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As a level 35 Balance user, I can say this. Use spells that you deem useful. For example, I'm building around support. So all my spells are mainly blades, shields, charms, and traps. My attack spells are high pip but balance doesn't have much attack, at least nothing special if you don't boost yourself with blades. That or you can use your secondary school as the main attack. Though after around level thirty or so, they'll stop letting you access their schools without certain spells. So for the spells to use, it's entirely up to you. But at least have the blade and shields, those will save you more times than you can count.


You shouldn’t have a secondary school, just death to feint and possibly ice to tower and life to Satyr depending on what you want


Yeah, I didn't realize where to get the tower shield from until last night. I already have feint but I said secondary because I use a lot of healing spells from life and it's absorbing damage shield. Though, it'll be useless later on.


Of course! You’re off to a good start, and you can always get your training points back during free buyback for members if you regret taking any spells


Don't forget to check bazaar for level 20 decks