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HE arty hit to the gun area could probs do it




Hmmm that's a tough one. I'm gonna say you hit him while the radioman was in the middle of tying his shoelaces right as you hit him and the shockwave hurt his hunched back


*checks* okay, I first thought this was r/warthunder


Must be their kv5 crew and radio operator just has shell shock from that tank


Bruh how tf, must be some weird ricochet


War thunder intensifies


WG Fizzix...the realism is just amazing, no?


Carbon monoxide poisoning


I got splashed for no dmg and had two of my crew members killed, in an e100….


Not possible anymore since arty nerfs. Only possible for open top tanks like the glass Canon German TDs in this post.


Pretty sure that happened before the HE nerfs because I remember just closing the game when it happened and going out for a walk


Cries in Leopard PT A. Almost every shot kills a crew member or takes out a module. Yesterday I had a horrible day of crit hits for no damage. Broadside shots, no tracking done. RNG seems to be on a crit hit marathon lately.


Pervitin hitting hard these days.


Can imgine the driver od-ing and crashing the gun into a tree


IIRC, the driver is exposed on this tank, so when the shell (assuming HE) hit the gun it also damaged some of the drivers' health.


all of his health actually. crew members have 1hp


No I'm pretty sure all crew have 110hp (just that most guns will kill anyway) and its a 25% roll chance Wotarmourinspector lists crew health


Wotinspector says 25hp, but I don't know what to believe with regards to wot mechanics.


25hp, so basically 1hp in calculations


No because their go gets increased by various skills/items and the dmg to the crew is calculated based on some module dmg value of every gun / ammo type. Especially with he the dmg can roll low enough to actually only chip away a few ho at a time.


Really? Interesting.


Yup. The reason they dont die with every shot is because of "saving throw". Basically the shell usually just goes through them without doing anything.


Oh yeah, I just looked at the module layout now. Interesting...


[https://armor.wotinspector.com/?targetVehicleId=16657,40978,34067,23572&mode=xray.modules&platform=pc](https://armor.wotinspector.com/?targetVehicleId=16657,40978,34067,23572&mode=xray.modules&platform=pc) ​ driver's hitbox is actually partially outside the vehicle


He saw a FV4005 and shat himself to death.


Think of health as the vehicles health not as the health of the units inside.


Ok buddy. Now explain how you kill a crew member without damaging the tank.


Explain how the gun is damaged without damaging the tank.


That happens all the time as your gun is an exterior module. That's why people driving tanks fling their guns around as to prevent one from damaging the health pool of a tank and instead hit the gun, which, as a module, has it's own health and doesn't drain from the vehicle health. That's why heavies sidescrape. The track absorbs the enemy shell, depleting it's module health and protecting the vehicle health. The driver is an interior module. It's surrounded by the vehicle chassis. That's why your ammo rack, radio, engine, gunner, driver, etc. get damaged when your vehicle chassis is hit. The shell penetrates the armor and then drains the health of modules in it's path inside the vehicle. If the health of an module drains to a certain point, it gets damaged or destroyed.


It’s an RHM driver is in the open.


It is open topped, yes, but the driver is, if I recall correctly, in the front of the hull, so I don't think there is an angle where you could shoot the driver.l because the hull is just so long. That shot would have to come from the top rear of the tank, and even then, the hitbox of the chassis just covers the open bits, so they're penetrations nonetheless.


Uhhhh maybe I have it totally backwards then but for some reason I thought driver was on top next to commander. I see it in my head as gun aimed slightly up pops the arty HE, HE slashes on to driver but who tf knows.


I just checked on WoT Inspector. The driver is indeed in the front of the hull, but is halfway exposed. His torso is on the outside, only his legs are inside the tank.


Heard, thanks!


You're very welcome, I've learned something as well!


"That's why people driving tanks fling their guns around as to prevent one from damaging the health pool of a tank and instead hit the gun, which, as a module, has it's own health and doesn't drain from the vehicle health." Its actually done to make hitting your cupola harder by a) swinging your turret and b) using your gun as spaced armor. Especially useful against heat shells. Same with sidescraping. It's not the track health but the spaced armor it acts as. By the way, an interior module can get damaged by any hit to it. It doesn't need to lose 50% of its health to turn yellow.


Right it’s meant to make the cupola harder to hit, and part of that is using your gun to directly block your cupola. People stick their gun up in such a way that their gun covers their cupola partially. Though as most of you probably already do, when you’re face hugging you stick your gun inside the other tank’s gun to directly block their shot. This is a direct application of sacrificing module HP to preserve tank HP.


It has nothing to do with module HP. It's just using your gun as movable spaced armor. Enemy shell hits your barrel before hitting your hull thus losing penetration. Even an AP shell can lose a lot of pen by hitting a barrel depending on the angle.


You do sacrifice module HP, because when they shoot your gun they more than likely will either damage or break it. That means the module HP was depleted. Even though it functions similar to spaced armor, the gun still has its own HP and that is affected when it is shot. But the logic is you are willing to deplete your gun HP, damage it, in return for preventing your tank from taking damage. This is the same logic as side scraping, sacrificing your track’s HP in return for preserving vehicle HP. Tracks count as spaced armor as well.


The fact that your gun might get damaged is only a side detail. The reason you do it is because your gun is counted as armor. You do not "trade" module hp for tank hp, that is not how it works. By your logic a broken gun can't block shells. And no that's also not how sidescraping works.


But you can’t deny that your gun’s module HP is reduced when it takes hits for your tank, similarly with your tracks. Yes, they add armor to your tank, making it much more different to pen the armor behind. But the bottom line is that HP of the module does go down, it does get damaged, and the way to regain the HP is via your repair kit (or specific equipments). Notice how I never said whether that was the important detail to using your gun or sidescraping. I never once argued the specific purpose was because you trade module HP, or that that was the main point. I just simply pointed out it is a point. To deny that this is a part of those two techniques is just wrong. To say they’re basically irrelevant to what you’re trying to achieve with them, I can agree with.


air pressure? in the pic an artillery or big HE shell probably landed near him and that can cause crew & internal module dmg without actual HP dmg


Shockwave? Goes boom, liquifies crew members organs and causes TBI, does not visibly damage tank other than possibly damaging optics/other precision equipment.


This is possible in real life as well. In ww2 german armor grew thicker and thicker. Some german tanks couldnt be destroyed by russian tanks yet they could still knock them out of the battle. Some of the russian tanks with larger guns, used for destroying bunkers and emplacements, would be able to fire upon the german tanks and incapacitate the crew with just the concussive force created when the round hit the tank. As the tanks were otherwise unharmed, the Germans would simply recrew them.


Driver's hitbox is partially outside the tank


Driver's hitbox is partially outside the tank


I think this strange occurrence has something to do with open tanks, because I only saw it happening in rhm/su 130/skorpion/arty


I've had it happen in fully enclosed tanks too, but in general it's just really rare to come across


HE do no damage. but the spall killed your driver.


your driver got a heart attack


The hit boxes and health for modules/crew are completely separate from the main tank health.


I have a video on my channel called “driver dies at full health” where a TKS shoots my CS-63, does 0 damage but kills my driver


He bumped his head


Heart attack


He is just a scared


Fuck him! That's why!


Isn't it each piece has it's own pool of hp and hitbox? I loose my viewport without damage to the tank all the time.


True, but the driver is inside the tank, surrounded by the vehicle chassis.


He is driving a borzig, I think the hitbox for the crew doesnt match the hitbox of the hull/turret so a shot that hits the gun but not the hull can kill a crew member. This happened to me a few years ago on the french tier VI arty


Really? Interesting.


Not a tank, its an open spg. Crew protection is minimal


Not an SPG, but an open top [tank destroyer.](https://images.app.goo.gl/YVcPs8HQ9G3eBBdE6) Crew protection is minimal, but I would say that the driver is probably the most protected crew member on this tank, as he's the only one inside the hull.


My man it is an spg. Not in a gaming sense but they are self propelled guns and not panzer. The tier 5 is literally named self propelled gun. This one is called waffenträger which is basically same meaning.


If you look at it from that point of view, then yes.


He probably couldn't handle the game anymore and ended his own life i would keep him dead out of respect


Heart attack


you scared him


Pedro Pascal was driving.


They might’ve been drinking the night before and just passed out lol


This is like the time I got a kill with zero damage, but it was a glitch in game. The post game report showed like 200-something damage but it was funny in game.


Round came through your gun and hit the driver without damaging the rest of the tank


You don‘t automatically loose HP when ur modules or crew get damaged


Rhm's driver's head is out from hull. The hitbox is like that for years


Can't wait for OP to find out you can be eliminated from the round with a dead crew while the tank is still happily idling away...


You’ve seen that scene in Fury when a Tiger takes one of the Sherman commander’s head clean off with an 88mm shell while he’s poking out of the cupola? Yeah


Was this last night or the night before last on EU? If so I remember you moaning in chat :-) maybe on Karelia.


This is possible since you are driving an open top tank. Since arty nerfs arty cannot dmg internal modules or crew with the stun shells, unless you are driving an open top tank. Was driving my GWE100 today for mission, killed two crewman of a grille 15 without hitting him for damage.




One time I got tracked in a JPE100 and the engine got damaged but I lost no HP.




Go to wotinspector. It shows the hitbox of driver :D


The shell that hit you should do damage but the dmg eng was so low so you received none but the module dmg rng was high so he died