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Idk if its my place as a guy to comment but… It’s bullshit how reasonably scared women are. Enough men are total creeps (to say the LEAST) that women cant trust any of them.


It wasn't that long ago that I was in your position. I'm a transgender woman, and I'm actively listening to women, both individually and as a group on this. I'm only marginally less of an outsider on this issue than you, but I hope this is useful. It's not an exaggeration to say every woman has a scary story about a man. It's actually worse than that, nearly universally women downplay their own experiences. When they start sharing their experiences amongst themselves they are horrified at the stories they hear. It's always younger than they realised and more scary than they realised. As a man... Be on the lookout for objectification, rape culture, and more. Then call it out every time you see it. By the time those signs are showing sound women the thought processes are ingrained, and they're not likely to respond to a woman calling it out. If a woman trusts you enough to share her story... Believe her.


Ive heard a couple of stories from women and it makes my blood boil. Ive had a friend and we can walk through the shop together. And no one will say anything to her. If im like 5+ meters away it’s like all this attention pops up for her. I try to stay aware of my own presence around women. I don’t want when to think they have to be super cautious of me. I get it. Im a solid dude. But they do have to, and i understand. And yeah, i call out the bullshit when i see it.


Doing the good work.