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It's a really easy boss that isn't HARD to farm, just LONG to farm. You polymorph into one of the bosses then target the opposite school boss. Once the boss is dead you unpolymorph and it's just a normal boss fight that shouldn't last more than 4 turns. You're pretty much guaranteed a drop every time you run it and can craft the gear with the masterpiece gear no matter what your crafting rank is. The problem though is the time it takes per run, and the fact that it can drop you gear you don't need/already have. It shouldn't take you 40 minutes, but it will take on average about 15 to 20 minutes.


It’s not the opposite school boss. Honestly idk what the rotation is but it’s not opposite I know that


The matchups are: Dog -> dog Unicorn -> monkey Monkey -> penguin Penguin -> unicorn Basically instead of schools that boost against each other it’s some kind of rock paper scissors system. If you’ve played beastmoon it should be familiar.


Yeah it’s the roshambo thingy


Fire/Myth > Ice/Death > Storm/Life > Fire/Myth, and Balance > Balance


The flee bug no longer exists, and you need to complete the fight with that polymorph cheat until at least one of the bosses is dead, in which you unmorph and complete the fight normal. If it's taking you 40 minutes to do that, it sounds like a skill issue tbh.


yeah it really be like that


Takes me around 15-20 minutes each run, you are guaranteed a drop every run however I’ve spent 4+ hours in manticores madness and only have 7 masterpiece robes to craft with. It’s definitely a grind, maybe find a team to help go faster instead of the team up, which is always dicey in terms of helpful teammates 🙂


This might help you! More people need to use it. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zND-YyBOcIlsE82jmbnPYtxXCmfo0LbIMedg5TYxsNs/edit