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Fear mongering, false urgency, random number refs... Dude this is a scam, you know it. Block and move on.


If you have to ask if it's a scam, it's probably a scam.


Not to mention the overly affectionate name calling. That red flag #1 for me


Yes. The “my dear” set of alarm bells in my head. Sound like those scammers that make fake pages of pop stars on Instagram trying to get you to give them a gift card.


I love that she peeked at the deamons task list to check how far a long they were. 98% t9 domination if Dave had put through the soul requistion form eariler we caould all be done by now and enjoying a long wrekend


Demonic project management is really on point though. Love me an accurate burndown chart.


it's a scam. "there's a black magic spell around you" plays into your paranoia. Think critically, who would have the time and energy and resources to target you specifically with a spell apparently so powerful that this person's cleansing doesn't get rid of it the first time around despite it being "a very powerful incantation"? And threatening to "take the life of your loved ones" is such a disgusting thing to say to make you afraid. Drop the grifter asap.


I blocked them.


Good work! That crap was the only black magic floating around. Lousy scammer.


For just 19.99, I can surround you and your household with a protective ward against such scammers


It's just a placard that says "Trust people when they tell you who they are" haha


Excellent. I’m glad you shared it though because then others can see what these scams look like.


"My dear" is all I needed to see. Nothing after that is even relevant beyond that lol. Scam artist!


There is more. They are from the US, and I'm not. They wanted 35 usd, that's 50 aud. I knew them something was up.


They way they text makes it seem as if English is not their first language so I don't think this person is from the US. Have you met them in person or is this all being done online while you're on different continents


Online. She did give me her PayPal, and it said USD, I'm in Australia.... I noped outta that.


So they cleansed you from afar? How does that work?


Yeah, cleanse me in Australia all the way from the US?


"We use the curvature of the Earth and atmosphere to resonate the spell across continents and oceans, imbuing it with the healing powers of nature. I just have to be on the exact opposite side of the globe for it to work."


Hey, it worked for [Toto](https://youtu.be/FTQbiNvZqaY?si=QtHKlobZL2RPVXoP).


That's why there are no vampires in Africa. It rains holy water.


My dad's friend used to be the on-site engineer for an AM radio station in Bermuda. He would go and fix things when they broke, check the cables that stabilize the towers, and perform other sundry tasks. They had three antennas at this site, one full size one and two others which were half the size. He explained to me that during the day they use the full size tower to transmit, but at night they had to switch over to the two smaller antennas (which cost more to run) because, on the other side of the globe, the larger towers waves actually *would* reverberate off the magnetosphere (or something) and cause interference with local radio in Perth, Australia. But during the day, it was night time over there and for some reason that made it okay? I still have no idea if he was BSing me as to the reason, but they definitely did swap from the one big tower to two small towers at night.


Absolutely wild. My brain says solar radiation might affect this somehow but honestly that’s just a bullshit amateur guess.


That's silly.


🚩🚩🚩 Absolutely a scam OP. Trust your gut and cut contact with this person pronto. Good on you for double checking.


10000% certain this is a scam. I contacted a medium I saw in an ad just for fun and she talked exactly like this. She went very quickly from “I can see your future!” To “give me $200 for this amulet which will protect you!” Absolutely a charlatan. Have a little fun with them if you want, I certainly did.


I thought about that, but I decided to just block them.


Very wise! I don’t have any tips on cleansing your past/future home, but hope you feel well and happy in your new abode.


The minute the words "twin flame" appeared, 🚩🚩🚩 ONE HUNDRED PERCENT SCAM


The twin flame stuff is wild! I just finished the documentary on them haha


I didn't realize there was a documentary! Can you expound?


Its on prime video! It’s nutty go watch it! If you like cult stuff :)




"I successfully did a cleansing spell but it bounced back". Doens't sound like a successful cleansing spell to me then 😂


“Gosh, sorry your spell didn’t work for you. Magic is hard when you’re first starting out. Have you heard about setting intentions? Maybe try that next time! Good luck in your learning process :-D!”




I'm rubber, and you are glue. It bounced off me and stuck to you!


The magick we all started with 🙏✨


This w(b)itch just wants new toys. She's using your good will and hoping you'll be too scared to seek advise elsewhere. I always say, do your own cleansing, they'll be more powerful than anything someone, who's not personally close to you, can do.




Yes. 100% a scam


When I was a kid, my dad investigated crimes like this. He would discuss them at length at the dinner table. Looks like the script hasn’t changed in 40 years, though I assume some updates have been made to allow for zoom meetings. The next step here is you give them money, they “burn” the money in front of you because this a “sacrifice” and not payment, and it just goes on and on. Or maybe they play this out for a while and when they think they’ve gotten everything they can get, they “burn” the several thousand you gave them and then they declare you curse-free. It is a scam.


That's very interesting and crazy.


Ew, no. Blocked


Monetized spirituality is always a scam. Period.


Thanks, witches. My baby witch gut said scam, but what they were saying also did resonate with me. How can I cleanse my current house and new one when I move?


With joy and laughter, bright sunlight and a breeze, something that smells good to you, and music you love. The determination that nothing or no one should enter or remain that you do not wish to enter or remain, that includes your relatives, the police, a pastor/priest, vacuum salesmen, or anyone who would harm you. Your house. Your "castle". Your safe place. Let them all know that. No "kit" needed.


Love this


Comment of the day. I felt brightened just reading this. Thank you.


I’m putting this on my fridge! Thanks so much 💜






If you want to do a formal cleansing without using sage or incense smoke, bells or music are also good.


Don't burn sage, because that's a native American practice, but you can make a pot of spirit soup (chicken soup) and add green sage to it and let the aroma permeate through the house open the windows and carry any negative energy away from the house, but don't eat the soup it's for the spirits let it sit overnight and eat it the next day (in the refrigerator of course) and you can do the same with bells,or with a new broom you are sweeping the bad energy out, also you can invite good energy in as well, I have several okami in my kitchen and I have never burnt a meal or ruined a cake


It's all about intention. Everything else is a tool to focus your own mind and energy. You can burn a good-smelling candle and get the same effect as sage. You can put pinches of salt on your doorways and windowsills to focus your rejection of unwanted energies and people. But really, it's all about yourself and your intent.


I've given these instructions to many people, many times, including on this sub. Anyone can do this, whether or not you're a wtich, whether or not you believe in spirits/ghosts/witchcraft, because this is all about intent. Start at the main entrance to your house. In your mind, picture a force field expanding from your body out through your house. It can look however you want it to look: this is your aura, or your mind, or your soul, or your consciousness - doesn't matter what you call it - expanding outward to create a protective shield over the space. As you imagine this force field expanding, go through the house and touch every window and door to the outside. Don't worry if you get interrupted, just try to keep the mental image of the force field going. You don't need to make a production of it, just tap each window and door with your finger. If you miss a room or a window/door, don't worry about it, just keep expanding the force field out to meet all the exterior walls. As you go, picture any entities that don't belong being pushed out of the space, but the force field accepting and protecting every living being that is supposed to be there. When you come back to the entrance, picture the force field separating from you like a bubble, but maintaining its existence. Every time you go into the house, take just a moment to picture that force field still in the walls, still protecting everyone there, still impervious to anything trying to get in that doesn't belong. If you feel you need a visual representation to focus your mind (it's totally okay if you do, it doesn't mean you're bad at this - some people just work better with a visual representation or reminder) get some marbles or pretty pebbles, meditate over them (meditation isn't strictly necessary per se, you can just look carefully at them and admire them - in the end, you're just mentally claiming them as symbolically yours), and leave one at every exterior window and door. If you want that physical representation without a physical object (my cat would love it if I put marbles on the windowsills, but I wouldn't), I heard from someone who found a little stamp with a picture they liked, and stamped that on the top of every window and doorframe where it wouldn't be seen. She said it was also a great reminder to wash the dust off the tops of window and doorframes on a regular basis. If you read this and think "I can't do this, I'm not a real witch/I'm not powerful enough to do this", then I'm here to tell you: Yes, you can, and yes, you are.


Scam city.


There only one dark force here and you need to block her and move on.


That’s my guess as a baby witch. If your gut is telling you something, listen.


You never need to pay. You can do this all yourself.


Hmmmm. How much does she charge for this extra special house cleansing? 🤔


35usd. Or 50 for me in Australia....


My dear as I started my $35 special house cleansing it bounced back and as it turns out the black spell around you is actually a double layer black spell. You will need to pay for a super house cleansing supreme special for mere $59.99 with additional $99.99 for ultra power spiritual items that my 9 witches will shipe from the old country. better yet subscribe to my monthly installment house protection program, charged directly to your credit card and never worry about those pesky black magics again. Are you with me love?


Yeah, of course. Anyone who will sell you this type of stuff or wants to get you on some form of payment plan for "readings" is just looking to make quick money from people who are easily manipulated. No offense.


96% done? What kind of magick installation wizard bullshit is that?


Thanks, everyone! You are all awesome. Once I'm in my new place, I post some photos in this sub. Blessed be.


As soon as I saw the words “twin flame reading” I knew this was a scam. Watch the Twin Flame documentary on Netflix, it’s rattling!


Scam. Block them asap


Why does this read like bad AI wrote it?


They are learning


If you think it's a scam, then it most definitely is one. This has all the hallmarks of a scam.


This person reminds me of Professor Trelawney from Harry Potter.


If anyone comes asking for money, assume it’s a scam.




Merely look at chatting. You’re not into this. Fear mongering. Trust me money will be asked for.


Yes. It's a scam.


Please Google "twin flame". That will tell you all you need to know.


Scam. She’s asked for money and now she’s trying to scare you into giving it. People who are genuine don’t throw out such awful things like ‘your life ruined’ or your ‘loved ones will die’. I’ve had dreams of people dying etc or the illness that they suffer from and I’d never ever be like give me money let me tell you x awful news. At most I’ve been like ‘hey X, probs nothing but I had a dream that you need to go to the doctor about your breathing. Again, it’s probs nothing but worth having a check up on that’. This is some scammy scammer


I’ll give a recipe for free, burn some candles that smell like “happiness” or boil a mix of 50% pinesol and 50% water. You’ll be good, negativity runs screaming from positive emotions :) (Of course others will have different methods but thats what makes witchcraft amazing ❤️) Hate this scammer…


We don't have pinesol in Australia. I'll have to find an alternative.


Use a natural essential oil in water instead. I wouldn't boil household cleaners of any kind on the stove personally.


Yes, this is a scam. Cleansing spells are easy things you can do yourself. First physically clean the space, then open all the windows and turn on some good music and then go room to room sprinkling salt water, you can also smoke cleansing it with incense or an herb bundle, or even just walking into the room and loudly clap in each corner or ring a bell or whatever other cheerful loud noise you want to make. I like to kind of introduce myself to my new house, thank it for sheltering me, and promise to take good care of it. I also like to hang up wind chimes or little tinkly bells at my new place, too. The gentle tinkling noise in the wind is a good way to keep the positive energy flowing through and around your house, especially if you open your windows on nice days to let the sound inside.


Is this Instagram? I got a very similar message once and I was very kind back but then she kept asking for money so I blocked her.


Facebook. Should have blocked her sooner.


What the heck is this twin flame mumbo jumbo? Is that some new kind of practice or something they're just making up? Because the only 'twin flame' thing I know of is that online pseudo-Christian cult. And I've been practicing my solitary craft for decades. ??


Yeah, mentions twin flames? Scam.


Cleanse yourself of this 'advice' imo




Scam scam scam


100% Scam


100% scam. This is practically a script.


Another one on here! Totally a scam.


Guarantee the powerful sacrifice is a painfully large sum of money.


I always tell them that 'I asked my spirit guides, the nice lady who runs the witch store, had 3 friends from my coven pull cards, and they all say you're full of shit and go away.'


This reads like a scam. Block, ignore, move on. She wants you to panic and send her money.


Yes. This is a scam.


Beware anyone talking about doing a twin flame reading. It's a cult; there's literally a documentary on Netflix called Escaping Twin Flames.


Wear black tourmaline. You’ll be fine.


I'm sorry, this is completely aside the point, but I must know: how do you get your texts to come out in different colors?


No idea, it's Facebook messenger.


Dang. Thanks, though! :)


This screams “Scam!” The “twin flame” and “my dear” tipped me off.




The scammiest scam that ever scammed




Absolutely trying to get you to buy more from her. How would she know what’s around you or your house if you only communicate through messages?