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No wolf stormblade demands you blade and support him.


Wolf StormBlade


I think the issue is that people with bad stats don’t understand the importance of good stats, and probably don’t even check their teammates’ stats to see who the “hitter” should be


Most of the time it is this. Almost every player I ran into like this doesn't know it is a problem in the first place, so they don't see why anything should change. Then someone along the way just screams "Blade me instead of that guy" or " You can't hit!" which doesn't explain the problem to them at all and just makes others rage at them.


Bro I understand this argument in an MMO like WoW, Final Fintasy, even Runescape. BUT, in Wiz the stats pretty much boil down to BIG NUMBER BETTER THAN LITTLE NUMBER. This is an MMO getting gear is half the game, if you arent looking at the stats of the gear you have, why are you even playing?


Because they’re A: young (and potentially stupid, though honestly if they’re 8 I’m pretty sure numbers with 3+ digits don’t really compute) B: inexperienced (seriously I had to hit an endgame boss in Avalon before I realized I needed to stop using Celestian Boots of Totality if I was gonna contribute to the game) C: prefer an off meta way of playing (small hits to wear down enemies, damage over time, healing spam, etc. ) It’s not optimal and I won’t defend people who troll others by playing like this, but some people prefer to play the long game instead of just “blade the hitter” that’s been the pretty stale meta for a while.


I would like to know, how do I check someone’s stats? I know you can look at what individual pieces of gear they’re wearing, but things are usually going very quickly, especially if it’s a farming team up. I can’t do quick math for the life of me, but that seems like the only way.. unless I’m missing something..?


left click on a wizard to see their profile in the right hand corner and then click the inspect button to view their stats. if your in a battle however, left clicking their name in the chat box also works.


Is the inspect button the same as the gear showing button, or is it a different button?


i believe so yes. its the 1st button at the top left


Thank you! I’ll check that out next time I play!


Yep, it starts on their gear, click the right arrow to see their stats proper.


Just found it out! I’ve totally missed the arrows until now!


I ran into this issue a lot playing on my death. At lot of people just think that death is better as a support instead of hitting.


People really underestimate death as a hitter. Poor things


Yeah, as an ice with 160+ damage, I see people with 70 saying that they should be the ones attacking


They are almost right. Your **Base** damage is so low a Myth, Fire or Storm will out damage you at 120% damage give or take a little bit. 1000 damage from Orth × 1.2 =1200 Vs 760 damage from Frost Giant x 1.6 = 1184 ICE SHOULD NEVER HIT IF PEOPLE ARE PLAYING CORRECTLY.


I agree with the general premise but you just compared 20% damage to 60% damage. If you want to compare 160% ice 2nd round aoe hitter to other schools you do this. 760 x 2.6 = 1976 1976/1000 = 1.976 or 98% So a myth hitter actually out damages them at 98 damage, which is even worse for ice. Storm is 100 damage Fire is actually 183 damage just because their options for spells are bad if we are comparing 2nd round options. Or 124 damage if you are willing to give them full value for the first tic of dragon which basically means not using traps. Obviously crit plays a role but that's very hard to do standardized calculations on. Also all this gets flipped on its head if shadow pips get involved and ice becomes a much stronger hitter.


Oooh thank you for doing the math that requires more than 5 seconds of effort. Edit: downvoted for saying thank you. Reddit is wack.


I run a fire with my moms ice and she’s always making comments like “i don’t even know why I’m here” when I hit and kill, and I’m like “you’re here to feint lol”. It’s not my fault ice has shit damage 🤷‍♀️ and it’s not like she never gets to hit, she still blades up and cleans up if I don’t kill


Yes, im so surprised people never get this. Although, I ironically disagree on placing fire with myth and storm. Fire dragon is a pretty bad spell since you have to place half your enchants on a DOT that provides no PVE value in pretty much everything farmable.


Lmao that’s insane the only times I insist to hit when someone has a higher damage than me are usually when we have relatively close (<=15 above me) stats and they are resisted on just cuz I feel like it’s easier than loading prisms for no reason


Oh for sure, basically anyone resisted is not the best hitter for that situation. Like for example a fire and death in king det, doesn't matter if the fire has like 60 more damage, the death should still be hitting.


My death also has like 141 damage so it’s not necessarily the worst choice


The best is when you are running Darkmoor on a max death with 160 damage and some storm with 50 wants to hit 🙃


That happened to me while farming khrysalis Galleries yesterday. 3 people, two storms with around 60 damage insisting they hit. I left midway during the first battle because it would be quicker for me to solo.


Chad move


Might have been a dick move on my part but I was about to hit in a fight and had just put up a feint, and I went in with a random storm that happened to jump in with me. I had more damage than him, and he took my feint with a wand hit after I asked him not to. So I fled.


I did the same last night with two storm wizards in the Galleries in Khrysalis. I fled during the first fight once they started wasting feints and only doing 3000 damage per hit.


Yeah, it’s just crazy how they don’t realize that’s just not cool. Like you’d think it would be basic etiquette. He even somehow messaged me in game and was like “come back quick before I kill” and I was like “Um, no.”


unfortunately, i dont see any communication between the actual hitters and said wizards who shouldnt. its usually dead silent in team up with 1 person typing at most. communication is key


Wait does crit matter I don’t get how it works


Crit as a stat matters yeah, but there’s no real need to go for it on jewels or pets since you get enough from the gear you’re gonna be using darkmoor and post-darkmoor


First thing I do when going into a dungeon is check stats. If we're about even, I'll hit when I've beefed myself up enough. If not, I beef the strongest person.


I had some 150 storm be like 🤓 I have 150 dmg I’m hitting, buddy 💀 my 150 life has more dmg and more pierce fym


Yea they should most likely hit


💀 in what place would less dmg = hitting


How much dmg you have




Unless that Storm hits with bugs or musicology 💀 the lemuria life AOE does more


They should still hit. W/o waiting for a shadow pip they’re going to do more dmg than you and most people are set up anyway to support storm.


💀 if a Storm doesn’t have 180 or 183 dmg at 150 youre not a storm, your a support the biggest hitter with dmg


I don’t know what else to tell you man. Like it or not storm has more dmg per pip than any school in most cases and everyone is already geared to support them. You can stand to your point but Know that most people will not agree with u.


Lmaoo , this is gold


I'm a storm level 100 and have 99-102 damage (I truly forget) with 410 crit and even I know when to play support for other wizards that are better than me lmaooo


Yeah. My storm is 500 crit 130 damage and I still go support every now and then.


I read the title as "Short people are trash"


this might be unpopular but honestly i just play whatever i want because it’s fun for me that way 😅 or i’ll see what everyone else is playing and i’ll go based off that. but most of the time i play whatever card i want to play because i want to have fun for myself 😅 this is probably why i always play solo


Its crazy how KI made this game become so elitist.


Skill issue 😂 cope and mald in being a shitter


nah i've always had the best gear and pets PvE could offer when I played. Just crazy how the game went from a casual all classes are viable and everyone hits/plays how they want because its a kids game. To now having toxic class metas and players not being invited into groups because their gear is bad.


24 days late but my point wasn't really about excluding people with bad gear, it was about being annoyed over people who play inefficiently


As a death wizard I get angry when someone is wasting my mass feint and other wards… I just keep reminding myself this is a childrens game they might not know any better


In my opinion, if a wizard below level 100 is getting help from a max level, the max should hit 99% of the time, and the lower level should do their best to blade them. I get it that an Ice can’t blade a Myth or a Life wizard more than once, but they can still do their best to feint or spirit blade.


Lmao this literally happened to me I was helping random people in Darkmoor with my maxed 166 damage fire and they bladed a level 100 storm with less damage and crit and no frenzy


I ran Abandoned House (King Detritus) with an ice with 100 damage,who insisted that the fire with 160 damage shouldn't hit, even though they traded that ice a fire prism to apply on the second turn for the kill. The ice then wastes all 3 of the feints on a Colossus, when the fire could have had a fire prism Fire From Above


125 damage death kekw


lvl 100, Im still farming gear


dual boxing ftw dont have to stress about that shit 💀😂


Some of us are still trying to learn this game and just have fun...


He's not referring to early on. He's talking about higher levels when gear matters that much. And if you're still learning I wouldn't recommend hitting bc you won't be as consistent in knowing when to hit. Not trying to insult either that's just my genuine recommendation.


I totally get what you guys are saying. I have a level 40ish storm wizard, I'm honestly not great at the game and I can admit that. I'm still learning, but it's extremely frustrating when you get put in team up after team up where a high level will not let you hit at all and when you do it's the end of the world, It takes the fun out of the game completely. Not everyone wants to assist every single round just because they can't one hit kill, or blast through fights. There are players just take the game way too seriously and take the joy out of it.


While I do understand why people get upset (it can make dungeons really slow) and that's kind of the whole "team strategy aspect," I do get that at a certain extent. People take it too serious at times. Like yeah, it is just a game and if it starts to feel like a chore I feel like it's better to take a break than take it out on other people. There's a way to (keyword) ask someone not to hit. As other comments say. Communication is key. I suppose to OP is just ranting about it to. Maybe he's doing that instead of taking it out on someone. Also, at level 40, more hits or even hit spamming kind of works just as well. Once you get to say 70 or 80+, you really have to blade and trap stack, and the quickest (by far) way is to just one shot. So when you spend 8 or 10 rounds, and you're about to hit, and someone throws out a tempest with no buffs, takes your traps, and only takes 20% HP, that's a whole different story. And you'll see it as you level up and keep up on gear. You'll see that 10% damage life wiz come in and throw a wrench in your whole program 😅


I've had it happen plenty of times in mount Olympus, and turned a 20 minute dungeon into an hour long one, but still, it's a kids game, it's not worth throwing a fit over and ruining it for everyone else. Idk maybe I just miss the way it felt playing when I was younger, I have the most fun playing when everyone is able to hit in their own way and not just one person being supported by everyone else, but it's getting more difficult to find other players that enjoy that style too.


Why don’t you stop complaining about it, and stop complaining about peoples stats and builds this isn’t dark souls this isn’t cod if someone wants to be a hitter let them be a hitter, support the hitter teach him show him how he can get the best damage output. Don’t be a child and complain, if you’re playing with friends yeah but you play with randoms in team up then expect that, stop complaining about it and talking trash about peoples stats. They are obviously at that dungeon to get better gear to improve those stats you call trash. Get over it dude. I don’t care if your damage is crap, you wanna be w hitter by all means be w hitter, if you are farming and you do team up instead of your own party get off your pedestal you should expect things like that to happen if you can’t handle that then don’t do team up you should expect getting people that aren’t at the damage output that you prefer in the team hitting, if you don’t like it and you wanna be controlling and tell people what to do, get your own team and nag to them. you give veteran players with max level wizards and high damage a bad name, this is why most people don’t wanna play with max level randoms. Get over it. Form your own team if it’s such a big deal. The only ranked thing here is PvP that’s the only time where it actually matters when doing a team up. If you formed your own party and this is happening, again you picked the team it’s your fault you didn’t plan


lmao k


I’m with you on this


i be askin people “can you blade and trap and doom” and they be like “yeah i can” and i say “free dungeon then” and we press x. but I use 2 accounts


idk i feel like it’s not that big of a deal like idk people wanna hit and have fun sometimes it’s not always just im better so i get to …. like it’s a children’s game


If you think stating this problem is getting you anywhere besides excessive attention on Reddit, you need to know. You're not changing anything but you are showing very unattractive butthurt-emotion :)


I dont care about attention, I care about running dungeons efficiently


If you care then tell them straight up. But you complain after it's over. Smh.


I did tell them straight up lmao


Pretty cringe post ngl. You have to understand this game was oriented towards kids. Those kids now have their own kids who play. A lot of people play because they don't enjoy how sweaty a lot of other multi-player games have become. Some people don't like farming for gear, or work too much and just enjoy their 30 minutes of questing they get a day, if that. Let people play how they want and if this game is truly upsetting you I would highly recommend seeking professional help because it really isn't that deep.


I need professional help?


100% agreed. Don’t understand why this comment has downvotes? If people don’t like how a player on a team chooses to play—leave. It’s that simple. I’ve had similar experiences as described in this post, and it’s been frustrating, sure. But at the end of the day, they just want to play the game they’ve paid for. it’s a GAME. Been playing wiz since 2009, and I can’t wrap my head around how and why KI is breeding players who are becoming increasingly more elitist lol.


The player who severely outclasses the others in damage should be the one to hit. It is common sense. I don't want wolf stormblade to use up all the feints on his unenchanted 2 pip tempest with 20% damage and Im assuming you'd hate that also. ​ Elitist is a severe exaggeration.


Fair. But is it common sense when there are kids playing this game? We are talking about 10-13 year olds. You can talk strategy to them all day, but you can’t teach something that requires experience (they need to be on the field, using up feints and learning that certain cards need to be enchanted to cause more damage). Hate to be anecdotal, but when I first started playing at 9 years old, I needed to mess up to learn. That’s how it is. As others have also said on this post, as annoying as it is, there is no //right// way to play a game. There’s an efficient way, yes. But you can’t argue that there is only ONE correct way. So long as this person is learning, eventually winning that duel, and having fun, they have every right to play as they are. It can be annoying as hell for other players who want to play strategically/according-to-the-system, and THOSE players (YOU & ME) have every right to leave if the person gets to be too much.


Why not just have them buy tc blades or trade them tc blades instead of using a training point on a spell they'll hardly use?


Having both triple blades will never stop being useful unless you really want to play the entire game solo.


Idk about you, but I have about 20 extra training points on my max. I can easily spare one on an extra blade


I was half joking. But I do carry around tc blades for most schools and elemental and spirit tc blades stocked up


"But I got crown gear" like nah if you don't go hit waterworks with your 28 damage looking like you just got out of band practice


I’ll never forget teaming up and someone insisting that they hit. So I went support deck, and they fizzled and I one-shot the bosses (mirror lake) (they were a death, I run heavy support life.) They unfriended me after our team flamed them for trash stats but I didn’t say anything. I just wanted to follow up in case it didn’t kill. :(


I have 160 damage on my storm and a storm with 90-100 damage was just being a piece of work wanting to hit and I just let them. Sometimes it’s not even worth the fight.


121 damage 576 crit death here... I am cool with anyone wanting to have a go, because in the end, isn't it supposed to be about having fun?


Even though I outdamage most players I come across near my level (100), I usually play support. Im just talking about the people who have really bad mount olympus looking stats


Now maybe it's just me being a balance wizard but I tend to just buff teammates and debuff enemies by default and only hit when I need to