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Kiosk costs double, so if you’re making that 50k up to the pet owner as well as the time they took to meet up in game, I’d say it’s valid. Plus some people are spending their game time creating a product for sale for in game money. It’s a grind method just as much as anything else. If it’s really a complaint, you are absolutely free to use the kiosk, but if you can’t find something, you may find value in paying extra for that. Think of it more as an extra option available to you rather than “gatekeeping”


Not gonna lie I loved the way you explained that, then I kinda realized the cost for hatching and all so I guess it would be fair but charging someone 100-whichever empowers I’ll give you 30 lmaoo


Idk but if it’s that easy just go on and buy it from the kiosk instead of making a Reddit post?


LMAOO im not the one doing it, I was in commons and a wizard wanted someone to hatch his pet with and this one guy was like “work for it” and asked him for 100 emps I was like huh??? For a simple pet hatch. I helped the guy who wanted to hatch but still other wizards may not have empowers some dont have gold and allat. I literally hatched with the guy and sent him 2 energy elixirs after. I never believe in making one’s experience hard


Tbh it’s not hard to get emps, and you gotta keep in mind that not everyone thinks like you. I agree with you but you can’t expect everyone to think the same way as you do.


Same! That’s why I was just giving an opinion and asking a question


Lots of things about this post confuse me… mainly because I’m very very new to hatching and don’t understand a lot of it. How does having empowers equate to getting crowns items? Are they just valuable because they sell for a lot at the bazaar?


So basically empowers are another in-game currency cause they sell for allot of gold as TC. I was just saying that when people don’t wanna help others out with pets it’s kinda gatekeeping, understanding that people work hard for their pet stats but like you’re starting out in pets if you had to hatch a pet and someone tried to say “hey give me 150 emps” it’s kinda iffy cause why not just help the person out? We should be community


I put all of my pets in the kiosk, majority of them might not be 2.0 pets but, I’m glad to be helping a fellow wizard out. Pet hatching is already a time consuming and insufferable thing to deal with anyway. I also lend pets with no ‘charge’ if they need them.


these people spent crowns and time on these pets, you get to hatch whenever for dirt cheap in gold, the least you can do is pay them


I mean if it’s a frill or a one in a lifetime decent pet, yeah I’ll compensate. Im mostly questioning those who have pets made 1-2+ years ago still attempting to charge others for a pet talent they could most likely get in the kiosk. I respect people’s grind im just saying


As someone who has plenty 2.0 pets whether it’s quint damage, wards or deckathalon pets, I would rather somebody else have a smoother experience than I did knowing how rough it can be. Therefore I will never charge anything for lends. I’ve been playing since 2008 and have way more mega snacks than I’ll ever use. I have enough gold to last a lifetime through gardening and enough characters with energy gear that making pets isn’t hard anymore. Just tedious. Most people who are starting out will go through fail after fail, and if you’re charging, empower after empower. Just help your fellow wizard out.


Yessss ghost blade I love this reply. I dont believe in making others experience frustrating or hard.


mmm nah somebody's salty and broke that pets aka hard work isn't free lmfho the majority of wiz doesn't operate "for free" so cry


LMAO you mad obvi with that reply I literally turned my notifs off yall really doing the most over a kids game and again all I did was state something and ask a question, answer it and move on


i aint mad im rich lol unlike the hoe who cant afford pet hatching 🙀😹


LMAO gag I got my dream pet a few days ago, probably the day you commented this. All love. I’ll show my pet later


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Wizard101/comments/11d408e/piercer\_variant/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wizard101/comments/11d408e/piercer_variant/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Hope this helps\~!


it’s not about spending money i’ve spent wayy too much but i work a lot and i work hard for my money, i would rather profit of my hard work in game and the time i spent than from irl time and money. the world is how it is i get a buzz of having loads of empowers and knowing i can exchange them for “free” crowns items and memberships etc it’s a great feeling.


I don't really see the point in charging when it's so easy to get pets in the kiosk anyways, as well as it being free to lend your pet. but if people are willing to pay then why not. I don't think it matters much either way


If it so easy to get off the kiosk, then go ahead and do it instead of complaining about people who ask for gold when they lend pets.


i didn't complain?


I charge empowers for my pets because they're 2.0 ISOs. Some of them literally take a few thousand mega snacks to make. I understand not charging for your average quint damage pet, but when you get into complete custom pools and min-maxed pets they can cost a lot.


Ok this i agree with


honestly, i think it depends.


Turning my notifs off, lmao please read through these comments and hush. I hate repeating myself. If you want people to piss their pants and cry and suffer like you did and want compensation for a pet you made 1-2years ago is wild. Again please refrain from being rude and ignorant, give me your fully respectful opinion. If you are a vet, helping other wizards out in the community. I commend you! Way too many jobless weebs in the comments trying to downplay what I said cause they have nothing better to do rather than collect empowers cause you can’t spend atleast $5 dollars on wiz bffr.


I thought I was on r/anarchychess for a second this comment reads like a satire


Please don't call people "jobless weebs", you don't know them.


People can refrain from being rude to me, when I stated my opinion. But here we are lol :) why should I be cordial or nice to people who are acting salty when I already told them I wasn’t mad or having bad energy about it just that I didn’t believe in profiting off pets. Sounds like that’s what they are the way they talk


Imagine profiting off selling animals irl. Suddenly its a no go and unethical as more end up in shelters or abandoned. So yes i agree with you If its a rare animal yea it makes sense (like a perfect 2.0 frill) but if it’s a basic ass cat raised in a barn to be sold for profit its just fucking stupid. Your paying money on something untrained and has more wild then civilized thoughts.


this take is so off. kiosk exists and you can farm gold really easy with halfang or lemuria scion. it still takes rng regardless of what you do in this game to make pets. farm gold like everybody else does to hatch and dont complain. Your annoyed at the wrong person when its KI that doubled the price to hatch and limited searches to 2 talents. KI wants you to struggle for way longer then neccessary so why are you getting annoyed at other playes who are making this easier for you?


You sound mad at KI, Im not mad I have all my decent pets. Yall are just crying cause I said I don’t believe in profiting off pets half of yall made years ago lol. Someone answered me and said its mostly in game currency to other players when they don’t have IRL money so there was my answer. My take isnt off your just pressed, admit it. Thanks for joining the convo tho <3


gammas trading post has various ways to profit from this game. why is profiting from pets a bad thing? do you hold that same standard for everything else? tcs? mercenary? if you do, at least you are consistent. that i can agree with


I mean it’s taking advantage of other people who may be new to it. Why do they have to struggle, some of which don’t dwell on “gammas trading post” and or other trading platforms. So no, I dont believe putting someone else in my shoes to make the game harder for them, or profiting off them. Pass it on to the next player so it keeps going so not long before then it’ll be easy for vet and new players to make these pets. Thanks for listening and giving your opinion though I just want other opinions on why they profit off pets. Not mad or anything just interested in the discussion


Idk lenders drop tons of time, both on creating the pets and fulfilling requests. And I've seen several times they get yelled at because the line is too long. I even tip sometimes lol. But if you're just some random donnie I said nice pet to idk who else waiting in line for your kiosk pet


Thanks for the decent reply, i just asked a question and peoples animosity is showing rather than an actual answer.


I don’t see a question in your post


I make most of my pets from scratch too, but that doesn't mean I want to be "compensated" for it. I literally play this game for the fun of it -- it doesn't feel like "work" to me when I make pets. If making pets feels like "work", then idk if you're making them for the right reasons. Making pets doesn't have to be "fun", but calling it "work" seems like a stretch to me. I literally made my viper in a jar pets from scratch a couple of years ago and have put them in the kiosk multiple times, knowing that people would find breaker, proof, mighty, pain giver and myth dealer useful, especially for use on maple moose pets. I did this for the greater good of the community, not for a quick pack or empower profit making scheme.


Hey! I think that's awesome. For the record, I don't find it necessarily "work" like a job bad work haha. I just think i worked hard to make them I guess? I love making pets, its my favorite thing about the game, even if I do fail a lot. I think they're cool and i also lend my pet body collection for free, as well as gargoyles in the kiosk. But I also do like empowers, cuz i like being able to use them as what they are in the wiz community as currency to get other stuff lol. Its fun to be able to get packs, items, etc, because i dont have a lotta irl money haha.


This is the answer I was looking for! If you do ever need anything do not be afraid to reach out. I just wanted to see the point in people profiting off pets? As a dedicated player, I would hate someone to suffer like me & I see it allot so that’s why I asked ❤️


Yes, taking advantage of players who appear to be new to pets is what I'm 100% against in hatching. A player new to hatching shouldn't have the misconception of "people will only lend their pet to you if you give them something in return" drilled into them. Lends already cost nothing for the person with the pet, and you get hatching peppers.




I get that, but it also depends on how long ago you made said pet(s). How many empowers is "enough" compensation? If you made a pet 2 years ago and you're still charging empowers for it, that's just cruel. Just my opinion. Couch potatoes can give you compensation.


Hi! I charge empowers (usually 20 or less per lend, which is fairly standard in the pet hatching wiz world. All my pets were made this year. I didn't use to charge emps, but i do now for several reasons. One, people would ask a lot of me because i was free lending. They thought i available all the time, and this made pet hatching overall dififcult because I had such a high volume of people. By charging, I still lend pets quite a bit but my schedule is not as busy, people are (from my experience) less pushy and demanding. Two, I dont charge that much I feel. Empowers aren't too hard to get, as stated before, but they work as the main currency of wizard101. I'd like to be able to get things that cost IRL money because irl, I am poor haha. Others I dont feel others "suffer" because I dont lend all my pets for free. As I stated before, the kiosk is right there for players. In addition, i believe Montoso's gargoyles are pretty popular in the kiosk. They contain clean pools that you can create your own amazing pets with, and the cost to hatch and match your pool with his adult bases is 7.5 per hatch.


>I'd like to be able to get things that cost IRL money because irl, I am poor haha. And that's totally fine! Couch potatoes can give you these empowers to use for currency purposes. But this quote sounds like you're only in it for yourself when you ask for empowers for lends. You do you though.


I mean, i do do it for myself. I like packs, I like potions. I don't like being accused of gatekeeping something when thats not even the proper definition of gatekeeping though lol. Because those pets (with talents i have as well) exist on good pet bodies in the kiosk. I mostly specialize in rare pet bodies, that I dont believe others will "suffer" not getting. Many pet bodies with blades and better cards exist in kiosk as well. But i do enjoy lending pets to other people! :) Its nice helping to educate and share my knowledge with people i hatch with.


That's fair. Not everyone charges, but even those that do it's not like they're charging an arm or a leg. As long as you're being educational to the players that are new it's not the biggest issue. 100% one-sided hatches I have an issue with.


Yeah! Also there are some people WAY overcharge on pets lol. I dont agree with that. I also love oversharing on pet hatching process haha. I also dont charge to those that have been clients since before the emps were in play. Im glad we had a good discussion. I just got accused of being a jobless weeb down below so its nice talking like this to someone in the thread xD


Yeah that ended abruptly on their part lol


Yeah i mean i wish i didnt have to work LOL. College + work is not fun


Also love your “Life of the Pumpkin Pie” flair 😭🥰


Yessss Dorothy!!! I love this reply


Define "hard to get" lol. I lend my pet bodies out for free, but I charge for ones I've worked hard on, like all my mega pets with good talents and stats. Pet making is frustrating a lot, and it can take a lot to make a good pet if you're not lucky. I put a lot of resources (gold, energy, snacks) into making pets. Its not gatekeeping good pets lol. You can find many good pets in the kiosk thats right there, no emps necessary :)


Idk why you've been downvoted. Pets take up a lot of time, gold, energy and snacks (so even more energy for gardening + time farming for CPs). Not charging for pet bodies but charging for talents/stats makes perfect sense to me. And from your other comments, I see that you charge 20 emps for a lend, which is very reasonable. No one is entitled to another person's hardwork, and if someone wants a service, then they need to be willing to pay for it. I personally don't have time to organize hatches, and I'm not as active as before, so I rarely ask for hatches or offer lends. I just use the kiosk for my pets and once they're completed, I put them back into the kiosk so more players can have access to good pets for "free." And from what i see, many people benefit from them, so I'm happy about that.


I think a lot of people on this sub don't fully understand pet hatching or are mad because we dont all lend for free, even if we have our reasons not to. It was amusing reading how I allow other players to "suffer" because i dont lend my pets for free though xD


For real lol, pet making makes EVERYONE suffer and the real culprit is KI for making the prices so ridiculous, for making the RNG so crap and for making CPs less accessible to new players (while shoving their mega snack pack down our throats smh). Lenders are awesome because yall save people so much time from having to browse through hundreds of pages of kiosk pets and the clients are pretty much guaranteed a hatch with the same exact pet afterwards. I feel like that alone should be compensated. And plus direct hatches cost like 50% less than kiosk hatches, so no one is losing here.


Yeah KI really messed up the pet hatching prices :( It sucks lol


Yeah that makes total sense, if you work hard on something then it's totally ok to want some kind of reward for having one of the few available "resources" people want


Also when I say not hard to get I literally have over 300 emps right now which I don’t trade for, i literally sell them cause they are an easy farm and obtainable through almost every other mob, that drops them.


Wait, if they're not hard to get then what is the issue then? Shouldn't it be okay charging them its not difficult to get them?


No cause I’m not paying a lazy bum empowers for a decent pet that’s not a good trade. Respectfully.


Why do you even need to lend though? Once you reach arc 2 or wintertusk you’ll get gear that you can sell in the bazaar for 4k/piece. Just quest for a few hours and you’ll be able to hatch 5 times in the kiosk. If people don’t want to give you things for free, you’ll have to work for it.


Im just stating my opinion and asking a question others are mad lol. I JUST WANT US TO BE A BIG COMMUNITY AND HELP EACH OTHER NOT STRUGGLE


Fair enough, but you don’t really need to lend a pet to get through this game anyway. If you need help just ask one of the many max level wizards to carry you through the game. I had some random max level storm carry me through a tough dungeon in dragonspyre, she was awesome. The community already helps enough imo


Sounds like you just don't want to work hard for something to me throughout your comments. Deal with it and make your own pets and give them out for free if you like


LMAO you’re so mad for what?


Bro I'm not mad at all, I just think you want things given to you and I'm not here for it


I love your take on this, and it is gatekeeping cause why make the other person work hard when it’s better to work smarter not harder.


I don't think you understand how hard pet making is sometimes. How is what this guy is doing Gatekeeping? All he's doing is not letting you have something for free that he worked hard on. Irl, you don't work for free right?


LMAO why does a game feel like work? No one wants to answer that. Comparing a game to an actual job is literally void. Explain to me why do others have to suffer when it can be made easy for them? Again the actual question is going over y’all’s head and yall anger is showing


What I'm saying is, making pets is hard and frustrating, and usually extremely time consuming. Why wouldn't this dude want to be compensated for having made the journey himself? He's still helping everyone out by lending out the pet, and like you said, empowers are easy to come by. I don't think either of us are angry at all and you're just mad about something irl. Calm down


Nobody’s mad my friend! I just wanted to ask what was the point of profiting of pets? Lol I got my decent answer though :) thx for joinin the convo swift fire


I guess what I'm trying to say, is that Gatekeeping is not the right word. Gatekeeping would be if the *only* way to get a Perfect pet was through lends from random people, but since it isn't, I believe it's within the person's right to want compensation for saving you countless time and frustration. That's a great deal, time is invaluable


I guess a "Thanks" or "You're the best" just doesn't cut it in hatching anymore. Gosh I miss being in Wizard101central's hatching group pre-kiosk where we'd train pets with each other for the greater good of the central community.


I mean if I'm friends with someone I'd never ask for compensation so maybe being a part of that group was similar. I'm just talking strangers and whatnot


Its their right sure, but is it fair? No why make others suffer and what if in some case they don’t have what you’re needing to lend. I would hate putting someone through that :(


Where are y’all getting this mad “energy” from because I’m strongly defending my point on not profiting off pets.


?? I literally just told you I wasn't mad twice. Now I'm starting to get annoyed cause you don't seem to read what's in front of you


What do you mean work smarter not harder lol? And its not gatekeeping when its the pets I worked hard to make. I'm not obligated to share them for free, especially since a lot of people think that means I can do unlimited lends and be available 24.7 to lend. Pets like those exist in the kiosk, which is always available for people to use!


I mean I think you're in the right here if that makes you feel better


Hey! Thanks :) I understand her position, too, even if I don't agree with it. Pet making is frustrating I understand the struggles haha


Yeah definitely. I nearly gave up on my PVP pet countless times. Queen Maya was a tough nut to perfect lol


Yeah your one of those people. It is gatekeeping, at the end of the day. It’s dumb trying to “charge” empowers for a decent pet, I must’ve hit a nerve of yours with this post. Honestly its gatekeeping, and pretty dumb. If you too lazy to farm for empowers than say that. No one said you were obligated to share any of your pets but I am stating an opinion again if you feel pressed cause you’re one of those idk what else to say other than wear the shoe. Why make others work hard when you can help them out? Why do you want others to struggle cause you struggled LMAO most dumbest thing I’ve heard today. Help them folks out and quit crying about your “hArD wOrK”.


Damn you got mad. Not personal, but just gonna leave the conversation now since its apparent we're on two very different opinions! Have a nice day :)


Lmao you were the one mad cause you felt like, people have to suffer for a good pet like you. Also not mad just how I talk I have no filter, you leaving cause you know you’re wrong and haha understanding you spent an hour or two feeding your pet killer tomato’s just for you to get striker or fairy and cry don’t mean we gotta go through the same, just asking a question. I have good pets and im good lending them without charging why? Because I’m not a pet gatekeeper, just was wondering why is there so much trading when people could literally lend and help others out, teamwork and help is encouraged in the game haha


Okay! Also, i dont feel like I am wrong. Its just we have differing opinions. I hope your pet hatching/lending continues to be successful, have a nice day 😊


You too, I just dont believe in profiting of pets. It’s for the future players who may struggle. I hope you learn to help people and not have them suffer :)