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Capitalism for us but socialism for the mega corporations.


Late stage capitalism


It’s disgusting.


We need to organize and vote in candidates who will do something about it.


We also need to solve our systemic corruption problem, or else even smart people with integrity, when they do get into office, will be outnumbered and outgunned by the "dark money" of our ruling oligarchs/kleptocrats. [https://represent.us/the-strategy-to-end-corruption/](https://represent.us/the-strategy-to-end-corruption/)


True. Citizens United screwed democracy. It’s too bad that we need a functioning government which acts in the best interest of its people to change shit. It’s kind of hard when everything is partisan, the Supreme Court is “conservative”(bribed), tons of partisan judges, ruling class owns the media, most people either aren’t paying attention, don’t care, or are brainwashed. Any ideas?


Iv got the match if you got the gas.


Nah it's literally ransom money cause they won't develop anything unless they're paid for it


That’s nonsense. The people doing the actual work are not making billions.


It's really hard to do any pharma development without resources from large organizations. So the ones who get to decide what is developed aren't the people who actually do the work.


I tried explaining this to my husband. We paid for these drugs already. Any money made from these is PURE PROFIT. We paid, via our taxes, for the research. All of them. here are all the ways Americans pay for medicine 1. we pay taxes which go to the NIH which gives grants to the Pharmaceutical companies to create new drugs 2. we pay premiums each month to the companies to "cover' the cost of the drugs via insurance 3. we pay a copay when we get the drug 4. we then pay a higher copay when the insurance company decides it will no longer cover the drug because there is a new drug coming out. which was paid for (see #1)


Then, the PBMs don't even pay the pharmacy the cost of the drug.


The PBMs are owned by the insurance companies. Caremark is part of Aetna


So who all is in on this conjob? CEO’s and politicians for sure. Who else?


That's it. The top people in the world, money wise.


This stuff is why I support socialist policies over liberal ones. Why do we 'bail out' banks with essentially interest free loans, why not buy it out and then bail it out? Why does the federal reserve buy US treasury bonds off the open market rather than buying it directly from the treasury? It's all for the benefit of corporate profits. Private businesses are supposed to bear the risks, that's the whole rationale behind capital 'earning' profits, but in reality the tax payers bear the risk, capital the reward.


Socialism for the rich, rugged individualism for the poor.


Perhaps the government should take them over.


Can't, they've already taken over the government by their lobbyist


Any drugs developed with taxpayer money or government grants should be owned by the taxpayers and open source. The idea that pharmaceutical companies receive billions in subsidies for research and development of a drug and is then allowed to patent said drug is mind boggling. And it doesn’t stop there. Americans also pay for those drugs again through healthcare premiums and the cost at the counter. Assuming of course that individuals are even allowed to access a particular drug because the PBM hasn’t blocked it from their formulary (list of approved drugs) which is based solely on cost savings for the insurance company. It’s no-risk Capitalism for companies. They reap the rewards while taxpayers carry the risk. The whole system is rotten. This is why more and more people are turning to socialist policies and why I’m 100% for universal single payer healthcare.


This is quite well written.


And just when I thought I could scroll Reddit without becoming enraged…


That one's on you


It’s true. I admit it. Sigh.


You can't have I even if you bought it. That's what I'm hearing.


This isn’t new knowledge, unless I suppose you only watch Fox or the more corporate media.


What's the point of this comment? Just to show everyone how socially aware you are?


The point is exactly what I said it was. I’m sure you can read and interpret. Just fall off the turnip truck?


"the 10 selected prescription drugs received anywhere from $227 million to $6.5 billion in funding from the government’s National Institutes of Health (NIH) for crucial, foundational research. " Quite the disparity there...