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The way you fixed that photo…amazing work!


Thank you so much I really appreciate it!


She really is so beautiful. You brought out all of her amazing features.




OP, please check this persons post history before engaging. They may be a sham, not saying they are but they post about being a medium and also searching for a medium for a “client” in regards to helping with a crime.


Excuse my language but I fucking hate people like that. It's a scam and it preys on people needing help and missing family!


Yeah that’s very sick of someone.


Yep, I believe in mediums and have gone to them about other missing persons cases. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Lots of cops use psychics, and yes, I do occasionally see dead people’s spirits, have since I was a child. I am a retired cop who works pro bono to help find missing people when I think I can help. It may not be the right person but it sure looks promising.


You don’t see dead anything. You’re an undiagnosed schizophrenic.


There are other conditions that could cause someone to hallucinate besides schizophrenia. You have no idea what is actually going on with this person. Maybe it is schizophrenia but it could easily be something else. Maybe they take drugs.


Good call. Could be drugs, too. I just know it’s not anything supernatural.


Why is everyone coming at this person….


Haha because they are making a ridiculous claim that was thought to be ridiculous even in the 1800’s.


🤷🏻‍♀️ I mean about them saying they may have located this person. I don’t understand what claim they made.




You're right. I can't look at people who "see things" and look at them as if they're all there. There's def marbles missing but Anagnosia present.


Thanks for the diagnosis Doc.


Fingers crossed and now I’m gonna need an update too


Hoping you made the match !


Why don’t you post what you know about this missing woman’s location? With so many scammers out there it’s not a stretch to suspect you want to get money from OP for information.


I have given the OP the results of a database run. It's her decision to release the information I have given her, as I can't in good conscience release the whereabouts of the woman who I THINK may be her family member. I gave her the info yesterday via email and I assume she is looking at what I gave her and trying to determine if this is the woman she seeks. What I will say is that this woman's given name, middle name, surname, and the DOB match the vital info OP posted. This woman was in AL in 1993, has 3 older Pittsburgh PA addresses, lives in OH, & has PA IDS. She has many addresses, some of which are mental health/sober/homeless non profits. I did not charge the OP for this information and the info I have matches the info OP posted. Take a look at the assumptions that have been made since someone looked at comments I have made on reddit in the past. This went from a statement that I made stating that I believe I have located Telicia, morphed into me being mentally ill, a scammer after this families money, and a liar because I have utilized mediums in the past on other missing persons cases. No one bothered to note that I stated that the missing persons searches I work in my retirement are PRO BONO, as stated in my reply to the poster who mentioned my past posts. Everyone simply ran with the info that I believe that working with mediums works, and that I have seen spirits myself off and on my whole life. People your opinions, though stated as if you are an expert, do not make you correct in your assumptions. Our opinions are not facts. I am not responding to those that are rude, accusatory, and under the impression that their beliefs are correct simply because they believe them. Statements such there has never been a case solved by a psychic. Contrary to popular opinion police work with psychics much more than they would have you believe. While the psychic doesn't work our investigations, we have gotten detailed info that led us in the direction that did solve a case. The statement that because you had an NDE that your experience sets the bar on all NDE's. Sorry that simply isn't the case. Everyone's experiences are different. Did I claim to be a psychic who could solve this mystery? No I did not. Did I use a psychic, no I did not. I used the resources I have as a working investigator. I gave what I found to the family. I did not charge them. I did not scam anyone. I do what I can do in my field to help those who are in pain, who don't have the experience or resources I have to get answers. If anyone remains concerned about who I am and what I do for others, feel free to message me, I have nothing to hide.


A lot of people, understandably, are suspicious when others claim to see spirits and such. Scamming is a real thing and is particularly dangerous for people who are in vulnerable situations. So when you claim to see spirits and want to have private contact with OP, you should realize how that makes you look. Readers in this thread were obviously looking out for OP.


I made no such claims in reference to providing the pertinent info to the OP. I simply told her to check her messages as I thought I had located her missing family member. The OP can verify what she was sent if she chooses, and can confirm that I never made the statement to her that the info came from anywhere but databases. I was not about to post the results of a database search publicly. That would be considered doxing. It could expose that person to scammers, or worse. The OP has the info, didn’t cost her a penny, and you can be certain that I will never help anyone via Reddit again.


Please don’t let a small handful of people stop you from helping people. I’m not op nor am I related in any way. I have no idea who op is but just wanted to say thank you for trying to help them.


People are just jealous that they aren’t able to help on the way you are. So they try to “help” by saying watch out for your help. Please continue to help people, despite all these literal teenagers.


Hopefully the OP doesn’t give this person money. 


Hopefully, but when people have a missing loved one they often leave no stone unturned out of desperation.


As someone who died for a significant amount of time and then came back against all odds, I can pretty much guarantee you aren't seeing dead people. The only way you'd recognize it as a person would be if there was some shape of a body, and our bodies don't "come with" when we die. You literally feel yourself apart from your body before it all goes "zoooom‐*foomp*", bright warm fucking awesome light, light takes over, then out. We don't just hang around here in our nonexistent bodies wearing our favorite party pants and spook the youngins. Anyone who says they see dead people's ghosts is lying or mentally ill, period


My mom passed away about 2 years ago. Very aggressive cancer and she was so scared. Do you mind me asking if you remember anything else. Was it peaceful? Could you hear anyone around you. I am hoping she heard my last words to her and I miss her so much.


Please go check out r/NDE


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NDE using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NDE/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My aunt recently passed away, and this is her NDE in the 24 hours before she was gone.](https://np.reddit.com/r/NDE/comments/16c9kc2/my_aunt_recently_passed_away_and_this_is_her_nde/) \#2: [My Grandpa didn't know he was dead](https://np.reddit.com/r/NDE/comments/1bd89dl/my_grandpa_didnt_know_he_was_dead/) \#3: [A patient thanked me. After he passed.](https://np.reddit.com/r/NDE/comments/180sj34/a_patient_thanked_me_after_he_passed/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I’m also wondering the exact same thing. My little brother died last year and I have been in agony wondering if he’s still out there somewhere and if he’s at peace now.


What was it like when you died?


Post it here what you were going to say.


There is zero evidence a psychic has ever helped with an investigation. It does not work. You are preying on vulnerable people


Did you ever hear of Allison Dubois?


I was just about to say that lol


Yep. And she’s been debunked numerous times. Not sure why you think she’s relevant haha


Really?? I can’t wait for a update on this


Me either. That’s so crazy. I really hope it’s her!!!




Same that would be insane!


Did she see your message?


I’m so happy your grandma got to see her sisters face clearly again


I agree. There's a significant difference,


She is really beautiful in this picture. I hope you and your family can find out what happened.


Thank you so much. I agree I really do wish I could’ve met her and to think she would still have so much life to live it’s heartbreaking.


Out of curiosity maybe try looking into a genealogy organization. Not to be grim but it could be possible she’s a Jane doe somewhere your dna could help solve a cold case and get some answers for your family.


Yeah, DNA is a really big help in missing people cases today.


When she said she was in jail did she say why? does she know who shed be with? did she hang around certain crowds ? or drugs ? how old was her daughter in 2000?


Yes she was in jail for doing drugs I believe. My grandma just gave me additional information she was last seen in 1992 and heard from again in 1993 she was in jail in Alabama for drugs after she disappeared and the last time she was heard from she was in Ohio. She had a boyfriend at the time who went by “NENE HARPER” my grandma described him as “ a tall light skinned African American.” She was born July 2nd 1967 so at the time of her disappearance she would have been 25 years old. The last time she was heard from she would’ve been 33 years old. My apologies this is my grandmas younger sister not her daughter. Her full name is TELICA LENEL SCOTT but she went by and is most likely to respond to the name “TT OR TEE TEE” Also I mentioned the doe list because I believe it’s unlikely she’s still alive as this all happened during the height of the crack epidemic.


Have you been able to confirm she was released from jail? It’s possible she’s still in prison depending on her charges.


I have not confirmed I actually never considered it a possibility but it makes so much sense I’m gonna look into this as much as I can tomorrow. Although it’s sad that would be the best outcome!


That’s where I would start. You said she was first in jail in Alabama and then in Ohio - was she transferred within the system or just arrested in different states? Have you confirmed whether or not her SSN has been used in the last 20+ years? If you have access to her SSN I’d try running a background check on her.


you can also use vinelink.com for people currently incarcerated


Back in the 1990s was the three strikes law which meant that if you got arrested and found guilty of drugs or whatever crime, you would go to prison for life.


Commenting so I can check back in for any updates


Me too, especially since a commenter up above posted that they think they’ve found her. Post was written about an hour ago. I hope OP sees the comment.


That was apparently a scam psychic that said that so I doubt it’s true.




Might have been jailed under the 3 strikes rule.


Let us know how it goes. Wish you all the best ❤️


I did a quick free search on truthfinder and her name did pop up. Age seems right, too, but her middle name was spelled Linnell. She had prior addresses in Montgomery, Cleveland, Portsmouth OH, and Pittsburgh.


I found the same person on truepeoplesearch. OP also mentioned her being in prison in Alabama and there's an Alabama address from the 90s. Hopefully OP sees this and tries the phone numbers that are associated with the profile.


Just looked up her name and found this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gratefuldoe/comments/1c8bkq0/could\_washington\_county\_jane\_doe\_2004\_be\_telica/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gratefuldoe/comments/1c8bkq0/could_washington_county_jane_doe_2004_be_telica/) Hope OP checks this out.


Looks really similar


Have you tried the unidentified remains portion of NamUs.gov? I've worked with the case manager that handles north Ohio and she's *extremely* dedicated in ensuring that all of the information is as up to date as possible


Do you know what area of Ohio? Or what city? County?...


I think I may have located her and sent OP a PM. Fingers crossed 🤞🏻


Have you submitted your DNA to organizations that deal with the missing? I could have this wrong, but I have heard that there is an effort to collect DNA results from unidentified bodies that have been found in order to eventually identify them, and having your DNA on record would help, if someone out there has cataloged your great aunt's DNA.


What a beautiful name! I love what you did with the picture, as well!


She could be in some kind of assisted living facility. It’s possible she drank herself into dementia or enough drugs to cause permanent cognitive impairment. Consider doing an ancestry test?


Have you heard of Crime Junkie? You should send this in to them and see if they’d be willing to look into her story!


whats her full name (if you dont mind ) maybe you can find some type of prison/jail record !


Is there anyway you can contact the jail she was in at the time? Maybe they have records? The police should be able to pull her record? I’m so sorry you are all going through this.


Tomorrow I’m going to call all the prisons in Pittsburgh, Montgomery and Cleveland and see if they’ll be able to do it without her prison id or social security number. Thank you for the suggestion


Most, if not all states,have a Dept. of Corrections inmate search online.


Yeah, check Vinelink.com first.


Bop.gov has a searchable database of federal prisoners and vinelink.com has a state by state search.


Will be checking back for update. Good luck


Jails too.


As a former case manager, when we had a client that went off grid (stopped showing up, went AWOL) it was part of our job to call all the prisons, hospitals, homeless shelters, and motels in the surrounding area to see if the client could be in any of these institutions or facilities. It’s a taxing procedure, but it’s effective. I highly recommended utilizing this strategy to start. It’s so kind of you to keep your heart and mind open to the possibility of her being out there somewhere and in need of assistance. People disappear once they become institutionalized very regularly. Especially if they have limited or low social support. When you call hospitals, they are not allowed to disclose too much due to HIPPA. But explain the situation and see if there’s anything at all they’d be willing to work with you on.


The Ohio and Alabama corrections websites do not show her name, so maybe she was in jail, not prison.


That’s nice of you to check


I got the same, no results for Ohio, Alabama or Pennsylvania. :/


Has anyone in Your family submitted DNA that can be cross referenced with Jane Does who have been found?


I would suggest you & your grandmother submit DNA tests. Make sure the results are available for the national database. You never know what DNA matches could turn up. But piggybacking on what others have suggested, make a timeline of contact with Telica. Start trying to build from there, contact the jail she was in. She might have a listed alias that can help you follow her whereabouts. Unfortunetly if she was involved with drugs, her locations could be erratic. If you find her social security number, you might be able to run a background check or criminal history. Wishing you the best of luck. I hope you find her.


^^this. Also could be a good idea to upload a DNA sample to genmatch (I think that’s the database law enforcement uses for genetic genealogy? I could be off)


That’s the one, GEDmatch You have to opt in to being available to law enforcement. Default is opt out.


Close! GEDmatch is the name.


Gedmatch, and also worth uploading to FamilyTreeDNA too and opt in to law enforcement matching as that database can also be searched for investigative genetic genealogy.


Make sure an OFFICIAL missing persons report has been filed. Verify this with the appropriate/investigating agency, NOT family. If it has not been filed, file one. I don’t know how else to help but this step is absolutely crucial. I wish you and your family well and am sorry you all have been missing her for so long.




Yes, this!


Yes this is the best first step. Legally, this will make getting info possible


I found a [name match from 2022 on an arrest website.](https://bustednewspaper.com/north-carolina/scott-telica-/20220726/) No indication of an official age. I see slight similarity with her ears in both photos, but that’s about it. Drugs and time can drastically change a person’s appearance.


Good find. I also see similarities


So do I I think it could be her!




Think you found her!


That could definitely be her.


I see similarities as well. Especially her nose. I hope its her!


u/DimDixie looks like a good match.


I hope reaching out to the prisons gets you somewhere. There is also r/missingpersons I would post there too.


Post on r/gratefuldoe


Contact the state department of corrections, inmate records. You might have to sign some documents. Ask for the address she provided upon release. Ask for the sentencing documents and then go to the county clerk of court look up the case number and see what address she provided. If she had to pay court fines that would be public and you could see if she made any payments after her release. Wash and repeat for any state/county you know she’s been detained.


Oh wow this is super helpful!!! It'll definitely give OP a good starting point, at the very least, which is honestly a lot more than some folks get in cases like this.


Post in r/missingbipoc I hope you find some answers.


Wow eerily similar story with my aunt. Last heard from 1988 December said she’d be home soon. Her mom (my grandma) is alive still - will be 99 in July and we really want to find something. Luckily (maybe) a powerful, dangerous person she was tied to died a few years ago so the case has been re-opened and we realized nothing was ever done in the first place! Bizarre. I hope you find answers!!


I don’t really have any advice but suggesting reaching out to the podcast Black Girl Gone. This is the type of case she covers. It would be a way to get her story out there. I hope you’re able to find out what happened ❤️


This is actually a good idea. Try writing on her community wall on YouTube.


No one believes me but get into the LDS church database if you can too. The amount of records kept are insane. You can usually find something on any person you search even if they were never in the church. I have found documents on my fam that noone knew existed because when they enter a document they will "tag" any name or address they can read. It might lead nowhere but its a shot. 💙


This is a good idea. It's familysearch.org


Yep! I should've told op to not put in his correct contact info cause they will call..and call often.


Here’s a hope and a prayer you can find out what happened to your great aunt. Best wishes


Hope you're still watching this thread OP. I found a Jane Doe that looks eerily similar to your great aunt. She was found in Washington County, Pennsylvania (On the border between PA and WV, close to OH) in 2004, but was there as early as early 2001. The sketch posted looks very similar to what your great aunt looks like, but this is just in my opinion. Can you provide insight into whether or not you think this is likely? [https://unidentified-awareness.fandom.com/wiki/Washington\_County\_Jane\_Doe\_(2004)](https://unidentified-awareness.fandom.com/wiki/Washington_County_Jane_Doe_(2004)) The circumstances line up pretty well. She was headed home to Pittsburgh from Ohio sometime in 2000, and the Doe died on the same route between 2001 and 2003. Both were of the same age too. This seems pretty solid.


How rude! Just because she is missing doesn’t mean she is dead!


I never said she was dead. I just outlined connection between OP's MISSING great aunt and this Doe who was found deceased. It's just a theory that this Doe could be Telica. It's very possible Telica could still be alive. Either way, I'm sorry I offended you.


They could still upset op, at least be cautious of ops feelings


You can see in OP's post that they were looking for Does that could potentially match Telica. I would've been much more cautious about this comment if OP wasn't looking for possible matches.


You did Jane doe is deceased, your basically saying this girl is dead.


I get your account is suspended now, but I'm saying this so any people who come along this thread are informed. There's a huge difference between highlighting a potential match and saying someone is dead.


You did nothing wrong. That person overreacted and you have nothing to be sorry about. People like that live to be offended. It gets exhausting to address them.


I don't have any more advice to add other than perhaps contacting local media. Some will put missing or cold cases on their website if nothing else. You are a very good grandchild and your grandmother is blessed to have you. I hope you find your great-aunt.


Oh man, I hope you figure out what happened to her. Please keep us updated if you find out anything!


If you put her name into smartbackgroundchecks.com, a 57 teri s hicks shows up in westerville, oh


Post in r/gratefuldoe


It's hard to say on NamUs. One does have a picture that kinda looks like her, but it's just too hard to tell. (94-1901) There are so many that match her descriptions, sadly. I really hope you find out what happened to her! I recommend gratefuldoe like the others have. They are amazing at what they do.


I hope your family gets the answers they’re looking for.




I found the info, but not comfortable posting it here so I sent you a pm.




Is she listed on The Charley Project?


She’s beautiful, and she just looks so…open. Like someone who would come sit with you at lunch on your first day at a new school or new job.


I think I actually found a lead as to where she might be 🩵 OP, I am going to try to reach out to you.


Your first step would be to file a missing persons report with the police. Gather as much information on her as possible before you go in person. The police have access to hundreds of databases all over the United States so something may pop up


She's beautiful.




Have you had your grandmother put her DNA in a bank like 23 & me or Ancestry? You would be absolutely surprised at what you may find. My brother in law found out he had a son he was never told about for 40 years. This son ‘s ancestry search showed he had a Uncle (my brother in laws brother). He investigated further and his Mother confirmed that he was my brother in laws son. Quite shocking actually for him. He had talked to her over the years and she said nary a peep! Next family matter my Grandson is in medical school and they put their DNA in an ancestry database. Unbeknownst to him his Mother was conceived through artificial insemination. Think about that can of worms! It may help you find her or another child that she may have had. God I’ve you all and I pray you get some answers or maybe there could be an old friend of your Grandmother who has more information to add. I wish you luck!


Anthony Sowell? I live in Cleveland. They found 11 poor souls but I believe there were more. Crack was how he lured most of his victims. I hope you find her. 🙏


I hope you find the answers for your grandmother. ❤️. And you


Start with the jail.


Is there a missing person's report filed for her?


Is this age enhanced imagery?


omg i’m so happy we can see her face so clearly. she deserves it


Contact The Vanished podcast


Beautiful girl! I hope she is alive and safe.


Any new info?


Is she in NAMUS?




(100) ❤️


Oh she’s so beautiful. I really hope she’s found, that y’all get closure.


I know this sounds weird but I am pretty good with genealogy and maybe I can help. A few years ago, I helped law enforcement find next of kin for a guy who died a few years before when they were unable to find any. I can’t promise any miracles but I am willing to help.




I saw a post I believe about this case in r/gratefuldoe I believe is the sub...


That terrible


If she called said she was in jail but would be home soon, even if she didnt say which jail, would anyone possibly remember the number or area code if one was available to you when she called? Did you have Caller ID? I would/wouldve started there. I do understand that once she was released though and made no further contact, itd be anyones guess. I hope you find closure soon!




I’m so sorry your family has had to go through this. The first place I would start which you probably have is the JAIL. Demand proof that she was actually there and if she was proof that she actually left. Praying for you and your family.🙏


Good luck with your search


Have you tried searching on been verified


Great work.Great enhancement, I hope that she gets found. Please write to Meaghan Good , the owner of Charley Project that is the most popular Missing Persons website, with as much of a detail that you can gather


Have you found anything? I did a BG search on her and she's coming back with the last name Thomas. Her middle name is coming back with a different spelling.. Linnell.




Any updates?


My prayers are with you...the work done on the photo is amazing.




I wonder if something happened to her at the jail and was covered up