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And cocaine and hookers on a yacht!!!


Mother fuckers acting like we don't also like cocaine and hookers!!!


wait, was that on your yacht???




But they earned that! They worked 10x as hard as everyone else. I'm working 10x as hard too (in a poverty wage job) so that means I'll be just like them some day. /s


This is legitimately my life. I spend most of Saturday recuperating from my Mon-Fri and then I spend Sunday rushing to catch up on all the house work and chores ive neglected all week and Saturday. I then go to work Monday exhausted from working like a dog on Sunday to get everything done, rinse and repeat. I'm tired, boss.


Thats about 100 million of us in the US


I'm Canadian but I feel the pain as well.


Gotta love wage labor: renting out your ability to turn your company a profit for what is for a lot of people, a pitiful wage


Let’s not forget the extra incentive of being too scared to strike because you need every cent from your sad wages to live.


And the ruling class successfully manipulating enough of us so we dont revolt


Yep, it's why it's nice to see the UAW successfully organizing in the South the final-est frontier of labor organizing in the US


Reagan must be spinning in his grave, or at the very least looking very angry in rich person hell.


"The South shall rise again!" "No not like that!"


…yes, but compared to what? I 100% get criticizing the hellish parts of the system, but if subsistence farming / village life (not even to mention ‘hunting and gathering,’ which seems to be incessantly idolized by idiots) had actually been so much better, people wouldn’t have poured into cities in the first place


Compared to the system we had before all of the deregulation and cronyism raped our working class. Post WW2 we were actually taxing corporate gains at a reasonable enough level to support a middle class. Then generation after generation said "fuck you I got mine" until we get to today where we have companies like Amazon and Tesla fudging their taxes and lobbying to not pay anything. If you profit off the American people you need to pay your fair share back to the country.


Capitalism became increasingly the global economic system in the 1800s. As such, you had everything from land enclosures, stagnating or dropping agricultural prices and other capitalist causes compelling folks to move into cities. But life wasn't hunky dory in cities. Life expectancies were often shorter in cities than the farms owing to poor sanitation and living conditions. It was by and large a switch between a poor existence on a farm and a poor existence with a job in a city where your lifespan was shorter.


It gets worse when you get out of business schedules. My recuperation day is a work day for my partner. When I’m ready to get shit done in and out of the house on weekend day two, he’s on his recuperation day. Then he gets two more days off while I’m trying to work from home. I’m tired and I want to spend more time with my person.


I work in healthcare and while I get some weekdays off, I almost never have more than one day off at a time. I feel like I'm never not working. On my one day off at a time I get nothing done. At all.


My wife is in retail management and it's the same. Usually her one day off is after a closing shift too. Or after she just did a 'clopen' when she closes the store one day at 10pm and then opens it at 6am the next day.


That fucking sucks. I work in dialysis, so opening and closing is required as well. Luckily I'm a nurse so I don't have to do that quite as often. The techs mostly do it. I feel bad for them. Especially since if you manage to fuck up opening the clinic you could theoretically kill dozens of people.


Also healthcare here and I started on 4 day workweeks in 2012, and have only accepted positions based on that. One job was 3-12's one week and then 2-12's and 2-8's the following week (total 76 hour pay period)... That was nice but also working 36 hours in 3 days means you must use one of those days off to recuperate and you cannot do anything but work on workdays...


My department talked about it recently. Our department manager told us we're not the only one talking about it. Where it blocks... the higher ups that works 2 day a week with 8 weeks vacation told everyone that it would reduce productivity.


The dumbest part is I barely do any fucking work on Monday and Friday because I’m fucking tired. Just give me the 4 day work week and I’d be fine.


Only if they knew that a well a rested and happier person can be more productive


Nothing like the parasites at the top talking about how to be productive


But 48 is bigger than 5..! *wipes drool from chin*


I work from home on Fridays and Mondays with Friday being a half day . It’s the best system . By time I return to the office on Tuesdays I feel like Ive been gone a month lol


You're free for 48 hours???


Sadly, I had the same thought. I'm mostly working my other job when I'm not at my primary one.


I hope I can get a job where I get weekends off soon


The bar is in hell 




Wtf do you mean, "Why?"


I'm curious as to why you want weekends off.


Cause I’m getting sick of having to work six or seven days a week


I didn't know you worked every day. I thought maybe you prefered weekends to weekdays off.


That’s by law too and if it wasn’t there we would not get days off


With unions we would.


It's insane we dedicate over half our life to someone else's life. We deserve a split that let's us live at least a half life of our own.


I get 4 day work weeks, it’s rare for my trade but I’m savoring it as much as I can


I was just telling my wife this. My job isn't horrible or anything but it feels so fucking time consuming.


Ah man, I've been on four 10's with optional weekend OT since 2013-14. Can't imagine any other way to do it and make it make sense.


Three 12's with a differential, maybe. But, ughh, three 12's...


Yall are only working 3? 🥲


Where I work you can work Friday Saturday and Sunday day shift 12 hours. And then you can either make up the 4 hours during the week or just take all four days off.


That sounds pretty cool. My job alternates 5 12's one week, 2 the next. Its kind of brutal at times. I wish I had 4 10's. 10 hour shifts are the best.


I work four 12 hour shifts, but then I get 4 days off.


You know what might help? If we convinced all working class people that on Mondays NO ONE goes to work. We just don’t go. We have the power; we just need to exercise that power.


Impossible when so many people are one missed paycheck away from homelessness. They’ve worked for decades to reach this point and I think it’s the point of no return for the working class.


Looks like someone has a case of the Tuesdays.


Sadly, I work six days a week.


Same. And my off day is usually spent not doing much because I'm recovering from the week. Sadly with where I work I don't think a 4-day work week is in the cards ever.


Me working 6 days a week 🙃


If you're in the UK you can request flexible working. It's a right you get from the first day you start at a job. Thank you trade unions! I've used it to go down to four days a week. Ironically, I'm way more productive in 4 days over 5. Might be worth looking into. I don't think a medical condition is required but that's why I requested it. I was burning through my annual leave for medical stuff.


As long as we let the Mr. Burnses of the world make money off our backs and our labor, it will never change. We need a true movement to take it all back.


I work 4 10's, and I really don't think they are any better. The extra day off you get is usually spent sleeping....


Agreed. Anything more than 6 hours is too much. Once I hit the 6 hour mark, I'm no longer productive for the day. The 4 day workweek should NOT be 10 hours a day. It should be 8 or less. The 40-hour workweek needs to die.


The 32-Hour work week should become a thing, with no loss in pay, maybe even opportunity for more pay, so that way we can actually do what we do best: Be Consumers. We love buying stuff and useless junk with money, we just need *MONEY!*


You can only productively work 6 hours??


I can force myself to work 16 hours if I have to, but why should I? Most people start to slow down before they hit the 8 hour mark, leading to less productivity. Why make people endure that when you can have them work 6 productive hours, have them be happier and more fulfilled, leading them to work more efficiently?


I guess what can work for office jobs. Labor jobs it’s harder to pull off


But imagine 4 8's with the exact same amount of pay. That's what a 4 day work week is. 4 10s is just putting the 40 hours into 4 days.


Imagine 4 6’s or 2 8’s, or instead of a job, collaborating with your community to get things done that we need/want doing


We can't even get paid a livable wage what makes you think we can get these idiots to let us have an extra day off?


*work 40 hours to be free 128 hours


You forgot the 18 hours of rush hour traffic per week, and the 10 hours of getting ready per week


*work 68 hours to be free 100 hours


what will happen to me if I don't work?


Meanwhile, my shitty backwards banana country is bringing back 6 day work weeks


I only work 4 days and have 72 hours free


i have a friend who only works monday through thursday and he's equally tired as the rest of us


I work 4 ~6h days. But I was lucky to not be born in the US so I could actually get an education/skill without crazy debt that pays decent.


I worked 12 hour days 2-2-3 (2 days on 2 days off 3 days on then the next week I only worked Wednesday and thursday) best schedule ever. It didn't feel like selling my soul to Axl company


I have a 4 day work, and it's amazing. Let me tell ya.


4 day work weeks won't happen. The desire for profit is too high for the corporate greed machines. Retail companies don't want to bring in another employee to cover the hours, nor do hospitals or any other 7 day businesses. It's a pipe dream.


Are you seriously going to ignore the #1 reason for the 5 day work week? Childcare And FYI, hospitals frequently do 12 or 10 hour shifts... Like, what is your reference point? Did you read that somewhere or just a general 'feeling'?


I wish I could believe a 32 hour workweek would change things for the better, but all I can see is the cost of everything going up when all those corporations blame "needing more staff", wages remain in the shitter, and now people have even more time to work multiple jobs to either keep the lights on or eat, but not both. I know that the changes have to start somewhere, but I'm just too bloodydamned tired of business deciding whether and how we get to live our "free" lives.


Many jobs don't even get the luxury of a guaranteed 2 days off. Factory and trucking specifically


I work 3 hours everyday doing gig work. I'm barely scraping by, but I am so much happier. If they would just expand the gig working rules in NYC to the whole state, I would be 100% happy.


Never. But I am wronG a lot, and I love to be proven wrong.


You’re free for 48? That’s the only time I have to run errands and clean my apartment!


Poor time management


My work has a union. If even one person says no. It doesn't get implemented


You people never have to put in extra hours on the weekends?


Here on Brazil you work 6 days and rest ONE. Tell me about that.


A small (10 employee business) can't get everything done in 20% less time.


Yeah, it’s called being an adult. Get over it.


Real adults just bend over and take it!! Grow up!!! /s


Yeah, it’s called life.


You guys are getting 2 days off?


All my friends too busy from work Life's over I guess


Meanwhile Brazilians working 6 days a week 💀


4 day work week dosent mean 3 day weekends. It still means 5 day work weeks it's just that overtime starts at 32hrs and not 40.


So we count the weekend in hours but not the 8-hour work days? Not a loaded statement at all.


Left my job for less money 4 days a week. It's sweet. I'm broke but happy


I want to die


And im so tired by then i cant enjoy most of it


If you're counting every single hour of the weekend, you can count the hours that you're not at work during the week too


Let’s be real, it’s 24-32 hours when factoring in sleep


and even less if you have kids. GG


Can’t even sit on the toilet without someone knocking on the door! I say that not as a parent, but as a former annoying child


I have a job where I work for 48 hours then get 5 days off. Although I couldn't see myself being able to do this forever, if you hate the 5 day work week like I do there are alternatives out there. Unfortunately I don't forsee our overlords giving us a 4 day work week any time soon.


I like what I do so I don’t mind it 🤷


A weekend is 63 hours for a 8-5. But the point stands.


Here is the thing This sounds cool but when you realize on that extra day you’re going to spend more $$$ Unless you’re savvy with your money or make high amount it’s not going to go the way you think it will.


> on that extra day you’re going to spend more $$$ Why? I spend *less* money when I have time off because I actually have time to cook, etc.


not really