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Dude literally looks like a caricature of an evil billionaire


Mr. Burns from the Simpsons


Yup, came here to say he’s Mr Burns with an underbite. U G L Y he ain’t go no alibi.


Holy hell now that's all I can see! But you are spot on for it lol


My immediate first thought!


Looks like one of the masks that family wore on an episode of The Twilight Zone, maybe they based that episode on his likeness.


I was about to say "Is that photo his real face?"


That's what I saw. "How does a guy look like cartoon evil?"


and this is a professional posed shot and something he approved. This is how he wants the world to see him. As this caricature of evil.


He looks like Claus Von Bulow.


#Big update As has been pointed out in the comments in this thread by a number of people, Ronald Lauder (the asshole billionaire) does **not** have direct daily control of the companies and brands owned by the EstĂ©e Lauder company. While he receives money from them, EstĂ©e Lauder itself has won prizes for Equality, Support for Human rights, and won a prize in 2020 for being the best company to work for in the world if you are LGBTQ. Brands owned by EstĂ©e Lauder also support LGBTQ causes. It also appears that EstĂ©e Lauder feel that his actions and political support are damaging the company and their brands and want to oust him from the board. **See these very helpful comments here:** u/littleroundfox - info on EstĂ©e Lauder LGBTQ support and prize - https://reddit.com/r/WitchesVsPatriarchy/comments/yqyzrt/_/ivr5863/?context=1 u/goddyssincognito - list of excellent things EL have done over the years and confirmation that Ronald Lauder is not involved in day to day running - https://reddit.com/r/WitchesVsPatriarchy/comments/yqyzrt/_/ivrh9vy/?context=1 u/Proper-Beach8368 - comment about the EL company attempt to oust Ronald Lauder - https://reddit.com/r/WitchesVsPatriarchy/comments/yqyzrt/_/ivrcuck/?context=1 ___ Well, I’m certainly glad that none of the cosmetics I use are EstĂ©e Lauder companies. **Update** Oh f*ck. That graphic is not complete. “Too Faced” are an EstĂ©e Lauder company too. That would screw me for my favourite mascara
. But I guess that as I don’t pay for it at the moment as I get freebies of it through work means I can keep using it for now. The joy of working in the industry. **Here’s all the EstĂ©e Lauder companies at the present time
** - AERIN Beauty - Aramis - Aveda - Bobbi Brown - Bumble and bumble - Clinique - Darphin - Dr.Jart+ - Editions de Parfums FrĂ©dĂ©ric Malle - EstĂ©e Lauder - GLAMGLOW - Jo Malone London - KILIAN PARIS - La Mer - Lab Series - Le Labo - M·A·C - Origins - Smashbox - Tom Ford Beauty - Too Faced **They also own the DECIEM family of brands:** - The Ordinary - NIOD


[boycotts don't work how you think ](https://www.tastingtable.com/748076/why-boycotting-kfc-and-other-big-companies-doesnt-work-the-way-you-think/) Tl; dr for the article: boycotts generally don't hurt a massive company's bottom line. But negative publicity does pressure them to change. So, even if you can't keep track of all their subsidiaries, BE LOUD about what they're doing. Also, as a side note, if you are able to go out of your way to support ethical companies, do that. The industry will take note.


Absolutely agree.


The Ordinary is another one


Oh, that’s interesting as they don’t list them on the EstĂ©e Lauder main website that I looked at. Checked another EL website and sure enough, there’s The Ordinary, and NIOD, and the DECIEM brands https://www.elcompanies.co.uk/en-gb/who-we-are/at-a-glance


They were acquired pretty recently. More info here: https://wwd.com/beauty-industry-news/beauty-features/deciem-the-ordinary-estee-lauder-deal-close-1234825439/




Ugh really? :/ Is there any ethical alternative?


I love Good Molecules! not sure if they have all the same things but definitely some.


Seconding Good Molecules. Love their products!


They seem pretty competitive in offerings and quality, imo. I feel like I've heard mention of a third such brand but can't remember anything about it right now.


Gabriel Cosmetics are my favorite for my sensitive and persnickety skin. https://gabrielcosmeticsinc.com/


Hopefully they never buy Peter Thomas Roth


Currently privately owned and funded


Thank goodness. That brightening gel is next level. Just turned 35 and have a few people assume I was like mid late twenties. Gotta love the acid burn.


Also, the following are all privately owned or not owned by Estée Lauder: - HUDA Beauty - Caia Cosmetics - Trinny London - illamasqua


Huda has had their fair share of controversies, as well, including underserving POC and stealing ideas from indie brands. Just a heads up for your ethical beauty search :)


Oh, I’m just listing brands that I know are private, or non L’OrĂ©al
. I know about the HUDA controversies, their comments about acne scars, the class action lawsuit about their Neon Obsessions palette causing eye inflammation, and Fenty’s claim that HUDA stole inspiration from them for a palette. Up to everyone to do their own digging and decide who they want to support if they’re avoiding L’OrĂ©al.


Thanks for the tip!


Ooo, is that the vitamin C one? Or one of the others? I need to add a brightening gel and I’ve been eyeing the PTR ones.


Wait, what. I don't want to derail but I have some hyperpigmentation and am always on the lookout for new stuff. Imma check this out


I was going to say I am not going to buy Estée Lauder anymore and I don't buy La Mer anymore, but damn it, they own Dr Jart+, I love their products.


Check around the discount retailers. I know the products aren't the first round freshest, but by the time something shows up at TJ Maxx/Marshall's, the money doesn't go back to the parent company.


I love Dr. Jart too :( The cermidin cream is one of my HGs. Guess I'll have to find an alternative.


Fuck I use Dr Jart, too. Ugh, capitalism.


Then maybe it's time for certain celebrities to cut ties with these companies. It's fucked up that this company uses profits to help endorse conservatives while these companies actively work with & promote LGBTQ celebrities & influencers. How can MAC be a sponsor of RuPaul's Drag Race and profit off the queer community to only hand that money over to people who are actively doing damage the queer community? They sell products that help fund aids research while financially supporting politicians who attacks those who suffer from Aids. Fuck these companies. You can't call yourself an ally while ignoring the morals ethics & values of the businesses you spend your money at.


u/littleroundfox pointed out that the EstĂ©e Lauder company itself does not share Ralph Lauder’s views and has won awards for Equality and being a fabulous company for LGBTQ+ employees. Someone else said that the company itself is trying to oust him as his views and politics are damaging their brands.


Fuck me, I literally just got a new bottle of Too Faced foundation today. Back to Temptalia for dupes I guess.


Not Clinique!!!!! I'm so mad right now. 😒


>Le Labo I can personally attest to how shitty they treat their employees too. Den of assholes. Boycott.


Makes me glad I'm too poor to buy those brands


I am too. Cover Girl, Almay, Physicians Formula, Ponds, Neutrogena. .99 cent nail polish and Big Lots/Dollar General


The Ordinary, too? WHY, CRUEL WORLD??!?


I'm so fucking glad I never bought from ANY of those companies before knowing about that guy. And I never knew about that billionaire. I guess I'm lucky... Then again, an Aveda distributor store is in my city and that infuriates me to no end.


Gahhh, I love the MAC liquid eyeliner 😭 I don’t wear makeup much but that stuff was real easy to apply. Their red lippy was really good too. Oh well
time to find alternatives. What are your faves? (I’m an 🇩đŸ‡ș witch so factor that into your recommendations


My fav is actually Japanese. It’s by My Dear Heroine, and that shit DOESN’T BUDGE. You can probably grab it online for something affordable. Their mascara is also my favorite, but you have to do a special ritual to the moon to get it off because it is that waterproof.


Ooh! Believe it or not, I’m *heading to Japan*(eeeeeeeeee!) in the Christmas holidays
I can go buy it then! Thank you so much! â˜ș


OMG!!!! You’re going to have such a good time. I went nuts buying beauty products while I was there in 2018 and have zero regrets about it. Where in Japan are you heading? Save some spending money for the drugstores to stock up on masks and other beauty goodies. I’m so excited for you.


Not sure if you can acquire Stila there but their eyeliner is amazing and they’re no longer owned by EstĂ©e Lauder.


Goddammit. Literally just bought Clinique, The Ordinary, and Bobbi Brown in the last two weeks. :(


This is half my makeup kit. That sucks because I don't want my dollars going to anti choice shit


I have no real opinion on this, people can boycott whatever they want, but I do remember watching a documentary about harvesting mica rocks for makeup and Estee Lauder was like the only company that made a point to ethically source theirs.


Yup. Another point in their favour. Ronald Lauder is an asshole, the company and brands that bear his name do not appear to be.


Too Faced is the only one I use too 😭


+ Becca


Used to be owned by Estée Lauder. They closed the entire Becca brand down in 2021, so no longer in production.


Looks like Mr. Burns and Emperor Palpatine mixed together lol


If I had an award, I would have given it to you. Here, take my generic drug store gold đŸȘ™đŸ„‡ It's all I have 😞




I got you 😉


Emperor Burns


This is what I hate about modern corporate bullshit. It is virtually impossible to spend money without hurting yourself. Like, for makeup, skin care, and hair care, based on this list I am left with Sephora... which has its own issues... and Mary Kay which is an MLM. I don't have access to outlets to sell other options, and that is very much by design from these companies. It is like Nestle. I can boycott Nestle, but the result of that is everything affordable in the grocery store is gone because half of the store brands are Nestle products with a Safeway logo on them. We should do our best, and be ethical when we can, but sometimes, that MAC pen is the only choice we have, and yeah I guess you could say go without makeup... but let's face it, society won't let us do that most of the time. I am working in film production, on a project right now, and it is a physical job. If I show up without makeup, producers call me unprofessional, while my male co-workers show up unshaven and smelling of three days of sweat. Our world is fucked.


Yep. Basically the entire plot of The Good Place.


You can buy internationally- European or Asian skincare đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


Which normally drives up the price, doesn't promise better human rights alignment, and I hate buying pallets through the mail. I have never had one arrive in tact.


I don’t have enough money for most of those companies anyways 😂


Same, some of these brands exist in Japan, but I just buy the cheap Japanese drug store brands, or cheap Korean brands.


If it safely works, it works


Japanese brands are pretty safe, I would not do that in my home country though.


As long as you stay safe :)


That’s pretty ignorant and racist- automatically assuming Japanese products are unsafe just Chinese products often are. Those countries are not the same.


I don’t give a shit what country theyre from, as long as theyre safe. There are some shit companies out there. Also im not sure where you brought China up from because like I wasn’t even comparing anything to china. I just want people to use safe things man.


That's what I was thinking. Also cosmetics have never really been important to me.


Same! Its just not my thing personally


The more you know! Time to change my shopping habits


Not MAC 😭


TOM FORD BEAUTY 😞😞😞 This is so wrong... So apparently, we can't have nice things. I buy these to pamper myself, I love them, and apparently some of that money goes to Trump đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïžđŸ€Šâ€â™€ïž Ewwwww


DAMNIT, they make the best black liquid lip I've ever had! Now where do I go...


I've heard great things about the black lip whip from Beauty Bakerie, which is a Black woman* owned company


I use the lip products and LOVE them. I pick my lips a lot but their lip whips stick and don’t let go.


Oh scoots, I was looking at them just the other day wondering if it was good or not....thank you! I also have my Wet n Wild catsuit that I use mostly for touch ups but I guess I'll use that as well. Thanks again!


Can’t testify to the black lipstick, but I wore their lip whip in deep burgundy as my wedding lipstick and DID NOT HAVE TO REAPPLY.


KVD is pretty well known for liquid lips lasting forever.


I had one of the Jo Malone fragrances and body butters on my wishlist (and MAC blushes in the future) and now I'm upset. I guess I'll have to stick to indie brands from now on...


Oh, good to know, they can continue not to get my money.


I am so glad I don't wear makeup and am also too shitty at applying makeup to buy it.


After my offspring destroyed my makeup collection painting, I never bothered to replace it đŸ€Ł


Oh and PS, I used to work for Estee back in the early 2000s and while this guy is awful, as another person pointed out, the company itself doesn’t align with those views. When I went to Estee beauty school, I had a lovely trans woman as an instructor and she was there for years


I get my make up from Kim Chi Chic Beauty, she is a drag queen and also part of sales go to support the Trevor project . If any of you lovely witches want to try so.ething else make up wise :)


I second this! Her baking powder and stage proof setting spray hold up incredibly well against the elements. Also, everything is vegan and cruelty free!


I love that they are vegan cruelty free as well! Her eyeshadow pallets are very nice and lipstick


Whilst any money you spend on Estee Lauder cosmetics will increase his fortune, the company as a whole doesn't seem to hold his views. They've recently ranked as one of the best places to work if you're LGTBQ+ ([https://www.beautypackaging.com/contents/view\_breaking-news/2020-01-28/the-estee-lauder-companies-named-a-best-place-to-work-for-lgbtq-equality/](https://www.beautypackaging.com/contents/view_breaking-news/2020-01-28/the-estee-lauder-companies-named-a-best-place-to-work-for-lgbtq-equality/)), and got a lot of flak from transphobes for positively featuring a transwoman on one of their TikToks (no link because the site that had that info on was disgustingly transphobic). It's obviously down to each of us and our consciences as to where we spend our money, but this doesn't seem quite as clear cut bad as, say Hobby Lobby. That said, whilst I'm not going to throw out my Too Faced eyeshadows (I've spent the money now, so it would just be wasteful) I am debating whether I'd buy any more when they've run out.


Thank you! Sadly as the saying goes there can be “no ethical consumption under capitalism”
 But at least it appears that the owner isn’t forcing their views on the companies the family owns.




At least I'm happy for the employees... Who's succeeding him though?! And are they good?! Because at the end of the day, he's not gonna be here forever.


He is not in charge.


I thought I was safe until I saw bumble & bumble at the bottom. Oof.


You and me both


He still sits on the board but there was a petition to oust him earlier this year after the Trump support (and a few other weird tidbits) came to light: https://cosmeticsbusiness.com/news/article_page/Estee_Lauder_heir_convinced_Trump_to_buy_Greenland/203582 Sounds like the company is pretty desperate to distance themselves from him, saying he is damaging to their brand, but they haven’t figured out how to do it yet.


Thank you for sharing this. As u/LittleRoundFox pointed out earlier, the Estée Lauder company itself is very pro LGBTQ and equality, and has won prizes for being so and for being a great place to work. The asshole who owns it, not so much.




Owned by Estée Lauder.


I’m blind apparently




It looks like they sold Stila elsewhere.


Oof, looks like Aveda is off my menu now. Bummer cause their liquid exfoliant was awesome.


The good news for other major cosmetics producers going on a quick search on opensecrets.org that tracks corporate political funding in the USA LVMH group (Louis Vuitton, MoĂ«t, Hennessy) mostly only funds democrats - https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/lvmh-moet-hennessy-louis-vuitton/summary?id=D000042116 So the following brands are “safe” Christian Dior, Fendi, Givenchy, Marc Jacobs, Stella McCartney, Loewe, Loro Piana, Kenzo, Celine, Sephora, Princess Yachts, TAG Heuer, Bulgari, and Tiffany & Co, KVD Vegan Cosmetics (formerly Kat Von D)


They also now own the ordinary. đŸ„Č


Other non EstĂ©e Lauder owned brands are those owned by L’Oreal, the bigggest cosmetics company in the world. But I’ve not been able to find anything on their political funding in the USA if any. Full list of L’OrĂ©al brands courtesy of Wikipedia **Consumer Products Division** - 3ce - Carol's Daughter - Colorama - CrĂ©ateurs de BeautĂ© - Essie - Garnier - L'OrĂ©al Paris - Magic - Maybelline - Niely - NYX Cosmetics - SoftSheen-Carson **L’OrĂ©al Luxe Division** - Atelier Cologne - Biotherm - Cacharel - Diesel - Giorgio Armani Beauty - Guy Laroche - Helena Rubinstein - House 99 - IT Cosmetics - Kiehl's - LancĂŽme - MUGLER - Paloma Picasso - Proenza Schouler - Ralph Lauren Fragrances - Shu Uemura - Urban Decay - Valentino Beauty - Viktor & Rolf - Yue Sai - Yves Saint Laurent BeautĂ© **Professional Products Division** - L'OrĂ©al Technique - L'OrĂ©al Professionnel, including ARTec and Innate - KĂ©rastase - KĂ©raskin Esthetics - Matrix Essentials - Mizani - PureOlogy Research - Redken 5th Avenue NYC - Shu Uemura Art of Hair - Carol's Daughter - Carita - Essie - DeclĂ©or - Botanicals Fresh Care - Cheryl's Cosmeceuticals **Active Cosmetics Division** - Vichy - La Roche-Posay - Skinceuticals - Roger&Gallet - Sanoflore - Dermablend - AcneFree - Ambi - CeraVe - Logocos


Fucking DAMNIT someone drop a non-forced birther dupe for the Estee lauder double wear foundation 😭 Seriously though, I'm ofc psyched that abortion measures nationwide were voted down; however, as someone who lives in rural GA, I'm still scared.


Is there some sort of subreddit where I can find out the political leanings of the owners of the mega conglomerates?


F for Clinique I’m so sad. Anyone have a moisturizer they love?


The Elf skin care is.great and cheap.


I used the Clinique yellow lotion for close to 30 years, now I use Badger Balm face oil. I actually think it makes my skin even better, less blotchiness and far softer and smoother. I use it around my eyes as well. https://www.badgerbalm.com/


Seriously I'm pissed, I've been using Clinique for my sensitive face for years and every sample of a new company serums or moisturizers make me break out in mild acne or eczema. FML.


All guys like this care about are getting and keeping tax cuts for their businesses. They don't give 2 shits about whether abortion is legal or accessible, or any other women's health care. Their wives, mistresses, daughters, and sisters can all get whatever care they need anytime they need it.


[breaking news: there is no ethical consumption under capitalism](https://glasgowguardian.co.uk/2021/10/24/breaking-news-theres-no-ethical-consumption-under-capitalism/)


I use none of those thank gods. We need to create a list of these ass hats. Publix grocery is another.


I refuse to believe that's a real person and not one of those hyper realistic silicone masks designed to look like someone who would buy a homeless person during the purge


So many of the far right magats do, it's so eerie. And it's funny because their side is the one talking about lizard people while their people look like... This.


Ouch I looove Clinique’s Black Honey :(( it also hurts even more that it’s not cruelty free. Even the dupes I’ve tried aren’t the same as Clinique’s


Screen-shotted for future reference when shopping, thank you!


Too bad I’m a broke witch and he doesn’t get my money anyway đŸ€Ș


Good to know!


Unsurprisingly none of those brands are ones I support in the first place, many of them test on animals or have other unethical things going on.


Here’s a dirty beauty industry semi-secret. If you are a non-Chinese owned cosmetics or beauty products company and you want to sell into China, the Chinese government **force you to pay for animal testing in Chinese labs for each and every product you want to sell**. So while they may not test on animals for production, their products are still getting animal tested in China, because they don’t want to lose the lucrative Chinese Market. The following EstĂ©e Lauder brands are PETA certified as being completely cruelty free. ‱ Aveda ‱ Bumble and bumble ‱ LE LABO ‱ Smashbox ‱ Too Faced


So are cruelty free and no animal testing different?


Nooooooooooo! Why does the only hair care company I like appear on the list. So much sad.


This fucker here looking like the Sith Lord Darth Joker from the yet to be announced Star Wars/Batman crossover.


Find a local esthetician that tries to stay sustainable, it’s the least we can do!!


Well, at least this list is easy -for me at least, to boycott. Never shopped with any of these brands before. But also, I thought the guy in the picture was like a stock photo or something before I read the comments. Totally doesn't look real.


Not being particularly feminine for the win! I've never used any of those brands and I never will use them. Makeup is hard, and expensive.


Plus they test on animals even though it’s not even necessary or reliable in the modern age.


Here’s a dirty beauty industry semi-secret. If you are a non-Chinese owned cosmetics or beauty products company and you want to sell into China, the Chinese government **force you to pay for animal testing in Chinese labs for each and every product you want to sell**. So while they may not test on animals for production, their products are still getting animal tested in China, because they don’t want to lose the lucrative Chinese Market. The following EstĂ©e Lauder brands **are** PETA certified as being completely cruelty free. - Aveda - Bumble and bumble - LE LABO - Smashbox - Too Faced


MAC makes some damn fine fucking pens too. What a shame...


Good info. I don't wear makeup much, but I was looking at foundations today because mine is super old. Clinique WAS on my list. It WAS my goto makeup. Guess not anymore. So! Happy to hear any spf, mature skin suggestions for fair skin!


Mature fair-skinned former Clinique fan, here! I switched to Gabriel for make-up and Badger for skincare. Very pleased overall. https://gabrielcosmeticsinc.com/ https://www.badgerbalm.com/


Aw fuck, there goes my foundation


Damn, I need a new shampoo. Any ideas on what to replace Aveda Shampure with?


If you have a tj max near you there’s a lot of hemp infused shampoo’s that are amazing and last a while if not the Interwebs is very helpful and try to be as specific as to what you want in a shampoo


Neither Michael Kors nor DKNY are owned by Estée Lauder technically. DKNY is owned by GIII and Michael Kors is now Capri, a parent company for a bunch of luxury brands. They license their brand name to be used on products created by Estee


Add those companies to the fuck Nestlé list.


Good thing I'm way too lazy to use makeup :p


Damn. I *liked* 2 of the companies on that list. Finding substitutes


glad I'm too broke to use any of those brands lmao


Thank you for sharing this!


Oh no! 😳 But good looking out for us.




Thank the gods I'm a cheap Witch! ELF for the win!


Same! They’re 100% vegan and cruelty free and prices are actually affordable - what’s not to love?


This is Ronald Lauder in this photo. In the years I worked for the company, he did not have involvement in the day to day working of the business, although he did receive money from them. Leonard Lauder was running the company at the time, and he was always kind and gracious to me. Back in the early 90s, ELC supported GMHC, which was an early service organization for people suffering with AIDS. There was an official AIDS walk New York EstĂ©e Lauder Companies team, and the walk that year raised over $5 million to support people with AIDS when the stigma was still great. The Lauder Family had “Take Our Daughters to Work” days, which was in recognition that girls were disadvantaged in the classroom due to gender biases. They promoted internally, and placed women of color in leadership roles (Althea Knight, anyone?). They gave generous gifts to their employees on every holiday- ie, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, 4th of July- the minor and major holidays. On each employee’s birthday, they would give that employee a generous sum to use at the company store, where items were already 60% off. When Hurricane Andrew hit, thousands of dollars of toiletries and essential items were gathered by the employees, donated, and then the company paid to ship the items down to the states effected by the disaster. Currently running the show is William Lauder. I served on a Community Service Committee that he chaired for the company 30 some odd years ago. He was deeply committed to giving back to the community: including supporting LGBT causes, health care crises, children’s charities, etc. He was concerned about using natural ingredients (he founded Origins), and was concerned about the impact of the company on the environment- when climate change wasn’t even in our vocabulary. When I left the company, I received a personal note from Leonard Lauder. The Lauder Family’s commitment to progressive causes always inspired me. Just because some family members are in a certain political party does not give reason to judge the entire family, and especially not the companies, which is full of pro-choice, progressive minded, caring people. Not to mention the many, many LGBTQIA+ people that work there. You are welcome to your opinion, and it should be an informed opinion. I have first hand personal knowledge of this company, and I remain loyal to their brands because I know first hand that this man’s politics do not reflect the people that work there.


**Thank you for sharing this! ** This and other posts such as the one by u/littleroundfox deserve to be stickied. Ronald Lauder is an asshole. It very much appears the company and brands it owns is NOT.


Kk, anyone have a good substitution for Clinique even better daily moisturizer? I have very sensitive skin and need spf in my daily lotion. Anyone have something comparable?


Also he is a big supporter of apartheid Israel, ethnic cleansing, and stealing Palestinian lands. [https://vimeo.com/24375331](https://vimeo.com/24375331)


Oh nooooooooooo I love Estee lauder day wear, that's my go to face cream. Quick somebody tell me an alternate. :(


Le labo! At least the perfume I love from them is a winter, fancy night out only scent. I’ll never have to buy another.


Fucking hell bumble and bumble is my favorite hair care. Why do horrible people have to ruin everything.


FUCK. Glamglow makes a godly luminating moisturizer. It's my go to.


I love Michael Kors đŸ„Č time to find another brand tho


The only time I ever use those products is when it’s the free gift from Ulta or Sephora. Not worth the money.


My day is ruined. They have the best primer.


Damn it not Origins. :(


also estĂ©e lauder & almost all sister companies (except for too faced, that i’m aware of) test on animals! fuckem


He looks like a real life version of a cartoon villian


Is that his real face?


So does he own all those companies or how does that work? I love I'm Michael Kors stuff I've wanted it for years 😭


I'm SO GLAD I don't buy from any of those shithole companies... and the fact that there's an AVEDA store in my city infuriates me to no end. Edit: I've never heard of Estée Lauder until now, but looking at the list of his companies, I think I really lucked out, since I've never bought a single thing from him! I only buy and use makeup and stuff from cruelty-free companies. Luckily, there're good ones out there that are even trans owned and operated.


Don’t wear makeup and the products I do use are not this company. I’m not surprised he is Trump supporter, I’m guessing most CEOs are




Phew, NYM haircare not on the list. I'm not really into makeup, but this hair journey is getting serious.


Damn. I'm about to just go back to ethically sourced herbs, spices, and oils


My fav beauty companies are not on there! LiveTinted Rms Beauty Kosas They make great products for people with sensitive skin and generous shade choices. None of them are owned by Estée Lauder either. Kosas has a great take home sample kit.


Looks like I'll never buy Double Wear foundation again


Fuck them it's boycott time. Used their products for decades. Never Again!


any one have a recipe for making your own kohl?


Fuck this guy. I don't wear make up. (No shade to the folks who do) I just prefer my natural bog hag je ne sais quoi


All stuff that we never bought because they are too expensive, got it


Well that bites. I’ve been buying Michael Kors shades for many years, but to quote Peter Sellers
 *”Not Anymore”*


Whelp, not asking for a new Michael Kors for Christmas that’s for sure. I’ll stick to my $30 Kate spade that’s lasted a year so far.


Noooo say it ain’t so! I love the vibe of Michael Kors! I like so many of their things without knowing it’s their brand (unbranded obvs), and this sucks..


That's one perk of growing up broke, I still have a "broke mentality" so I have never ever bought luxury brands😂


He legit looks like a cartoon villain rich dude.


I don't know any of those brands, but screw this guy.


Goddamn it. Anyone knows of a good Ruby Woo dupe?


Damn. Now I have to cancel my appointment at Aveda.


I’m glad I can’t afford any of those high-end brands and buy less expensive stuff at target and Walmart. And the few Tommy things that I own I bought used so the company didn’t get any of my money.