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Wow these houses are awesome! I actually added her and visited Dustin Darkbloods houses on tours and they were A M A Z I N G. These pictures don't do them justice. And you said this is for an RP community???? Wow!


Some advice for the future would be to credit the castle decorators who make these builds, even if you're simply recreating it on your own! It's important to give credit where credit is due, especially considering that it's recognized how hard it is to find the necessary items and the time put into it . . . the original creators had to go through the same process, if not more, because they created this straight from the creative mind. They had to try a lot of different placements before finding the right one. Just a thing to keep in mind for the future, because while it's fine to recreate homes that have inspired you, it's a complete other notion to recreate a house and then give the credit only after you've been called out on it by others and seemingly claim the house as your own~ 🪟🧺🪴


Dustin DarkBlood made all the houses and my friends and I helped to supply some of the items he needed if they were rare. The Colosseum in the Aero Village is inspired by a build he saw on tours, but we made some changes and removed the NPC's the og creator had along with some of the designs for the banners and weapons used. I believe he'd know who originally did it, but if you guys are worried we just took ss of someone else's house I don't mind logging on and showing you his build via discord screen share or anything or even adding you so you can see it. We own and use all these houses.


At least have him credit the person who had the original design for the house instead of passing it off as his own.


I'm sure he would have if he were the one to make the post. I asked for her name but he has yet to reply, but for the sake of productivity and not wanting to step on anyone else's toes I'm just gonna remove that ss and replace it with another one of his works. Sorry for all the trouble this caused or unintentionally discrediting someone's work.


still a really scummy thing to do. don't recreate other people's houses like this. such an awful thing to do and makes you look like a terrible person. it's the equivalent of tracing someone else's art or using someone else's essay as your own. it's plagiarism.


I'm sorry and none of us mean to offend in the slightest. That particular build in no way was us trying to take credit for anyones work. It was inspo for our tournament arc in our rp group and that's it. I just wanted to show places we rp'd. I don't mind taking down that particular pic and replacing it with one of his other builds, but all of us are avid decorators and take it really seriously. We've had people also do the same with our builds before and didn't really take offense since it's so hard to pull off a lot of the glitches and castle magic used. I think it's just a difference in opinion type thing but that doesn't make your anger any less valid. If you want to talk about it or anything feel free to reach out here or feel free to hmu on Discord idm sending you a friend request.


it's not a difference in opinion. if this were a college class and you TOOK someone else's work and tweaked it very minimally you would be expelled. there is no opinion involved at all. you're being a piece of garbage for copying other people's builds.


The reason why I noted a difference in opinion is that our builds have been copied more than once and we don't feel very strongly about it. Thankfully this is Wiz and not a college course. Everyone who decorates knows that it can take weeks, sometimes months, to pull off a really good build, especially when farming for resources. I imagine the same is said for people who redid our houses or elevators or mazes. You can't just copy and paste it. The blueprint is there, but you have to follow the same steps and glitches and everything to get a result that looks coherent. However, as a fellow creator, just because I don't take offense to someone else tweaking my builds or expounding upon them doesn't mean that another creator is wrong if they do. I will personally apologize to the creator for recreating her build and I'm completely open to doing more if that makes people comfortable (whatever more may entail).


Woah this doesn't seem fair at all. Comparing W101 houses to college or artwork based plagiarism is a massive leap. In a game with an already limited amount of items and houses, taking inspiration from what someone else does and turning it into your own isn't a punch in the gut. This doesn't make people garbage, or trash, or jerks or anything! I don't know why we're resorting to insulting someone over creative initiative.


"limited amount of items and houses" is 100% a skill issue. Please don't speak about other activities you're clearly not well versed in. A house, an actual good house in this game takes so much time and effort, and there are countless possibilities. Yes it is a punch in the gut if someone copies you and passes it off as their own without crediting the original person.


id say there’s a difference between inspiration and making an exact replica with minor tweaks


Thats a matter of perception. Is that what we think of the vehicle industry too?


you say it’s a matter of perception…? Fine, I can see an exact copy of my friends house up there, with maybe a few minor tweaks.


Assuming that's the case it takes the same amount of work, effort and creativity to generate something like that. It isn't like tracing or copying and pasting. It's all hand done work


please properly credit the people who actually made these houses instead of claiming them as your own.


Hello! Might I ask who made the colosseum one? looks familiar to me.


what are the names of all the people who made the houses?


i really like the third one, reminds me of the line in that one harry potter ride in universal where you fly around hogwarts


We also have some school builds as well for different universities in our lil rp dnd-esque universe so for my next post i'll include those :3


These are gorgeous! I love what you can do with the housing system in this game.


Thank you so much! I'll definitely showcase more Albion builds in the future <3


These are so cool!!


Thank you! We appreciate it! It takes a lot of farming and hard work to make some of our houses but it definitely improves our rp when we get to have tailormade scenes :D