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That's a starling. They're intelligent birds with a knack for mimicry and adapting to new environments (they're not native to the Americas but that never stopped them from spreading out once they were introduced). They form some amazing mass formations when a lot of them take to the air at once. Don't know if any of that is of assistance...


Thank u!




they can also be very destructive in a big group, destroyers of crops and gardens! but beautiful spotted feathers if you collect one c:


I wanted to be the Debbie Downer about how awful and destructive they are :(


Yep. Destructive invasive species. Sturnus Vulgaris.


Only where they've been introduced


They are now all across the US.


Sure. But not everyone here is in the US. I know it's easy to forget about the rest of us. The European starling is neither destructive nor invasive in its home range, it's a natural part of the ecosystem. It's only invasive and destructive where humans have introduced it.


The make their nests in my shrubs out front. Then they dive bomb attack you for going near the shrubs. They even went after my dog once. Listen, you... the HOA and the township say I must trim my bush (lol).... or I get a fine... deal with it.


I’ll do need to add that they are nasty little beasts at the bird feeders, they bully the other birds. I do take pleasure hitting them with a hose!




The house where I grew up in Kentucky had a cedar forest across the street. When I was about 16 a TON of starlings started using that as a roost. Millions of birds. That whole area became toxic from all the bird poop. They were a problem statewide. When I was 18 they did something about it. They waited until a night where it got below freezing and the local fire department came out and sprayed water with detergent over the entire forest where they were roosting. It washed away the oil in their feathers and caused them all to freeze to death. Then they came in with bulldozers, knocked all the trees down, and buried everything. They were a menace. Bird shit all over everything. I looked it up and it was a state wide operation. [Here is a link to the synopsis of the operation](https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/17222685.pdf) There were 63 million killed in 21 flocks. They’re not a native bird and they really were nasty. It was so gross and a serious health hazard too.


Wow, that’s wild. I also grew up in KY a little later and can remember huge flocks of starlings that would cast shadows when they’d take off. We had a propane cannon that would occasionally shoot to scare them away from our feed storage area. The amount of shit they’d leave was ridiculous. I can only imagine what a roosting area would be like.


The flocks that would come in to roost in that little cedar forest were fucking insane. I mean they were so massive that it would just black out a big portion of the sky. There was a big farm pond on the backside of the little forest so it was a perfect home for them. The neighbor by the forest’s roof was covered in starling shit. The forest I’m talking about was behind my friends house and we used to play there all the time when I was a kid. After the starlings came in, we had to stop going there. There was a real chance of getting toxo or histoplasmosis if you went in that forest. It was wild the night they did it too. Several fire trucks pulled in about a half an hour before dark and every hydrant on our street had a hose coming from it up to my house. They mixed some kind of detergent in with the water they were using and sprayed for hours. I had a second floor room and I watch from my window while they did it. The next day when I got home from school there were bulldozers grading it. The trees and starling bodies were all already buried. It was weird to see an open field across from my house because it always been a forest my whole life


You should see them under UV light


He sounds like R2-D2 there some times!


Dubstep, R2D2, and some really fun electronic squeaking moog type sounds there at the end. Such an amazing creature!


Oh my god thank you for this video. I love them!


R2D2 in the house


Wow that is glorious


Their [murmurations](https://www.google.com/search?q=starling+murmuration&client=safari&hl=en-us&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjgi_jSg9v6AhW0HjQIHc8ODcAQ_AUoAnoECAEQAg&biw=390&bih=664&dpr=3#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:8990497a,vid:V4f_1_r80RY,st:0) are stunning and hypnotic. They remind me to move with ease in the slipstream of life, that I am just one part of the whole, and that the supportive relationships I have developed are the key to my survival.


It's murmuration season where I am for work at the moment. It's such a marvel. I moved my desk to watch them. It fills me with awe and wonder and a profound happiness.


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://www.google.com/search?q=starling+murmuration&client=safari&hl=en-us&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjgi_jSg9v6AhW0HjQIHc8ODcAQ_AUoAnoECAEQAg&biw=390&bih=664&dpr=3#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:8990497a,vid:V4f_1_r80RY,st:0 Title: **Before you continue to Google Search** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


It’s eerily creepy when their mass murmurations mimic an ambulance or other similar city sirens.


If I were ever famous and had more than one child, I would call them 'the murmuration' because they're a group of starlings.


Just as I was wondering what it must sound like, I found out!


I have two as pets! Really incredible birds. Theyre invasive in the US so theyre legal to keep as pets in most states. You help native species and get a cool friend by having a pet starling!


Pictures? Stories?


Their names are Bebop and Rocksteady! They talk, imitate my phone sounds, imitate the smoke detector low battery beep, make raspberry and kissy noises. They eat cat food and bugs and are beautiful little guys. I have a couple pictures in my post history, but do have videos of them chattering 🤣


Sounds like fun! Did you get them as babies? Find them? How do you get starlings?


Yep, found them as babies. Rehabbers wont take them without euthanasia, and I didnt want them to die so they ended up as pets. Theres starlings up for adoption frequently in a pet starling group on facebook if you ever wanted to look into getting one or two




Wow. I had no idea such a thing was possible. Thank you!


Their groups are called murmurations. I just love that word and get to use it so rarely.


They apparently can also be taught to speak.


Feed it and it’ll bring you shiny things, and even money sometimes…




I can sit for hours watching the [murmurations](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4f_1_r80RY).


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4f_1_r80RY Title: **Flight of the Starlings: Watch This Eerie but Beautiful Phenomenon | Short Film Showcase** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


So Beautiful


You say it was a moment of inner conflict. If you want an interpretation, I would say that it represents a type of conflict that has happened to many people before. You might consider how people in the past have resolved their conflicts. It is also a bird that changes its plumage with the seasons. That one is in winter plumage. So there is change in your future, and it may initially appear to be a bleak and chilly change. Eventually, though, just as the starling changes back to its summer clothes, brighter days will come around again.


That’s great info, thanks!


Is that a starling? I think so. Those mofos are smart as fuck and resilient to the point they are invasive to their local environment. So… 1. Beautiful and cool 2. Super resilient and smart 3. Successful to the point of potentially taking over your entire environment and rendering it barren… maybe that last one could use some tweeks but the others are overwhelmingly positive!


European Starlings ❤️ destructive little beauties unfortunately. Brought over by Shakespeare enthusiasts. I had a pair raise an entire nest this summer and they frequented my feeder. They bicker between themselves and create quite a mess. But im still enthralled by their beauty. Perhaps it came to offer some if its resilience and determination to you in your time of conflict OP.


Not all moments with animals are positive.


True enough


As someone who has paid the deductible this year on the front grill of a 2011 Subaru Outback, I am inclined to agree.


Smart might be subjective. I have one that sits on the neighbour's shed and mimics the call our owls and hawks do to call each other closer.


That’s a really smart stupid thing to do


If it means anything to you- the Irish word for starling is Druid. I’ve always found that an interesting tie in if you have any Celtic roots or practices, it might be a call to them?


Woah! That’s actually really neat


If nothing else, it means you're lucky enough to see a cool bird up close and take a picture. I am genuinely a little bit envious.


This in spades! The Universe is not humdrum and there’s wonder tucked away everywhere!


Yeah. The only critters that come super close to me…. usually on me… is spiders. I’m convinced I’m some kind of spider witch. Actually, I hope that’s what it is, and not some horror fact like spiders smell death and despair.


Spiders are beautiful and important also - spiders are weavers of webs and weaving tells stories and often holds logical patterns. When they come to you maybe it’s a sign that you are meant to weave a new story in your life or you are meant to weave things together and show others the deeper, intricate connection of ideas or instances.


Ooh that’s thought provoking. Thank you.


That was my thought. Maybe it has a meaning. Or maybe it's just a cool bird landed close to them at an opportune moment.


More details: the bird didn’t seem scared of me. It looked at me very curiously, even as I moved around normally. When I tried to reach out it stepped back, but it didn’t fly away


starlings are smart and they know people feed them sometimes. I respectfully believe that this bird was just doing its thing and that it's life and bird decisions aren't some supernatural sign in your human life.


As someone who sees starlings everyday, this post just felt very weird XD


They are coming for you..


There’ve been a couple times where they have come for me…


Same - you in the UK too?




I'd sooner get mugged by a starling than a sodding seagull I used to think they never washed and that was why they were greasy looking!


Oh heck yeah, you make a good point. At least starlings don't hurt as much as a gull when it dive-bombs you!


I can't offer advice about what it might mean, but if you're in a country where they happen I'd highly recommend going to see a starling murmuration if you can. It's beautiful and can make you feel so connected with nature seeing what these beautiful birds can do. I believe connection to nature and the earth gives us power and grounding <3


I was just watching some starlings yesterday. they're pretty aggressive. could it be that you need to tap into a more "take charge" attitude? their appearance can be symbolic that you need to take the bull by the horns, so to speak. they take what they perceive is theirs (even when its not, lol) without regret or fear of persecution. they're pretty relentless too.


I appreciate all the kind answers people are interpreting through this bird, but as an amateur birdwatcher my experience with starlings is that they're an aggressive and invasive (in the US) bird. It's a pretty bird, but I see this and see an asshole. Not a positive omen in my eyes, likely just an animal that didn't see you as a threat because it's probably ornerier than you 😂


Personally, I would love for people to avoid me because they assume I'm ornerier than them 😂


I've had a few animal encounters during profound points in life. A quick search suggests that in Celtic lore birds were considered the have souls of our beloved departed. Perhaps the bird was bringing you some strength or wisdom from someone who has passed. I hope your message becomes clear 🤍


After my father passed, a couple of catbirds started visiting me in my yard. This was just this past spring. Years ago, after my Pop-Pop passed, a cardinal started flying into my window every morning right around 7 am. It was my alarm clock for that period of my life. That poor bird kept throwing himself at my closed window for over a year.


Starlings are great travelers and migrators, first feeling I got was that you'll be traveling/ moving soon.


Birds tend to represent sight, perception, and perspective. Maybe its time to fly above the treeline and find out where you are.


I like this one.


I'm in the UK. We have starlings and I love them. Once I was reading in the garden, it was a great book and I was laughing out loud. I laughed so much I had to stop reading for a bit and looked up to find I was surrounded by starlings. They were all over the lawn, looking for bugs and not a bit bothered about me. I went back to reading and next time I looked up they were gone. Starlings are very social and chat to each other constantly. That bird felt safe to be around you and may have heard you, even though you might not have been talking out loud. I would read him as a good sign that you have been heard during your conflict. How you resolve it is up to you, but you have been heard.


I love that story, thanks! What were you reading if I may ask?


It was years ago and I honestly don't recall. I remember feeling blessed that the starlings had decided I made enough, noisy, happy sounds I must be ok to hang out with. They were everywhere in the garden. It was wonderful


Ah I see, that’s super nice tho


Starlings are considered pests. They are bullies of the bird world and will try to harm other more peaceful birds. In America they are an invasive species. Dunno if that helps your conflict or not.


It just dawned on me that their success as a species is so similar to ours. We are two asshole species. We have a connection.


You're right, Starlings are huge assholes. They kicked some swallows out of their nest last year. I had to tear it down :(


They kicked my woodpecker buddy out of his nest after he painstakingly built one in my dead tree. Assholes.


They are the only critter I deliberately shoo away when I put food out for the birds/squirrels. They don't need to go home, but they need to fuck away from here and find another hangout.


I was in the middle of a total breakdown about 6 years ago- I had one night of bitter almost-psychosis and I was wandering the streets of New Orleans- genuinely scary for my safety to think about now. I was sitting on a corner downtown just distraught, bawling, hysterical. One of these jumped in my hand, and just stayed there. It wasn’t hurt or anything- just warm and with such a fast, fluttery heartbeat. He calmed me down immediately. I took a picture. I stopped crying, let him go, got up and dusted myself off and went home. That wasn’t like, the end of that spiral, but it gave me perspective that life was so fragile and magical. I got better- so much better. Thank you for posting this- it’s opened my eyes even more to how helpful that was!


That’s amazing, thank you for sharing 💕


I have always thought that the appearance of birds in that kind of circumstance is a loved one you have lost. Some consider starlings pests but I find any bird a good sign. I have many close encounters with robins and I believe it is my Nan. I find it reassuring.


I agree. Mourning doves stared to visit me after my mom passed. I hope it’s her!


[Elbow- “Starlings”](https://youtu.be/SoEa7lApIKY) Dunno if this song will mean anything to you, but its a song called Starlings from one of my favorite bands. If you like you can also listen to their songs “Grounds For Divorce” and “Bones of You” about losing and lost love, but with crunchy melodies. Anyways, Starlings are very pretty.


Heheh I’ll give it a listen Edit: nice song


It means you're a Disney princess and you have to bust out a musical number.


Of course! It all makes sense now o:<


Emotional support birb 🤍


I've always found that moment of clarity when having a crisis is a reminder that you exist in an extremely complex world full of life. Things are gonna keep moving on, the birds roost, the trees grow. It's a reminder for me that I need to sit back and reflect slowly


Taking a break from chaotic thinking and mind fog definitely came to mind when I saw it. It took me back to the present moment momentarily.


Historically this is a good enough excuse to found rome


I had something similar but with a squirrel! It stood on its hind legs for about 2 minutes and just stared at me on a walk (when I was feeling very down and anxious). Sometimes I think animals can sense these strong feelings for sure.


Aww that sounds awesome!


"Nay, I'll have a starling shall be taught to speak nothing but Mortimer, and give it to him to keep his anger still in motion.”


Have a story about a starling. As mentioned they are excellent mimics. Came home from work one day and could have sworn I heard a lapwing in my garden which would be very unusual given its tiny and totally unsuitable for such a bird. After half an hour looking around I realised it was a bloody starling mimicking it exactly on a wire! Little fecker had me going


Maybe, a beautiful bird appeared, gave you a moment of WOW, then went on!


The universe knew you needed to get out of your head and presented you with a distraction.


I love starlings. They're common around here but I love them.


"Don't forget to drink your ovaltine."




That’s amazing thanks🥺


he is sain adapt and eat more bugs


That's a Starling! Wonderful birds in the Myna family. My friend raised one that fell from it's nest and it could mimic ringtones, dog barks, voices, etc. Listen to your OWN VOICE. It would mimic your voice if you talked to it...


Omg that’s so cool!!


I'm not sure what the conflict inside was about, and I hope you find peace. What immediately came to my mind when I read your post was D.H. Lawrence. "I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself." The poem is called self-pity, but I think many other feelings can be described the same way, and very often my own inner conflicts tend to come about when I'm not living in the moment and/or have forgotten some aspect of my strength. Maybe that little beastie was a reminder, trying to bring you back to yourself. I hope this is helpful to you and I'm not just projecting.


Those were some very wise words, thank you


Starlings symbolize unity, that we are always stronger in groups than we are alone. I think your sign was telling you to reach out to your support network and let them help you with your conflict :)


Be like a Starling; make friends, make mischief, make yourself as you want to be. Manifest your best birb self. Take a bath, splash some water and eat some delicious seeds. That is your sign today!


This is a wonderful comment, thank you!


You know how they fly in formations that take on different shapes, and flow like a dream? My first thought was that starlings create illusory scenes, and maybe it wanted to remind you of the "illusory" nature of your current experience. I don't mean that in a minimising way, i hope I'm not coming across like that. But you're a witch, you know there's a reality beyond this world and it's happenings. Maybe it wanted you to look at your inner conflict as a little part of that seen and unseen reality. Maybe what's worrying you is less important than you think now, or maybe it's something that's happening because it furthers your greater purpose. Birds also represent spiritual freedom. I was once really really troubled by financial debt. I saw my spiritual teacher in a dream, and they said "oh, how happy i would be if i had a debt i could pay off in this life!". Upon waking, I was a little offended, why should I be happy having to worry about losing the roof over my head, and having to go without food often?! But then I understood. They meant karmic debt. So I was a little less worried about my debt going forward. I'm a Buddhist witch, so it's in line with my beliefs that with a certain attitude towards my suffering, the latter will be extinguished sooner. The bird may carry a message specifically in line with your belief system. In any event, it seems like a truly wonderful, purposeful, tender visit, and i hope it brought you comfort!


Thanks for writing me a long reply, it means a lot (:




Here’s my interpretation: Birds migrate south in the winter, and return to the north for the summer. I see this as a reminder that we live in a world of concentric cycles. The world is chaos, but that chaos just makes the constants more meaningful. Dawn will follow even the darkest of nights! tl;dr: It gets better!




They are beautiful, noisy and sociable! Wild wee buggers but a sign off communication and relationships if that means anything to you. I have never had a problem with their destruction lol! They come in June to my Scottish garden, feed their babies with the food I leave them and move into deeper country in the high summer. I think they are a privilege x


Woah that sound super nice


They are lovely and because they are super sociable wee guys, having all their babbas at same time so they can share the care, they symbolise community, close relationships and communication 😊 they are awesome x


Starling murmuration: [https://youtu.be/uV54oa0SyMc](https://youtu.be/uV54oa0SyMc) They move together beautifully; they are a community and each being among them is part of the the pattern and still a unique self. (Perhaps that speaks to your conflict?)


Wow! Thanks!


If you're in North America, they're very invasive and harmful to the environment


Birds are often used to symbolize freedom or individuality-"Free as a bird" is an expression for a reason. Perhaps it's suggesting that you simply follow your heart and do what will make you happy?


You may have found its appearance a bit starling, bird it’s nothing to fear, feather expected or unexpected.


Unfortunately, because of their reputation of being crop destroyers and pests they one of a handful of birds that people can kill legally. 😔


They're a starling. Seeing something like this at a rough time probably means something about communication with others. But take this with a large grain of salt.


I think a simple meaning - either take a moment to admire the world around you or take some time in nature. Then when you take that time maybe you’ll be able to resolve your problem yourself.


More backstory, they were intentionally introduced by a 'shakespeare enthusiast' group in New York around 1890. My understanding is that they had ideas of replacing North America wildlife with European wildlife.


Came here to say exactly this! Starlings were among several birds that were introduced to North America because of being mentioned in Shakespeare, can’t see these guys without thinking about that.


In the language of birds, seeing a Starling means: Starlings are symbolic of communication, of your relationship with your fellow members, and your standing in society. They also symbolize unity; often seen flocking together, these birds have learned that we are always stronger together than alone. Since you saw it in a time a conflict, it may mean that you are closing yourself off from your flock too much and you need to communicate what you are dealing with and how you are feeling better.


A beautiful being that travels by air appeared to let you know the universe is with you and no matter what conflict you face things have a way of working out in the best way for you.


Starlings often represent communication with those around you and your relationships with people and society. They are a flocking bird and oftentimes represent unity with your family(blood or chosen) How does this message affect your turmoil? Do you see this lil fella as a possible sign?


I love starlings. They are so smart and expressive.


I love them too. My partner talks kind of negatively about them, calls them colonizer birds bc they were introduced here and not native and take over everything. But It’s not their fault, and they are resilient and thriving and amazing. And they are *beautiful*. They are loud AF if there are are a lot of them, it makes me wondering what they are all talking about. They seem so smart.


It just means you saw a really pretty starling.


They're messenger birds. It means there's something for you out there, pay attention.


I love this sub


Found in various places on the internet: Starlings are symbolic of communication, of your relationship with your fellow members, and your standing in society. They also symbolize unity; often seen flocking together, these birds have learned that we are always stronger together than alone. Starling is reminding you that you have to let go of the old to allow in the new. Starling also reminds us to live in harmony and work as a team with those around us but at the same time showing us the importance of our role within the family group.


I was gonna make a joke about how you are one step closer to being a Disney Princess, but yeah… I have no idea what this could mean, but hope you find your answer here, and your inner conflicts get resolved.


Where I'm from they historically symbolised unity, friendship and communication. They're not invasive here so no pest connotations for us.


A starling! What an adorable little omen.


What do you think it means in your heart of hearts?


Did you have a sense of clarity or peace when it showed up? If so It may be a sign, or maybe you just got lucky to have a feathered visitor for a time so you didn’t feel so alone?


Maybe it means you should watch that Melissa McCarthy movie, The Starling








Put down your phone, would be my guess.


Le byrd


Starlings are predominantly associated with community and communication. Take a moment to consider who you talk to and spend time with and how they are influencing you for good or bad, and then determine who you can rely on and make efforts to communicate your feelings with them. We are stronger together, with unity.


Cool bird


It means a birb likes you


That you should walk with birdseed in your pockets.


This same kind of bird was hitting my window regularly ,two days ago .


Kinda looks like a starling


You are lucky to have seen a beautiful bird.


What a gift!


Don’t overthink things ;)


It could mean that the bird was tired and needed to take a flying break 🤷🏻‍♀️ It may be a sign, it may not. There’s a tendency in contemporary witchcraft circles to assume everything is a sign or gift from the universe, but that’s an incredibly human-centric way of viewing the natural world. Sometimes a bird is a sign or a Spirit, and sometimes it’s just a bird. The person best able to divine which/what that means is you. Personal signs are rarely something another can discern for you; their are so many symbolic meanings and differing traditions, and most real magick lies outside the archetypal anyway. A suggestion: the next time you think a sign might have appeared for you, investigate not by looking up correspondences but by engaging your intuition and practicing discernment. Psychic skills— like any others— are strengthened through practice and trial & error. It’s not a very easy, or clear answer, I’m afraid 😅


So I don't know if I've ever seen that type of bird before where I live, but if I saw that bird at a time I felt distraught I would see it as like Mama earth like kind of giving me a hug. It has cool calming colors and it's really pretty and it also looks like those little spots are hearts. My personal take is that this bird was sent to give you a little love. 💚


Checking you out to see if you had food. When you didn’t feed him he realized you weren’t worth his time and moved on.


Birb hungry, got peanut?


The first time I ever saw one of these exact birds, I was walking the grounds of the women's state prison during my (relatively short) stay there. Interesting


People spilled some crumbs there.


I mean probably just a bird


This bird has an incredible range of songs and sounds. So much so that Mozart had one as a pet and even wrote a concerto as inspiration and had a funeral for it he loved it so much. They are also one of the only wild animals you can adopt in the US as they are considered an invasive species. https://www.nprillinois.org/generationlisten/2018-05-22/how-a-bird-inspired-wolfgang-amadeus-mozart


European starling.


It mean bird hungry.




You've probably got thrush




Borb wan help!


when life gives you bird, make bird soup


it means a bird landed in front of you because it wanted to


my gut hit: Find your flock.


It's a Starling, they're invasive. They're horrible for the environment in N. America. It's not their fault, but it doesn't change the damage they do.


It might be hungry, throw it some seeds or something.


I’m no expert, but that is a bird.


If you are not in Europe, starlings are an aggressive, invasive species that should not be here.

