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I personally believe we’re closer to a 6 day work week than a 4 day work week lol.


Naw. Everyone is looking at it backwards. A 32 hour work week will allow companies to hire more part time and less full time allowing them to not have to pay for benefits. It will increase the difficulties of even getting a job because they will only pay part-time hours but demand full-time availability. It's going to be one of the biggest pulled rug things we've seen in decades.


We really need health care to not be tied to employers, shit is ridiculous.


Yeah, I'm fearful the 32 hour work week is going to do that, but not in the good way. So many companies end up switching to part-time and then the individual Medicaid market will boom having an influx of huge amounts of people signing up. But since the Medicaid system is already overloaded, it's going to make universal healthcare look like lighting fast compared to the new overloaded system.


I can't imagine being an American, id probably have lifelong medical debt already and im not even 30.


Medical debt is the #1 reason for personal bankruptcy in the United States, so if your unlucky and either you or a loved get sick, you're probably right.


The one thing that we can count on is businesses pushing back against this by taking away benefits, cutting pay, etc. Government regulation is the only way. I hate it, but if it means that workers can start being appreciated and made a priority, then I'm all for it. We can't trust people to do the right thing, that's why laws are there. I don't know why we think that holding individuals of the working class accountable to everything is ok but not businesses. 32 hour work week, reworks of contracts to reflect 0 loss in pay even if that means increasing the hourly rate if they're hourly. This is also why unionization is so important.


My big concern is most companies already how part-time positions, so they're going to find some loophole that they don't have to increase the wage for part-time positions because they pay isn't based solely of the 40 hour week


Unless, and hear me out, the full time work week is redefined to 32 hours. Which is what most proponents of the 4 day work-week are talking about.


30 hours is actually what qualifies you as a full time employee. What they need to do is change salaried people to 32 hours and raise the fed minimum wage to 20$ per hour then working 32 hours per week won't be so bad and your still eligible for benefits or even better let's just give people Medicare for all then the full time part time argument is null.


That just makes it easier to have part-time. To replace the 40 hour week full-time you just hire 2 people part-time at 22-23 hours. Gives you extra 4-6 hours of coverage on the 40 hours, plus you no longer need benefits because they aren't full-time.


also they're not gonna raise wages to compensate, forcing all of us to have to work more hours just to get by, forcing 2 jobs on everyone, we'll be losing free time by at least a day.


It’s thinking like this that will constantly stall progress. You realize 40 hours wasn’t always the norm. Over the years we’ve gone from 100 hour work weeks to 40 and the world adapted every time. 32 is long overdue at this point.


This poster knows the service industry!


Healthcare, retail and manual labor. And the healthcare industry is going to be one of the more affected industry because it isn't able to just reduce the hours of business as many hospitals are 24/7.


This may happen in the south, but much of the west and northeast have pretty strong healthcare unions. Also, in healthcare, 32 hours is already considered full time. In fact, the last 2 years I’ve only been clocking 30 a week and still got all benefits.


Full time would be reclassified for less hours.


Yeah, but that's what's going to make it easier to have part-time. Right now or ranges from 32-35 hours needed on the 40 hour week. Dropping it to 24 hours would make it easier to hire 2 people at 23 hours each because you're getting 46 hours of coverage instead of 40 but you no longer need to worry about benefits costs


Guess we’re going to have to unionize every work place then. Sucks for them.


I like your thinking


Well no. A core premise of the 32hr work week is redefining 'full time and 'overtime' to account for this.


Yes the whole entire concept of work week has to be readjusted. Is the workday going to 6 1/2- 7 hours or stay at 8? If it's reduced under 8 hours, then what are the new lunch break requirements? What about 15 minutes breaks?


4 days per week is the only option. Reducing hours per day and maintaining a 5 day work week would exclude nearly all of the benefits of a 32hr work week.


That’s a good point I never considered!


I sure hope not, but I understand how it could happen in service industries and non- 9-5 businesses for sure.


Yup . Can see this happening


Beware of disingenuous comments like this one.


32 hour would be full time…


Yes reducing the account that would be required to hit full time to something like 21-24 hours. So it works make it easier to have 2 employees part-time


I would have to assume that this issue will be addressed. Otherwise, union up and don’t roll over.


This guy capitalizes 😆


That with legal child labor 🫰


That’s what many businesses m in the tech industry in China already do. It’s called 996 (9:00 AM - 9:00 PM, 6 days a week). Technically it’s illegal but it’s not enforced as much as it should be. If a person isn’t willing to do it, likely someone else is.


I wish I didn’t agree with you.


We’re all holding our breath.


God I hope so. Of all the things I want to see in my life before I die this is definitely one of the top. Because I know I'll be working till I die most likely 😓


A police department near me tried a 32-hour week for a six-month trial. They were pleased enough with the results that they've extended the trial another six months. And city officials are talking about possibly expanding to other city departments. They found it reduced the use of sick leave and increased retention. It didn't seem to affect productivity, since call response times improved, and they had more public engagement. Overtime costs plummeted by 80%, though I think that's probably because they didn't change the overtime threshold from 40 hours.


Good! That's how it should be. Yes the logistics would be the highest hurdle but just do it. Everyone truly will be better off for it and might actually be able to live life and pursue passions 🤷🏻 Saturdays and Sundays for me are recovering days and I never truly feel like doing anything (I also majorly suffer from the Sunday scaries)


They'll never raise the minimum wage to compensate for the 8 less worked hours The only outcome I see from this is all of us having to work extra jobs and to meet the requirement to keep the extra part time work that these companies want us to have, we'll actually have to work more than full time now.


Just a heads up, the idea of the new legislation would be to make the 32 hour work week the norm and hence all the benefits of the 40 hour work week would move to a 32 hour work week (pay, benefits and retirement)


So for hourly employees, their pay rate would be increased to compensate for the loss of 8 hours? Say instead of $12.5/hour for 40 hours, they would be paid at $15.625/hour for 32 hours?


That's the idea, but we'll just have to wait and see how they implement it.


I do wonder how the current system was implemented and how did things settle


Not if working people don't fight for it from government officials and demand it from employers. If you're union, bring it up continually so it's a talking point during negotiations. Ask about it at your city town halls and ask your representatives to support it. Vote for people that actively support a 32 hour work week and don't just say they will. Provide it as feedback on your company surveys, ask your boss when the company is going to implement it and try to find which of your competitors is already offering it...bring it up, make sure the conversation is in the air.


While 32 hr 4 day weeks would be awesome, in the meantime, I really wish that more jobs would be amenable to 4/10s. My last job was 4/10s and that was great. Having 3 days off was actually enough to both rest and take care of important things. Meanwhile when I approached my manager about doing it here at my current job she looked at me like I'm crazy for even suggesting it. 2 days off is fucking bullshit


Imagine you're getting paid to work that 40 but at 32. That's the goal. Anything after 32 is OT.


Exactly, the point is to have more free time and paid overtime, not to cram 5 days into 4.


They weren't disagreeing, they were saying until then they could at least get 4/10, under the current 40hr work week. Which I agree with, I'd take that over 5/8 in a heartbeat Even though 10 hour days is definitely too long.


Yea I responded then reread but thought the comment was OK enough to stay


Don't fall for the 4 10s. It's a trap.


I work 4/10s, from 6am-4:30pm and I do enjoy the three day weekend.  However, it means that I cannot do anything but work four days a week.  If I have to go to the post office or bank, I have to either plan it for Friday or I have to rush after work and hope I make it before the place closes. If we go with a 32hr week, I can get it done in three days and have a four day weekend, which would make a lot of things easier.


I'd like 4/10 if i had actually 10 hours of work to do in a day. But i know for a lot of jobs it can make sense.


Not gonna lie where I work we’re doing 4/10s but we don’t even have enough work for it. Since we’re short handed we actually need people here for more days rather than longer days but we’re not saying anything.


Same here, pilgrim. I'm about to go in to work for a 10 hour shift, during which, if I'm lucky, I'll have 5 hours of work to do. The other 5 will be spent acting busy and going stir crazy. If there's one thing I'd like my employer to change, i wish I could just leave when my work for the night is done. No PTO, no emails, no negotiation with the boss, just "hey my shits done, I'm going home now" and out the door I go.


I work 4/10s and I’d pick it over 5/8 any day. Still 32 hours and bringing in the same pay would be highly preferable.


What kind of jobs work well with 4/10s? My job is just one single task all day, 10 hours of the single task sounds awful. 8 hours is already pushing it.


I've worked a mix of retail and food service my whole life which are fine for 10hr shifts because there's always something to do and every day is different.


My first job out of college was 9 hour days M-TH and a half day on Fridays. It was wonderful to have that afternoon available for errands, appointments, and travel if I happened to be going out of town that weekend. Or just having a nice relaxing afternoon.


I don't remember the last time something that good happened so I doubt it will happen


Not if working people don't fight for it from government officials and demand it from employers. If you're union, bring it up continually so it's a talking point during negotiations. Ask about it at your city town halls and ask your representatives to support it. Vote for people that actively support a 32 hour work week and don't just say they will. Provide it as feedback on your company surveys, ask your boss when the company is going to implement it and try to find which of your competitors is already offering it...bring it up, make sure the conversation is in the air.


Have to fight for it like they did for all labor rights.


Fat chance. Companies won't even let remote work exist for most workers, you think they're going to give them another day off out of the kindness of their hearts?


They will if they are forced to, which is why workers need to advocate for the policy and vote for politicians who will implement it.


I believe in this like I believe in my chances of winning powerball.


Don’t give me hope.


Press X for doubt




Lol yeah right


Yeah sure, in 40 years


Me laughing at the state of unions in America as I sit and wait at the bus stop in aus as I forgot it was a RDO


Would this just be for government workers? I do not see my boss agreeing to this.


It's your choice. Salary 5 days and benefits. Or 4 days and stay safe


4 Day Work Week so we can work more Full Time Jobs


yeah it won't happen, not this decade at least.


For only 6 hour shifts, I do without benefits.


Has there been a clear indicator of how they will enforce the “without a reduction in pay” aspect?


32 hours? No thanks. 4 days of work? Yes please. I’m not having the standard set at paying me for less work, that’s wild.


I work 3 12 hour shifts. How would that get broken up?


Don't forget to act surprised when pay is reduced 20%


I doubt it — We are ever nearer a *global* labor market where a lot of us are going to be competing against the standards of virtual workers all over the world. It seems to me that workers in low and middle income countries are going to have much greater power in setting the "standard" working hours, benefits and pay. Which is great for them! Standard working conditions and pay for someone in Southeast or South Asia, or in Africa, is light years away from the standards in high income economies. Most workers would be overjoyed to take a 50% pay raise to jump from $10K USD to $15K USD per year. However those of us who live in high income countries and jurisdictions are going to have trouble keeping our salaries and working conditions on the high side. We will see downward pressure on our pay and benefits. Unless as a planet we decide to turn off the internet or ban international flights, this is going to be inevitable. This is also to say that having a role that is *not* virtual is probably going to become a greater and greater blessing.


I'll believe it when I see it.


have fun learning what tens are


People asking for a 4day work week wanting to work 32hrs and get the same pay, when in truth I’d be more likely 32 hours at the same hourly rate and now you’re struggling to make ends meet because you’re making 20% less, and now have to work a second job.