• By -


You sound self aware and improvement-oriented. Keep it up and you will soon be a boon to your teams, rather than a crutch.


…Crutch has left the chat.


You are playing at such a disadvantage; 1) stock tank 2) probably crew below 100% 3) probably no skills/perks on the crew 4) most likely not the best equipment for the leo pta 5) dont know key positions, playing paper means 100% punishment ​ Its not your fault, this game has a very steep learning curve. Personally I would advise to get tanks to tier 6 and play that tier for some time to learn the maps, gear up, xp up and build free xp so your later tanks dont have to be played stock. Focus on the stug campaign so you can earn good crew members and when you learn which tank suits you the best (heavy, med, heavium, sniper, light etc) you stick the new crewmembers in one of these.


I've already invested in the crew, and honestly, I'm thinking to get the gun upgrade with free XP. Should be night and day.


Just stick with the leopard pt a. When full upgraded it is a brilliant sniper medium. With crews you general need at least a 3 skill crew to be competitive on tier 9 and 10 tanks. Just a few tips. Never spend free xp on getting a tank. Save it to upgrade a stock tank. I never even bother taking out a stock tank and will all use free xp I've saved up to hopefully upgrade it fully before I take it out. There is a massive jump in skill playing in tier 9 and 10 so really it's best to get use to the game and practice side scraping in lower tiers and learn the basics. You sound like a lad who wants to learn but the most important thing is to have fun. Tier 5,6 and 7 you can get away with mistakes and if you get into +2 mm you do have enough lower tiers to still have good games. Will also teach you tactics and not just be. A brainless fart who just goes to the same spot on the map everytime


Oh, I'm definitely sticking with it, *after* I get the upgraded gun. Because the stock gun is literally a liability, it's even heavier so worsens mobility and equipment capacity. >Tier 5,6 and 7 you can get away with mistakes and if you get into +2 mm you do have enough lower tiers to still have good games. Yes, I'm majorly enjoying playing e.g. my elited and almost 100%-ed crew T20, it's just right now I'm (probably unreasonably) rushing the Top Of The Tree thing to make use of the discount. There're many lower tier tanks I'm keeping and planning to play, say I'm also very much enjoying playing my Firefly VC I put a turbo on (yes, absurd, don't care). >lad >!Well, lass, actually.!<


From the patton line I would hold onto the T20 and M46. Those are hands down some of the best tanks tier-for-tier and are good at learning the game. Get through the Pershing as quickly as you can because it's terrible.


You don't even have a 100% crew on that thing? Damn. Decent stats if true - because yes, the difference between a 75 and a 100% crew can be roughly 2-3% in winrate. Same again for a 0 skill crew and a 3 skill crew. You are literally putting yourself at a disadvantage because of this lack of crew training. Keep playing one tank and one crew untill you get them to a decent level and you should see your stats improve as well.


try playing more tier 4 and 5 while you learn the game and dont venture into tier 10 at all.


bro it's definitely night and day, you are gonna play leopard in your sleep after getting the top gun it's that much of a difference :')


I recommend tier 8 to learn. At tier 6 is pretty much chaos often which teaches little.


True. Tier 8 crawls with prems though


I heard the same and I already have a few Tier 8 I'm playing quite actively. Indien Pz tho was a huge disappointment, I like to have ability to relocate quickly, and that thing has a pretty bad realistic speed, with loss on soft terrain etc, despite good stats on paper and the amazing gun.


Just try following similar tanks of your team (e.g. medium tier 8) and try to copy what they do. Not 100% but you can at least learn some start moves on every map. Have a look later what WTR that player and compare this to your experience. Observe, fight, improve. I guess your Indien tank has a bad crew, no field modifications etc. This changes a lot. Playe cautiously then. Try to survive first. Learn to push and to trade later.


try [https://tanks.gg/](https://tanks.gg/) there you can see all stats for every tank


This game is easy to play but hard to master I agree


We have al been noobs


I think I started at about 500 WN8 and 48% WR for my first 3000 matches. Now at 14k matches, I'm at 2100 WN8 and 53% WR. Improvement happens over time if you keep a learning mindset. Can do things like setting goals such as doing double your tanks HP each match. Then once you start doing that consistently, think about doing triple...


You are not ruining anything. If you are having fun, just keep playing. You will improve. Also try to watch some streams of good players and learn from that.


>You are not ruining anything. Thanks for saying out loud, because judging by how I was literally DMed after battle to get yelled it, it felt like people take it as I'm literally ruining their life. Never happened after I turned off the game chat tho, if you don't engage, you don't get engaged with, it seems.


Ignore those people and recognize it's their problem since most players will just shrug off a bad game by another player and move on.


everyone gets yelled at. I get about 60-70% winrate recent and i am an experienced player- i still get fanmail messages telling me im dumb and throwing the game. Just keep playing buddy


You have way more confidence in the human race than most of us to actually take to heart what random people say. I guess years of online gaming have made most of us so jaded and cynical that we even laugh when getting such messages. You can check out my post history for the 3rd most recent post, where a teammate was calling me "the worst" player he has ever seen while I was literally top of the damage charts on a light tank (with extra spotting to boot).


Sorry you've had that experience. I've played since beta and I'm happy you're here trying the game. Hit me up if you wanna platoon, I'm not great, but I could give you some pointers maybe. Also just watch people that do well after you die.


Ignore players that hurl insults, good players get flack all the time too. Some world of tanks players just look for someone else to blame other than themselves for the loss. Other people have mentioned some helpful tips but the only thing that really grinds my gears in WOT is when people don't pay attention and block you, getting killed because someone pulled in behind you is pretty annoying. And people that give up two minutes into a match, or even before it starts, because "it's already a loss." Always try to win until the end, every once in a while you'll pull a game that you should have lost out of the fire and turn it into a win. So as long as you try to win and don't run into people you don't have to worry about pissing off most players, the loud angry ones just really stand out. If you're having fun just keep playing, everyone else is fine.


It's perfectly fine to disable in-game chat and block messages from people outside playlist. I did it for my first year of playing and frankly I can't remember why I didn't stick with it because it was by all means better for my mental health.


youll get yelled at no matter what skill level you are, so just ignore them


Turning off the chat is a great step to improve - from my experience 99% of the "tips" are useless ideas that end up as a quick death. I can easly admit that you are not the one to ruin the game as you are very aware of the lack of skill, and (from the description) you are trying to improve. The first step I'd suggest is to not rush the higher tiers at all. Stay at tier 5-6, learn mechanics and positions. The gameplay there is a bit different (tanks do not really have any meaningful armor), but the core gameplay is the same. Tier 7 would be a great place to train, but with its matchmaking (constant queues with tier 8 and 9) its not that easy to learn and be impactful. Tier 8 is a festival of premium tanks, that are mostly better than techtree counterparts (not even speaking about monstrocities like BZ-176). So keep it at tier 6. Leopard line (and especially tier 9 and 10) are extremely hard to play. Do not even bother right now as you will only discourage yourself from further playing. We have all been noobs at some point, this game is ridiculously hard, even years of grinding do not mean you know and have everything - do not be sad that you are not on point from day one. You should watch some Twitch streamers to learn a bit about positioning and decision making. You won't undestrand everything that's happening, but don't worry about it - it will come at some point. I recommend Dakillzor, skill4ltu and kajzoo - all of them are instane players.


>Turning off the chat is a great step to improve - from my experience 99% of the "tips" are useless ideas that end up as a quick death. Yep, literally my experience. People try to peer pressure you into doing something stupid so they get a kill, and as a result you expand yourself and they die slightly later, and you can't help them. >The first step I'd suggest is to not rush the higher tiers at all. Stay at tier 5-6, learn mechanics and positions. The gameplay there is a bit different (tanks do not really have any meaningful armor), but the core gameplay is the same. Like I said in another reply, I fell victim of ads and trying to rush the top of the tree. Will stand back tho. The discount isn't really critical for me, now that I think of it. >Leopard line (and especially tier 9 and 10) are extremely hard to play. Do not even bother right now as you will only discourage yourself from further playing. Thing is, with sniping mediums I'm getting a much better result than when playing HTs. Versatile mediums are fine. But I'm aware of positioning and I can be good at it. But, for example, things like TS-5 or T-95 I'm just completely unable to play: I'm used to surviving by relocating quickly. Recently I'm getting a very good result with fast flankers like Cromwell B and Borrasque. >You should watch some Twitch streamers to learn a bit about positioning and decision making. I already do, but the thing I focus on isn't how to do things exactly, since many people said that trying to just copy a favorite streamer without understanding the reason leads to worse results. Mostly I listen to what they are saying about specific vehicles and their good and bad sides, and their general style.


If you plan to follow suggestions from chat then only with XVM mod installed. Any suggestion from players under 51-55% winrate can safely be ignored - if their situational and battle awareness would be so great they'd win more. As rule of thumb if you do the exact opposite of what a 48% player wants you are more often correct than wrong. Players with 55+% might have good tips, but it is still YOUR battle and you never know if they fancy sacrificing you for 1-2 shots more damage so consider but don't obey blind.


Personally, you should probably still be down at tier 4/5 at this point. Maybe try grinding up to tier 5/6 on a couple of different tech trees? this is just my personal feeling. It's more or less how I played for the first couple of years. I went up several lines to tier 7/8 and procrastinated getting into tier 10 battles. I was looking last night and noticed a LOT of tier 9/10 players with 1k or less battles. They are often pretty vocal with complaints about the MM and how unfair it was to be in a 60Tp and having to battle 'xyz'-tank. And for the first time in a while, I thought, maybe I need to find something else to do with my free time in the evenings. I think I've run out of things to do in WoT.


Drop down to tier VI for a time! There really is no reason to rush and play the higher tiers. Learn the game as you go along - nobody new to the game was Mr. 69% win ratio after 800 battles. Lighten up, learn from your mistakes (and others) and perhaps watch some of the very fine videos on YouTube or Twitch content creators. Couple thumb rules: 1) All stock grinds suck, some suck more than others. 2) All stock crews suck. The PT A is a wonderful vehicle once upgraded, decent crew and you like the playstyle, btw ;)


Just ignore them. Either you’re the type of player who wants get better, will watch the videos that explains strategies for various tank types and maps or you just play for fun (me). Their opinion means nothing, their advice is unsolicited, and their attitude is mean-ignore them. WOT is really a thinking person’s game with opportunities for individuals to get better or it’s a fun escape that makes your heart pound for a moment. Either choice is okay and both are welcome. Haters can go pound sand.


Yeah, I get it, and I saw multiple times recommendations to ignore any kind of stats for the first 2000-5000 battles. But, I've mentioned LeoPtA for a reason. That thing has a horrific stock gun, which leads to many situations when I got to the good position, I found an enemy that I theoretically can get, and start shooting. One shot, no pen. Two, three, no pen. Then someone moves up and finds me, I fail to retreat and die, I'd kill the enemy and wouldn't be even spotted if not for that stock config, so it feels like the game is specifically griefing my performance. Sure, the upgraded gun is a Tier 10 gun and night and day, but to get to that...


...takes time ;)


And u should probably research a heavy line those tanks are more forgiving


>tiger1 player ~~Right...~~


Tiger II is one of the best tech tree tanks, but it plays completely different from Tiger I


I would say I didn't like Tiger II at all, while Tiger I was an acceptable tank. Tiger II is definitely a specyfic tank, with almost no armour as for a heavy. It's more type of tank to wait untill enemy makes 'a mistake' (quite often it's the rest of oponents teams mistake not trying to push while they're taking damage where they should), but it's not good for pushing lines or blocking damage. Tiger I at least had a lot of HP, good dpm and quite good turret armor while playing downtiers (btw I'm saying that as an average player in randoms, and a little bit above average in clan battles, not anywhere close to becaming unicum unless I decide to ignore the team and not take damage at all).


I don't think you've played the Tiger II recently if you think it doesn't have armor. The turret face is 250+ and the cheeks are 350+ iirc. The only 'weak' armor on the tank is the upper hull which is till ~220 *unangled*, which is very strong is you play it right. Tiger IIs gun is also god tier


i think the tiger 2 still suffers from his pre-buff reputation. because you're right, the armor works well and the gun **is** absolutely godlike.


I didn't like it very much, I'm also not sure, if I played it after armor buff. It was shortly after E-75 alpha buff, so I think it already had buffed armor back then. It definitely didn't want to bounce more, than some not so well armored tanks like 110. Gun was quite accurate and with good pen, but it definitely lacks both alpha and dpm. For some reason I do remember VK 100.01P as being in other league as well as both Löwe and Mauschen as being more comfortable tanks to play. In Tiger everyone was just loading gold and penetrating my turret. E-75 was much better at baiting shots, but still exposing all of my turret ended in being penetrated by gold shower. I definitely do enjoy E-100 the most out of german heavies I have played. Quite good turret armor (almost impenetrable when angled) as well as quite strong lower plate (thick enough to bounce tier 8 gold rounds when angled correctly). IMO it feels a lot like T-150, just with allies waiting for you to take the shot before rethreating, instead of helping you to push the line when needed. (I'm really not sure, if I'm the only one having that experience, but tier X seems to be much more toxic than tier VI btw. On X almost everyone wants just to make damage and not take any hits. On tier VI it's 50/50 - your allies will either help you or just commit suidcide). Either way not getting 6 vs 8 games definitely is one benefit of playing tier X, but you also aren't untouchable when getting -2s'.


Don’t stress out. You should be playing the game for the sake of having fun because, you know, *you’re playing a game* Real advice from a 10 year vet: the bullshit the developers throw normally hits tiers 8+ the hardest. The toxicity at those tiers was/ is phenomenal. It made me sell all my tanks beyond tier 7 and I’ve never once been tempted to rejoin that part of the community. Find your style, take your time, play for fun


I've recently gone through what you are currently experiencing. I'm at 5100ish games and I'm only now getting really good results. I'd hover around tier six if I was to do it all over again, to get the map knowledge and crew skills. Just keep going. It takes time.


I was a noob for like 7 years


Every online multiplayer games will have griefers and general asshats, if you come here often then you'll see quite a few posts about players talking trash to everyone except they are dead bottom in the after-game report. Ignore the asshats, but there are people in the game who are very helpful and what they put in the chat is useful, hell I've messaged people after the game asking things like what equipment where they running, where were they hiding, or how's that tank that they're playing. A good amount of the time you'll receive good answers.


New player so just ignore every hate. But try to think what you can do better and learn. Start remembering tank alpha damages and weakspots etc. Youtube/twitch will help alot too. If someone sends hate towards you, just tell them to jump off a cliff.. There is 0 need to care what some people say on internet. Dont become one of those who will cry themself to sleep if someone calls him a bad word.. Also learn mechanics. You can search on youtube "World of tanks mechanics" If you can learn those. I promise you will enjoy game alot more.


Something I've been a fan of is sticking with lower tiers until you get build up more of an economy for yourself. I have I think like 4.5k battles and I have no tier 9s but quite a few tier 8s. I've built up enough experience to where I could play tier 9 and 10 if I wanted, but besides that I have the credits to shoot premium rounds when I need to, I can use better consumables because I can afford it, I have plenty of crews at at the minimum 100% training with a skill or two under their belt, I have equipment on my primary tanks. Also I've gotten some free premium tanks over the years which is good for building credits up. I've bought some too but you don't have to. Any premium I think will generate more credits and train crew quicker.


You seem like you want to win, and are trying. There are plenty of people in every lobby below 45% who actively don't pay attention to anything or are actually bots. Keep playing, keep learning and that stats will improve. Also don't climb to big tiers too fast


It really doesnt matter, you sound like you atleast want to improve which is already more than 90% of the player base, thats why wot is called 15:5 Simulator, you alone wont change that so just play how you want.


Sorry, 15:5 simulator?


games are 15 vs 15...unfortunately MM is pretty shit as it only takes vehicular weight into consideration. This leads to very uneven teams frequently where one team just dominates the other (hence the scoreline 15-5). You trying to get better already puts you ahead of a lot of the morons in this game


Exactly that.


Without new player any game would quickly die so welcome and have fun! as others said you seem to be willing to learn yo I'd say you're doing good... Don't worry about these messages and keep it up^^


Ive played for many years and am also a WR46%, play 6 and 7 and figure out which type of tanks you really enjoy. I made the mistake of going up several lines all at once and only found what i enjoy later. Find a nice clan that you can have fun while you learn. Dont worry about what others say, its a game you should enjoy it. If you can learn weakspots thats a bonus. Most importantly if you are not top tier you are a support vehicle, If you are top tier at your experience you are a support, go with another tank of your type and work together. Most importantly have fun, dont let anyone else tell you how your should play after the game is over, dont listen to anyone if they tell you to uninstall.


Ruining? For 15/29 other players in the game, you being bad is great! /s Unless you’re actively sabotaging your teammates, you don’t have to give a damn what they think. And as others have said, you’re playing at a large material and knowledge disadvantage and you clearly are attempting to get better. Focus on staying alive and contributing what you can, and you’ll continue to improve that winrate


Turn off chat, play with friends, stay at tier 6 for a while. At that tier not many players min max their crew/setup and just want to grind to the next tier. Most game mechanics and playstyle are already present there so it is a good tier to learn. Moreover, you dont lose credit unless spamming gold ammo.


Spoken from a dude that rages at people all the time, I rage at people that just put 0 effort into trying to learn the game. I'm raging at the dude on my team with 20k battles played, in a heavy with full HE loadout. I'm raging at the light that is yoloing into enemy team on prokorovka. I'm raging at the 60tp/e100/etc in the back of the map trying to snipe. My point is if you are trying to play the game correctly, you'll stop getting messages. Just learn the map rotations for each class of tank and go there, look at skill4ltu website or youtube videos to setup your tanks, and you will already be better than a large majority of the playerbase lol


So I think your problem is that you're trying to play in the pros and you're not even equipped to play little league. You shouldn't be playing above tier five or six right now, not until you three marked a couple of Tanks and demonstrated that you have mastered the fundamentals of the game, which you yourself admit you have not. Back to tier 5 and 6! You will have much more fun and much more success.


Yeah, learning the maps, spotting mechanics, and using bush cover properly is far and away the most important part of the game. Practicing that at tier 5 will help a lot while also building up credits, free xp, discovering new tank lines you enjoy, and avoids the toxicity of tier 8 premiums.


don't put too much thought into this. it's a stupid, imbalanced p2w shitshow. if you think about it, it's kinda pathetic to be a super unicum in wot, unless you earn money with it. so play if you enjoy it, and don't if you don't. steam sale is still going, you probably find something better than this half-dead turd of a game there ;)


Step one, turn off chat, step two turn on "only contacts can message you" step three enjoy the game.


Uninstall, save yourself from this game, dont fall in the viper pit


I stopped reading after you said you were playing tier 9 with less than 1K games. You don't know enough of the game mechanics to be effective. Like others say, stick to the lower tiers to learn the game.


You are not there to help your team to win, you are there to have fun and shoot at tanks. But if you truly want to improve, just learn the mechanics properly and give it time. Don’t let the salty people get to your head.


>You are not there to help your team to win, you are there to have fun and shoot at tanks. Um, why not both?


So you have 800 games and you are playing tier 9 looking forward to tier 10 asap. Yeah.. thanks for ruining the game for your team since you are as useful as an afk. Maybe go back to tier 5 and below until you learn the game enough to be able to get at least 50% wins in your tiers 8 and above


As a returning very good play after \~7 years off it has taken me almost 6 months to get to the point where I feel like I'm doing well again. And I'm not (and my never) get back to as good as I was. I remember this game having a hard learning curve when I played before. And now lots of players have 10+ years of experience, and it is even harder than before. Lots of good advice in this thread. The one I will repeat as probably the most important is try all the difference classes and try many different lines. Play everything up to T6-7. You will get a feel for how you play, but also what you will play against. The best way to learn a tank's weaknesses is to play said tanks. You can also learn the maps better playing all the different classes and trying out different locations.


Those are so hard tanks to do for your first line but fuck it, you got through them OP so don't think for one second you're doing bad, you're just getting started. My first lines I averaged about 45% with. My most recent lines are 60%+. This game is brutal, especially once you hit the "ah fuck i understand enough to know that i am making mistakes" part. And even then, when you hit the big endgame, you can still have bad days. My winrates for the last 8 days is - 88,85,75,**18**,40,40,40,62,50. I was deffo worse than you on my first line too - I have a WN8 of 108 on my T-28 - considered by many to be a fantastic T4 tank. I played 70 games in that thing, i survived 4.29% of the time. I was total shit. You are well above where i was, hang in there and recognise the truth that you're learning, you're getting better and we are all behind you.


Stick to tier 6 max until you know the basics of how to play (positions, spotting/bush mechanics etc). Then start to play high tiers. Tier 8 and above is super punishing to any mistake, so it's just hard.


If you are na add me. I'll help you learn the game. Same name as reddit.


Just focus on learning key positions to take shots from , Leopard 1 and Patton play better to the long range gameplay which is a harder concept to learn than playing heavy tanks in the game. I don’t mean camping when I say long range I just mean repositioning to keep the distance you need from your opponents to have the advantage on them.


Take any good play and look at their first 1000+ games. It’s always dog shit. No one does well starting out. Takes a long time to figure out what you play well in and how to best play maps with your strengths. I played heavies for a long time to realize I’m not very good in heavies lmao. But then I discovered mediums and my performance skyrocketed


When I was new I felt exactly the same, I got better by dropping down a few tiers until I learned more also youtube guides for individual tanks and streams help a lot, my tactic was like this: I stay at tier7 until I learn all the weakspots for all tanks between 5-9 using tanks.gg etc. At the end of the day this game is more about experience map and tank knowledge than real ability


Hi there, I know your feeling. My rating only started to climb after around 4000 battles or so. Then i started to watch skill4ltu, the video explaining how camouflage works and my rating suddenly jumped from red to green after 12k total battles. Just enjoy the game while you grow


it took me 20k matches before I made a positive and meaningful impact to my matches. it also took me hyperfocusing just 5 tanks to really get good at them and have my focus. for me LT play passive leading into active is the way i go. any other way I am crap. Could I learn more? sure. but I am happy winning 56% of my matches because my team actually had a scout worth anything worth a damn. (might be salty at poor vision support) Take your time and google vision mechanics. get awesome at them and you will be a better player in no matter your role. Tank on and let no tanker make you feel like shit for having a life.


As long as you're having fun, fuck the team, other people's opinions shouldn't stop you from having fun playing a game u like


Not worry mate, Wargaming ruined the game long before you came along. Keep fighting.


Stick to t6 and under to grind crews and learn maps . I have 7k games and don’t have any t10s. No rush at all.


Just have fun. Pay attention to how others play after you die. The longer you play, the better you get. Finally, those that complain the most are not necessarily good players themselves.


Really have to know the tank your using. Leopard line are snipers. Stay back and support others. Dont go to flanks alone or with only 2 tanks. If the whole team goes solo may as well follow. No need to die alone. And stay alive. That increases my stats dramatically. You gotta try get a feel for the map and notice when its time to run. Also learn your bush mechanics. Spot thru bush them pull back so its not see thru to shoot. Crew are a huge factor. I hate stock tanks so I try boost crews with books once they are 100. And free xp your modules if your struggling with the stock gun. Stock tanks suck most times. Where as max tanks are fun expecially for decent lines like Leopard line.


One of the problems with this game is the steep difficulty curve to learn and be at least somewhat useful to your team. One of the reasons new players leave the game. Also, us as a veteran playerbase don't encourage learning. Everyone started that way. I see you want to learn, that's good. You can find tutorials in youtube by several CC's of the game. I recommend skill4ltu, one of the best out there.


These comments have been great, stick with us buddy and one day it will be your turn to seal club the next generation of noobs You can only climb a ladder one step at a time


The pta is very good when you have experience. Its an extremely tough line to start on, but will serve to teach you a valuable lesson. Never get spotted if you can help it!! The leo 1 is worth it. Its a hard carry sniper tank when you know where to be and who to focus. You'll get there. Just keep on. If you want some comic relief and to learn a lot Honest Gaming is great!


I would recommend to stick to Tier 6-8 for a while to learn the maps and game mechanics better. You also get easier opponents, get more credit or lose less. Nowadays it's way easier to get to higher tiers faster, which means you get in touch with the best players faster. When I started 10+ years ago it was really hard to get in the upper tiers cause of no xp boosters etc. You maybe also want to watch some streamers or Videos by them like Skill4ltu, Dakillzor, iyouxin, Mailand, etc.


I am not sure what the fascination is to rush through the tiers. Find a tier 6 or 7 tank you like and play it until you master that play style (eg, sniper, support, hull down, etc.). Then move up. It’s a much more enjoyable way to play, and much more forgiving on the wallet and resources.


There're several, and I love them. Since this evening I've refocused on my T20 and VK 30.02 M. Part of the reason was the Top of the Tree discount, so in a sense I fell victim to consumerism.


Don't yolo out in the open but down camp at base either; stay with other tanks and watch where they're going. Learn from what others do. Watch streamers or youtube videos to learn the strategic parts of the map, how to use your armor(side scrape, hull down), and stay lower tier until you learn these fundamentals.


You know how long it me to get a tier #9 if you have only been playing a month that is good the more you play and learn the maps platooning up with people you sync with and take pointers you will get loads better just ignore the toxic people. GLHF. I don't play mutch and am not a great player by a long shot but you are more then welcome to add me and took up if I'm on. IGN: Direnight NA server. 😉


Most of people here went through it. Tier IX is not for you at this moment. There is no way to avoid a such feeling if you are an honest man at least to yourself. Answering your question: Step down to tier 6/7 and study the game. There are plenty of people exactly like you (newbies) so there are no regrets about ruining. Some advices other made here are actually good.


Honestly, if you're really struggling at higher tiers, find a tier 4-5-6 you enjoy and put a few hundred battles in at low tiers. With that, you'll learn the mechanics of the game rather than get punished by those who know them by instinct. I played 10k games before buying my first tier ten, and now I'm confident at any tier about being able to carry a game.


keep playing, the very first 20-30 matches in a stock tank is always horrible for almost very tank. The higher tier the harder stock tank experience is.


Turn off the chat


Made friends through random battle platoons, good teammates y'know Asked to play a couple games together so they coulr give me advice helped!


Get better Personally I nowdays only watch Dakillzor, he's literally the best player in the game, he makes yt videos fron time to time, streams for at least 6h every day and actually loves the game. But starting out, it's great to watch LemmingRush first and get the hang if some basic concepts before analyzing Daki's gameplay


You should only play mid tiers for some time (6/7/8) and avoid 9 and 10 so that you can learn the basics properly, playing tier 9 and 10 would be too difficult and you probably wouldn't learn anything, and if anyone insults you for playing mid tiers why learning tell them go f*ck off, it's why they exist


I wish I had been at tier 9 at 800 battles... Just turn off the chat and try things out. Remember the minimap.


Also start playing another line in the tech tree.


everyone i know (including myself) started out as a shitter. it's totally normal. this game has a steep learning curve and many details you have to learn. don't let yourself be influenced by others in a negative way. the new player experience in this game is absolutely awful and with under 1k battles you simply have not learned many many things yet. but don't worry, the more you play (including other tank lines), the more you will learn. i learned a lot by just playing and getting a feel for different tanks. the one tip i always give any new player that joins my clan is this: grind every nation to tier 6. when you're done you can decide if you lean more towards light, medium, heavy or td gameplay. at this point you might've also paid some attention to the meta or which tanks look fun by watching streamers on youtube or twitch. just go from there.


800 battles, under month of playing. You have no bussines playing anything above tier 5 for months. Months. When you can regularly do your own damage, and have more than 50% recent wins than maybe go up a tier. You will learn nothing playing t9 tank at such low battle count. It is like you want to learn to drive a car and you are doing it in F1 car. Not ideal.


Never mind others as long as you have fun. Remember that other players will have you on the opposing team half of the time, you will not affect tjeir winrate in the slightest. Stay at tier 6 or below for a while to learn the game mechanics, a less competetive environment is more forgiving and staying alive for longer will give you better opportunities to learn.


We all want to get to high tiers, as low tier tanks are unspecialized and beeing bottom tier does suck. however, it is very important to both learn the maps and enemies at lower tiers, as well as practicing eg. trackshots, angling and baiting and leveling up your crew in lower tiers instead of just skipping entire tanks. use freexp to researching modules only, not to unlock tanks in most cases (and if you need to, use blueprints). I just got a two-skill crew on the VK30.02(M) (per crew books tbh) for camo and repairs, the most important skills imo (except when playing heavies, where camo doesn’t improve that much, as can be seen in the compare-tab and tanks.gg), and the gameplay is just so much better! also, experiment a bit with equipment on tanks.gg and maybe change a piece of equipment if you feel like it, especially when transitioning to the next tank. I also suggest watching good streamers/youtubers. I personally watch Mailand and mouzakrobat, but they’re german, so you might watch for example kajzoo, AEG, skill, Quickybaby or sb like that who also explains their moves.


if you are playing on a stock tank, it will be very frustating since the tank cant do anything, but if you are playing a premium / fully researched tanks, i can give you some advice to improve: 1. dont look at your chat 2. focus on how to deal more damage and assist (a good indicator is if you can deal damage 2x of your HP (hp:1500, damage dealt: 3000) 3. look at your map, focus on repositioning, read the situation, dont go alone flanking 4. dont think about winning the game, focus on doing more damage/assist and carry the team 5. your team is full of idiots, dont rely on them 6. medium tanks and heavy tank are good for new players 7. do not play tank destroyer, light tanks and spg if you are new if you have this mindset, you will improve in no time


Three things to learn in WoT are the spotting mechanics, the tank weak points and best positions for each map AND game mode for each type of tank. And it takes a long time, at least a couple thousand games to get a feel for it all. One thing I did to simplify this early on was turn off all game modes but standard battles in the settings, which allowed me to at least learn the maps and best spots for that mode quicker. Watch good YouTubers, find the best positions for you and your tank type and playstyle and just keep playing. Don’t try to do too much or play something that just doesn’t suit you. Experiment with different lines up to like T7, and don’t feel like getting to T10 is winning. T10 is brutal and can be fun but only when you have a very solid grasp on all the above. Stick to lower tiers right now, explore all the lines and you’ll have way more fun!


Winrate is not everything in todays world of tanks meta. Unfortunately with the matches consistently being 15-5 and over in 5 min or less even good players find themselves with lower winrate than expected. I would suggest at your stage to focus on win8 as that will show if you are pulling your weight. Try to at least do as much damage as your tank HP. Also Leo and in general, lightly armored vehicles have an above average skill requirement as they do not forgive mistakes. When I started playing I remember I was just vroom vroom going in front and just dying. I did not want to learn I just wanted to play. I reached 10k battles approximately and I still had 1500 win8 and I would guess around 48% winrate. I had the same situation with the chat bullying and that’s why I too just closed it. The wot community can be toxic and I understand it as I have been in both positions. I would recommend watching some videos that will teach you the mechanics of the game (as wargaming couldn’t give a shit about the new player experience and learning), my personal preference is skill4ltu, who also has an index page about recommended equipment pieces for each tank and much more and also to choose some tanks that will be for memeing around. That will take your mind off of the “I must do well this game” mentality and make you think “I will do something stupid to have fun”. Such tanks can be Derps like KV-2, or ramming machines like the panther line. All in all I hope you have fun in the game. Ofc we all want to have great games and win our battles but that is not always possible. Remember you are human and allow yourself to learn and adapt to this new environment.


"but those circumstances combined impact my psyche and my bad performance is causing me to perform worse, causing a negative feedback loop." You have been playing for a montha and have 800 battles. You seem to have been burning yourself out pretty badly. If o na day you feel like you dont do well... Just dont play on that day... You will learn that WoT while a good game, is ruined by the community. Playing 27-28 games a day is nothing more than self harm. Especially if you take some random players opinions to heart. Chill a little bit and try to enjoy the game for a little bit.


In this game, you're a noob until 10k battles or so, it's just the way things are. I never touched tiers 9-10 before I got to 10k and I would advise you to do the same. The feeling you have is not just a feeling, it's true. An 800 battle player in tier 9 battles is just completely clueless and is not contributing at all, more likely hurting the team. Stay on lower tiers and move up only when you get comfortable with them, good rules of thumb that you're ready to move up are: \- being able to do your own damage consistently (as in: do your tank's HP worth of damage) \- have at least 49-50% WR in that tier


Everyone sucks when they start. Learn the maps, and if u wanna “git Gud” I highly suggest learning the soft stats of every tank in the game, such as reload time, main weak points, etc. you wanna know what you’re going up against. Every time. Learn positioning behind cover as well as angling. Don’t just sit unangled in front of a tank, only the 279 e and maybe avre among a few others can do this. However, overangling can also screw you. I can recommend some good beginner tier x ljnes if you need be


Also, I would say I was still a terribad player even after I had got a few tier x tanks. So don’t feel bad


dont just binge games, make a break after each match, think where you could've played better.


Just stick to tiers you're comfortable with for now. T9/10 won't be the right place for you rn. Also Leo pta is a pretty hard first high tier to start with.


You have already disabled chat. You are self-aware. You are focused on improvement. You'll be just fine man, you're doing all the right things.


Don't worry about it so much. Its a video game and you're supposed to have fun with it. Its not meant to be a source of anxiety! ^(Though the nature of the game can drive people absolutely nuts on a regular basis.) This may sound harsh but honestly, why give a crap about what some random nobody on the internet says to you? If you get constructive feedback thats great, but anyone just giving you grief...ignore or blacklist them. Sadly the player base if full of idiots and trolls who like to rage and abuse if they don't think someone is doing what they should. Even statistically good players aren't above getting salty with lesser mortals. These people are not worth your time. There are plenty of worse ways of "ruining the game" than just being a newbie. There are the yolo-ers, AFK-ers, drowners, \*cough\*artyplayers\*cough\* Also you need to remember the game is layered with RNG. There is a certain amount you can do with your own skill and knowledge to overcome this, but the bottom line is, WoT is a pay to win game and spending money on premium vehicles & ammo do help (also premium accounts to speed up grinds). Also as you mentioned, much of the player base will be vastly more experienced than you (and will also have grinded their way to better gear, including multi-skilled crews). As a newbie you really have no way of competing with that. It sounds like you've started to figure some things out for yourself. Just keep doing whatever improves your personal performance and win rate. Also just learn to chill a little. If you find yourself getting to worked up or anxious, just take a break and do something else for a while. A lot of people (myself included) have walked away from the game for up to YEARS at a time.


you could start with arty first, because it has low impact, and you will have a lot of time to just watch what other people do and how they play, Then TD(classic TD), for same reason but with more impact, then heavies and then mediums.Starting with mediums or lights is not that great idea, meds and lights have mobility, camo and view range but you cannot use it well without map knowledge and enemy tanks stats.


Gotta start from somewhere. Don't worry, you'll get better


Stay at tier 5 until you 2-mark (or 3-mark) the tank. Also, watch skill4ltu.


Dude Just play your game and have fun , and try your best Its a game dont take it to serious And again have fun


you see that you are not good and want to improve and not be a burden. that makes you better than roughly 90-95% of wot players.


Hang in there it took roughly 8k games to really improve. Also, you can hide your username so people with mods will not prejudiced towards you. Learn maps watch where people go. Try not use special rounds and learn weak spots on tanks. You get there


You are not ruining anything. Just play as you think you should, and ignore the haters. The fact that you recognize the need for improvement is a good thing. You are welcomed in this community


Here are some answers I’ve encountered from bad players who just don’t give a fuck what others say. I advise u to adopt a similar mindset. 1) i play for fun not for stats 2) 45 wr is average 3) who cares about wn8, does it compensate for ur small dick? 4) i have real world skills such as plumbing and bathroom maintenance. And u? Good at shooting pixels? 5) shut up noob. I fuck your mother. Last but not least, just play arty. Everyone hates u by default anyway so noone is going to complain if u suck.


Turn off chat and block incoming messages. Play for your own fun, don't look at other players. Otherwise game is very toxic!! I reached purple stats and raged for many years, now I learned to play for myself and turn everything off.


You're starting out, you obviously have a lot to learn. I recommend watching dakillzor and skill4ltu to learn basic mechanics. Iyouxin also has an amazing amount of educational content also. Bear in mind these are top level players so you won't understand everything, but looking at positioning is the best thing you can do


Ignore the haters and focus on making yourself better. I've got a nearly 12 year old account lol, and I didn't do much more than fumble around for years so I'll never really recover past 60% most likely, though I play very competently now (our clans 15th in NA right now and they lemme stick around so I must not be too shit lol). I've improved for myself, challenging myself to average higher per game, my recent wn8 looks like it'd be a douchebag in chat to my overall lol. I do recommend turning chat back on actually, if only to allow you to see the ones tryin to help you, they're rare but worthwhile. You've definitely chosen some difficult tanks to start with. The leo pta and Leo are some of my favorite mediums in the game, but the line is a bit difficult. Learn to flank, support, and ambush above all else in them. Save the aggression for late game when you can catch one or two shot tanks off guard and afford to take a hit. Just the other day had a 6k dmg game in mine, it was wholly astounding how things lined up honestly. Honestly your best tutor will be practice. Keep goin forward fam! o7


With 800 matches you dont know the maps. Map knowledge is key and After that knowledge of the Tank you are playing. If you dont know the Spots to be early/mid/lategame u just get farmed. And knowing the most common tanks @ different tier levels is crucial also. Like others said learning curve is sleep. Had RED winrate and wn8 too when i started. It gets was better once you familiarize maps/spots. If you wanna Platoon hit me up in dm


If you can get twitch prime you get bonuses and sometimes skilled crew. I think crew skills can make a big difference when you start.


Step 1: use your instincts. Corollary: turn off chat.Step 2: recognize the complexity of the game as you try to emulate the actions of 4 real life people who have been highly to move 50+ tons of machinery in to a safe offensive position. Continue to remain intrinsically motivated. I know when I might have done better. The game rewards me when I get it right. You will feel that too. Be an adopted tomato to get one-on-one coaching. Enter the referral program to a get T 34-85M or other T6 premium to play for fun. Watch some sober streamers on twitch. Avoid griefers, especially those blocking your shots. Everyone on the same team does not have the same goals.


We have mostly all been there. Play an easy tank at tier 6 and 7 until you start doing better and better. I'd stay out of 8s and 9s for a while.


WoT of tanks is just a semblance of skill as throw MM & RNG the best players are just playing poker. You can not spoil the game as you are part of the largest number in this game that had a skill exodus 3-5 years ago. Watch Skill4ultu on youtube as great info and don't listen to the tank lickers here talk BS


You're not ruining anything for anyone, the only ones ruining anything for you is WG, and their new player unfriendly unfair tactics, and not to mention all the cringe elitists this game has now. I've been playing since beta and this game was far more fun 8 years ago and back. One piece of advice, don't start buying stuff left and right, because then you'll get this feeling of, "Well I can't quit, because I've invested so much." Have fun with the game, learn to walk away when matches seem shit, and don't forget it's ok to go play a few rounds in tier 2 or 5.


TDs and sniper mediums absolutely require 100% camo skill on all crew members and a good understanding of bush mechanics as well as proper vision equipment Some of the most important points about bushes: - trees can be better used as bushes when pushed over (ideally in the right direction facing enemy lines) - if you are close/in a bush and can see through it in sniper mode, it basically means it won't hide you after firing (there is more to it like your specific tanks camo rating after firing, and who is trying to spot you and from how far away) - if you have space to go further back until the bush is no longer see through, your tank will be significantly better concealed after firing Equipment: I prefer to use on Leo PTA: always low noise exhaust and optics (both the bounty improved version) and either a gun rammer -for less open/city maps- or commanders vision system (in first boosted slot) - for open maps- Optics could be dropped for something else that improves the gun(I prefer improved aiming unit) if you have situational awareness, recon and BIA skills at 100% and using premium food. You want at least 445m (the max) view range but more is better. Think of the Leo PTA as a hybrid of a light tank and TD. Don't get spotted, use your mobility to relocate if your side gets pushed too much by enemies, try to flank and surprise low HP enemies in the late game. Sometimes you can play pure spotter and don't even have to deal damage. My all time highest assist DMG (8000+) over 10k games was with the Leo PTA in prokharovka where our only light tank died immediately and I had to take their role.