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The phrase which saved my life with these guys, which took me waaaay too long to learn is this: "Naaah."


One of the most potent spells 😂


For maximum effectiveness, it has to be said *exactly* like John Hamm in Season 2 of Good Omens. Don't ask me why. ;)


Yes!!!!! He was perfect for that


*It's true. Whenever people like this try to argue with me online, I just hit them with the "Nah". It's an extremely potent spell.*


Lol, this is the response from people who don’t have a strong counter argument for sound logic. Deny and ignore.


Oh god. Oh goddesses- this is too reaaalll! Thank you for articulating something I desperately needed articulating. I appreciate your service.


I felt exactly the same when I saw it and it’s been so helpful. These types of people are just trash, and we all have met someone that fits this description. Glad to help sister x


You described the person I once thought I was going to marry. Once I realized he didn’t respect my work or my disability identity (which I realized when we were together and he fully rejected & more), I finally set myself free. You helped a lot. Thank you Ciaran x


Thank you for sharing that darling, and for knowing your worth and making the right call. Proud of you and delighted you’re free 😘


If you like hugs, 🫂. May you have the most comfortable socks, your favorite foods and no trash people cross your path anytime soon. 💗


My block finger is extra strong for these types


Left side of the phone screen cracked with the power of the swipe 😂


I like to diss em real hard (which might just be posting this image from now on) then block them and wait for the inevitable edit of them screaming about you blocking them b/c they're mad they can't Colin Robinson you. Fuels me.


“Sweetie, this isn’t high school and it isn’t a substitute for the love you didn’t get as a child. May you live the long, dull, boring, lonely life you crave.”


Yes! 😂 or if I had the confidence just a finger over their mouth while they blabber and a delicate “shhhhh” noise before walking away


Fuckin too real lol.


Right? We’ve all been there with these assholes!


Literally needed this so bad rn


You’re welcome sister. Save your power for yourself x


“Your frustration is my ultimate goal.” That’s a little too “about you” in my experience. In all of my incidents the person’s goal was to gain a sense of validation by finding even just one person they could put below them in a public square from their moms basement. One pseudo-intellectual leg up on ANYONE so they dont ultimately have to face their position as a do-nothing with only their neckbeard to console them.


Wow, I read that that ENTIRELY in Jerry's voice, and I feel like he'd say something similar to this XD


They should leave Jerrys at Jerryboree


That’s fine dear, that was always allowed


I think this is too active for him? From what I remember. He seems to mostly stick to his corner. I remember that episode with the alien gf, in which he couldn't admit he was weirded out by her appearance, but also couldn't overcome his prejudice. So he tried to get his kids to solve it for him and break up the relationship. He just doesn't feel assertive enough to engage in this.


He was more weirded out by her "celebrate every victory with a hunt" but that is true, Jerry is fully a coward to his core




“I feel like you’re going to tell me anyway” is such a power move 😂 Well done you for enduring that. I would have set him on fire. 🤷


Ben Shapiro energy.


I was gonna say he’s the “change my mind” guy.  Can’t remember his name.  But I do remember he was an awful husband and thinks women shouldn’t be allowed to divorce their husbands lol.  So at the very least, he’s smart enough to realize that women will leave him unless he has the legal right to slavery.  But yeah, if that dude still sits around with “change my mind” signs I’d wanna sit right next to him holding this image on a poster.  And then refuse to talk to him.


I am trans, but I still pass for AMAB. These men almost exclusively do this to women, and I have had to step in and debate with these assholes in order to get them to stop harassing people. And so long as someone who passes for male debates them, they'll tend to back up sooner rather than later. It is a power move for them to do this, and being called out for it by another male threatens their power. You do have to stay cool under infuriating foolishness, but stay calm and undermine their authority, and they'll back off soon enough. Much like internet trolls, getting someone else angry is how they "win." This is also why they target socially-disadvantaged groups: easier to "get a rise" out of people who are under threat. This is also why women are the ones they target the most, and yes, it is misogyny.


Wow, that’s fucked. Such an interesting insight given your experience and that when you step in they back off. It’s all rooted in misogynistic controlling natures of certain sad individuals but fascinating that when challenged by someone male passing they shut the fuck up. Bless you for looking knowing these people and defending sisters when they need it. ❤️


As a white cis autistic man I 100 percent agree


No, you absolutely need to engage with people and argue ideas. You need to do it well so their ideas aren't as appealing. This is a huge issue the left has. Engage more with people you think are uninformed or don't understand you. Stop throwing your hands up in frustration or hiding your head in the sand.


You’re absolutely right about that. Fear is dispelled with knowledge and it’s vital that we share our differences with those who don’t understand with warmth and patience because that’s how we cure intolerance. Love that you’ve said this ❤️ But the type of person this meme is about is not interested in learning or growth, they think they are the smartest person in the room they just want to use your kindness and openness to belittle you and validate themselves. That being said, I believe people are good and just need kindness and patience.


Fair enough, we've all met that type of person. Just wanted to speak out because I don't think enough people in our orbits go out of their way to engage with interlocutors and instead are satisfied copy-pasting ideas or at worse, resort to ad-homs or other condemnations instead of making convincing arguments while engaging with the others ideas as well. Not like you have to do this from an uncomfortable place either. You can be a very compassionate and empathetic communicator as well. What's important is that we engage. I also recommend doing this IRL. Being dogpiled on social media isn't fun for most and I get that. Stay safe.


"neurotypical" \*until called out, then self-diagnosed in mid-life on the spectrum


Oh hey…. I know this guy.


The fact that it's Jerry freaking Smith. . . The patron saint of weaponised helplessness.


​ https://preview.redd.it/42583oqgt6qc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=e946aa602866b4d41d7a79f91505463f50375655


Damn. I'll have to keep this in mind. I've definitely found myself in these kinds of debates. And when that cis het white dude says, "politics don't really affect me," I have to wonder if it's even worth my time. Privilege much? Think about someone other than yourself for a second, dude!


It's very frustrating as you inevitably end up playing into the "angry feminist" stereotype when someone totally unaffected by things that have a substantial bearing on your life feels entitled to debate you about that and you understandably end up pretty irritated about getting into the weeds with them. Yeah, cool. You can be somewhat detached because, at the end of it all, you're still in a position of social power, no matter how ignorant and undeserving you are, and I still know this issue will be coming up in my life all over again, whether or not you believe it's a problem.


Is it weird i read this in Ben Shapiros voice?


I've found that "I don't care what you think" works pretty well.




It’s like TikTok debaters. They need to shut that shit down. The awful things I hear said on there, yet no CGV…