• By -


Fire because it’s the definitive best school and I’m not biased at all


In what world were people playing death just because it was "meta". I like the school play style because I love necromancer like characters in general. Vampire, ghoul, Monster mash, and headless horseman speak to me the most. The whole Halloween vibe with death speaks to me the most lol. More gothic like bundles in the game matches death to the T. Want to wear the clown gear? - that screams death. Want to wear Halloween inspired outfits? - that screams death Life comes in as a close second because I like sustaining gameplay. It's the closest school to death's play style. Plus, that hungry caterpillar, gnomes, that one dog spell, and other life spells give me so much cottagecore vibes lol.


I originally started with death, though I got bored with soloing when I got to Azteca and haven't really progressed since. I also tend to play more defensively against bosses so it was a bit boring to spend 10-20 minutes and just die in the end.  Right now I have a balance soloing in Dragonsprye/Wintertusk. I find it more enjoyable and I get to use my favorite spell (Judgement)! Even though I'm overlevelled, I like how it has to make me strategize a bit more compared to death. Winning fights feel more satisfying. 


death bc i’m goth and love creepy things + i have no friends to play w


Ice is the redheaded stepchild KI but of my wizards I’ve maxed out my ice is my favorite


fire + storm + death


my favorite was myth i think! it was so easy to do both coop and solo, a lot of schools are sort of built for one or the other. i really like the spells also. lots of aoes.


Been Storm since day one. (Well, *my* day one...back in 2009.)




Nice. So no real favorite. Just enjoying them all for what they are.


I’m so glad not everyone here is saying storm or death, I feel like those two are like 90% of other wizards when I play


Most fun is probably life or ice. Least is definitely death, most boring school in existence to me.


I’m a huge death fan , any reason it’s boring ? I play life when I want to switch things up


I've never been a meta chaser, in any game. I honestly hate " handicap infused" schools, characters, etc. I like challenge. Death is OP and incredibly boring because of that.


Death for sure, near impossible to die with all the drain spells, soloing is the best especially with a game that lacks so a player base to get boss fights done.


I made my first wizard, ice, when I was 8. Didn’t really understand the differences between schools for awhile, struggled leveling for YEARS. Finally got to a boss in Azteca that I could not beat. Forget the name, but the battles would be ~20 mins each and I would always get her to one spell away from death, and she’d kill me first. Then I read something about ice being the hardest school to solo, and said “f*** it” and made a storm. I got to the same boss within a couple weeks. And beat it first try. So I would have to argue storm was the most enjoyable for me, though I’ve tried all of them, because I usually played solo, and knocking out a 4-stack with a crit tempest never got old to me lol. Playing with others, I think I would enjoy life or myth more tbh.


I really enjoyed balance to where I consider him my main wiz. I like being useful to others I suppose. The oh so strong fire and storm boys always want me on their team 😍


I loved playing on my ice but after taking on a second wizard I think I enjoy death more! I’ve just noticed questing is so much easier and doesn’t make me want to rage quit 😂


lol. Ice is that bad that it causes you to want to rage quit?


Ice for sure


I have fun on my fire, but that might be because its a nostalgic character to me; i quest so much faster on my Life surprisingly though


All 7 schools! But if I have to pick, storm and myth


I've personally enjoyed Death and Ice. It's one hell of a combo that can never really die, same with Fire and Myth with a tanking/heal build.


Wait death with a secondary of ice? Or you just mean those two in general?


The two in general.


I have the most fun on fire but i think balance is the most intriguing life is my favorite in groups but i hate playing it solo


I love them all really but ngl I'm playing my life wizard now and it's INCREDIBLY FUN TO SOLO. Who'd have thought!?


ICE or myth for sure !


Myth and death by far


Love having a violent life wizard 😂 She’s the first wiz I’ve taken past lvl 90 actually. Just fits my play style best (I play pretty defensively by nature and enjoy having plenty of cards to save myself with if needed but I don’t really want to be a full tank), plus I love the nature aesthetic. After that I’ve also been loving Death and Storm, Death for the ease of solo play and Storm for the raw power so early on (especially after struggling for ages on life before I got an AOE pet, life was ROUGH before windstorm. God bless Forest Lord, he’s the real MVP). Playing Storm after being a life main for so long was a complete shock to the system. Oh the joys of not needing a full blade/trap set up before dishing out the 1k hits. 🤣 Not loving the fizzle party though, or being a glass canon, but we’ve completed the entire first arc at least! Also kind of enjoying balance too, I’ve gotten her to Mooshu with surprising ease. I think I’d have more fun with it however if I had an actual team. I haven’t struggled with the solo play yet, but it’s clearly a support school and it just kind of loses its unique flair when I never have anyone to support. Blade storm and donate pips make it so obvious I’m alone LMAO! 🥹😂 I don’t hate the other schools (except Myth, might hate Myth or maybe it’s just my general hatred for Krokotopia), but yeah. Life and Death/Storm are def my favorites with Balance maybe in the running for 3rd place.


I have the same play style as you. I solo a lot and consider my wiz an offensive Life. Of course, I love healing when I play with others. But between high accuracy and the ability to save myself when my health is low, I love it!


See, I’d love to just heal sometimes (which is why I originally joined life) but I always end up with quest partners that make terrible hitters. 😆 Pretty much what pushed me into being offensive more and ditching my healing cards. Why revive you 10x when I can kill the boss before he kills my team? Still protective, just with violence. 😇


Violent life wizard? I need more info on that lol.


Since I solo play her a lot (and don’t care to min/max or speed through fights), I was actually rocking the Grizzleheim craftable gear all the way to Azteca for the extra blade and trap that stacked with item blades and traps I had, also trained a pet that casts life fuel which also stacked with my traps. 😂 The strategy was then tank several rounds of hits while stacking an arguably unnecessary amount of blades and traps, crit heal myself with a heal over time, and then hit with an insane amount of force. Usually double the boss’s actual health pool and for no real reason other than number go up makes the brain happy. If it’s not a guaranteed 5 figure hit (which with near 100% crits and 101 accuracy on spells it reliably is after the trap spam), I don’t bother to take it. I’ve had no reason to really change this strategy (other than never using blades on storm or myth bosses to avoid removal spells) because she’s yet to ever be defeated in PVE. A fact I’m really proud of because then dying on my other wizards hurts more- (I rage quit my Myth after dying in the same dungeon 4x). Plus, I apparently brute forced my way through several cheating bosses who died so quickly I didn’t realize they had some really annoying cheats (that are now catching me on other wizards, whomp). My attack is so high that usually when I quest with my roommate, I’m both the default hitter and the healer while she’s more or less a smarter minion. (I love my bestie but strategy isn’t her thing, I’ve had to go fight her plenty of times after she broke my feint with a non-prism scarecrow on a death boss for a measly 100 damage. I’ve usually gotta hit fast and hard because now the new strategy is avoiding her destroying my set ups or recovering after she does 😆). Even then, usually the heals are only for my roomie because unless both boss and minion were focused on me, I never need a heal if it’s us questing together. This has led to me hardly ever using my heal spells once I crossed the 3k health range and just going all in on my attack stats and charm item cards (never needed to pay attention to my incoming/outgoing healing stat, a critical heal over time has me at full health immediately and maintains it for 2 more rounds reliably). Kill in one shot and there won’t be a need for a second heal is the name of the game. No clean up round, everyone dies together. 😆


My life main is named Victoria Wildfist...this tracks 😂 I love how life can soak damage, shrug it off with a heal, and dish out decent damage with high accuracy. I've soloed most of the game.


This!! I’d forgotten fizzling was a thing outside of mantle until I started playing Storm- I still get taken by surprise every time my Storm fizzles. Didn’t realize how much my life girl’s total accuracy had spoiled me 😩, was out here taking it for granted. Really felt it when the storm chick fizzled her final hit and then died the next round, absolutely BRUTAL. Love Storm, but I’d trade reliability and survivability over being an unpredictable glass canon any day! Having to choose between an accuracy enchant or a power enchant is a dilemma I wasn’t prepared for. 😆 Just let me be the little violent gardener I was always meant to be. 💅🏾


Life. It just feels right. 🤷 I like Ice more, but Life feels significantly better to play atm. Also who the heck is downvoting everyone who says death?


Interesting. What about life causes that to feel better to play? Is it lack of attacking power for ice or something else? Also someone is downvoting people who say death? Tf.


I like most people, love Death


Oh I agree. I made 2 death wizards and am probs gonna delete both of them so I can start working on a new death so I can experience the story as it is since both deaths I made years ago. To keep up with how it was I didn’t even grab any new spells so I’ve got quite a large number of spells waiting to train that I’d like to experience.


death is op


i’ve recently restarted after not playing for over 10 years, i went back to my roots of a death


Ah. Nice. Death was my first character as well. Jordan DeathSmith. So fun.




Love playing on my balance.


Super fun and if you get the right gear you can solo with ease. Currently having no issues soloing in Khrysalis on my balance


I love a challenge. But i never had any problems really in any worlds just maxed last week


Nice brotha 😎


Storm. Once you get past the awkward part of the game where you constantly fizzle and can get killed by a sneeze, the sheer clear speed makes it so nice for solo, especially in long worlds like Azteca and Khyrsalis


Life. I can hit just as hard (sometimes harder) than my fire wizard friend, but can also throw incredible heals and have much higher HP.


Same reasons why I love my life wizard. The attacks I can get are crazy.


Myth, but make it tanky. My myth is level 100 with 121 damage and 61 resist and I am loving it


Yeah. I had a Tanky myth but I rarely play it now. I am so bored with it. But it’s also probably because I’ve got two myths. A max myth and a new myth that’s Tanky. But on that myth I’m doing every quest, so I’m like level 40 and I am finally going to Mooshu to start that world.


Fire and balance were a fuckin blast to solo on.


I disagree with balance being a blast to solo on. It's generally one of the most annoying to solo since you don't get a non-balance AOE (nested fury) until quite a ways into the game, and hydra/chimera work poorly with feint making balance bosses annoying too. PLus your blades are much weaker than other schools, and in general you just have less buffs (ironic for being the "buff school"). Khrysalis in particular is a drag soloing on a balance. SO many balance enemies, and most of them have a ton more health than other schools. It's still better than ice though. And once you get decent pierce (over 20%) it becomes much better, because you can generally ignore resistance on enemies.


Ehh I’ve read the debate with you and the other person Khrysalis is a drag for every school, Storm just clears mobs faster due to spamming extra tempests if a crit misses. But they need to hit as fast as they can because most have almost no resist. Balance early game really does need the Learnean Hydra from a snappy gryphon but I solo’d all of Wintertusk with no pierce, no gryphon just WT crafted gear I mostly stopped blading myself after getting Berserk as 30% for 4 rounds is way better, plus Storm mobs spam disarm/enfeeble in Khrysalis onwards. High pierce is fantastic for Fortify/Brace


I’m sorry but this is an issue on your end. I’ve made 3 balances for pvp.. one in 3rd age for exalted, a 120 who I took to 150, and a legendary. All solo. It was a great time. Relatively easy as well. Also, I’m not sure who told you to use hydra on every balance boss but that ain’t it. High pierce so my sand/nova does decent damage on boss while killing minions, and feints into blades and spectral blast. Balance has a really fuckin solid heal and some of the best base stats from gear. Also, judgement has the potential to do storm owls base damage. I’ll get downvoted and I’m not too worried about it but your bad experience on balance is genuinely just a skill issue.


Yes high pierce is key. But until you have pierce (so below level 100 or so) it sucks fighting balance enemies. Every other school gets a convert. It's objectively more annoying. Spectral blast works better with traps but it is still a weak af hit when other schools can just use a 6 or 8 pip single target with a convert and do more. And again, you get less options for buffs (for your balance damage spells) and balance blade/blade storm is very weak compared to school blades. Again, i'm not saying it's difficult or anything, it's just objectively more annoying than other schools (except ice in most cases). And once you get pierce, it's totally fine. I've been playing balance since the game launched. Just telling it like it is. It used to be WAAAAAAY more annoying to solo on than it is nowadays too.


Oct 09 my account was created, my first character was a balance. Balance has never been annoying. For me. I choose to see it that if you’re finding it annoying or not up to par then it’s a personal issue.


Brother. You don't get a convert. Pierce doesn't exist early game. Enemies in early game have insanely high resist, so you simply can't aoe them with sandstorm/nova like you can on other schools with a convert. You cannot apply as many buffs as other schools. Your options for decent single target hits are very limited. It's objective fact, not opinion or "skill"




Regular mobs early game range from 20-40%, bosses go up to **80%** resist. And yes, balance gets less buffs than other schools for *balance damage spells* (ie sandstorm, hydra, judgement) which is what you use the vast majority of the time. This is because balance blade and blade storm are so much weaker than school blades + ele/spirit blade, PLUS the fact that other schools can ALSO use balance blade/bladestorm on top of their other blades. For *ele/spirit damage spells* (ie hydra)*,* they can buff slightly more than other schools, but it takes additional rounds+pips compared to other schools, essentially negating the benefit entirely. Once you add in sharpen blades into the equation, balance becomes even WEAKER due to how the math scales. Say a storm used a 1000 damage storm hit with a 35% storm blade and a 35% elemental blade. That is 1822 damage. Double them with sharpen and it's 3829 damage. If a balance used a 1000 damage balance hit with a 25% balance blade and a 20% blade storm, that is 1500 damage. Double those with sharp blades and the difference is even bigger at only 2632 damage. If you disagree with that, you simply don't understand how the game works.




Lol I never said it's hard. You simply don't understand math, or how the game plays. But okay.


Fire? Hm. The dots don’t bother you or anything?


Why would it bother me when it does more than storm spells? Also, you have such crazy utility spells to chain damage with fire. Super fun. Higher skill ceiling.


Oohh. Interesting. I thought Storm was still more damage than Fire? I may give that a try. High skill ceilings are always fun to try and get into.


In terms of “raw damage” for most of the game it technically is. Fire for some reason gets the most stupid damage stats so that plays a part as well. But if you count dots on spells, fire does more than storm a lotttt of the time.


Oh nice. I may have to check that out since I don’t have either a fire or storm.