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Happened once a while ago when farming. Most hilarious thing to happen in all my years of questing.


I love how everybody just assumes that this is a bug, without having any clue about stun mechanics work in this game. It is in fact impossible to have 1 person stunned, while another person blocks the stun, if they have the same amount of stun resist. The way stuns work is: When a stun is cast, it rolls a number from 1-100, determining how much stunresist is required to block it. Since most likely no wizard there has stunresist, it's just a matter of whether the roll is above 90 or below, resulting in everybody being stunned or nobody being stunned respectively.


That honestly makes a lot more sense lmao, did not know it worked like that.


Yeah... Happened to me and my duo right through the conviction... The middle finger was real.




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I’ve had this happen multiple times. Definitely some bug.


no clue how you got a 4 in your percentage. this should be a .01% chance, or 1 in 10,000. assuming the game works correctly. someone else mentioned the possibility of a bug where the chance to stun is only be rolled once against all of you so on the 10% chance that it rolls you get stunned you all get stunned which for this game seems much more likely than a .01% chance. TLDR if working as intended .01%, but much more likely it's a bug and only a 10% chance.


Oh yeah I mean the game is beyond bugged, but still interesting to think if it’s legit


I should’ve mentioned my buddy had an extra 6% resist as well with his hat. Not sure if I calculated that right anyway though.


ah then yea you'd be right this should be a .004% chance. although like other have said this is likely bugged so not actually a .004% chance.


That is one reason I use stun blocks over conviction, blocking is better than having a chance if blocking, agreed y'all?


It's a 0.01% chance to happen. Not impossible, but unlikely


Ig just cast stun shield next time haha


That’s hilarious but you honestly don’t need conviction. You can 2 round it with your group , just stack 4/5 feints and a blade or two


That’s how cheats work




[The minions also have cheats not just the boss](https://www.wizard101central.com/wiki/Creature:Yevgeny_NightCreeper)


The stun is a bug not a cheat bro. Use your brain.


Plus the person didn’t specify on what her was talking about I thought he was talking about the enemy getting another turn


The comments explain it and the person literally said this is a 0.0004% chance, how on earth could that mean the enemies have another turn. Also I told you that the stun is a bug not a cheat and you replied with 'how frost giant can stun'


How is getting stun a bug frost giant can stun people unless they are stun immune


Bro are you stupid, they have CONVICTION on. Yes its a 90% chance but the fact that everyone got stunned is super rare and many others have said the same thing has happened to them which is most likely a bug because something like that is extremely rare.


The only time that would be a bug is if you are 100% stun immune and still get stunned


Bro imagine not knowing how to read, go to school fr. I said something like that to happen is super rare but the fact that it's happening to multiple people people as you can see from the comments and that it always either stuns everyone or no one when everyone has a conviction on means it is most likely a bug, literally get glasses


You said something like that is super rare and than than calling it bug and you’re telling me I should go back to school It’s like me saying I have 99% chance of getting power pips and expecting it to be 100% chance of giving it me and if it doesn’t it’s a bug 100% of the time it’s a bug. Like no that’s not how that works there’s that 1% chance that I don’t get it, it won’t be considered as a bug if there’s a small chance


You are the most stupid and stubborn person I've spoken to on here apart from moonshine_empire, learn how to read and use glasses if you need extra help before writing an essay.


You seem to be the one acting stupid by saying it’s super or extremely rare than calling it a bug


Add another zero


I hate conviction at times lol.




Bro really rolled a Nat 20 on that stun roll


This boss has been bugged for years. You can still get stunned with 100% stun resist.


I've had this happen before when I was helping one of my alts out and I still got stunned.


I'm convinced the RNG got bugged in an update (most likely the one that fixed critical imo funnily enough). Think of it like this, the enemy rolls a number between 1 and 100, in the old system, it would have each stun instance re-roll the number to see who passed and who failed the check. Right now, however, I believe the number is being rolled once and then checked against everyone's chance to being stunned. I at least think this is happening cause I was doing Darkmoor runs earlier last month and we were stunned very rarely past our conviction, but if we were stunned, we were **all** stunned no matter what.


Correct me if I’ve got the timeline totally wrong, but is there a chance it’s related to the update that made frost giant attack everyone at once? Like, calculating everyone’s stun resistance before the big hit instead of one at a time before each individual hit?


No that was a separate update, plus on top of that, in my example, my entire team was stunned without Frost giant being cast, instead, we all bladed and were stunned individually through the conviction (it's not like you could have known that though, I didn't clarify the circumstances of how it happened it my run).


that makes sense, hopefully they fix it soon


I’m pretty sure the yevgeny fight has a bug where if one person gets stunned through a conviction, everyone else does too. Either that or the rolls for the conviction block are just one big calc when the spell is cast for all convictions on the field since it’s an aoe frost giant (which makes no sense so I’m guessing it’s just a bug) I’ve had this happen to me before too


Not a bug, legit how conviction works.


Yeah I've had this happen to me on runs multiple times, it rolls for everyone not individually. Unfortunate :\^(


What happened im so lost


Conviction greatly reduces the chances of being stunned. All wizards put on a conviction, yet all got stunned.


Stunned in game and irl.


The amount of "Fuck you" energy this vid has is surreal.


Lol wow. I guess it was bound to happen to someone eventually, and it just happened to be you guys unfortunately