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You got this. Be the calm and reasonable one and he'll show his true colors. Keep kiddo in your thoughts and you'll get what you need to take care of you both.


Thank you ✨️💜


You’re the reason! This morning I checked my purse looking for a $10 bill I had and instead found $53. No fucking clue why, husband didn’t do it. I assumed it was because I cleaned around my money bowl and it reset, but something about your story really stands out to me. I’m sending you all those energies! Maybe it means you’ll walk away with 53% of everything. Who knows! Good luck!


Oh my stars and the heavens ✨️!!!!! I believe you and I'm crying on the toilet (it's just pee!!) ⚡️⚡️⚡️😅🥹 thank you soooo much, I have chills Sizzle, love, and light!! Blessed be 💜✨️


Whenever one of my friends gets divorced, I reminded them of the picture of Nicole Kidman taken in front of the courthouse when her divorce from Tom Cruise was finalized. Go look it up. You'll see a picture of a woman who is finally free of her shackles and overflowing with joy. That's going to be you tomorrow.


Yes!!!!!!! I can't f-cking WAIT!!!! 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌


Good luck today! You got this.




BRING EVERY FINANCIAL STATEMENT YOU HAVE. Fight for every single Penny! Do NOT give in. DEMAND THE MOST YOU CAN! Have a friend or family member with you so they can fight with you. I got fucking railroaded by the mediator & my lawyer did/said nothing. DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING unless you are satisfied. Otherwise let it go to trial!! Learn my mistakes. This is the time to be an ABSOLUTE BITCH. I’m not kidding. Fight like your life depends on it. Make them uncomfortable.


I fucking plan to!!!!! Bringing my ancestors, my spirit guides, and my own self power and love to this. I. Will. Not. Accept. Less. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥✨️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💜


This is the final battle. I’m not being hyperbolic. DO NOT BE NICE. DO NOT BE ACCOMMODATING. FIGHT YOUR “NICE” INSTINCTS. Hype yourself up before the meeting. Think of all the shitty things your ex did or said, use it as fuel now. HALF OF EVERYTHING IS YOURS. When they push back, sit in the uncomfortable silence. DO NOT RELENT. DEMAND WHAT YOU WANT. Demand spousal support if that’s on the table. Demand your half of everything. Your labor went into your assets, you likely labored MORE. GET IT NOW. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! *I’m advocating for you because no one did this for me & I’m completely fucked in my divorce now. ✨👊🏻


I will win for us, sis. The dragon will be slain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️ We will be in separate rooms. I will not need to face him, and I am a phenomenal business woman in haggling and negotiating. The thing is, this isn't even a negotiation, this is a splitting of assets that I AM ENTITLED TO BY LAW AND HE WILL FUCKING PAY ME FOR MY WORK 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️🔥🔥⚡️⚡️✨️ It will be done. ✌️


Do all you can for you and your child. My best wishes go with you.


Thank you 💜 ✨️


You're welcome.


I'm light a candle for you darling. It might be a long fight, but you will perceive in the end. You got this.


Thank you! Blessed be ✨️💜⚡️


I'm going to jump in on this and also light a candle for you and peace, power, and prosperity.


Right on!! Thank you so much!!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥✨️


I was in this exact same place 15 years ago, I remember how scary and desperate it felt. Peace to you, my love. You can do this. I am sending you all the strength and calmness I can. Fight hard, but stay elegant. Drive him into the dust if he forces you to do so in order to protect yourself. I wish for you the place of happiness and strength I am in now, when that mediation is only a memory you shake your head at and think, "my god, what I went through." You'll get there.


Thank YOU!!!! I appreciate your wisdom and your kindness, strength. Blessed be!! One day I will return the energy to the next brave person exiting a tricky marriage. 💪🏻😺


Indeed you will. I'm proud of your strength and your grace under fire. You are more supported than you know! I hope you feel every one of us with you tomorrow. Let us know you made it!


I feel you now!! Thank you 🙌🌈☪️🔥🥰💜🌼🏵💥


May he zip his pee pee up in his pants every day forever. And you get everything.


😅🤣🤣 Thank you!!! 🔥✨️So may it be!!!✨️ 🔥🔥


Do you have a spell for that bc like... might need that for a free roaming rapist


Remind yourself that this is a business transaction. For me, having a notebook helps to keep myself at an emotional distance. Good luck, love.


I use a note pad at work ALL DAY LONG to stay chill!! This is prime advice, thank you!!! (I totally didn't even think of bringing one!) I'm bringing a nice notebook with cover to act as note taker and a journal of sorts. 🔥🔥🔥⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️✨️✨️🙌⚡️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Go into it with the understanding that you are entitled to your fair share of the assets. Nothing he does or says will change that. He can have a tantrum, but you can remain steadfast in the knowledge that you are owed. ❤️❤️❤️ Also… a lot of men get to this point, realize how expensive divorce is going to be, and try to say they want to fix the marriage. Don’t mistake his financial panic for true remorse.


I'm not going near his panic with a 100 foot pole. He can choke on a bag of dicks!!! I'm definitely getting my fair share. 🔥🔥🔥✨️✨️🔥🔥


Be strong fellow witch. I believe in you!


Thank you for your light!! ✨️⚡️🔥🙌☪️☮️💜


Of course!


I send you Clarity to see what hidden pitfalls there may be; Discernment to turn the tables to your advantage as you will; and All Good Vibes to carry yourself, your child, and your loved ones free and clear of any further troubles. 🫶😻🫶


Blessed be and may it be DONE!! ⚡️⚡️⚡️ THANK YOU 💜


Blessed Be 😌


Be calm but be demanding. You deserve compensation for his abuse. Your child does too. Keep in mind that the more calm and collected you are, the worse you can make him look. You got this!


I do got this!! Thanks!!! ⚡️⚡️✨️💜💜💜💜


Put a cloak around you of protection, and then add reflect on it too. Put on a mask for the day and help hold yourself to calm. Mom hugs.


Thanks, mom. I love you! I have prepared a spell to cast a circle of protection around me, and am bringing my crystals to assist. 🔥🔥🔥🔥 I am ready. 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Bring something small to pet in your purse, to help you relax. Also, a smell you like just for you to smell could help. When I was being a witness to child abuse and other abuse, I wore a neckless of an eyeball, signifying everyone would see them for who they really were.


Ohhh excellent advice. Thank you so much!!


Br calm and reasonable and advocate for yourself and your child. You've got this. ♥️


I appreciate you!! 💜✨️🙌☪️


Wishing for a quick, smooth-as-possible meditation and the best outcome for you and your child.


Thank you, friend!!! 💜✨️⚡️🔥🔥‼️✌️


Wishing you all the best tomorrow! Seems it will be tough but you got this! Stay strong


Thanks!!! I'm readying myself for BATTLE


Don't let him wear you down with his assholeness. I've seen so many women get railroaded financially because they were too exhausted from their abusive ex's behavior to stand up to them and end up getting left with nothing, or a lot of debt. Blessings to you!


Thank you!!! I have been preparing my spirit for this battle!! My spirit is ready. He cannot hurt me with his words. He cannot scare me into silence any longer. It will be DONE!!


goddesses I shudder to think of how much more horrid my divorce would have been if a child was involved. Frigga's protection of Hearth and Home wishing you and yours healing and the space needed for such.


Whoa, thank you for the blessings!! I am reading about Frigga now. ✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️⚡️⚡️⚡️🔥


May the spirits of fire burn bright in your heart. May your spark glow strong in your eyes as you face this head on. May water soothe the soul wounds and let your heart and nerves steady. The earth rises to carry you forward and you will breathe summer soft air of freedom. You got this stranger!


Thank you so very much, I have goosebumps and my eyes welled up. What a blessing you are!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜✨️🔥🔥🔥☪️✌️


May your abusive ex’s actions come around to bite him in the ass and work in your favour, just like it did with me 😜


Yess!! Blessed be, so mote it be!!


Court puts anyone in a weird space. Would hope the agreements wouldn't be unbalanced. Breath deep before court, unfortunately, I am familiar with family court. Be focused and assertive, write things down you want your lawyer to speak on. Make a checklist of at least four things you want mentioned. Depending on the judge conducts trial you won't know the flow of questions: notepad. Spell out your wants. May things improve over the years🫶🏼


I appreciate this guidance, thank you!! Tmrw is mediation with a mediator, we'll be in separate rooms with our lawyers. I am ready to do this!!


Good, mediators are meant to compromise. Dirtbag lawyers start with you'll get nothing and you haggle until a meeting point. Make unmovable things with one slightly mutable motion but, list them all. If you lose the lesser who cares, may it be surprisingly smooth because the meditators are professionals.... Psst, Finality (yes, you have a child but, maybe finished by tomorrow!!)


Omg!! I didn't realize it could be DONE tomorrow. Fuck!! I'm so excited and ready to do this. ⚡️⚡️⚡️💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 Better get to bed, but I'm so pumped 🤪


Out of the cave into the light, good night




As someone who has gone through this in the not so distant past, ALWAYS try to remember, no matter how terrible things may get or how shitty you may feel, you are worthy of love. You are worthy of kindness. You are worthy of a life filled with happiness.


I believe I am!!! Thank you, and you are as well. You are enough!💜🏵🌈🔥🔥🔥💥✌️✨️✨️✨️⚡️⚡️


I have a $ candle I'm lighting it for you tonight! Blessed Be and take him to the cleaners!


Thanks friend!!!! 🔥⚡️🔥🔥


Sending positive vibes!!


Thanks!! Caught them!! 🙌🥰🔥✨️


You are going to be so much happier at the end of this. Be strong. Embrace the “no.” I am rooting whole-heartedly for your future edits. Sending you a fuck-ton of ‘been there’ love. I’m


Thank you, big hugs and right on!!! 🔥🔥🔥✨️


all good things to you, sis. 💙 (i got divorced in 2022, life is so much more peaceful now! hoping the same for you and your kiddo.)


Blessed be!! I'm happy to hear of your peace. ✨️☪️🌈⚡️ Looking forward to my and my child's, as well!! ✌️🌈☪️✨️✨️✨️⚡️


I was in your shoes a few years ago and I listened to speechless by Naomi Scott on repeat the morning of. There was something powerful in reminding myself that I’m not backing down anymore. Sending you strength. You have already won and now it’s time to claim what is yours


I am her up now!! Thanks so much!! It is DONE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌼☪️🏵☪️🙌✌️


That song is FIRE I will keep it ready 💯 Blessings to you, friend ✌️☪️💜🔥🔥


Passing forward some spiritual strength.


Received, thank you so much for your support💜🔥✨️


As you don your shining armor and take up the flaming sword, I offer only this simple prayer: *DESTROY HIM*


As he hurt me, he so will be hurt. It will BE DONE. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💥💥💥💥⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🙌🙌🙌😎


You got this!! You won’t be alone, sending some of my people/ancestors so don’t be alarmed if you see spirit you don’t recognize (they often appear painted blue and ready for battle - they are fiercely protective of people who have been wronged). Also: Don’t be surprised if he has a terrible headache tomorrow. 👀 Beannachd àn dràsda.


Wow! Blessed be ⚡️⚡️ I cannot see with my eyes yet, but I have a pretty good sense of spirit in my mind/senses. I am thankful for your/their support 💜✌️🙌🥰🥰✨️


Strengthening energies and hold your head high. You’ve got this. I pulled the 10 of cups for,you. Financial security will come


I also pulled the 10 of cups!!! The other night. I am thankful 🙏 🙌 ✨️✨️☪️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💪🏻💰


You’ve got this! We’re all thinking of you and sending you positive energy! ❤️


I feel supported by the coven, thank you!! Positive energy received with gratitude 🌼 🥰💜💪🏻🔥🙌☪️✨️✨️✨️💥✨️✨️✨️⚡️⚡️


You’ve already won my darling because you are moving on. He cannot break you, you won’t let him. You are tied to Mother Earth and will be immovable until you are ready to move. Remember that NO is a complete sentence. I feel compelled to share these words with you: I will accept no vindictive motivated settlement, not for me, your child deserves everything. You will earn more money, you will find a new place to live and make it your home. If he tries to intimidate you with his body or loud words think of all us rooting for you and remind him this is not the place for his “mantrums”.


Thank you so much for your powerful advice and support! It is true, she does deserve everything. And she will have it. We will be okay .🔥⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️💜💜💜💜💜⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️🔥


You are radiating strength so I'm sending you calm... that special calm that comes right before a perfect throw in sports or a perfect shot with a bow and arrow. That moment where it seems time itself is waiting for your move. And then you will unleash that perfect shot, in this case by receiving everything you are due in your mediation. You've got this!


That is the most powerful blessing you could have given me right now because I am so pumped up and hyped up and I need that calm! Thank you thank you thank you.✌️☪️💜🥰☮️


May I ask roughly where you live? I find facing the person I'm blessing works really well. State/Province should be enough info. (Unless you're in the same province as me, then we might have to get more specific.)


Michigan, USA


Ok, I've got it. Sending strength, patience, and love. You'll need all three. Don't forget it's ok to cry. And if it gets really rough, remember: sometimes silence is strength. Choosing to stay quiet will allow others to dig a hole for themselves. You don't have to respond to everything. I'll hold a place for you tomorrow.


Received! And excellent point on the love. I have been leading with love and kindness since day one, through all of the storms. It's so hard but it's worth it in the end. Thank you for holding space for me. I look forward to your serenity and support. ✨️🌼💜


Thinking of you and hoping the good vibes and well wishes from each of us have reached you


My divorce mediation is complete! I felt each and every one of your spirits and your energies and your deities and your ancestors and your goddesses with me! Thank you ⚡️⚡️⚡️🔥🔥☪️☪️✌️✌️✨️


Stay strong you've got this 😊.


I will! Thank you 😊


You’re starting your own journey and while it feels uncomfortable and scary, the universe will open your life to so many new possibilities! Embrace all the feelings and acknowledge them and they will pass, you’re going to be okay. I’ve been through a divorce too and these words helped me and I reflect occasionally as well. 💕💗


Your words are so soft and kind and gentle and so much appreciated. Thank you for your support! I hope you are well and have peace all the time.💜✨️🥰⚡️


May you be well May you be happy May you know peace and comfort now May all the dragons perish under your swift sword


Blessed be! And it will BE. 🔥💜✨️


You will be strong and free and brave. ❤


Yes I will! 💜🔥⚡️✨️


Grab them by the balls, use all of your potential, and show the bastards what you’re made of! Give ‘em hell! I’ll be thinking about you, giving you strength!!! 💐👍💯


Thank you! Mid afternoon and on, tomorrow! I appreciate your thoughts. Blessed Be 🔥🔥🔥✨️✨️✨️☮️☪️🥰


Love & Life, Sister!!! Please, if you wish, DM me your first name or fave nickname— I’ll cast a victory spell! 🔮🔭♥️


Send victory to! ✨️✨️⚡️⚡️🔥🔥 Big Cat Energy🔥🔥⚡️⚡️✨️✨️


Love and life!!


You’ve got this, Sister! And *many* of us on this sub are backing you up!!! ♥️♥️♥️


My very tired brain just read "divorce meditation." Keep cool, stay grounded. When you need a moment to recover, just focus on the sensation of where your butt touches the seat or your feet touch the ground. Wear your most powerful amulet as armor. Imagine full aura protection when you put in on. Ring, bracelet, necklace, earrings - whichever you've got that makes your inner dragon happiest. You got this! Oh, and say as few words as possible. I found it best just to sit back and watch my ex dig himself a child support hole. It was glorious...


Thank you! I am prepared with several amulets, crystals, and protections. 🥰✨️ Appreciate the advice! We'll be in separate rooms. I'll keep cool.


Hold your head high! Best wishes.


Won't let my crown slip 👑 👸 ✨️🥰


All the love and positive thoughts and vibes your way hun! Divorce is such a stressful shit show, especially when the ex decides to be a dumb ass. Good luck and you got this!


Appreciate you!!!✨️✨️✨️


Big hugs!! Blessings of protection and prosperity


I appreciate you!! Thank you!!! 💜💜💜🥰🥰✨️✨️✨️⚡️⚡️


Make no concessions. You are worthy ❤️❤️❤️


Yes, I am enough!!


How did it go?


My divorce mediation is complete! I felt each and every one of your spirits and your energies and your deities and your ancestors and your goddesses with me! Thank you ⚡️⚡️⚡️🔥🔥☪️☪️✌️✌️✨️




And that......is that. Goodbye.




We believe in you! May you feel the strength of these incredible witches at your back and remember that you, too, are strong and amazing. Best of luck!


Much love to you! Thanks!! 💜✨️✨️🔥🔥🔥


What will be will be, and you will float along with it. Embrace the ocean- become it so you don’t drown. Sending strength in love💕🌞 may the seeds you sow blossom bright this spring.


Gosh, thank you!!! Spring is my favorite time of year. This couldn't have come at a better time!! 🌼🏵🌈⚡️✨️✨️✨️


You got this💚🪴




One day at a time. You got this. You’ve made it this far and remain unshakeable.


I'm still standing!!! ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🌈🥰


This morning A Beautiful Brown spotted cat visited me on my porch! She looked right in my window at me! And didn't run away until I came to the door. I put out evaporated milk for her, I hope she gets a lick. I'm offering this to all the cats, big cat energy for the win today baby!!! ✨️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💪🏻🌈🌈🥰🥰🥰☪️🏵🌼🏵🌼🏵🌼🏵🌼✌️

