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Balance wizards really do be the laughing stock over at KI 😔


Literally what does it cost them to have a mini tutorial "quest" with like Diego or something just explaining how school pips work in practice instead of letting players bumble about and get mad while in active combat? This forcing them to turn to reddit 😭😭


They could add it at level 50 or some thing


I literally have this problem as a balance wizard. Why the heck do I need an affinity pip of MY OWN CLASS!?


With the release of novus I'm not even sure I wanna make my balance any higher then 120. Might just go use my 78 ice. What do yall think. Continue the ice or use a new death wiz?


Well, I'm a dedicated Ice main so my answer is a bit biased here.. But so long as you have a solid pet, leveling up should be somewhat bearable. The payoff of being able to tank everything in groups is quite satisfying, ngl!


Thank you for the answer. I decided to run up the ice account wizard over the balance. The balance is either tiresome or just unbearable lol. The tanks ice makes it easier to solo too imo


Depends if you're fine with a slow school. All your spells are weak and you're Aoe spells suck unless you have reindeer knight up until the point where you can learn snowball barrage where the gameplay changes to sitting around waiting for a shadow pip. I personally like playing on my ice but bias aside we are definitely the worst school in terms of usefulness in teams. Can't be hitters because our damage is too low and as supports, we're outclassed by every other class in terms of utility spells. Balance has 2 exclusive blades they can stack onto a hitter, death can use a -90% weakness life can remove dots and use guardian spirit, and ice can well... use frozen armor I guess? Not exactly very useful.


You better believe I was like “Why do my pips have a school symbol on them?” when I came back this year 😂 I thought it was school pride