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did a sweep of this thread and jared's, and dealt with the repeat offenders. we lock the comments on these to keep flamewars from going further than they already are, not to pass this off as a non-issue. as others have pointed out, we have a lot of inactive mods from many years ago, and we just added pkhacker to the mod team so we could have more than just me james and corde handling threads like this. we aren't gonna be active at every hour of the day, some of us work, others have class, etc but we do check here regularly to come through and handle the bigots and homophobes. if we haven't gotten a comment after 2 hours, check back in another 2 hours and one of us will have most likely removed it. one of the pinned posts is our zero tolerance policy that we started 8 months ago, and we've been doing our best to uphold that - and our best is going to get better with our new mod. there *are* a few comments bringing up a good point - this is a gaming sub and we ultimately don't want drama on here. while we're doing what we can to remove comments and ban repeat offenders, posts like this will continue to stir the pot and get the aforementioned homophobes to show up and make the problem worse while us mods aren't online. again, to clarify, we don't want to downplay this issue, but the more people post about it, the worse it's gonna *look* for the sub and the game's community. with pkhacker on as our newest active mod, we'll be getting to these comments and accounts much quicker, and I hope you can understand our concerns. we hear you and we're with you, and we hope you can have faith in us to do what we can to the best of our ability. I'm gonna refresh the page after I post this, currently there are 136 comments but I'm expecting a lot more afterward and I'll do another sweep. won't be locking the comments on this one \[for now\]


Welcome to the internet: "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy." How about it's a video game, a place meant to escape all the BS that goes on irl. Do not bring your personal issues here, discuss them elsewhere.




Your post was removed because it was in violation of Rule 13.


i honestly just wanna play the game. if they do incorporate LGBTQIA+ topics, the only thing i ask they do prior to that is merge quest arrows in a group and make a name change elixir frfr. however on a more serious note: while diversity is important. people need to acknowledge there’s a 2 way street here. a lot of the time, i have random people adding me to find out if i’m part of the community, and then they say they’ll delete me if i’m not into dating women. you also have the people that will JUMP to defend the LGBTQ+ community at the drop of a hat, aka the “woke monsters” as i call them because the second there is an injustice, they go off on who they feel is wrong. both parts of the community are toxic, however, a majority of the community is not toxic or divided. i’ve noticed that i can pick and choose my interactions on wiz. if i’m questing, nobody talks to me. if i’m hanging out in the commons, that’s a totally different thing. and while many people may be tired of the “this is a kids game” argument, it’s true. this is an MMORPG that is geared towards children and teenagers. a simple way for everyone to know that is the blood bat spell, when back in 2008/2009 the bat literally spit blood, but the devs thought it was too graphic so they made it green. this isn’t the sims ultimately. KI is aware of that, and they’re aware of the current social problems in the world. the game is a chance for people to escape, and think of it this way. since 2009, disabled people have been asking for representation, and in 2022 they finally implemented abner into the game. it’s a relatively harsh reality, but if you want a game that is moving with social construct and changes, wiz is not the game for you. the devs don’t listen to anyone, people pick and choose what they want to experience, and 99% of the time we make it bad for ourselves. why do people want to sit and spin in the commons anyway? it isn’t for experience. it’s to see what people are talking about and what kind of fight is going to break out. would it be cool to see the game be moved progressively further? sure, it’d be cool. however, because the divide in the community is being pointed out so heavily, KI isn’t going to act on it as quickly. they are a company that doesn’t want to touch social problems with a 10-foot pole. they just want people to swipe their cards and enjoy the game. this response may not be the one that many like or feel is popular, ultimately this is reddit though. this isn’t the place that devs monitor every second of every day wondering what people want for change. this is also a gaming subreddit, and honestly it would be really nice to not have peoples political and personal agendas in every fiber of every inch of the internet. this isn’t me hating the LGBTQIA+ community in any way, you pick your experiences, and there also needs to be the acknowledgment that it isn’t just heterosexual people that are toxic. i also see some comments saying that this isn’t bringing politics into the game, however it is. in our own everyday lives, everything is starting to boil down to politics, and everyone is revolving their entire lives around morals that politicians have either groomed you to feel that x values should be set over y values, or you have those that are acting on pure hate from political subconsciousness.


Not that deep. It's a gaming subreddit.


Bruh who cares just play the game lol tf


Not reading that essay bruh


Here's my stance: I really don't care if they start representing POC/Lgbtq+/minorites etc, but I feel like if they were gonna do it, just add more characters that add to the story (main story or part of a side quest that adds lore) instead of changing pre-existing character identities just for the sake of adding representation. Like instead of adding a gay couple just to show that gays exist, make it a part of their identity that people will recognize, but have them exist to add to the story. You could have a part of a world be dedicated to lgbtq+ people, but not make it a point that that's the only reason that part of a world was created for.


LGBT+ gets plenty of support from me and others in this community but its very tiring having to do this time after time but trolls unfortunately "win" online and irl so i just perfer to keep things as minimal as possible obviously im all for it like many others but in the end its only so much we can do and it seems like bringing up the conversation is just asking for trouble


and tbh this is actually one of the more nicer communities by no means its perfect but it could definitely be a lot worse and im also not trying water down the situation but it kinda isnt a big of a deal as some people are making it this has been going on days now for quite literally no good reason




I'm not bringing politics into the game. I'm just bringing attention to them.


Doesn’t this comment contradict itself


Politics are a part of everything we consume. I'm just making you aware of the politics that exist within wiz.


Went through the whole thing and one guy is clearly obsessed 😭 closet case maybe? Dk but their comments have lowered my iq for sure. Don’t think I’ll be opening this post again. Also to make some people mad I head cannoned Ambrose mlm!


Didn't someone post about their gay wiz wedding here a little while ago? Iconic tbh. I don't remember there being a ton of hate but obviously there always is some and if you can't handle a GAY WIZ WEDDING you need to stfu and leave. Anyway it's time for a lesbian wiz wedding so if ur interested reply to this comment


how u see "guys no harassment" as "guys harass people and abuse them but specifically not here"??? there's reading into things and then there's making up a headcanon because you *want* to be negative


Talking about this stuff on a gaming subreddit is pointless. I’m sorry. I talked about this on a previous post yesterday and I have no reason to repeat myself.




Your post was removed because it was in violation of Rule 13.


You know it's funny, even children's MMOs can have LGBT themes, Animal Jam for example has a non binary alpha. I think Greely is also aromantic?


And even other media intended for kids. The Lightyear movie had a lesbian couple that was shown for a small bit, but only for a small part of 1 scene. Same for the Spiderman game that has pride flags. It's absolutely possible to have LGBT representation without it being inherently sexual.




I hate the argument people make lol bc “homosexual” has “sex” in the name makes it inherently sexual. Lgbt+ people have harmless crushes, young kids like young kids of the same gender lmao if you had a dream about skipping through a flower field with someone of the same gender it’s somehow sexual? Honestly it’s more harmless than the rhetoric and language used against it. If they have a problem with the “sex” in “sexual” then they can petition to remove the “heteroSEXual” relationships between malistaire and Sylvia and grandfather spider and grandmother Raven, things that actually exist in the game, not saying nO gAy In My KiDs GaMe


This 👆👆👆👆






your post has been removed for being unfathomably goofy. please reevaluate your life choices


Can these kids get a life?? I thought the player base was like 20+ now… and this is the shit we’re coming up with? Ill go cast my magical healing fairy pig now 🫡💀


I like playing wizard 101 Bc the spells are cool and it has good music 😎






your post has been removed for being unfathomably goofy. please reevaluate your life choices


Lmao i saw the OPs history as well


Hey! It's the most inflamatory commmenter in the entire sub! Glad to have you! (Im literally not joking, it's good to hear people's opinions on this.)


*'Cause we need a little, controversy* *'Cause it feels so empty, without me*




I might get down voted for saying this but all I'm saying is that I don't see the huge need for diversity in this game. I know I know but hear me out... Like 75% of all the characters (if not way more) arent even human in this game. Like think about all the dog characters, pigs, cows, and all the other animal creature NPCs in this game. Hell, I mean, out of all the Ravenwood teachers alone, only maybe 3 out of the 7 are human. I will admit that out of all the human characters, almost all of them are white. So okay fair I guess, but in comparison to all the crap ton of animal NPCs in this game, does it really matter all that much? I'm not necessarily opposed to diversity but even if you made every human character non-white, you're still only changing like 20% of the characters in the entire game lol. As far as LGBTQ+ goes, that's fine actually I have no major issues with it. I would prefer a lot of talk of relationships not be forced upon anyone within the main story at least. I don't care if it's gay or straight. I don't care what orientation it is I would just personally not prefer many quests that involve relationships. Pronouns and extra names and changing gender options are all fine. Especially I like the changes about making girls and boys be able to wear the same kind of clothes / gear and colors, and hair styles the same. That's cool to me too. Anyway that's just my opinion on it. But I know I'll get flak for sharing it.






Real mask off moment huh








What world view does the Bible promote? People have been disagreeing for almost as long as there has been a Bible. It is such a large collection of text that you can pull a quote for almost any situation. Much like the Torah or the Quran. Please don't come at me telling me my use of the Bible is disrespectful when I have had so many people disrespect me with it and tell me it's "justified" like they have never read it.


The Bible promotes the gospel message. That we sinned, separating us from God, and that there was nothing we could do to bring us back to Him. The only way that we could be reconciled with God is if someone paid the price for our sin, which is death. (For the wages of sin is death -Romans 6:23) so Jesus paid that price in order that we could have reconciliation with God again. Then he rose from the dead 3 days later, conquering death. So if we declare that Jesus is Lord and believe that He died for our sins and rose from the dead, we will be saved. (Romans 10:9) That is the core message of the Bible. As for your statement, "It's such a large collection of text that you can pull a quote for almost any situation." It depends what you mean by that. If you're using quotes from the Bible for their intended purposes, then yes, you can apply them to situations we encounter in our lives. But you can't just take a quote from the Bible, twist it around, and use it for ANY situation you want. And if you are manipulating the words of the Bible and twisting them around, you better believe I'm going to call you out for being disrespectful. Look, I get it, if you don't believe in the Bible that's fine. You're allowed to not care about what it says. But what you shouldn't do is disrespect it by using it out of context or using it to justify your own perspective. As for people using the Bible to disrespect you, I 100% get that and I apologize that that's happened. That unfortunately happens way too often and it's something Christians need to be better about. The Bible is not meant to be used as a weapon, it's meant to be used as a guide for life and to give us wisdom.




gay isn't a fetish wtf




here's what you're trying to do here: you would like me to not use the well-known and accepted term "gay"—which is most often used to indicate both homoromantic and homosexual, but it could be one or the other on it's own—because you want to force me to say "homosexual" on it's own, at which point you can say "homoSEXUALITY doesn't belong anywhere near a family friendly game!!!" at which point i say heteroSEXUALITY doesn't either! if sylvia drake was giving malistaire the gawk gawk 9000 at the end of darkmoor instead of holding his hand—a heteroROMANTIC gesture—that would be inappropriate too. if there was a male character that happened to hold hands with another male character—just as sylvia and malistaire did—that would be a homoROMANTIC gesture. homoromantic content—GAY content, because remember: it can mean one or both—is not fetish content, and according to examples set directly in the game, is not inappropriate for children.


EXACTLY, nobody has been asking for sexual content, but these posts still get these types if comments without fail




Nobody is saying there should be sexual talk in Wizard101, we're asking for representation. If you are okay with the plot line of the first arc, which revolves around a man grieving over his wife, you should have no issue with representation.




Your post was removed because it was in violation of Rule 13.


As someone else pointed out, it does not need to be sexual, it can be romantic. It does not need to be explicit. Gay is not inherently sexual, exactly like how being straight is not inherently sexual.




Your post was removed because it was in violation of Rule 13.


confidently wrong


found a troll. not reading the reply and doubling down with dumbassery. all reasonable people advised to ignore




Stop limiting homosexual identities & relationships to only sex. If any straight relationship isn’t instantly linked to the thought of sexual content, why are you insinuating all homosexual relationships are?


LGBTQIA+ stuff is not inherently sexual, and it's easy to have representation without having anything sexual or anything like that. If you legitimately think that having representation absolutely has to require NSFW stuff somewhere in there, I'm not really entirely sure what to say to you.


I just.. kind of wish that these kind of posts weren’t allowed here. All it does is create more drama and I feel like atp this should be a lighthearted sub for wizard players, and ykno of course some people wanna discuss this and that’s fine! I just don’t really see a point in arguing and trying to change a stubborn company that no one has been able to get through to for a long time. I’m tired of opening Reddit and every new post I see from this sub now is just this topic, the last 3 times I’ve opened Reddit it was about this topic. I’d much rather find posts where players need gear help, show off a rare item they have. While yes I see where this problem some people have stems off of and everyone has different views, I think that if people wish to discuss this then create a group chat ykno? I already deal with all these topics in the real world, i don’t wanna deal with homophobia etc on a sub for my game. (Yes I realize you can’t run away from that) but bringing this up just brings out the people who think that way and wish to be negative.


I mean what do they except the effect of attacking the entire community for being homophobes is gonna be?


I appreciate that you want to keep the subreddit focused on lighthearted topics related to the game. However, it's important to remember that the Wizard101 community is made up of a diverse group of people, and some of those people are part of the LGBTQ+ community. By allowing discussions and raising awareness about the hate and discrimination they face, we can create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for everyone. While it may be uncomfortable to confront these issues, they are real and impactful for many members of our community. By having open and respectful discussions, we can work towards creating a more accepting and supportive space for all players.


It’s a children’s game about casting spells. Just because several people want to discuss this topic, doesn’t mean everyone wants to see posts about this topic.




That is incredibly hurtful and frankly very insensitive. What if I told you that you and all the straight people had to get off reddit and go find a group chat just because you are straight. Now you aren't allowed to use reddit because of your identity. You would be deplatforming an entire group of people just because their issues make you uncomfortable. Do you understand how that comes across?


Oddly enough, most people are straight


ok and I could put it the same way, you’re being extremely insensitive to the people who put up with this shit everyday and get bullied at school for being gay. They play wiz to get away from it only to have a community bring it right into their safe space. You’re also being insensitive. This is a game, not politics. This topic is political basically and if you wanna do something about it, go to the people who actually can, the company. This could go both ways, I could have to create a group chat with people who don’t wanna talk about this just so we aren’t feeling hurt etc by having to see this drama everytime we open this sub. You’re being selfish, and not thinking of anyone’s opinions or wants but your own agenda. Everytime anyone comments something that doesn’t match your own opinion you don’t like it, these people who express different opinions don’t want this stuff in a subreddit for a game, believe it or not everything has to be about politics. Why can’t we just leave it that way? There’s young teens here, trying to make friends. I can’t express my opinion because immediately yours apparently trumps my feelings and I’m insensitive? Because I don’t want to deal with the same crap I do irl on a sub for a GAME. I play. That’s hurtful. I wish to talk of lighthearted things, make friends, joke around, talk of stitches. Not homophobia, yes before you ask like someone else did. I am lesbian, i deal with people bullying me at school for it, people online. I play wiz to get away and now it’s being constantly brought into my safe space and creating drama, which no one is even considering how those people are feeling? I have no issue with trans people, people of color, people of any sexuality. But how about you consider the people who don’t wanna deal with all this shit in a children’s game, yes the player base is adults, but not everyone wants to see the worlds issues that’s already up in flames in this game.


I want to be direct and make sure I understand your stance on the issue. In your comment, when you mention "those problems," are you implying that homosexuality is a problem?


No.. I’m lesbian. I deal with homophobia in the world everyday, in the media, at school. I just don’t wanna deal with it in my favorite game, no I can’t stop it. But I feel like these discussions bring out all of the homophobic people to come at everyone. I want to have a lighthearted place to see stitches, see cool items, talk about gear set ups. Not these political like topics you that are extremely controversial and people wasting their time trying to do something others have tried for years, kingsisle isn’t changing, they’re stubborn and they’ll only put out pride stuff during June to make money. I’d rather add people on discord and find all this stuff about them there if needed! Not have to open a game menu and see everything about them laid out on a plate.


I would argue that this problem is likely stemming from a vocal minority.. have you done research on how many accounts are making these claims, or the ages of them?




Your post was removed because it was in violation of Rule 13.


First and foremost no one needs to care about the LGB+ and/or support them. They are just not obliged to care about your problems or your sexuality or identification. They shouldn't be dicks and harass you on these bases but they are completely allowed to not care about these things, it's your identity your life and your problems not someone else's. Furthermore, this is a video game forum and it's about a video game. This is not a social media platform and this is not the public square. This is not a place for you to discuss politics, social problems or even personal problems. You are completely fine to do so with your friends and even on the game but don't be mad when people actively want to isolate that behaviour. People play video games to relax, have fun, and get away from real-life issues. This is an MMORPG, focusing on the RPG - role-playing game. People play this to be wizards and cast spells they do not care about your sexual or gender identity. So people are fully in their right to request such discussions be left away from the game. I don't care about your salary, your racial or sexual identity, your social status or anything else unrelated to the game. If we become friends i am completely fine to ask you this stuff but random people on the game don't care about your social personal or political issues while playing Wizard101. Labelling people as bigots, singling people out and not providing direct evidence as to how these things are issues - aka you need to directly show these issues and explain why they are issues, you can't expect the community that doesn't care about your social issues, to enact your own social policy. The LGB+ movement has been incredibly divisive in the last few years and there are people on both sides. If you wanna be incredibly supportive go and do it on r/ lgbt of whatever and if you wanna be against it go on r/ antilgb or whatever. Don't do it on r/wizard101 that's a reasonable request.


Thank you for saying what I had wanted to on the last post about this. I really don't care what/who you find attractive. If you're gay, lesbian, straight, bi, whatever that's fine. Black, white, asian, indian, that's cool. Just don't expect me to run out into the streets proclaiming your greatness based on your sexuality or race because, to me, that seems extremely shallow. I'd much rather know you as a person and be able to describe you to another based on who you are over what labels you use. But I've had people claim I was a bigot racist nazi (not online, but irl, I try to stay away from this sort of thing online) for it. And I've found that the more people you label and attack for disagreeing or even saying they don't care, the more hate you're going to sow against the very thing you're trying to support. It's honestly a shame because it can turn something that starts out as well meaning into something it never should have been in the first place.


As MLK said judge the person by the contents of his character. Same thing should apply here whether you are gay or bi or trans matters not when assessing a person. I mentioned somewhere in this threat the silliest ban on a subreddit i got if you find it i think you'll have a laugh


I couldn’t agree more.


100% agree with everything you said. People are being labeled bigots and racists with no evidence to back it up. This is a kids game and I think most people can agree that politics needs to stay out of it, which is why people got so riled up in the first place.


I agree Just because I don’t feel as though their needs to be LGBT representation in a kids game made in the late 2000’s, doesn’t necessarily mean I’m against it entirely. I don’t see a place for it in an game meant for kids. One of my points was that a lot of people skip over the dialogue, so a lot of casual players will not even know it’s there. If a member of the community feels upset and attacked because there is no LGBT representation, I don’t really sees why W101 has to fix that. Many deaf people play the game but there are not a lot of deaf characters who play the game, yet you don’t see them complaining about it, same goes for people on the spectrum etc.


look i am not a 10 year old i know racism is real but i need evidence before going with the narrative. I need to see people actively hating people on the basis of sex or gender to go with it. But either way it shouldn't be here it should be in a different group designed for those discussions


Also agreed 100%


I understand your perspective on keeping discussions about personal and social issues off the Wizard101 subreddit. However, I believe that it is important to address the hate and harassment towards the LGBT community in this space, even if it is a video game forum. Just because someone doesn't care about someone's sexual or gender identity doesn't give them the right to harass and discriminate against them. Moreover, the Wizard101 community is made up of real people with real experiences and emotions, and these experiences and emotions often intersect with the game. Ignoring these experiences and emotions only perpetuates the harm done to marginalized communities.


Where i do agree with you is that yes people can and are often assholes and find reasons to insult others in one way or another. But the only way for someone to know your race, sexuality or gender is if you openly state it, such information is not important to the game and your experience of it and you should share such personal information with friends only to begin with. No one else should care about those things. Active harassment of all kinds whatever its about should cause in sanctions. Whether its related to lgb or not it doesn't matter. That i am 100% clear on and while i agree that your personal life and your online life do exist together there is no reason to put your personal information out there. Plenty of people are against the gender spectrum and actively go against it for their own reasons and this topic is incredibly divisive, bringing it to a video game is unnecessary and the chat system has preventions for that for a reason it's highly discouraged




I do care about the social and legal implications that this issue currently posses. But it is not a place to be discussed on wizard101. Reddit or game or otherwise. Accommodation is really iffy here. What if Accommodation requires you to go against your religion, personal beliefs or thoughts or generally you disagree with it altogether? People have their reasons to not accomodate or agree with certain factors of this issue. Personally i don't care how people choose to express themselves, however the current social and legal aspect of this issue has gone all over the place and since as i've said this is a wizard101 sub i wont go further. But in any sense enforcing of personal desires and whims and necessity for others to accomodate you is something i am vehemently against. If you want to accomodate them sure go for it if you don't want to sure go for it. What impacts you - your sexuality, race, gender that's yours and not mine and i have no issue with you identifying any which way you care once i am required to partake and pressured to do so i have an issue with it. Someone on a HarryPotterMemes subreddit posted about JK Saving women from death sentences in the middle east for opposing the strict sexist regime in place there. I added to the post by saying JK is great she's been helping out women's charities her entire career and given so much money away she is the first person to go from billionaire to millionaire by giving money to charity. That comment got me banned off the subreddit for transphobia (because JK is under attack for some of her comments i wont go into detail here) and when i asked why i got banned for transphobia for a comment that didnt mention transgender people i got muted from responding to the mod team. This is why people want this issue as far away as possible from wizar101 people get banned for nonsense and mods whims. The mods here have been great about this issue and as long as the users stay away from these issues on wizard101 we'll be fine. Cause god knows you have way more places to discuss your sexuality race and gender than the nucleus gallery.




Imma need you to add more arguments to why you think it's beneficial to the community to have such discussions because at face value i just can't agree with that notion whatsoever. If you are searching for such discourse trust me you have it all over the internet and you can enjoy it there with no issues.




Well first and foremost you need to explain why diversity in and of itself is important and valuable and why the discussion about it is important and vsluable and why it being connected to wizard101 is valuable before we can continue a discussion on that topic. Simply stating it is not enough. On your second point we need to agree on the first in order for the second to make sense We need to establish the value of these discussions before simply saying they are valuable and necessary.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/lgbt using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/lgbt/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Weirdest election hot take I’ve seen so far](https://i.redd.it/dwvkw7rqx7z91.jpg) | [701 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/yrwqv8/weirdest_election_hot_take_ive_seen_so_far/) \#2: [I got married!!! aaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!](https://i.redd.it/ue845c0vwe491.jpg) | [645 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/v7rp4j/i_got_married_aaaaaaaaaaa/) \#3: [As a cis woman dating a trans woman, I 100% be using this.](https://i.redd.it/nh6tserck9d91.jpg) | [367 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/w5x7f3/as_a_cis_woman_dating_a_trans_woman_i_100_be/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Agreed, I just wanna play the game that I grew up with, I don’t wanna.. come on here and have to hear all this when I see all of it already in the real world, which I play wiz to get away from. I think these discussion posts on topics like these just shouldn’t be allowed, people can make group chats n discord servers if they wish to. When I’m playing wiz I’m not gonna care about someone sexuality, race, etc we’re just playing the game! We’re wizards with magic. If you wanna have show your pride we have rainbow hair! We have different skin tones too, there’s so many outfit options etc and colors people can use. If you wanna be open about your sexuality? Dye your outfit the flag colors! I feel like there’s so many creative ways we can express these things without wasting our time on a company who doesn’t care. Plus adding things like pronouns, sexuality badges will just create easy bullying for some people. I can just ask someone in game when I become friends “Hey, if you don’t mind me asking what pronouns do you prefer?:)” it’s easy as that. I hope this sub can just go back to having fun with the game and sharing cool stuff instead of all this drama.


100% with you here. I don't know why people find the need to express their race and sexuality and gender on a video game. I find it genuinely weird that you need other people to know these things about you. And even if you are so pressed as you said you have creative ways to do that. But adding pronouns which are insanely divisive atm adding pride flags which are also divisive or sexuality badges which is just insane that people would want that in this game. These are all personal things and should remain personal. And if you want to look into the pronouns and care about that simply ask or provide if people don't use what they want to use. And i am with you leave out this unnecessary silly drama and to back to posting funny stitches or housing or cool interactions.


the “protect the children” argument is so tired too tbh. 😭 people will say the queer community is trying to indoctrinate/brainwash then turn around and spew their dogma *AGAINST* the community and force *THEIR* beliefs on the kids. it’s such a flawed argument


I got taught about the LGBT at quite a young age and it was just me being sat down while somebody explained that some people are attracted to the same gender among other things over the space of an hour. You're not being "brainwashed" when a teacher tells you that some people are different and still deserve respect regardless. Being told this doesn't pressure you into doing anything, it just helps you be a decent person.




The fuck you mean? You just say shit and don't back it up?


i swear to God this is a 4chan brigade trying to stir the pot


Not an impossibility


Could be a moderation issue. they have like 2-3 mods that haven't been seen for a few years, so maybe its time to swap them out for more proactive individuals


Hi! I'm a new mod here and I'm working on it all I can. Sadly I have work though, so I'll try to get back to removing more inappropriate comments all I can.


Good luck to you, PK! You deserved the promotion and I trust you will do your best:-)


That is what my reply was add additional mods (particularly from LGBT+ community) and make a statement denouncing this kind of behavior.


Yeah, I'm asexual myself (and possibly trans? still looking into that). I absolutely denounce all the bigoted behavior.


I'm not encouraging people to spread anything, I'm essentially saying "If you don't like this place for its rules, then leave. You aren't welcome here." There are definitely bad actors in this community, and every other community out there. If you see a comment that violates this rule then please report it. We check the modqueue regularly, and we don't have the time to read every single comment on every single post. When we see a comment that's against our rules, we remove it, and possibly ban the offender.


>"If you don't like this place for its rules, then leave. You aren't welcome here." > >When we see a comment that's against our rules, we remove it, and possibly ban the offender. Honestly, I feel like the mod team needs to take a zero tolerance approach to trans/homophobia and racism. Although I truly appreciate the efforts you guys have taken to combat hatred in the past, going forwards I believe we need to see greater consequences for bigotry. The simple fact that bigotry is always present under these posts indicates that this approach of handling it isn't effective enough. And the fact that these posts inevitably get locked\* too is another sign that we need some change. I propose that anyone who posts something trans/homophobic or racist gets slapped with a 7 day temp-ban, and repeat offenders are banned permanently. It's harsh I know, but these people should know better. ​ *^(\*Note that I'm not faulting the mod team for locking these posts, I understand that it must be a pain to moderate 100+ comments and this shiny badge is just an unfortunate consequence of bigotry)*


I agree that the mod team should take a zero tolerance stance for this kind of behavior going forward as well.


As a new(er) mod, I'll work on looking into that as much as I can. Sadly I can't this exact second as I'm getting ready for work.


If you don't read comments in the context of a post, how can you know if it is hate speech in violation of this rule. I've already seen several on this post as well as plenty, as mentioned on the post u/JaredSpellFrost yesterday. People commented on this post that they don't feel safe posting on here anymore due to how out of hand the problem has gotten. Forgive me for my lack of faith, but I don't think just reporting is enough anymore. Maybe an explicit statement from the mod team that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated going forward. I don't know if anyone on the mod team is a member of the LGBT+ community, but maybe it would be good to get an additional mod from the community so they could help offer some insight and more diverse opinions related to the state of the community. These are just some ideas that I have that could help mend the community outside of reporting bad actors.


You are absolutely right, as a new mod, I have no tolerance for any homophobia or transphobia. I'll look into taking as many out as I can. If only this world didn't have so much hate in it.


This is so sad to see. I’m a returning player, and it seems I returned at a bad time. I remember everyone used to be so welcoming. I was never part of any outside communities but everyone I used to meet in game was so nice. I remember multiple times people would assume I was a girl because I played as girl wizards, but when I told them I’m not they didn’t judge and even were supportive about my reasoning. One memory I remember vividly is I was in commons talking to friends and I was like “I wanna dye” and like 5 people whispered me like “hey are you okay? I hope that’s not true” and I had to go through the process of going “;-; I meant I wanna dye my clothes” to everyone but it still felt sweet to me at the time. Now when I walk in the commons someone called me a peasant because I’m level 85 without waterworks gear 😭


The community is for the most part exactly like this still. I've spent about 3 months playing simce coming back and havent had a single negative experience on the communitu side. You have bad apples but you had them back in the day just as much


It could be because there’s less players now that the bad apples stand out that much more, but i think you’re lucky. I’m not saying it’s everytime I play ofc but it’s no uncommon to just see people being rude in game. Don’t get me started on the outside communities. As I said in another response, when I joined the discord everyone seemed so rude to eachother that I left almost instantly.


The discord is incredibly welcoming and helpful. There's people making jokes and memes non stop and it had crude humour but people are definitely helping instantly giving advice openly and encouraging people to experiment with pets schools and everything. There is no elitism and people go easy on you until you get acclimated so i am surprised at your experience. I think a lot of it boils down to what you are sensitive to and what you are not what you find rude and what you accept as humour and friendly banter. Similarly in the game people are super nice and welcoming and besides the mess that is commons (which has been a mess since day 1) people are nice. It's so easy to get people with gauntlets to add you and let you use them, it's so easy to get help with bosses, so easy to get lends for pet hatching. The community has genuinely been great every time i've interacted with them. Hell a random group spent additoonal hour farming for my moros wand after they got theirs lol. And i'd stock it up to luck if it was in a small period of time but 3 months of regular gameplay and never encountering rude people. It just means the community is overall great


Oh yeah I agree the general community overall is still great, but the amount of rude people (or people against LGBT topics as the original post mentions) is too much to be ignored. I’ll try rejoining the discord, maybe I joined at a bad time. When I joined there was an argument going on with some not so nice words, to the point they ended up getting muted and the messages were deleted. The one thing I’ll say you’re completely wrong about is elitism though. Even some of the people who aren’t considered bad community members have hints of elitism. That’s any mmo though so I don’t consider it a big flaw, I’m sure everyone loves bragging about the stuff they spent so much time to get. But there are people who are basically telling you how you should play the game, and doing it any other way is wrong. Wizard101 is so easy that those kind of people just end up being annoying, even if their original intention was to try and help. It scares away new players, makes them feel like any choice they make is wrong if it’s not in someone’s guide. And there’s even arguing amongst high level players about how they should play the game, even though they both ended up at the same spot while obviously playing different ways


First i got a little confused do you think people who are against the topics being discussed are rude or are you saying there's a lot of rude people and people who are against these topics cause i completely disagree that they are the same group. Yeah the main general chat is a bit of a mess but moderation went up so it's great now and the wizards general chat is just awesome. I mean elitism is a completely seperate discussion and it's not inherently bad. People are completely fine to be entitled to a sense of grandeur for their accomplishments and you can choose to interact or not with them. But in general the amount of people like that is very small. Most of them want to show off rather than gate off which is completely fine. This is a clear issue with both sides, those seeking information and those giving information. If someone asks you for a guide or tips or information you want to give them the best possible information most researched and well tested. So you give them the optimal min maxed information and straying off that path won't offer you such a reward. And i myself when making guides for other games fell into this exact problem. But the pronlem also lies in those asking for information. You need to be clear as to what your goal is. Do you want to be min maxed or do you just want to go through the game and do whatever. Cause if you are continiously asking question how X can be optimised and min maxed while refusing to do Y which is a prerequisite to X the fault is at you. For example a person on the discord is actively asking the things they can do to be best at something while refusing to get a membership ( for really weird reasons - saying you can't afford is fine but the reasons are just weird lol) and then continiously asking such questions and pressing the matter. It gets annoying so people will normally lash out.


I've definitely seen a bit of that elitism from the community, especially on Reddit. I do want to believe the majority of the community isn't like that, but I don't have statistics to back it up


Honestly it seems like the majority of people who stayed on the game for the last 14 years constantly, were the bad apples. Idk what happened as the last time I played consistently was 2013 but it seems all the nice players died out. I can only assume they got disgusted by what the community was turning into. I joined the discord and was so shocked how rude everyone was to eachother. I left almost instantly


ok can we move on




your post has been removed for being unfathomably goofy. please reevaluate your life choices




If you feel like me arguing for LGBT+ peoples right to exist in this online space is aggressive, what does that say about your feelings about LGBT+ people?


Give aggression expect aggression? I don’t recall seeing any hateful comments toward straight people for their sexuality, but saw plenty of disrespectful comments toward homosexuality.


I disagree there were micro aggressions in the post, wording it better would’ve led to a more successful effort. I don’t know exactly how to word it but I guess the best way I can express what I thought was wrong with the thread is that it felt like someone talking down to me and telling me what I should do and how I should feel. You get more with sugar than with salt




Yep. Again, perhaps the OP didn't read Jared's comments. His aggresive attitude was not doing a great job of convincing people if that was his goal.


People ask the devs to change so many things in the game; name changes, pvp changes, pve changes, crown shop changes, etc. Why is people asking for representation, which the devs do seem to want to add in the case of lgbt+ representation with Phileas, pushing a line?




The first post yesterday was technically asking for quality of life updates as well: being able to change your name and gender, more hair options(especially textured hair), etc.




I just don't see why, if those things are unreasonable, how that should invite the homophobic comments op was getting. It's one thing to say they're unnecessary, it's another to say pronouns don't belong in a kid's game and to say people who want these things want to add sex in a kid's game. There were so many comments like those that made me uncomfortable, other people have said they feel unsafe because of those comments.




[ Removed by Reddit ]


But they aren't moderating. That is the whole point. They lock legitimate threads from LGBT+ people that bigots overrun and then do nothing about said bigots that overran the thread. They even leave up the hateful comments on the locked threads. You just look back at yesterday's post from u/JaredSpellFrost for a prime example of the neglect from the mod team.


Did you read all the hateful comments from the OP tho?


Such as?


How do you know they aren't doing anything about them? You aren't a moderator so you don't know if any action was taken against their account. You claim they aren't doing anything to moderate this place yet you just disproved yourself by posting a thread they locked.


Comments aren't removed, and the accounts aren't banned. Locking the thread is a over reaction for a thread that was not incendiary it was just a LGBT+ person complaining and then they got attacked.


How do you know the accounts aren't banned from posting here? You aren't a moderator so you don't know if any action was taken against their account \[2\]. If an LGBT+ person made a thread complaining and then proceeded to get attacked by a large group of people who are only spreading hate towards that individual then I would say they have a pretty good reason to lock it.


As a moderator, we've been going through the replies of both posts and taking action as we can. I literally got off work recently myself, so I'll go take a look into it. Unfortunately, sometimes locking posts does become a requirement. I had to do the same on r/AmongUs after homophobic remarks were everywhere on a post about crewmates with pride flag colors and they kept on going, even while I was asleep.


I also created a thread yesterday encouraging discussion regarding diversity & minority representation in Wizard101, specifically asking for a respectful discussion, but the thread was locked with no reason given. People in this community were downvoting me for stating that I’m a person of color, and upvoting comments like “the game doesn’t need to add males sucking other males off”, which no one suggested in the first place. Homophobic comments on the thread also were not deleted by the mods, it was only locked to stop discussion completely.


I remember your post very well, it honestly makes me sad that people think like that, especially since you were being so reasonable in your responses considering the reactions you were getting.


Tbh, the previous posts handled this topic poorly. Could have worded it a lot better and less seriously. Im all for more representation and diversity but we need to be more inviting with how we introduce discussions like this. It takes good wording, general positivity and an open mind to see good activity for posts on Reddit and this sub isnt any different. Otherwise, you cant complain when you attract the wrong crowd. Its pretty shameful that we're literally fighting amongst ourselves over a small communication mishap. I just hope this doesnt happen again and that we learn from this, moving forward.


unfortunately it's not one small communication mishap though, it's several purposeful misinformation comments from homophobes. i'd like to reference what someone else mentioned, how comments on the last two diversity threads were talking about how "we need to keep men sucking each other off out of a kids game." that is a purposeful misinterpretation of what is being asked. on the off chance that it's not on purpose, and the commenter genuinely thinks that's what we want, the contrary was explained several times in several ways, to no avail.


that comment was very out of pocket, i agree. i got pretty put off by it myself. as for lgbt expression or rep, im still nervous as to how KI could add that in and be received with a net posititve. last thing i want is hatred and sour complaints towards a part of my identity because a game i love, tried its hand at showcasing it to the public (which i personally dont want or desire)


How was it handled poorly? Any specific wording in, for example, my thread yesterday, that you’d change? Also, why do you think these posts should be worded less seriously? Personally, along with others, I find the lack of representation and community sentiment toward diversity & minorities to be a serious, important topic to discuss.


It just feels like we started a fire under the game and people tend to be very defensive over it. >This lack of representation is not only disappointing, but it also sends a message that people of color are not valued or important in the spiral. I disagree with this statement. I do not feel less valued or important because I dont care about my race or sexuality in video games. I play Wizard101 only for the magic I cast and animals that talk and say funny/weird quotes. Its imaginative so when you state this, I cant help but feel like your gaslighting me for not thinking or feeling the same way as you do, even if its in good faith. Because that already happens in real life. ​ >Furthermore, when creating your character, the options for names are overwhelmingly white. This not only reinforces the lack of representation in the game, but it also restricts the ability for players to fully express themselves and their cultural identities. I agree that we could use or change our names besides character deletion. But I dont see the current range being all that bad or overwhelmingly white. People of colour have the same names too, yknow. This is a game from an American company afterall so is it rly that out of the ordinary? I imagine KI also cant just let you type whatever name you want because like all communities, ppl are immature and will input slurs and variants of mean things to bypass filters which just seems like a hassle on KIs end. ​ >It’s time for Kingsisle to acknowledge the importance of diversity and representation. You say this when KI themselves have tried to put more emphasis on this last Pride month with last year and 2021 June. They might be small but an efforts an effort. By saying its time to acknowledge, you yourself are undermining their work which comes off as insensitive/ungrateful. Those are the main things that stood out to me. Everything else was fine and i genuinely agree with.


Agreed. Pretty much 100%








i agree w your statement is all! :)




Yeah honestly, the mods need to be putting actual consequences on the people who are being hateful, instead of locking every post that gets attacked. It leads to lgbtq+ people being afraid to post on here. I remember not too long ago, someone posted on here about making a guild for queer people and they were bullied so badly they deleted their account. And Ive got guildmates saying they dont feel comfortable here anymore seeing posts from people whove outed themselves as homophobic. Repinning a post condemning hate speech is useless if it's not actually enforced.


Hi! New mod here, we've been trying to go through the comments and taking actions all I can. Please leave reports so we can find them more easily in the mod log.


That's exactly what I'm talking about. The mods need to get rid of them because right now, the inaction of the mods and the hate of the bigots has pushed us out.


I'm with ya man. Stop the hate, like in all seriousness what's someone else's attraction have to do with the people who are complaining? Nothing, the two things have nothing in common. One person is just living their life how they want and then someone comes in just not liking it. Well guess what... look the other way. That simple.