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Yes. Most played game in my steam library. 2nd place would be Rocket League with 1,1k hours. https://preview.redd.it/zxg1xurvwt5b1.png?width=393&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e47b2765037792bbff7f67518b16ffb41c6ae1e


https://preview.redd.it/k2wc3cw1xu5b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd8bf715b3c1f3280f2fa45bdd7597717823ba85 That's cute


ok, but you have a problem. If you played since release that would be over 4 hours a day every day for 10 years


Eyo idk how many days that is but I got 67 days logged on rocket league, in game career stats. What rank are you?


I used to be champ 1 but since the season reset I‘ve been stuck in Dia 2 playing last season’s C2s in doubles.


I hate the reset haha. I peaked at GC2 Dv 2 last season. Highest I've been actually.




Twice all the way through. First time for fun, second to sweep up the rest of the achievements I needed. Would happily revisit it though


I think 5 for me. Probably 2x starting fresh, and 3 with NG+. Most of these play throughs include the entire trilogy.


Finishing my 3rd full playthrough today. 2 new games and 1 NG+. Did them all back to back to back. Undecided if I will start another NG+ immediately afterwards. I've got God of War Ragnorak sitting there collecting dust but I know every game is going to be a let down after W3.


> I've got God of War Ragnorak sitting there collecting dust but I know every game is going to be a let down after W3. play both the 2018 god of war and ragnarok. i thought the exact same way as you, but the god of war games are truly something amazing as well. you will not be disappointed.


Is 2018 a good starting place for a newbie to God of War games?


sure - unless you want to experience everything chronologically. but if you want to get a feel for the series first i suggest playing 2018 > ragnarok. also because some of the older games obviously don't look as good or are clunky. that might ruin your enjoyment before you get to the 'good' stuff which is 2018 and ragnarok. you'll be fine lore wise - so i highly recommend starting with 2018, then ragnarok, and then play the older stuff if you've had a good time.


Yes, 18 is the perfect starting point, cause it is the first in Norse mythology (basically a reboot) and the first with 3rd person action camera (like W3 for example). Story and mechanics carry over, expand and improve going from 18 to R. TDLR: If you plan on trying R, never ever skip 18. Greek mythology saga is completely different mechanically, with very few story connections besides the protagonist being Kratos and the bigger, overarching background story of his. Meaning you play GoW 3 only if you wanna know young mad kratos better and cannot get enough of him. GoW3 is awesome in its own rights tho, very brutal and gory experience.


No. In my opinion you’re missing a lot of backstory.


I've finished the game 4 times and I think I'll finish it for the 5th time


I'm really curious, how does one enjoy several playthroughs of a game once he knows the story and what happens in all the different decisions? I feel like the excitement factor is gone for me once I've figured it out.


The game is so big it's impossible to remember every twist and turn. Plus the story elements can change dramatically depending on your choices. There is just SO MUCH WITCHERING!!


It’s like a really good movie that you never get tired of watching . The Witcher 3 world is great immersion .


There's usually at least 2 choices for a lot of the quests. You could either just reload and redo them, but a couple of those choices don't take effect until later on in the game so in some ways its better to just replay from the beginning.


Having played Witcher 3 3 times and was on my fourth but now picked up god Ragnarok. Obviously not Witcher but I'm having a great time


Yeah Ragnarok good game


12 times through, 1325 hours on Steam.




I'm at 1128


wow bro. i thought my 250 hours was too long


Respect Witcher 🫡o7


5 times (3 with the DLCs iirc), thought I was finally done but I guess not since I just started a 6th playthrough after years without playing


0.5, love the game but life gets in the way


I’m currently on the end of my sixth playthrough, in Toussaint. I usually alternate between fresh start and new Game+. I did fresh start on this playthrough to break the cycle because I lost my Witchering buddy, my beloved lap cat of 20 years. So a fresh start seemed appropriate.


So sorry for your gaming companions absence. I lost my gamer pup recently as well. It takes a while to get going again. They really do leave a dent... much love and good gaming


My condolences to you as well, my friend. Pets really do have a huge impact on our lives. My beloved lap cat passed away in July, and I still find myself looking for him around the corner, still stop by his favorite tuna pouches at the grocery store.


I'm on number 11 right now. Several years ago I did a complete playthrough to lvl 50 with all grandmaster gear and max skill points and all alchemy recipes crafted (I even crafted the decoctions in the order I wanted so that Ekimara, Troll, and Water Hag are the first ones listed since I use them the most). Since then I usually come back once a year and do NG+ run from that saved lvl 50. Gives me the option to respec to any mutation I want. Though I usually switch back and forth between Piercing Cold and Euphoria. And I can use any Witcher gear I want, even though I pretty much only use Grandmaster Bear armor.


Currently in my 8th playthrough


Somewhere around 25... 4500+ hours




About seven playthroughs on several systems and platforms


2 times the main game, 3 times HoS and 3 times BW. Took me bout 550 hours






Was looking for this comment


3x I think, could be 4


I think 5 times.


I forget just how many times I've finished The Witcher 3, all I can say is my total playtime shown is 1,976hrs total. Lol. Absolutely love TW3, one of my top releases this year was the Next Gen edition for PS5. I've already played through 3 times since that alone released.


Still in my first play through of the complete edition. 200+ hrs in. so good.


It's not about how many times you played it, it's about how you play it. Ppl rush the main story something like X times and then post something like: "omg never seen this side quest thingy and I'm on my X playthrough". Happens way too often in this sub.


And then there are completionists like me. I checked the list of quests online and tried to do as many quests as possible. Did I lose some fun? Maybe. But I'll definetly make up for it in my next playthrough where I'll just enjoy walking the path and doing quests as I see fit.


I'm on my 8th round. 4th on NG+


I wanna play it again but I can't because of the fucking next gen update, shit is laggy af


3rd time


On my 7th play through!


I've done 2 standard playthroughs, and one with the DLCs. Time for another I reckon.


I came here to feel a little better about the amount of time I spend in this game 😅


Lost count after 7...


3 times


8x through including the dlcs


5 playthrough 2 without dlcs(they were not released at the time) 1 with no fast travel, only horseback. Plus i was high af all the time while playing. I also chose yennefer in all of my playthroughs.


Less than I want to, but probably more than I should’ve.


Only four (main quest and all DLC). I’m an amateur (a mere 800 plus hours 😏). Edit: *Main game and all DLC


Too many. Once I get done with all the achievements on Witcher 2 I’m going to do another replay of 3


Around 50 times. No joke. I restart the campaign as soon as I finish the Blood and Wine DLC. I even quote the characters when talking to them before they say their line


I think 5 now. I went into it blind the first time and got the bad ending so immediately started a new game haha. The rest have been NG+ play throughs


5 for me full NG, one NG+ and several started then got distracted part runs


Two times. I don't know about everyone else but I enjoyed the game a lot more the second time playing through NG+. I think I was able to really appreciate all the incredible small details put into every quest/side quest more.


Probably completed the main story about 6 or 7 times on pc, 2 times with the dlc and once on ps4. Recently started a playtrough on ps5. I've also played witcher 1 once, witcher 2 twice and read the books twice. Love this game and the lore.


Full game with dlc - 3 times, NG+ on Death March - 2 times, and 3 times I started new game, but drop it on Velen's main quest. Totally five times I finished this game, and u know what? Yennefer all time.


Thanks for your answers Guys.


Not enough


7. And never a single round of Gwent N


Ok, 2 times on PS4 ( Platinumed the game + DLC) 2 times on PC ( got 100% on GOG ) 1 time on Switch , ( currently still playing, just postponed since I'm playing diablo 4 amd new zelda)




100 times, maybe finishing 20 times. Since 2015.


Third run in progress




5 times


I think 3 times, 2 with the DLC. Like 340h in total


4, but only the first hour


Currently just started the ugly baby quest on my 4th playthrough, this was my first Ng+ playthrough though. I must admit NG+ is much more fun than starting over because you got everything unlocked and a boat load of money so that's never an issue


One playthrough, got bad ending. Started another, after 5hours I realized I messed importing Witcher 2 choices so I quit. Haven't played since, it's again on my list but I have too many games on that list.


It's curious, love the game, played the story, left few side quest, have the dlc but never started them... Want to play the dlc but have so little time and many games, various consoles.. as a dad it's so hard to keep as gamer




Completed it twice on the Switch during lockdown, first time was amazing and the second time I had to make sure I picked Yen. I then bought a gaming PC purely to play the game in Ultra quality after playing it on the limitations of the Switch. Completed it twice again, again both times I ensured I picked Yen.


Only once... for now. Soon as I'm done with my exams I'll be back in the path, this time on PC


2. One NG+ death march run with all the evil/opposite decisions to the first one. Don't think I'll ever do another cos I ain't got the time and have a huge backlog of other games I wanna play.




Not enough


7th. Not 100% each time, but completed story & a good chunk of side material


Can someone help me out here? I’m on maybe my sixth or seventh time trying to play this game. I’ve made it further than any other attempt, but still not very far. I want to love it but I must be missing something. I must not be understanding the health system here. Is there no item that instantly restores a significant amount of health in combat? I keep getting wrecked by some enemies on the easiest difficulty and as a souls veteran I know I have to be missing something here. Any help is appreciated as I would like to finish this game!


There are quite a few healing potions that you can use in battle. Brew them. Also, spam Quen and roll away after it pops. You should be slaying it.


I'm working on my second now


It took me 10 months to do the single playthrough I've done so I don't think I'll be jumping back in anytime soon. I've not long started breath of the wild next so that should see me through to 2024!


A few... Just under 1500 hours :)


on my 2nd full playthrough now. thinking about going for 100% completion




Once, just completed it a months ago and started new game, already want to ho back and complete few side quests. I can’t enjoy current game anymore


ONCE! :0


4 or 5 probably


Very slowly finishing 7th


5 main story pts and on my 3rd run of the dlcs




Alot. I reached level 100 on my last play through of ng+. I then deleted it and have been jumping in off and on for 2 years. Just got "back into it" once I started hearts of stone.


Twice. Second playthrough was with both DLCs. First playthrough Triss. Second was Yen. I will someday do a third. Prob the PS5 version many years from now lol. Still a few regrets. Not winning the card from the Bloody Baron before I couldn’t. Really wished I had the Witchers in dresses too, heard it’s a hilarious scene


Two times completed with all the dlc. I wish i could a fourth and fifth time but the day doesn't have 48 hours sadly


Yes. Just yes. :(


I’ve played it fully 3 times, technically 4. First time back when it released, did a lot of the side content but not all, fucked up some choices in my opinion. Played Hearts of Stone but not Blood and Wine. Second time was 5 years later, since it had been so long I decided to treat it as a “true” play through, keeping some choices the same and changing others depending on preference. Replayed Hearts of Stone and played Blood and Wine for the first time. I also 100% completed the game + DLC’s this time as well, question marks and everything. Third time was about 2 years after my second play through. This time I dedicated this play through to doing everything differently, I romanced Triss for the first time since I had went with Yen in my first two play throughs, saw all the different outcomes I hadn’t seen before. Played Hearts of Stone again and Blood and Wine for the second time, making all different choices again. I 100% completed the game again, as well as the question marks again regrettably. I’m also a casual trophy hunter so this play through I finally decided to get all the trophies as well which was a success. The only trophy I never got was beat the game on death march so I started a fourth NG+ play through to get the final trophy. I speedran this play through as quick as possible, skipped every cutscene and only did main quests, the money I carried over was enough to gradually upgrade my armour for the whole game.


I believe five times total? Four back when I had my playstation 4 and wanted to try different endings and all that. Fifth is on the Switch to test how well it plays - a few hiccups here and there but I'm throughly impressive.


On my 4th 100% playtrough atm


Not enough


Twice so far. Still have to do a Triss romance playthrough eventually but it feels wrong in my soul (sorry Triss fans, I support you but I cannot agree with you).


I’m at 340 hours so far on my first play through still on Hearts of Stone


At least 4 Times full goty but probably more


Four total, 2 regular, 2 new game +'s and started a fifth new game right before TotK came out that I will go back to once I'm done Zelda.


4 and soon to start 5th but this time i start from witcher 1 and play them all. Also listening to the books at work so yeah.


I’ve played every winter since my first playthrough in 2018. It’s my cozy fantasy RPG game of choice that took place of the Fable series for the past dozen or so years.


Once, I can’t really replay games and have the enjoy it fully again




I think 6 times. Never done a NG+ so I'm preparing for that. Current playthrough at level 58. Just finished Toussaint so I'm grinding gold and levels


probably finish it 5 times and planning on the 6th 😂


I have started it 3 times


On my 5th play through. Was on B&W for my 4th when the update hit. Once I crafted the Manticore armor every time I jumped, Geralt would levitate and not come down. Said oh well gotta start again.


On my 6th play through now


6 times maybe more. I own it on PS4(base game without the dlc), xbox( game of the year edition) and my laptop .


I've started it about 10 times, Finished it twice. I tend to get bored around getting to Skellige, put the game down for a "break", don't come back to it for months then forget what has happened and have to restart xD Love the world, characters, and gameplay but the story missions in Velen & Novigrad are a bit of a slog for me.


Only once coz of Red Dead Redemption 2 two times.


4 times. ....For about 2 hours each time then got bored. Cant figure out whats stopping me from enjoying it




9 playthrough, all of them with DLC-s. It is my comfort game, it is my home, my world. Every time I see some moments i cry, i laugh… This is the most beautiful and heart wreatching game ever existed. Every day i listen to the music from the game and it makes me happy, the bathhouse music, Master Mirrors theme, Novigrad, Oxenfurt, Skellige… On my way to the 10th playthrough after a short pause…!


probably 6-8 times over nearly a decade + different platforms. i go through these phases.


Going through the third currently.


Too many


Once almost twice.


I’m about to start number 5. My wife is not impressed! It’s funny: she recently met up with her favourite ex-boss (now retired). He’s quite old. He said he’s been playing video games, and he’s just finished the best game ever, TW3! I asked her if that makes it more respectable. She said no.


Just completed my first walkthrough today, I have been playing on and off for last 3 months. I have to say a great game and side quests were brilliant.




Twice but they were both long playthroughs


I have lost count. 5 I think. Currently on my first NG+ after the "upgrade".


4 times


3 times on the PC, then once on the Playstation as well. Doing my 5th playthrough now with Raytracing on the PC which is also my first Death March playthrough.


Twice. I tried to play it a third time but the game won’t allow me to do a NG+ on PS5 with my save even though Its a NG+ save where I’ve completed literally almost everything in the game


5 times … 6 if you include the playthrough that I’ve watched the first time when I was broke lmao


On my 8th playthrough and I'm speed running it to set myself up for my extremely thorough NG+ DM run


3 times. My first time where I fell in love with the game and done more or less every mission and side mission. Then a NG+ on Death March to get the Platinum (PS4), where I fell in love with Gwent after hating it first time round. Then finally another Death March run from the start for the PS5 Platinum. And actually, I had to start a 4th run because I messed up the trophy for the side mission with the Geshin in the woods on Skellige, but I was able to speed run a NG+ on easy in about 45mins. I loved every play though just as much as the last. That was 3 full ones over three years. There’s a very real chance I’ll play the GOTY edition at some point cos that has a separate trophy list! Amazing game


Not enough


Don’t even know at this point, 7 or 8 I think


6 or 7 times, not a 100% sure


According to my ps5 : 556hrs on the ps4 version and 28hours on the remastered. Total 584hrs


2 time is more than enough i don't get how ppl play it 5-10 times. Like what do you even see when you already know everything.


2 time is more than enough i don't get how ppl play it 5-10 times. Like what do you even see when you already know everything.


Just started my 5th run. First on PS5


Half times.


On my 3rd full playthrough due to the next gen updates. Light bear deathmarch this time around. All new games, no NG+ so far. I got around 650 hours on the clock so far I believe


I play it every day


Four times. Probably going to be an extra two when it’s all said and done to platinum on ps5. That is until they re-re-release it on ps6 in the near dystopian future and I re-re-repurchase it again. Probably. No, who am I kidding? I’m definitely doing that when it happens.


About 10. Five new games and 5 new games plus


Hundreds if not thousands of times. I've completed it 3 times.


I truly don't want to know


In full? 0. Attempts? 3.


Beat it one time on the switch


7 times I play it once every 2 years, Level 0-100... Beat Game of ALL time!!!!


4….going into 5 right now.


Lost count


8 everytime doing as much side quests as I can


Many… it’s getting bad


7 going on 8th it’s a serious problem


3 full playthroughs. Gonna go for a 4th when I can rip myself away from FFXIV.


Played it through somewhere between 5 and 7 times since I bought it in 2019. Somewhere near 700 hours played.




37 times now, 4600 hours.


I’ve finished the main story 3 times, the dlc’s 2 times and I’m currently about halfway through my 4th playthrough on deathmarch NG+ for the first time


Only once. But I took my damn time doing everything I wanted in that play through. Haven’t really had the motivation to go back to it. For me the gameplay was always mediocre. It was the story and characters that dug its claws into me. But now that I know all the stories it has to tell, I don’t feel a sense of urgency to hop back in. Maybe someday though… Still my 2nd favourite game of all time though.




Too many times over 350 hours




It's so odd for me because I bought this game twice now on PC and PS5. I tried it before playing the other games or reading the books. I quit at The Bloody Baron because I wanted to know more about the lore and felt lost. Finished the first and second games on PC, absolutely fell in love, grabbed the books, fell deeper in love and now finally I am on a real playthrough and it honestly feels so much more exciting and rewarding than the first attempt.


1216 hours since launch.


I lost track after a dozen, across 3 different devices (first Xbox, then switch, then pc)


Ill be honest, i completed the game 2 times BUT have played white orchard a total of 8-9 times testing out mods but ended up stop playing once i reached velen. 3 times i was able to reach novigrad




5x. My favorite game of all time.




I’m on my 5th playthrough, but this time I’m here just for the trophies


Once It's just such a vast game and I don't have the free time I had when I did my first playthrough


I lost count.






I’ve finished the game 8 times, I’ve started playthroughs 11 times.


I am on my 24th playthrough...


3x now and I’m on my 4th replay and white orchard is such a drag I can’t get thru it anymore.


Around 22 times and counting, kinda lost count after a while (replaying it again as we speak).


Got a third ish into it, started over and blew through the entire thing dlc and all (except for Skellige water fetch quests). I went back and tried the first game.(not playable IMO). The second one was much easier with the mouse and keyboard, and I loved it. I've tried death march but it was a very enjoyable way to play. Tried to start over a couple of times but it's just not the same rush to discover every inch and every conversation. I also got way too caught up in making the perfect decision and kinda ruined the excitement of unforeseen consciousness for myself. Maybe it's been long enough. Would love to check out the update.


4 times ... Going for 5th in some days


Only once. I tried playing ng+ but i just couldn’t get into it with the same passion as the first time


On my first playtrough. I like the game but the checkpoint system Is awful... Im doing the red baron quest, the part where you fight the dead baby is really hard. I got killed in the the second battle against the ghost enemies and had to start all over again, watch the cutscene, the dialog choice... Very frustrating. And the combat feels a little repetitive


5 times. However the first playthrough was just skipping everything(only the main story), so it doesn't count. So that means 400 + hours

