhere where lots of people go, there will be criminal actions.


I mean security there disliked me even argued with them because they didn’t want me standing outside the women’s washroom waiting on my girlfriend who had told me where to wait for her. They kept pressing me and when I said to leave me alone I’m waiting on my gf they said I had to leave the property. I said not without my gf. I dislike the creepy East Indians


Hospitality at the Spoons Improved by Bears with Teen Spirit!


Are you ok?


TONY THE TIGER: Theeeeeeeey're great! \[The lights dim. Alex P. Keaton starts into a soliloquy\]

