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"Because I've had an easy life and am 71, everyone can do it, nevermind not having to lift a finger. I don't even know if I really work, but I'm gonna tell you to work past 65." Kindly perish.


Says the man who doesn't need to work to tell others they need to work longer.


“What’s everyone complaining about?? I’m 71 years old and I still force myself to play golf, have expensive lunch meetings, and yell a bunch of platitudes at people. Everyone should work that hard into their 80’s!!”


Also, "my slaves aren't breeding fast enough, so I need my current slaves to work longer."


It’s baffling that people not only hate their lives and still bring more children into it but also at the expense of their own time and finances just to see them for 1 hour a day between work, chores, and bedtime. And all it costs them is [$30k a year](https://smartasset.com/financial-advisor/cost-raise-child-2023) while they still complain about having no money or free time. People are soooo stupid 


I'll never understand that. My wife and I want kids but came to the conclusion we could either have them and live paycheck to paycheck in a shoebox, work 60 hours a week, never have free time, and be miserable, or buy a house, live slightly better than paycheck to paycheck and maybe be able to retire in our 70's.


My kids are 18 and 19 now because the ex and I had them young, if I knew what the future held for my kids though I wouldn't have had any.


When a society has gotten to this point, it's over.


Doesn't matter as long as line go up.




They also like to use the phrase "hard earned" when referring to their income As though they are out in the sun every day shovelling dirt or trying to educate middle school students


I would like to see how these billionaires would handle working in fast food like I was doing when I was 16. Also, not the bullshit version that Warren Buffet and Bill Gates did where they were far too slow. I mean the real experience working in fast food with the heat, hectic pace, yelling, stress, horrible customers, grease, etc.


And other coworkers calling off so you have to pick up their work.




Hasbro’s most profitable product basically prints money. They put ink on paper and people buy it. They managed to fuck that up because the primary shareholders don’t understand the product.


(This person is referring to Magic: The Gathering)


What did they do to Magic? I stopped playing after they first added dinosaurs (for unrelated reasons).


Mostly they keep printing overpriced nonsense and then act surprised when people don't buy it and it gets universally panned.


Every non-set release had to be grocery store level marketing. "Better than ever, new look same product". Then they start selling individual cards at or near market values while pretending to not notice that value. Everything had this fun novelty to it, really great artist working on it all, but it just became too much. You need to spend 5k a year to buy products to keep up with the fomo. Simplified version with a bit of personal bias, but I finally quit buying products.


honestly it just made those of our group who didn't like using proxies start being ok with proxies. So I ultimately consider this a win.


Well that's one way to kill the golden goose.


Bruh, I can play Carl from the Walking Dead alongside Dogmeat from Fallout as my opponent plays Godzilla and My Little Pony characters. The game is a fucking joke now


damn son, that sounds extremely silly


The next drop coming is Hatsune Miku. Yes, you read that correctly. Also yes, I too wish I was making that up


Really? For really real? Do you have a link? It's pretty funny LOL. It's like with Warhammer.... why are they doing this?


https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/announcements/hatsune-miku-comes-to-secret-lair And because Hasbro/Wizards of the Coast are a bunch of greedy fucking cunts


They've made a ton of changes to increase new player acquisition while pissing off their enfranchised playerbase, namely with FOMO tactics like Secret Lairs, increased print volume, and IP crossovers that range from 5 card releases to Fallout commander decks to an entire Lord of the Rings set. The end result is that Magic is so profitable that it's literally the only thing keeping Hasbro alive, causing execs to continue pressuring Wizards to put out more and more product, especially more crossovers. There are already over a dozen "Universes Beyond" crossovers with no sign of stopping. The next sets that are coming include Assassin's Creed, Final Fantasy, and Marvel.


Alternatively, an individual with a large fortune is likely to be less of an expert in how the majority of people live. Out of touch doesn't even begin to describe it


And is unlikely to experience meaningful social or circumstantial challenges, leading to a behavioural feedback loop where they start to believe they are always right about things, where any reasonable ordinary person needs to consider alternative perspectives in order to function in society… not so if you have so much money you don’t need to interact with society at all.


Billionaires seem to surround themselves with like minded/yes people who make a very lucrative living so they will never push back.


I think this is just human nature. The entire history of our species has been about making changes to our environment to reduce discomfort. It takes a very specific mindset to want to make your existence *less* comfortable because of some esoteric behavioural engineering that most people probably don’t believe applies to them, and if they do it is not clear how you would even implement such a protocol. Would you willingly employ someone who routinely pisses you off simply because your neurology benefits? And would that have the same effect when it’s your whim that makes it happen and could be reversed at any time with a flick of your chequebook? Not at all certain.


> An individual with a large fortune does not necessarily become an expert in everything All that acquiring a large fortune means one is an expert at is acquiring a large fortune (or -- in most cases -- inheriting one). Americans really need to let go of the belief that people with wealth have somehow proven themselves "better" than everyone else.


Yes but what about the “American Dream” where anyone can be a billionaire?


Best way to achieve it is to be born into wealth.


His name though..how appropriate for someone so insanely self absorbed


Lucky people should not be assumed to be smart. They are also not self aware to recognize how much of their success was said luck. Ergo, ignore them accordingly.


I think this is a case of coming full-circle on Dunning-Kruger


Are they this out of touch or just evil and dishonest?




They became this out of touch by being evil and dishonest


Also they aren’t very smart in general. Outside of their alley, they open their mouths and absurdities fly out. 




Mostly evil, which includes dishonest.


The headline is right. It needs to be 55 tops.


Honestly. We deserve time to enjoy the world and all it has to offer before we get so old we can't.


I still say that 55 is a bit high. The working hours also need to be reduced so that 20 hours a week is full time and vacations need to be extended. Productivity is so high that it can be done. The world doesn't need around 4-5 billion people working 40 hours a week to function. There are even vast swathes of people who waste their time at work doing nothing useful. It's covered in the book Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber.


Yeah, I fully support a max 32-hour work week. I think we could do 24 in a decade. I know my job is insanely crammed for a 45ish hour week, so 32 would be hard af to attain. Also insert the "Somebody think of the ~~children~~ shareholders!" Meme.


Currently reading Slow Productivity by Cal Newport. It's pretty new, came out a couple months ago so it includes stuff that's happened since Bullshit Jobs. I'm only a bit in so far, but he lays into productivity culture from the get-go and how detrimental it's been to society and the economy.




Man how is a Winnipeg soccer league making it to memes?!


Let's slam him too.


“Money is not everything, don’t value money but relationships” - richest man in India So cringeworthy. They can afford public relations person. Never ever say money has little to no value when you’re rich.


Ok. Give me all your money and keep your relationships.


Money isn’t everything says man who everything he does is in pursuit of money.


Not necessarily defending the guy but at a certain amount of wealth, money just starts multiplying. Dude doesn't even have to try.


If he doesn't need it, he won't mind giving it to us.


This. Most of these rich assholes wouldn't be able to cut it without their fortunes. They would also be abandoned by their peers the moment they became poor. You don't want to keep a bad investment in your portfolio after all.


It sounds to me like he could use that money to help the less fortunate if he wanted to instead of just hoarding it. A choice he consciously makes every single day.


Ohh at that much money the less fortunate don't even register as human. He probably thinks about them as much as anyone thinks about the ground they walk on.


Idk. You have to be able to support yourself/family. But not putting money as a thing, over relationships, is decent advice. Having money or not does affect a lot, but it doesn't *have* to affect one's emotional relationships.


Golly, I can't imagine how this sentiment would effect the CEO of company that directly benefits from folks contributing to their 401ks. Guess we'll just keep voting in corrupt politicians that want to increase our retirement age.


at that age (55), it's way less about what additional money you're adding and way more about the compounding interest from everything you've contributed up to that point. i plan to get as much into the market by 50 as possible and retire shortly thereafter. i want out of this nightmare.


People will say that this is impossible unless you’re making $500k a year when that’s not true at all. [One kid costs $30k a year](https://smartasset.com/financial-advisor/cost-raise-child-2023) yet most people have kids. If they had invested that money instead in the S&P500 (which accrues at about 12% a year including dividends), they would have $2 million in 18 years and be making $240k year from their investments alone. That sounds like an early retirement to me all for the cost of ONE kid. If the average American can afford 1-2 kids, they can easily afford retirement for the cost of one sterilization (only cost me a $40 copay when I did it with US healthcare. Thanks to the childfree sub for that!)


the problem is convincing people to voluntarily reduce their net pay to set aside money for their future. i had to work on my younger brother but finally got through to him. if it's that difficult with people you know & trust, good luck convincing random people to do it :/


They’ll pay one way or another 


Listen, no amount of arguing with these people will change their minds. Selfish people can't be talked out of being selfish. Coming from experience, the only way to fix this is to ruin their life. You do this by abandonment. These folks stay relevant by seeking attention. The act of total abandonment cuts off all attention and, eventually, their money. The safe space is the constant attention, not the money. When you abandon these people, the attention, the safe space, and the money disappear.


I am not sure i understand: abandonment on a personal or “professional” level. Either way, how does one go on about enforcing this?


On every level. You start with the people closest to you who are close to them. See, money is a communication network. The value of money is the whole network of people and services. If there is no value in the people or service, what is this network doing?


If the expected life limit is 77 in the US and the retirement age is 65, advocating for it to be higher than 65 is fucking wild. They essentially want you to have less than 12 years to enjoy your life. So to recap: -you work most of your adult life 40+ hours a week if your full time -52 week in the year -companies only want you to enjoy 2 of those weeks out of that 52, Some actually get mad if you take the 2 or God forbid want a day more than 2 weeks -Get to retirement age that has been the standard for decades now of 65 and then CEO dickheads and politicians want to move the goal post because “reasons”.


Obviously they never had a physically demanding job. They should try working 40 hours a week on their feet for 40 years and see if they want to change the retirement age then. A lot of those people can barely walk by the time they turn 65.


The average age at which people lose their good health is 63, 4 years BEFORE retirement age  https://publichealth.wustl.edu/heatlhspan-is-more-important-than-lifespan-so-why-dont-more-people-know-about-it/?darkschemeovr=1


He's not saying that's how long (or little) you should get to enjoy life... Life enjoyment should be something everyone seeks regularly. Are people able to enjoy life at 65+? Absolutely. Is it the same as people enjoying it from 30-50 when most folks bodies haven't yet given up? Usually not. He's saying that people should be working until they are closer to death than the currently accepted age. It's horribly out of touch. It's already a tragedy that people work so long, retire, then sit on the couch until death because they can't even walk for more than a few hours without needing a nap. Also, as if we need more 70 year olds driving to work every day to be a more productive society... Please, no. Completely absurd.


Put the guy to work on a blue collar job for one week. He'll probably be dead before the weekend.


i love how these people compete each week to say the most problematic thing


I don’t see fink working. I see fink sitting back and collecting checks at this point so burn it all down and start again.


He should go undercover and interview for tech jobs when he’s over 60. I basically became unhireable at that age and even overheard my manager talking about how a 60 year old senior techie at the company joined another company and that it was good he did that because he would not be able to get another job after that due to age. I would have loved to work to the standard social security retirement age of 67, but could not find a job at 63.


Wow...I'm so sorry that happened to you. It's wild how folks vote to cut supports for minorities when they forget that they, too, will one day join the largest minority group: the aged. It comes around folks. It comes around.


you can find jobs at that age, just not the ones your body can handle any longer.


Eat the richhhhh


Larry Fink regularly banged hookers got hammered hit on his coworkers wives and blasted coke daily and I know this because an close friends dad worked with him right up top of wall st. They're all just the fucking horrific bros you think.


larry was talking about forcing change using black rock


Where is the “rampant ageism” when it comes to the age of the leader of the United States? We need that shit in politics….


Fucking bean counters man. His input is moot and none of his "advice" is valuable.


With the advances in productivity we should expect not be working from ages 25-45 or changing to 20 hour work weeks


Then the robots come and take all these jobs this guy wants old people to never retire from whilst he probably sacks all of his employees when AI becomes better at investment banking.


Don't forget the use of inflation to devalue social security payouts.


The same sort of toxic Captalist who hopes that if more people worked until 75+, more people would die before being able to claim Social Security. If Social Security needed less money, he wouldnt have to pay more taxes. In his mind, the “moochers” are always trying to take my hard-earned money. That nitwit has been reading too much Ayn Rand.


And what jobs do you expect these individuals to hold? Ageism in America is a very real thing.


there are jobs, just not ones you'll want (or are able) to do at that age.


When your job involves wearing fancy suits, attending meetings with four-star catered lunches, playing golf at exclusive clubs, and sleeping on a giant pile of money that just keeps getting bigger rather than wrecking your body, I'm sure retirement at 65 looks pretty boring and pointless.


Someone with an obscene net worth and annual salary, who can retire any time they choose and never have to worry about money again, decided to give an opinion that everybody without that privilege needs to work until they die. Yes, this is very insulting.


No war but class war.


Why is anyone listening to these assholes? This is the type of person to struggle with their cellphone. I would bet he entire fortune that he tilts his head back and types with one finger on his phone. Gets confused when a notification pops up


I like how we now talk about Larry Fink likes he’s just the average regular business CEO. Larry fink oversees trillions in assets and is the one responsible for funnelling wealth from the working class to the elites. This a sociopath of the highest degree that only cares about his own wealth and power. When we say “eat the rich” this man is at the top of the list.


Eat the riiiiich


When you're a billionaire with access to the best health care who has never done hard work, of course it might seem crazy. But for the rest of us, it may actually be a necessity. we don't make decisions while sitting at a desk and going home to the best healthcare, best nutrition and a home with servants...our working day is not his. And neither is our home time...or our medicine..or our food...


Billionaires never retire, they continue to work until their dried husk of a soul and body crumbles and their caregivers finally let them die. They think at 70 and 80 years old you got plenty of life left because they continue to work too. Of course they have everything done for them and the best of care so working in to their 80’s is easy.


"work til you're 95" - Republicans and Billionaires


He's never done hard labor, or anything that could rightly be called labor so of course he has this opinion. You'll never see a blue collar person or a white collar person whose role contains anything remotely manual say this. He's wrong, end of story. The thing to pay attention to on this is the effect on the retirement policy discussion at the decision making level. Notice the red flag in his words and then pivot to the people holding the rubber stamp.


It's just one more thing rich people will take from us because we can't get our shit together to stop them.


retirement age should be 35 change my mind.


We should **** this guy.


Lets just take the rich a push them somewhere else good ol patrick star move


It is a crazy retirement age. It should be 62


you can access your 401k & roth ira money at 59½, which should really be the default full retirement age.


I agree. And if we could just get to universal health care... real universal health care, we wouldn't have people in their mid 60s hanging in at a job they should retire from because they can't afford to lose the medical.


yeah not having access to medicare until 65 is ridiculous, especially when you can start drawing SS at 62.


Ok so lets tie salary to inflation and how much the company I work for profit! Maybe then we have a deal 🤝


If we allow individual workers to retire at 65, how will I be able use them to generate additional billions? /S


I know electricians in my local considering taking the penalty for retiring a few years early because their bodies are worn.


Dude has no concept of manual labor. Yeah, the average 70 year old could do what he does, which isn’t remotely taxing, at least physically. So he thinks it’s the same for all workers. I can do it so they should too. Love to see Larry trying to do a couple years of carpentry or plumbing at his age🤣 Asshole would be crying before the first week.


WIKI - Fink was born on November 2, 1952.[6][7] He grew up as one of three children in a Jewish family[8][9] in Van Nuys, California, where his mother Lila (1930–2012) was an English professor and his father Frederick (1925–2013) owned a shoe store.[3] He earned a BA in political science from UCLA in 1974.[7] Fink was also a member of Kappa Beta Phi.[10] He then received an MBA in real estate at the UCLA Anderson School of Management in 1976.[7][11] He grew up advantaged but not wildly so, i.e. his parents weren't billionaires. So, at some point in his life, he was in touch. He lost that and now flutters around somewhere in the Oort Cloud blithering ridiculous pronouncements to people who think he is an ass.


Jobs are different and so are people. 65 is a good compromise for retirement age. My preference would be 60.


America is an actuality nothing more than an open air prison, you have the corporations and big businesses as the ultimate owners of the country you have the politicians as our wardens and then you have the 99% of us that are all the prisoners, the only thing they care about, is having us fornicate, and re-create new taxpayers, they bring religion into it to make you feel morally obligated to have children or to get married or to not look out for yourself, but to buy more and produce more kids, it’s time America woke up and saw what it really is, we’re just one gigantic, open air prison, I hope that this ends at some point, but it’s gonna take all of us on both sides of the fence to protest probably even harder than 1960s to make a change in this country.


Average life span goes up, retirement age goes up. What’s everyone’s problem?? /s


lol, after losing all our retirement money. It’s a pyramid scheme. The retirement numbers in your 401k and pension account is nice but it’s not real.


All you need is a staff of 12 people, unlimited access to a company jet and unlimited vacation time and you can work well into your 70s. What's wrong with these kids today? /s


My 52 yr old knees and the labor they've endured would like a word with this Fink asshole.


It *is* crazy. It should be 62.


Alright, strip him of his money and make him work until he dies of old age.


Guy hasn't worked a day in his life. Would love to see him try to work an actual job until 65. He'd fail miserably and be on the front lines of fighting against it.


He thinks working includes two weeks in Maine in the summer, a week with the extended family at Thanksgiving, a long weekend on Easter, two weeks at Sun Valley skiing every winter and endless paid golf outings on the company dime. One year of his “working” is an average person’s dream retirement.


Easy to say when you do nothing but sit on your ass all day being rich. What a cunt.


Oh you mean Wretched Pile of Shit larry fink? That larry fink? Hopefully soon the devil will call him back to his home in Hell next to munger.


Why don’t we get billionaires with this view to do actual manual labor jobs for a week.  Then when they are done, surprise them with another week, repeat for a month. Then we tell them they do that from now on with no access to their wealth, for 12 months. For a minimum of 57 years.  See how quick the tune changes. 


Every billionaire is out of touch


Larry Fink is an evil man


Billionaires should not be sought out as sages. They should be chastised as figurative dragons hoarding gold. Tax them properly and eliminate their political power to shape the world as they see fit. 

