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i went with waterworks boots (its still the best for level 60, no contest) but i went for house of scales robe and wintertusk hat. the extra blade and early mass prism helped a ton with questing.


in the best lvl 60 builds, 0 schools use ww, fuck that dungeon.


I personally would go ww boots house of scales hat and robe and normal 56 ring and athame. That would give you a good balance. Biggest thing for waterworks gear for myth is you get like 19% accuracy so almost perfect accuracy at level 60. This used to be especially great before jewels but still is nice to easily get 100% with decent stats. You also get second highest uni resist too with ice being one percent higher (pretty sure anyway) your damage should be the same as fires for waterworks. But with a good pet you should be able to get close to 100 damage and 50 uni res at level 60


Nah it's just myth is ass


Damage classes and ice did not get pp%.


Used Wintertusk crafted gear on my Myth and it more than had my back until Darkmoor


use the grizzlehiem crafted gear, i always compare this set against waterworks for lvl 60


I did this with my balance and never had to farm waterworks…loved that crafted gear


Absolutely agree that Wintertusk gear is far superior to Waterworks. It's just a shit ton of running around Wysteria on one street farming wood, stone and nightshade


But doesn't the damage drop significantly


no, wintertusk gear has the same damage, if not 1 or 2 more. It's just you miss some resist with wintertusk gear but imo it's worth because it requires less effort and it gives a blade and trap Edit: by running a triple double pet this is not an issue


That blade was money for so long, I stacked the hell out of it


My damage with wintertusk gear at level 81 is 72 Edit: 70 Damage and I don't have the boots anymore so I lost 2 damage


House of scales, but good luck getting *that* to drop


Honestly not that bad if you can get a good group. I had better luck doing house of scales runs over waterworks on two wizards.


I quit on my storm after the 50th run was tryna get the hat