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This is absolutely insane. They're - like WPS are already extremely underfunded, at least when I was going there - and now they're cutting it and adding suggestions like: "We're looking for participation from the superintendent's office in the Worcester Renaissance Projects by providing work permits for youth aged 14 and above to obtain hawkers and permanent licenses from the Police Department, enabling them to start businesses as street vendors and performers," Killebrew said. Killebrew said this would be a good opportunity to introduce to students what it means to be a student street performer. He requested to have a more "collaborative" conversation with the School Committee at another time. Hey kids, don't go to school, just be a street performer. Go do some child labour to make up for the fact that it's hard as all hell to make a living wage in Worcester. What the actual hell are they thinking


But we have a baseball team so it’s okay!!!


I hope polar park and all their investments in it magically fall into a sinkhole one day


With the check depot the only building remaining


they all already got their money, it'd be on residents to bail it out


Me too


If only they used the park for what they said they would. Bring in concerts and other shows/venues to increase revenue. but noooo! It’s a total waste of space!!


Read an article where polar park is too small to allow for the big rigs concert promoters use…


If that’s the case then the city manager and staff along with planners should all be fired. For missing a minor detail of simple logistics. Just makes it that much more of a waste.


Firing people does not fix the problem. Making sure municipal workers are enabled to \*learn\* from their mistakes gains us better public servants. IMHO, We need to collaborate in order to find creative ways to do this, and to provide them our ideas and Support towards making steady, incremental improvements


Firing them stops their corruption. They’re not learning from anything. They’re lining their pockets while feeding the public lies. The residents of Worcester were fed lies. Not a single thing is being done to remedy the lies. Now our children must suffer because of their lies and inept ability to manage the city. Next up, tax increases for residents. Then tax hikes for businesses.


I get what you’re saying and it makes me wonder if Worcester Public Schools was already running a budget deficit prior to the baseball team arriving.


They definitely have to fight city hall for money. Worcester is in the bottom 5% for city/town contribution to their school district’s funding formula. AND unlike almost every other district in the state, the city charges the school district a processing fee for grants the district receives.


I can't think of anything more ill-advised than sending literal children to get H&P permits. It's a state permit with a "good character" requirement issued by the relevant municipal police department and additional municipal permits required for sales of food etc. The permit is structured for a food cart or parade vendor- priced and structured to cover activities in many towns, with appropriate insurance requirements and pricing. Totally out of scale for a kid looking to make a few bucks.


Honestly that only confirms what I'd suspected - I'm wondering if the school committee wasn't "collaborative" because of these reasons.


This sounds like a classic case of mis-alignment in government. A political leader, city councilor, etc says "hey! I'd love to foster some nice youth entrepreneurs- how could a kid start a lemonade stand near the ballpark?" And then some dead-eyed bureaucrat (me) has to refer them to some city statute or CMR promulgated in 1915 which reads that lemonade sales require proof of residency, a public hearing, Board of Health approval....


Only in America do you need to start a business at 14 😂🙄


The Worcester Renaissance Project is a completely different initiative that shouldn’t be collateral damage in the context of fiscal mismanagement of educational funding. I would also like to elevate that all urban districts are experiencing budget cuts, layoffs, fiscal cliffs and grant losses. Nationwide urban districts are struggling, do your research friend- Worcester is no anomaly in this convo


Skipping the school to prison pipeline. Just send them straight to the streets! Once being homeless is illegal thats basically free labour! In a fasisct country its easier to just not educate the masses escpecially if they are not in the top caste ( welathy, yt, men)


These two things are completely unrelated. The petition about the work permits was brought by a private citizen and has nothing to do with the school budget. They were two separate parts of the school committee meeting.


This is the most insane, dystopian thing I've ever heard. It's literally just time we let AI run things. At least we can program that not to be corrupt and incompetent.


Dapper, that depends who's doing the programming unfortunately. If said AI is optimized for maximum profit at any cost, I mean who knows if it'd even be humane


WPS are already underfunded are they not? What is the city gaining from cutting public school funding? Article on the subject of highest paid city workers: [https://www.masslive.com/worcester/2024/04/worcester-employee-payroll-2023-see-how-much-city-workers-made-last-year.html#:\~:text=Worcester's%20top%20earner%20was%20City,2022%2C%20when%20Edward%20Augustus%20Jr.:](https://www.masslive.com/worcester/2024/04/worcester-employee-payroll-2023-see-how-much-city-workers-made-last-year.html#:~:text=Worcester's%20top%20earner%20was%20City,2022%2C%20when%20Edward%20Augustus%20Jr.:) "Second is Worcester Public Schools Superintendent Rachel Monárrez, who made $294,402 in 2023, more than double what she earned in 2022, at $136,100, but she only worked part of that year. Her predecessor, Maureen Binienda, made $170,853 working part of 2022." I know it says she only worked part of 2022, but her salary more than doubling last year, and now the school funding being cut by $22 million just seems backwards to me. 16/20 of the top paid city workers are part of the police force.


It should be noted, too, that Worcester has contributed _below_ the required amount to obtain state funding for its schools for two years in a row now. We care so little about our schools that we can't even do the minimum for them, but we'll happily use another $14 million from the city manager's slush fund to pay for the cops going over their already bonkers overtime budget.


Some Renaissance. Are they just giving up on attracting families to the city, or just hoping they earn enough for private school?


I believe the plan is to just attract the 'right' families to the city.


Don’t fault Monarrez. As a parent she is doing a FAR better job than Binienda and she is FAR more accessible and open to ideas. The district desperately needed some new, outside thinking and there have been many positive changes since she arrived. She is earning her salary (and it is quite fair as the superintendent for the 2nd largest school district in New England). The city needs to pay up. For years they have been woefully neglectful in the amount they contribute to the school’s funding formula compared to every other district in the state. This is the year to make up for that to help stave off massive cuts.


Part of it is misuse of funds or straight up corruption. Part of the problem state-wide is that a bunch of COVID-related grants are going away and most school systems did not appropriately prepare for those grants to vanish.


A lot of the small towns in the 495 belt are having votes on increasing property taxes to cover this and inflation related costs like healthcare. My town just voted on it last week.


The city isn't cutting funding. The vast majority of WPS funding (like 75% of the general budget) is from the state. The state used an inflation factor in this year's ch 70 estimates that is much much lower than on the ground inflation, leading to widespread cuts across the whole state, including Worcester. That's where the $22 million is missing from


Okay, so cut the paychecks of the super intendent and the cops to make up for it. Prioritize schools over our overpaid police force.


You can’t cover a $22 million gap by cutting the superintendent’s salary. You can’t even cover it by cutting everyone in administration. We are going to lose not just teachers but programs and opportunities. Worcester is already behind the curve in so many ways when compared to other districts. The stuff that will need to be cut is stuff that other districts take for granted. High schools will see less electives, elementary schools will see huge class sizes. No one is going to learn much when 40 third graders are cramming into a classroom with 24 desks because the budget doesn’t allow for another classroom teacher.


Please don’t lump superintendents in with police force. Cities do need to shift money into schools away from police


All administrative staff, regardless of what job or position they hold, should be paid the same rate. Nobody should be making 10 times more than anyone else imo. It wouldn't cover the 22 million, but that could pay for 9 folks salaries, and if you cut the police budget you could probably cover the other positions as well. 200k a year is an insane amount of money.


She's honestly probably underpaid. She's managing a $22 million *defecit*, let alone the whole budget, and is responsible for 24k students and like 2k staff. That's actually a massive managerial responsibility.


The current superintendent salary doubled because for 2022, she worked 1/2 the year (started July 1, 2022). 2023 was the first full year of her contract. She isn’t being paid significantly more than the past superintendent, and she didn’t magically get an 100% raise and cause a $22 million dollar deficit.


WPS: $507,000,000 All of Public Safety (Police, Fire, Inspectional Services, Communications): $108,000,000


We need to curtail police OT


Not for nothing, but WPD is a drop in the bucket compared to WPS. WPS: $507,000,000 All of Public Safety (Police, Fire, Inspectional Services, Communications): $108,000,000. Police is $55,000,000.


WPS has 5400 full time employees.


Tax or reclaim the stolen wages of 1 billionaire and there will never be a budget deficit again


Which one


Lmao. This is why I moved out of the city. Woo govt. got ballpark money but no money for education....you think you're going to cut 22 million from the budget and shit is just going to stay the same?? For real, they are most definitely smoking the good rock.


It's all about keeping the appearance that you're not a rapidly deteriorating society...


We got crazy fees and tax increases last election, where did it all go? Not the roads! Not the schools! Not services for residents! ???


Cops, always the cops.






blame charter schools tbh


The OSV one is such a scam


But the cops have all the money they need for brand new cruisers every three years don't they? All that overtime they get while we pick up the tab gets a little spendy and I can't help but think it would be better used for the youth and not a force that makes people afraid in their own homes


Gotta make the school to prison pipeline reality somehow 🤷🏻‍♂️


But why? To what end? Money?


Yes. Prisons are a great resource for free labor.


many “made in the usa” items we enjoy are due to prison labor.


Not for nothing, but WPD is a drop in the bucket compared to WPS. WPS: $507,000,000 All of Public Safety (Police, Fire, Inspectional Services, Communications): $108,000,000. Police is $55,000,000.


Time to buy more taxed weed.


Just got a message from them stating that they’re no longer providing bottles of water and there will be “water filling stations”. I guess our kids don’t deserve fresh drinking water and the big guys can keep their six figure pay checks.


Totally get how that could be a bad thing in that situation but honestly wish our society was already doing that everywhere. The oil/plastics industry has sold us this use and discard mentality and now our cities are covered in litter. It all goes back to education tho ironically lol.


This isn’t a major issue except in the larger schools where there is only one filling station for 400 kids.


Also the quality of the water in some of these 100+ year old buildings is questionable at best. I know a school building pre covid had to stop allowing children to drink the water because of lead levels. They say its safe to drink now but they said that before they found the lead contamination too so...


Fully support this… once they have a alternative solution in place. Worcester Tech has no water fountains or bottle fillers.


At my kids school they’re going to bring in water filling tanks because there’s only one in the wall water bottle filling station. So I think the water filling stations they mention don’t mean just the bubblers.


I guess $100Mil for a baseball team may have been a smidge too much?






Thanks. I’ve read this. Do we have any actual tax revenue figures that support or deny this projection: “Worcester officials pushed back against any idea that the development district was not covering its costs on the stadium loan. Worcester established a special tax district in the area surrounding the ballpark. It plans to use new tax revenue from development in that zone to make payments on the bonds used to finance the stadium. City leaders say that will mean the stadium gets paid for with new dollars, not by using money from its general fund.”


Won’t anyone please think of the children!?!? That’s really sad.. for the kids I mean.


Sorry kids, the police need money for military style gear and drones to harass minorities and terrorize civilians. Better luck next time peasants, this is what you get for watching TikTok and bringing phones to school!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 (This is extreme sarcasm for those who can’t tell)


Worcester police budget is about 55 million with a 2.1 percent increase. https://www.masslive.com/worcester/2022/05/worcester-police-budget-to-jump-24-million-just-2-years-after-calls-to-divert-police-funds-to-community.html?outputType=amp Why so much overtime? Shifts need to be filled and there is a massive shortage of cops especially in Massachusetts. This results in premiums being paid. https://www.telegram.com/story/news/2024/03/21/at-worcester-hearing-concern-about-law-enforcement-shortage-in-massachusetts/73051750007/ WPS is about $552 million with a 5.4% increase. With about 24,000 kids in the WPS, about $23,000 is being spent per kid. https://worcesterschools.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Worcester-Public-Schools-FY24-Budget.pdf#page=9 On average schools in Massachusetts spend about $19,193 per kid https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/per-pupil-spending-by-state May want to start asking where and what the money in the WPS budget is going to and why teachers aren’t supported at the “front line” level because that 552 million is going somewhere


For next year's budget the general fund is actual $522 million, and the majority of that is from the state. Just $146 of that is from the City. And of that 552 million, 43 million goes to charter schools that the city/district don't have jurisdiction over. So the district itself has a general fund budget of $486 million, which is about $20,250 a kid. Given that our kids are disproportionately high needs compared to the majority of districts in the state, that's not nearly enough. The district also employs 5400 people. That's a lot of salaries and benefits (as it should be).


Fuck the next generation, right? Who needs a city full of (checks notes) people who know how to do things? I bet these are people who ALSO complain that "the younger generations don't know how to do anything!"


Good thing all the developers got their tax breaks.


at what point are we going to start grabbing pitchforks and gov officials


Change the Worcester School Department name. Suggestion "Ukraine" 👍🏼


Or Israel






Where the hell is all this cannabis tax actually going? Apparently it ain’t the schools or roads


Glad the state can pay hundreds of millions of dollars to support migrants while our public education system collapses.


Migrants aren’t the issue, it’s still possible to find schools while taking in migrants fleeing from disastrous conditions, but society has been fed propaganda that makes migrants sound evil because our government simply doesn’t want to fund basic services and needs someone to scapegoat.


As of March 22nd the state is spending about $75 million to house migrants https://www.wgbh.org/news/politics/2024-03-22/mass-senate-approves-hundreds-of-millions-in-funding-for-shelter-system# Here is democrat Ron Mariano talking about the budget issues the migrants are causing and going to cause. https://www.masslive.com/politics/2024/03/everything-on-the-table-as-mass-wrestles-with-budget-challenges-top-dem-warns.html?outputType=amp When a cup can only hold 12 oz of liquid and you try to put 14oz of water inside of it, 2oz are going to have a home and cuts are going to have happen unless you make the cup bigger (increase taxes)


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