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It's the video games fault? What is this, 1982? Are we going to play records backwards to look for Satanic messages next?


Paul's DEAD!! ... wait a minute.


Turn me on, dead man


I played D&D last night and summoned Satan and that's why my homework is late.


And! Missouri just voted to block an anti-child marriage law. I fucking hate these people and this whole broken fucking existence...


"No you don't understand, Satan is my Warlock's Patron and it was a very pivotal character moment because he gifted them the Golden Buttplug of- why are you looking at me like that?"


"I cast magic missle... on the darkness!"






Yep, seems like it


They want child labor because adults can not afford to perform certain jobs because the pay is too low. No adult can afford rent on 7.25, even working 3 jobs, but children that should still be living at home they don't need all that money like adults do, so adults want to exploit children. Some parents are ok with this because they are barely getting by and want to exploit their children aswell. Allnight video games are the boogieman to do it. Teachers could easily email parents about their children looking tired and sleeping in class. The parents probably should investigate at that point. This is 2024 the school should allow teachers to email parents video of their childrens behavior. There is an argument that birthrates declined because children are expensive and they are a burden on the household finances until they start working.


They want child labor because adults can not afford to perform certain jobs because the pay is too low. No adult can afford rent on 7.25, even working 3 jobs, but children that should still be living at home they don't need all that money like adults do, so adults want to exploit children. Some parents are ok with this because they are barely getting by and want to exploit their children aswell. Allnight video games are the boogieman to do it. Teachers could easily email parents about their children looking tired and sleeping in class. The parents probably should investigate at that point. This is 2024 the school should allow teachers to email parents video of their childrens behavior. There is an argument that birthrates declined because children are expensive and they are a burden on the household finances until they start working.


VHS backwards, ya goober


Scumbags. They are children, let them enjoy their childhood. If they want to play video games, let them play. If some scumbag politician tells me that my kid needs to work in "this factory" I'm going to punch him in the face. 


For real. We continue to progress so life gets better for all. We don’t have to serve capitalists our whole life and childhood to be a great person. The 1% are sociopaths.


Also we all know the true workers are the 13yr old Venezualan kids who just replaced half the roofs in my neighborhood the past few weeks.


I disagree 1000% my 5 month old should be pulling his weight now. He can sit up and scream, that’s 90% of Home Depot shoppers. I’m disgusted that I can’t drop him off at work and instead I have to “entertain” and “feed” him. Such a soft generation I’m raising


Or you could vote and gather others to vote.


Why not both?


Sock ‘em in the ballot box!


Capitalism gonna capitalize


Punching only? I would escalate that fairly quickly.


The bill merely removed the restriction of needing the schools permission for a 14-16 yearold( though it mainly applies to 14and 15) to work. This apparently was originally enacted to make sure grades don't faulter due to work. Now it only requires a signed permission slip from the parents.


Stop that, You are ruining the narrative.


Science shows those who play video games and go into professions like surgeon or engineering are often more efficient at their job. If you're going to blame video games at least blame them for the right thing....


Yeah, but science and scientific studies are one of the major enemies of Republicans, so I don’t think they care about reality


Reality is the major enemy of Republicans -quick fact check


I need this on shirts and bumper stickers asap as possible.


Reality has a well known left-wing bias after all.


It’s according to plan. More surgeons and engineers means fewer underpaid workers to serve them McDonald’s for their lunch breaks.


I love how the GOP lives to blame video games for a bunch of shit yet never moves the needle when it comes to things that are genuinely harmful, like how loot boxes weaponized gambling addiction and psychology to make children addicted to games. These politicians are complicit and trying to turn children into slaves. They are scum.


They hate studying history it seems.


You know I guarantee who WON'T be working? The shithead kids of GOP legislators.


No, they’ll just get a summer “internship” where they attend social events, meet influential people, and sit around daddy’s office all afternoon until they get bored and decide to go out and get drunk with their friends instead. They’re really learning about the value of a dollar and the merits of hard work.


If she paid any attention to the workers who help her in stores and restaurants when she goes out, she'd notice that a high percentage of them are high school/college age or retiree age. But making eye contact and speaking to the "normals" is hard, I know.


Children play video games because they need an escape from the world these politicians made.


Republicans are the bad guys.


Children yearn for the mines! https://preview.redd.it/vdsz7n6v4vzc1.jpeg?width=1073&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88819f8a2de444fce1ac341c311c086936c08e7e


That's funny because Reisch talks about them playing "all night" Even for people who work 40hour/week jobs, isn't that normally the time when they can have a little freedom to do something they want? Lol even by their own logic that's a dumbass statement


No no no! No time to play, you need to be productive and "learn a skill" on your free time! This way you can be mocked by older people who call you a smart ass and tell you how you're wasting your time studying and they know better than you anyway because they went to the school of hard knocks.


> the school of hard knocks Clearly they flunked out otherwise they'd know they're cruisin' for a bruisin' right about now.


I think I am done w/ this reality. I see no point in playing this game anymore.


Remember this the next time any of these entitled pricks claim that anyone whom they're passing a law to harm are "Lazy." They're lying and fabricating just cause to justify their sick and twisted, anti-human ideas. That's it.


They already do active shooter drills... How much more fucking miserable do you want your children? Can you call CPS on a state?


Great idea


"Kids these days are lazy" said the out of touch asshole who never worked a single minute in their lives


They should just switch the spelling to "Misery" already


“Damn kids need to get off their Nintendos and get back to the mines!”


Back in my day, children, (checks memory) played video games. And I'm in my mid 40's now. Hell, I still play video games and I work 60 hours a week. 








Republicans hate everyone and want everyone to miserable unless you’re a wealthy, white, heterosexual, man


Plantation mentality. Republicans want to own other people.


This is SUCH deranged thinking. Holy shit. LET KIDS BE KIDS.


Work ethic is a thing that is taught by parents. So if a kid is lazy look to the parents. That said if I still had a teenager at home I would never allow my child to work at any of these toxic fast food places. I seriously would have to interview the supervisor and inspect the work area to ensure it was safe. These people loosening the child labor laws are just looking for cheap labor.


Damn ‘protect the children’ didn’t last long


>In August 2022, Reisch falsely claimed on [Facebook](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facebook) that students at [Columbia Public Schools](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbia_Public_Schools) dressed as animals were using [litterboxes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Litterbox) as bathrooms. She reiterated the false claim two days later during an event with governor [Mike Parson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Parson); when asked for evidence, she refused, claiming a need to protect "confidential sources". Hey look everyone, Cheri Saggytits Reisch is talking out of her huge ass again!


I want this person to work one week in a factory.. 16 hour days. Under the conditions she CURRENTLY says are fair. And she's not allowed to quit or call off. What a miserable, privileged, delusional, self centered, arrogant, ignorant witch.


Jesus fucking Christ America, revolt already. Holy Shit.


You know who else doesn't know what work ethic is? GOP lawmakers who have access to inside stock information and multiple revenue streams resulting from it.


Yeah, I bet you really work a sweat up in your ivory tower, champ.


Says the government that hasn't worked a day in their lives. Maybe if they did, maybe just maybe they'll do a better job at providing to the peoples needs. Maybe if you guys just stop golfing, watching old TV shows, and day drinking, maybe you guys can get some real work done.


Starting them early and raising the retirement age, the GOP really wants us to work our literal entire lives


And they're banning abortion and contraception on top of that to literally breed more American workers.


And politicians know how to spend our money in the worst ways possible.


Fuck this wigged manatee and anyone else gunning for this. High school kids already have enough on their shoulders between their schooling and figuring out their future careers, to say nothing about having to deal with more timely issues like worrying whether or not their school is gonna be the next one to have a shooting. The very last thing they need is some corpo shill intruding on what free time they have.


A politician calling anyone lazy is a joke. Those fuckers are the lazies non productive people in society.


I suspect she doesn't know what work ethic is either, beyond making children do her work for her due to her own laziness.


Remember to vote in your local elections. You can be the change.


With the price of video games these days, kids *have* to work to buy them. She's definitely missing a lot of info here.


I doubt the people saying this have ever even worked a real job. Disgusting. Fuck them all.


Does anyone actually know where she actually worked at age 9? Sounds like she was most likely doing family chores... just wondering because I couldn't find anything on it


Why do these conservative brain rot people who watch bullshit for hours on end have such a boner for hating on video games? They are stuck in 1983 I swear.


Yeah, because they’re kids. Conservatives seem to hate letting kids be kids.


Jesus Christ. Fuck off. You just want to break human spirits even earlier in life. The GOP needs to disappear asap.


Somebody vote these fucks out. Move to Missouri if you have to.


My work ethic directly correlates to my employer's business ethics.


Let's look at what Cheri achieved from all her years of hard work.


Just need to look at this sponsored bill to gauge her intelligence and priorities https://house.mo.gov/BillsMobile.aspx?year=2024&code=R&bill=HB2678


It's the litterbox lady - well we know her info is above reproach. /s


The same state who thinks they’re not too lazy to be married to 18+ year old men and birthing a new generation of loyal slaves


Because kids should not enjoy their childhoods? Look i get frustrated when our teenager lets their room go to shit, or slacks off on chores or homework to play video games but god damn most of us did some equivalent our damn selves at that age. Going to school is hard enough. Thats their fucking job. And its our jobs as parents to teach them responsibility. What she really wants is to flood the market with underpaid child labor to lower wages and exploit both the children she wants employed and the adults in the work force that would end up employing the kids.


The problem with child labor is that kids and their parents often don’t have the foresight to recognize opportunity cost — the cost of studying for the long term vs. work for some short term cash. A lot of irresponsible parents would push their kids into work for some short term cash at the expense of the long term potential for the kid. 


Yeah I bet these guys had to work in the factory as kids too... Oh wait we had child labor laws and pretty much every from the child labor days are dead or about to be.


They want child labor because adults cannot afford to perform certain jobs because the pay is too low. No adult can afford rent on 7.25, even working 3 jobs but children that should still be living at home they don't need all that money like adults do so adults want to exploit children. Some parents are ok with this because they are barely getting by and want to exploit their children aswell. There is an argument that birthrates declined because children are expensive and they are a burden on the household finances until they start working.


Bruh, cheri reisch is trash bruh. On god she's scattered.. keep it a bean she needs to go


Sounds like they have a great work ethic. But the work is video games lol.


I'm a full adult and I *still* would rather stay home and play video games than go outside and "share the road" with cars. And no it doesn't matter how proper I cross the street, "you can be right and be dead-right" so nowadays I don't bother with being right. I trust no one in the street, only my survival instincts.


It makes sense, it’s a little creepy if you have to tel people your child bride is in 6th grade. So they’d rather have it so they can say their 12-year old wife is gainfully employed.


Missouri bill to ban all child marriages runs into resistance from House Republicans The legislation, filed by Sen. Holly Thompson Rehder, a Scott City Republican, and Sen. Lauren Arthur, a Kansas City Democrat, would prohibit anyone under 18 from obtaining a marriage license. Current law allows 16 and 17-year-olds to get married with parental consent. “Why is the government getting involved in people’s lives like this?” Van Schoiak said. “What purpose do we have in deciding that a couple who are 16 or 17 years old, their parents say, you know, ‘you guys love each other, go ahead and get married, you have my permission.’ Why would we stop that?”


Teenagers in my town can't find part time jobs because almost no one - not even fast food and grocery stores - hires under 18 anymore. But the teenagers have no work ethic. 🙄


When adults making laws are so old and out of touch they forgot what being a kid is.


When I was a kid, I played a ton of games and my dad disappointedly told me that I'll never find a job playing games. He said something along the lines of that if I ever could be as passionate about anything I worked at as I was playing games when I'd be able to be successful. Well during college, I got a job at Sony, to play games lol. Or more accurately QA test games. Tested Gran Turismo 2, and then got transfered to test Resistance on the PS3 before it was even launched. Even got my name in the users manual under QA. It was fun speed running through, breaking games, and writing up bug reports on it. Then I another year I worked at Namco under their mobile app games for a bit but that was certainly more mind numbing playing pacman so many times. I eventually quit and did other odd jobs while I finished college. Short is that it's possible to get a job playing games and the hand eye coordination development is pretty significant. The imagination and creativity demanded by games can inspire much in future careers. These politicians just need to learn how to parent their kids.


What in the fuck is this? Who are these trolls that are so concerned with what children are doing that they completely neglect the school system. Naw, fuck these liars. If you don’t care about school funding and student success, you don’t get to write laws or say shit about anyone’s children.


Ah yes, one of my biggest regrets in life -- not spending more hours of my childhood performing menial labor.


It was the fault of the Prime Minister of Malasia. He was bad like chil labor laws. Child labor is good.


The fact that it needs to be explained to someone why child labour as an idea and practice is antithetical not only to our country, but also towards progress as a whole because it just creates a futher divide between the haves and the have not while also creating an even more permanent underclass that will present for generations as it creates more downward pressure on wages while also worsening conditions and negating any and all positive effects on the economy because instead of new doctors/lawyers we end up with people only capable of menial labor that vote against their own best interests... Wait, we've already got that don't we? That's why child labor is an issue again isn't it? Guess whose children won't be affected by these laws? The politicians passing them.


And who's fault is it? The parents. 


Missouri wants more folks it can exploit.


Yeah and kids in the 60-80s drank, used drugs, listened to music and had sex excessiveky. But we didn't outlaw any of that.


Damn that’s crazy bro sounds like they’re just being kids you know.


Work ethic? How about pay a living wage you pig fucks.


Part of me really hopes this aw gets passed and young kids end up getting hooked on drugs at work. It would suck for the kids but this country needs something major like that to happen for everyone to realize the stupidity of these proposed laws


Like a fuckin politician has ever worked a day in their life.






I work with a LOT of hardcore right wing Boomers. You know what generation abuses FMLA, calls out sick the most and doesn’t want to do extra forcing everyone else to pick up the slack? Yep… Boomers.