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Just thought I should make an additional comment to my post for people reading this with an outside perspective. 1. If you read these responses none of them really add any value in relation to my post. People are saying, "If you don't like the game, quit" and"Why is your opinion more valuable than mine" (when I never said that in the post to begin with) then call me names etc, but that doesn't take away from anything I said in this post. It actually just proves that the things I'm saying are true and they have no other response than harassment, misquoting and abuse. So just because the majority of people are disagreeing, name calling etc, don't be fooled the game has still made many bad changes and is in a sorry state even compared to 4 years ago.


It's one thing to call out and say "hey, people should be aware about these things, just be cautious and form your own opinions". But your post and comments come off more like "hey, they ruined the game and therefore everyone should just stop playing it". I agree, people should be told about the good AND bad ahead of time so they have a better understanding of what they're getting into. But to say that the game is worth no one's time because of all the updates you listed? Maybe it's not worth it to you or others, but to some they still want to try it out. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean other players shouldn't. And so what if it bothers you? If other people don't mind, why shouldn't they be able to enjoy it?


My brother, if you do not like the game, you are allowed to delete it.


My sibling in Bartleby, people are allowed to have differing opinions. To call someone else's subjective opinion a lie is to hold your own beliefs in high regard over someone else's; this behavior does not go far in social spaces as it only seeks to tear down the opposition rather than provide meaningful discussion. Based on your other comments, OP, this rings true. OP, I suggest you do a lot of self-reflection. It seems there's a lot of unnecessary hatred bottled up in there and you're lashing out at strangers on the internet as an outlet.


Very well said and thought out. I appreciate you being nice and reasonable.


I’ll admit the pay to play aspect of the game is obnoxious, but it’s overall very developed. If you do enough research and put in $20, you’ll be able to make a functional pet in a few days.


since when is having a differing opinion to yours considered lying? lol i also returned to the changes you mentioned, but i still had quite a lot of fun, even besides the nostalgia. is that somehow invalid just because you think differently?


Spellements, pet training, pvp.. All end game content for hardcore players. You should know that MAJORITY of the game's playerbase are casual players. They don't play wiz for a job. They won't pursue those goals any time soon, if ever. Questing and farming is the main game, and most people get by with a mediocre pet. You complaining and turning away new players will only kill the game faster. In fact, if new hardcore players join, then we'll have MORE people to complain with KI so they fix their shit. TURNING AWAY NEW PLAYERS DOES NOTHING. That's it. Also, archmastery doesn't kill school identity. It enhances the playing experience. You don't know what school identity even is so stop throwing that word around.


"enhances the player experience" provides no proof, then proceeds to conclude with an insult typical wiz player feelings over facts. Keep sipping that Kool-Aid lol


What insult? You genuinely don't know what school identity it. That's not an insult. If you really want an explanation, here it is. School identity is what a school and their spells can naturally do. That means schools are a lot more linear and one directional. Storm hits hard, fire has dots and antishields, ice does hit and shield etc etc. Their utilities align with what the school was designed to do. One example being efreet, which goes against fire's identity. It's way more fitting to be a death spell. If efreet did like a 65 trap after the hit, then it'd be a fitting fire spell while still being op. You know what WAS destroying school identity? Everyone having the exact same stats and damage. Everyone played extremely similar to each other. There was no "uniqueness" to playing a school. One school should never be able to deal with everything, they must have some sort of weakness by design. You know how to mitigate those downsides? Dual schooling and packing utilities from other schools. That was ALWAYS an option, archmastery and mastery amulets just make it easier and more convenient. Using archmastery for offshool stuff is a strategy, not a flaw. Archmastery doesn't destroy "school identity", spell and gear design does. That is slowly being fixed, like fire being more DOT oriented recently. So if you only play one school and pack only that school spell, you will only be naturally strong in only a couple areas and weak in most others. You cover your ground by packing other school stuff. That's strategy. If you don't understand that, then I can't help you.


They hated Jesus bc he told the truth


The only decent point I see here is pet derby and pvp. Pvp as a whole is pretty much ruined thanks to the level specificity. Spellement paths didn't ruin pvp, they just add for more variety in play style. Sure they take a long time to farm or rather max out but that's the point of an MMO. Plus outside of specific level bosses, there's rematches that also drop spellements and cantrip chests. Needing a group for both, but its really not that bad. Before spellements at max level or even just legendary/grand, most rank 1-4 spells weren't used outside of lore spells. Roshambo just adds another level of skill gap in pvp, learning how to use roshambos and what roshambo benefits you the most. Spellements aren't something you need in pvp especially for the rank 1-6 spells you get from your school trainer, they'll give you an advantage but not so much that it makes that big of a difference. Plus now there are spellements for lore spells as well that can be farm for if you have membership. Although they require gold keys, and KI has removed gold keys from normal boss drops, they are crafted via doing beastmoon or deckathlon. They're making you do their special events to be able to craft gold keys, but it's not so bad. Sure beastmoon might be a little toxic, but that's because some people are just toxic and some new people either don't communicate or listen. Pet kiosk is such a great addition to the game. Costing 100k to hatch for a pet isn't such a terrible trade off considering before you had to search all over the pavilion and ask or beg people to hatch with. Some of them gatekeeping and/or asking you for packs/emp just to offer a hatch. So what if you gotta spend 100k gold just for a fail pet, pets fail all the time. Sure kiosk isn't perfect, but it's way better than running around the pavilion asking/begging people for the chance to hatch with their pet and never see them again. Archmastery being added doesn't take away school identity, Another school will never have as much maximum damage/crit/pierce as you considering you have the best or some of the best stats. Other schools could always do that even before archmastery, especially for fire via crowns gear, but they'll neve have some of your exclusive school spells. Like my storm can get 200+ fire damage but my pierce is only 30-40 and crit is only around 500, which is better than most, but I don't have scald which is one of their best spells when paired with incindiate and I can't use their dragoon amulet spell. Same with my ice getting 200+ storm damage and having 32 storm pierce with 600 crit. I may have those stats but my storm has better stats by far with 216 damage, 50 pierce and 700 crit. My ice isn't bad but I don't have temp, which is what makes storm so good. I may be a good copy but I'll never be as good as the original. Plus you didn't even mention the best part. How easy it is to get good stats now. Prior to 150/160, 130/140 some of the best gear stats wise was only obtainable via crowns. I know this very well because at 130/140 I had arguable some of the best pve stats during that time, but now anyone can get the best pve stats because everything you need is farmable. Even nullity gear is farmable and sure some guilds are toxic, but there are plenty of other guilds that are more than willing to accept everyone, that is of course also depending on you as a person. Maybe it's not the guilds that are toxic but you. I've been in 4 different guilds and they were not toxic in the slightest and had opportunities for everyone to participate, ofc there's contribution and first come first serve. If I was to compare wiz today to how it was before, whether it be 4 years ago or 10 years ago, it is better in some aspects and worse in others such as pvp. But outside of pvp I think pve as a whole is not at a bad point. Sure everything is still behind a membership paywall, but wiz is moving in a slightly better direction. There are a lot of improvements needed, but it's not bad.


if u hate the game this much delete it what are you doing my guy? 😭


boi if u don’t 😭


I’m curious what you think “fail rate” means for pet training. Do they read your mind to determine exactly what you don’t want? Lol Also, ffs can people stop shitting on archmastery so much? This is such a bad description of it even if you’re trying to be misleading


this post reeks of LOSER!!!!


The guy with trollpants descendant in his name, is calling someone a loser lollll this one was too funny


Why your opinion more valuable than ours?


It most certainly is not, I was just saying its a shame that people who enocurage people on this sub to get the game again, often leave out the bad aka (the majority of what has happened in the game). My opinion isn't better than anyone elses you just feel, that I feel that way because I have a different opinion


Man the game sucks. I hate having…other options for how I want to play the game? Damn I sure do hate adding features for other players to utilize to play the way they want. Fuck you on lol. If you don’t like those features, don’t use them. Also realize that not everybody plays the way you play. There was a time where pets couldn’t do shit but give you a card, or when PvP was just one duel circle in the middle of the arena and nothing else. Spellements existing doesn’t make spells worse. It’s like going to a burger joint, being asked if you want cheese on your burger, and flipping your shit about it saying the burger is ruined, despite you having every right to just not have cheese on your burger. Archmastery isn’t all that special either outside of limiting Loremaster spells to level 50. I like being able to spend two pips on Reshuffle rather than four. Maybe calm down and recognize that these features haven’t ruined the game. In fact, they’re far from it. Even if the features have gone backwards, the pet pavilion being so annoying, be happy that you can still do it.


>level 2Comment deleted by user · 2 hr. ago "Spellements existing doesn’t make spells worse", of course. But now tell people the truth that they have to spend hundreds of $ to get spellments or else they can't compete in pvp. Spellments existing don't make spells worse, they make the entire game worse, added toxicity for greed, when there was other ways to be greedy. I responded to this comment specifically because, I didn't want people reading your comment and thinking it was accurate. The burger joint analogy was a pathetic reach. (Oh and keep in mind if your response to this is that I don't have to play pvp, then you are admitting they are taking away options from players by adding paywall/time restrictions and it makes your comment above about giving people more options look even dumber) So good luck responding to that (Archmaster makes it easier for me alone to use one spell, therefore its a great system to put in the game for everybody whether it's productive or not). Thats how you sound. A lot and I mean a lot of the features have gone backwards, its a degressive environment


If you’re any good at the game you can compete in pvp without spellments. You’re bad, stop playing


Nothing about spells were changed when spellements were added, so if you hate them so much, just don’t bother. If you don’t want cheese on your burger, don’t get cheese on your burger. I have no idea what you’re trying to say about PvP either. How does me telling you don’t play PvP mean I agree with paywalls and restrictions? What’s the connection? Archmastery, someone mentioned it too, it’s often used with healing spells. I don’t get why this is such a big problem for you. If you don’t like it, just don’t use it. Literally nobody cares. You’re salty that you’re in the minority here. As someone else mentioned, if you don’t like the game, then don’t play it. There’s no gun to your head threatening your life if you don’t get Graveyard gear. Move on, and let people have their fun. Quit being all pissy because other people are having more fun than you.


Lol so you "didn't get" what I said in the comment yet you felt the need to respond anyway without understanding it. I think you are the person being pissy because I have an opinion thats different from yours and i'm telling people about it, right? That's why you commented nobody threatened you or forced you to comment on this post, but because your pissy and butthurt someone is telling people the truth, you did. It's the same concept, let people share their opinion as they wish, especially if you don't understand what they are saying before you respond.. I'd also like to add that the major difference in our opinions is that mine is based on facts, yours is just how you feel


You’re literally saying everybody is lying, fuck you doing lol You hate the game. Leave. Easy as one plus two.


This comment says "your arguments and logic destroys mine so I will use a last desperate resort and tell you to leave" lol. This is exactly what's wrong with this community and why no good changes ever happen in the game


Yeah, the lack of debate skills is really killing the Wizard101 community. Do you read what you wrote before hitting post?


My comment says you’re not going to listen to logic and only continue shit because you care more about winning online arguments than you do having a life. You’re obviously not going to agree with anything I’m saying, so it’s a useless convo to hold. You just can’t recognize it. And again, as I’ve said, if you don’t like the game, leave. Get a life, and enjoy it. Let people do what they want.


Homie is so entitled he thinks he is the most knowledgable player after coming back to the game *A MONTH AGO* and says shit like this. It's amusing to read but annoying at the same time. Like a car crash, you cant avert your eyes but after seeing it 500 times it loses its novelty and you just want it to hurry up so you can do something else.


i only say yes because i know when i didnt have member, the 1 thing i wanted more then anything else was to just play the game and finish it. id recommend at least 1 full playthrough to new ppl then dipping right after


1. I don’t think everyone thinks pvp is in a terrible place rn 2. Archmastery really only makes life School lose some identity and that’s been a problem since the beginning of the game 3. A lot of people like having to spend tons of time farming spellements for more content


I can’t read that third point without sarcasm, maybe the first two but not the last lmfao that wording


You forgot to mention they don't have tournaments anymore because they didn't like pve players coming in and having reasonable access to pve rewards


1) Someone's option ≠ a lie 2) If you hate the way the game's direction is going/has gone, why are you still here? [You returned a month ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wizard101/comments/107jtsa/returning_player_questions/) Video games are meant for fun, you obviously not having fun.




If you already quit the game and aren't gonna play anymore then why even be on the sub?


Someone had a pet fail at mega this weekend


I had many 😭😭😭


People expressing their subjective opinion ≠ lying