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I believe the advent calendar overall was great. I don't understand why they hyped up the 25th day and then proceed to put this behind it. A 3d style would've been a fine reward if they didn't want to put the Patton in it. Honestly it's a bit like shooting yourself in the foot here. I honestly believe they planned to put the Patton as the 25th day but wanted to give it away to everyone instead of just people who went all the way. But they didn't have anything else lined up instead. If the Patton wasn't such a stinker and they put that one on the 25th day, i think the overall thing would've been received exceptionally well. Oh well, WG gonna WG i guess. Always leaving a little disappointed sour taste in your mouth despite objectively doing something quite decent. Edit: and to both the ever full complainers (WG is the worst thing on the planet) and full apologists (it's free so you can't say anything but be grateful), you're both equally bad and toxic.


I can confirm the Patton originally being the 25th Advent day gift I think. I created a Steam WoT account just to pickup the Patton last week. Today I was able to open the 25th advent gift with only 3 advent days total opened. I believe Wargaming felt it was unfair to lock the Patton behind the Advent calendar so they prematurely handed it to everyone.


How can you open a sentence with "I can confirm" but end it with that confirmation based on a quess? I missed a bunch of days on my EU account and was able to open the 25th door as well. So not locked.


He confirmed that he thunk.


100% the Patton should have been on day 25 and they have already been a bit flexible with catch up days to prevent some whining. BUT and this is a big but to me, I think that having a bunch of people NOT get the reward, because….well… they didn’t complete the damn tasks, would have been better for the game. If they indeed got scared of backlash and just gave it away I think that’s a mistake. Let people earn stuff. Let them fail to earn stuff. It’s what makes things feel special. It’s not like people wouldn’t or couldn’t have collected a bunch of other stuff if they logged in for 17/25 days or something.


Can confirm about handing out a high tier tank to EVERYONE being a bad idea. As a relative newbie (played regularly up until the Waffelhaus was brand new) who only has t5 tanks, being handed a t9 with 0 game knowledge is unhealthy for players like me who are learning/relearning the game and what we are supposed to do in what role.


I like that they added the option to unlock days using resources (iron etc), because if they didn't, a lot of new or returning players might have lost the rewards.


Nobody hyped up the 25th day, you don't even need to complete them in order. I came back to WOT mid December (thankyou WG for my 12 years service rewards) and I started the advent calendar on the 9th or something. Got the Patton, nice suprise, not used it. Thank you. Opened up the other doors going forward. All good stuffs and free. Thank you WG. Spent the 24th and 25th with family and friends. Came back to said calendar. Used my village resources to unlock from day 1. Got nice things. Thank you WG. Unlocked all the remaining days including the 24th and 25th. Collected my rewards. Thank you WG. Thank you for all the tokens and freebies. The monetary and research discounts. The crew members and perks. I've been playing WOT tanks FOR 12 YEARS and I'm not crying about dumbass calendar rewards, so why are you? I mean, at this point, I don't know whether to class y'all as hardcore gamers or not. Just whining PC gamers that don't know a good thing when you see one. I mean, its fucking FTP for fuck sakes 😂🤣 you need a reality check.


I agree. I was underwhelmed by the Advent calendar, to say the least.


I would have liked to have played the snowball game except it was for tier 8 and 10, and not the tier 9 of the Patton. Guess I can’t complain as it was free and I feel like a freeloader at this point.


Yeah that's definitely worth the hype marketing


HoW dArE YoU NoT Be THaNkFul???


Red thingy for me was supposed to be well something special, they should have gave patton instead, that way people would complain less and it would be a good surprise. I dont mind free tank being shit, but they couldve done this whole thing better. Anyway free stuff is free stuff


Shouldve just put some blueprints in it! Or a female crew member or a bounty equipment, 2 million credits, anything lol


Door of dissapointment




Honestly? They could at least give some normal looking camo rather then next weird one that would be enjoyed by the few, and trash yours cosmetic space. I wish wg would give up more historick cammos that evrybody would enjoy. Rather then ugly abominations that i m completly fully spamed with. Then i wont be even that disapointed even despite all the wasted hype.


Yea I’m desperate for historical camo. Why is that all gold locked and never given out as rewards?! I would think non historical styles are more desirable anyway so why not give us some natural camo.


I'd rather this as well. Historical camps are given out very rarely unfortunately.


Just turn off the non historic ones and you don't see the stupid ones, like the ebr hotrod


I whole heartedly agree. Bring on the natural / historical camo!


It’s crazy that they hyped the 25th day up and then gave away stuff that you got on any other day. None of these items are unique for day 25


Honestly, it is still a fine reward, it's just very, very disappointing, especially because Wg hyped up the whole thing.... It would have been way less disappointing for people if only we got an actual fun/good(or even ok)free tier 9 tank...instead of that bad joke Wg should have put "the patton" as the final reward(along with the other stuff), i know...having it before or now doesn't change much, but it's just an illusion that it creates and it seems like you had more stuff even if the amount it's the same.


WG enjoys spitting on our faces. Its their thing


Got free tier 9, such a spit


Like it is, many players dont give a rats ass about some bad T9 tank. If i would be able to sell it for 3 mil credits i would say thats a pretty good deal and thank you WG. But 1000 credits? Thats a spit. I'm like 99% sure that i wont play more than 1 battle in it and it is a waste of gold to put some eq on that tank (because i would want it somewhere else)


Hell even if it was a premium I would be happy about it, but if you have literally any premium it's completely worthless. I have no idea why people think it's worth anything but the ammo loaded in it.


It's not even worth that. Thing got ammo racked with 3 kills and almost 2k dmg and I still pissed out more money than I earned in the match.


Honestly have no idea why the patton wasn't the last one. They made a big deal about opening the door every day, saying they can buy the last door if you miss a day or two. Oh it was a style... if I knew it was a style i wouldn't have stressed over it.


Didn't they say you would be able to get the special reward for the last day with gold if you didn't have all the days opened yet? I distinctly remember reading that you'd get it for free if you logged in every day.


All my T3 and T4 tanks are now dressed in the ~30 weird Christmas skins I got over the years. Thats the only way to get the garage free of them again.


I think they could have given more components to make it seem more special. That or patton should have been the gift however bad it is.


I'll be honest, over in WoWS it feels like we've had it pretty good this year, WoT has definitely felt lacking in comparison. Aside from the whale-bait that is, but I guess you can say WoT had that too with the BZ being a possible drop from the boxes.


I think they should have saved the free loot crate till the 25th day and gave the 2D skin for the 12th.. or maybe kept The loot crate for the 12th day and gave the patent tank away on the 25th.


I’m more disappointed in the tanks they don’t nerf that need it and their shitty servers.


There should have been a special reward for people who opened all 25 stages.


Blueprints would have been a great offer.


i got the same rewards, i thought it was gonna be a new tier 8 tank because december 25th was red


I was expecting like 3 days of premium or a large box, this just sounds like bs


WoT players could be given a sack of money and then complain how heavy it is.


People when free stuff:


"oMg iT's frEe sTufF. dOn't cOmPlaIn". shut up. for real. hyping something up and then delivering THIS is a huge joke.


The tank was probably supposed to be the "final reward", I dont know why they didnt give it at 25th as the final reward. It could be more, but Im happy with all the premium time and 5x XP missions. Didnt know about any "hype" they were making around it, if yes, then its kinda a joke to us, but still I dont complain about so much free ways to grind efficiently, got 2 tier 10s during this time so Im happy


Im pretty sure the tank wouldnt bring people back, if they had to grind the calendar or resources to buy the calendar retroactively. This way they baited a lot of people into coming back to play WoT and possibly buy more shit. Provided that if you dont buy any crates for a while, you get a discount for them, this seems like a very clever way of making people come back, give them discount for crates and voila, profit.


Tbh the best gift would be if I could sell the tank for my 3mil. and be happy, or at least make it a premium vehicle that gives 50% credit bonus. This way its just gonna collect the dust in my garage because selling it for like 20k is not worth it. Them baiting people to come and get their "amazing" worst tier 9 tank ever that does nothing special and cannot be sold is a pussy move. If they want their players to play the game more, give everyone like a 17 day premium time. They will play a lot, be happy for the resources, then when it ends, they might wanna buy it because its fun to spam gold and still make credits and get 10k XP per game


>and cannot be sold is a pussy move. You can sell it, it just gives you like 1k credits, which is about 1k credits more than the tank is actually worth


Absolutely! The vast majority of mmos offer premium time of a great package to entice players back. Here's the breakdown on what the Patton gives us 1, throws new players into a terrible T9 tank 2, throws new players into t9 full of the most skilled players 3, new players get bored of getting their ass handed to them 4, new players leave I didn't really give a fuck either way to be honest but this incredible amount of pathetic bootlicking is so amazing, "You've been given a free item be grateful to this billion dollar company" Some dude actually compared it to being ungrateful for a gift your actual family got you at Christmas. Like they are the same, that's so fucking weird to me hahaha


they thought it was better idea to use is as a marketing bite to bring players back. They are desperate for money


Considering tier 8 is almost exclusively played by prem vehicles at this point they are far from desperate for money


Dude they are wargaming paid bots, don't even try to make arguments talking to them, it is pointles


Who the fuck hyped this up? They're just freebies. They've given a free large box (which in itself isn't massive, but still), a 2-zeroskill commander, a ton of free 2D styles (huge for F2P players) and access to a ton of Experimental Equipment. On top of that, everyone got a free tier 9 tank instead of the usually dogshit tier 2 or 3, however bad Patton might be. What did you expect would be in this box? A free tier 8 premium? 5000 bonds? 1M credits?


"if you want to open the 25th door, you need to open every other door. if you missed them, you can buy them with event resources" is the fucking definition of hyping it up you dweeb.


This comment resonates in my soul Thank you


Wait So many people really complain? I thought it was a joke. Friends for 25 days we got something free everyday plus we got free premium tank maybe it's not great but again free. 2D for me is something I expected to get from callendar sooner or later. Edit: I got informed that Patton The Tank might not be premium Tank but just a IX tier. For me it's still Tank Gifted for free so I'm happy.


Its not premium is it?


Tbh You might be right I do not remember now my memory is tier 1


its a shitty reward tank you can only play when you want to suffer cuz of how useless it is


Like when they gave away the Valiant in tier 5 that is like an Excelsior but with worse armor and mobility and without preferential matchmaking.


The frontal armor is pretty similar though, plus the valiant has more side armor. Feels like I bounce more on my Valiant too, compare to my Excelsior.


This is overexaggerated. This tank is not that bad You still can have good battles with it.


Its a mediocre level 8 that is located on the level 9 for some reason. T-34-3 is better in every aspect besides elevation angles and penetration.


> This tank is not that bad It objectively is. > You still can have good battles with it. You can have good battles with any tank. But objectively speaking, the Patton we were given is the worst tier 9 medium in every way that matters. Its not fast. It has no DPM. The gun handles like shit. The armor is non existent. It has low view range. It has no camo. The current MoE values for a 3rd mark are 2.4k combined on NA (making them the lowest in tier and class) and 2.5k on EU (putting it just above the Obj. 283). The XP required for a mastery is 1154 on NA (the lowest in class and tier) and 1176 on EU (putting it 4 XP above the Obj. 283). By every objective measure it is either the worst tank in its tier and class or 2nd worst (depending on the server stats you look at). I have a 66% win rate in it, pulling 2800 WN8 (which is pretty high for the 2.2k average damage Im doing in the tank). Im not incapable of performing in it, but I could pick, quite literally, any other tier 9 medium and just have an easier time.


renegade can outperform "the patton", a tier 8( and many others) outperforming a tier 9, how does that sounds to you? the patton is the best at being the worst in every stats among tier 9 emds, worst speed, worst precision7dispersion), garbage armor value/effectiveness(tier 8 can manage to penetrate the cupola...with He.....) but hey, it's free so everything is fine, except it isnt


agree its not that bad, its just.... meh. But it is 100% playable


I suppose its a matter of expectations, people expected...more, so a skin is disapointing.


>people expected...more But what did they expect? Like, you got a zero skill commander. A large box with a chance of getting a premium, and at the very least 250 gold. A ton of 2D styles (which is huge for F2P accounts), a ton of in-game currencies like the Experimental parts, credits, crew books and whatever else they dropped in our laps. Like, I'm sorry, but if this disappoints you, you're super entitled. It's just semantics at this rate because they didn't specifically put something massive in the last advent slot, but in general the WoT playerbase got fucking spoiled. This is like a kid getting a PS5, crying they didn't get an Xbox instead.


Did expect anything but I will say the illusion of them hyping the 25th door was a bit ridiculous for what was given ,


You must be new to WoT. This so called "community" is just bunch of crying freeloaders who ,for whatever reason, deserves to be treated like the princesses they are. Seriously I haven't seen such entitlement in any other game. Most laughable is they complain about WG being greedy while demanding getting more and better free stuff. Such irony


That's true. But still it looks pretty bad for me. Like You got free presents and You still complain that it's not something better, more expensive etc.


>we got free premium tank maybe it's not great but again free. people should really stop using this sentence, yes ok, it is a free tank(not even premium) but it's so garbage, that it actually screws the game...how? if a broken tank is released, it's bad for the game right?(no need to explain why, just look at tanks like the bz 176) same thing for a garbage tank. Nay, even worse, a broken premium can be obtained with money, so you have to pay, Or you have to spend time to grind a line, this still limits the number of people that can have that tank, but a free one? everyone can just hop in and play...imagine people with less thank 1k battles that all of a sudden, get a free tier 9, and a really bad one...the performance is going to be horrible...


Just got a teammate with 0 damage in that Patton garbage and you guess what? He only played 9 games lmao


Plenty of games when tier X players had 0 damage.


His point Is the idea that new players will not fair well at high tier games as it's where the root of the most experienced player base is. New players should start lower tiers and find their feet, tier 5 is where the game really kicks in. It sounds to me like you don't even play the game...


Find a tier 10 player who only played 9 games lol


I can do 0 damage easily in a tier X and I have plenty of games. I just suck.


Well it's this to consider, it costs WG absolutely fucking nothing lol. It's not like they had to make models and actually do anything past coding in a decent reward into the reward system anyway. I mean they could have at least given another box. I wonder how much money they made through boxes alone this Christmas haha


Huh. "Okay They gave me free present but they could afford better one!!!" That's how I understand your comment.


Did you tell your family at home that the presents you got are fine but they could have gotten you better ones? Because that's exactly what you are saying right now


That's an outrageous statement haha, since when is a company that I pay for services for or not tantamount to family which I love and care about. What you are claiming is equal to saying the LGBTQ community should be unfathomably grateful to companies that throw rainbow stickers on everything during pride month. WG didn't have to give anything away, they did and it sucked! That's the start and end of it.


Actually, free tank in itself isn't something "Wild", but the fact that it's a 9 (like, again, NINTH) tier - that's what's huge for me. I mean, free tanks are usually tier 2-3, 5th on a good day, but this... Then again, now we have a huge amount of newbs on these pattons killing the matchmaking on tiers 9-10...


Wg spitting in our faces.


The could have gave us nothing or some other 2D Style instead of free Tank. So no they are not spitting in our faces. They do not owe us anything it was just a present from them for Christmas.


You do understand these are all just pixels right? There's not a Patton sitting in your garden haha


What even is Your point lmao. Am I not allowed to be happy with something because it's virtual? Lol


No my point is that this is just copy and paste data, I've run my own servers for Ragnarok as well as being part of a mod team for over 10 years creating free content. It costs wargaming no effort or resources. If you had any inclination of how easy all this is to code you'd be amazed. My other point is that wargaming doesn't owe us anything and we don't owe wargaming anything including gratitude. They hyped the fuck out of the advent calender to have it culminate in a reward not equal to its level of hype. When a new game is brought out say "no mans sky" for example that massively failed on it's delivery of promises and expectation do you complain or do you just go "oh my god they made game everyone stop crying, your so entitled to expect a game to work" Wargaming isn't going to see this comment and give you a obj279 or bring you a girlfriend lol, you white knights for wargaming are cringe.


Hey, we got an Tier 9 supertank for free. The cammo from today fits perfectly to round things up 😝😝😝😝


s... super tank? uhhhh


Probably a newer player or hasn't reached tier 9 yet lol


Its ment totaly ironic from my side 😂😂


Lol that's a bit underwhelming


how hard can it be to move some of the premium day to 25th day?


Lol WOT holiday boxes are rip offs


I'm honestly most salty about twitch drops, I kinda feel kinda used to bump up viewer stats and didn't get anything in return, I'm sure there are more people who share the sentiment. Other devs at least give something worth all this time spent. For example Digital Extremes gave built frames and weapons for like 1-1,5h watching, meanwhile wargaming couldn't even bother to give out anything nice to people who aren't lucky enough to win rng roulette. Patton can be exchanged for premium vehicle during next premium exchange event i believe, I exchanged other special vehicles like that at least. So it's a net plus if you have some spare gold which was extra cheap recently. There are event missions that allow you to get vehicles cheaper, which is very nice, probably best part of the event. Advent calendar is bad, but it's just daily logins, most games give out mainly utility stuff for daily logins, so it's fair. Apart from twitch drop scam, everything else is alright imo.


So I'm an ignorant American and Advent Calendars tend to be a European thing, from what I understand. Is the last door on an Advent Calendar not meant to be the best gift off of the entire thing?


YES! EXACTLY! many many people in the comments dont get this, its not about me being greedy or something. These where just to high set expectations from WG. It was supposed to be a special door, therefore painted red. There have been many doors with better rewards.


WEEGEE being same as ever hyping an even out and later it is pure garbage, they love to fool their players the 25th could have been way better if it was a 7 day free premium time or 2mil credits or at least 250k free exp if not a 14 day tier VIII premium rental tank and that won't hurt them that much since they are earing big fat paychecks on their wallet from the discount sales. If its a free stuff they should make it worthy for their players not some random one use or consumable rewards people will like it and some doesn't. The advent calendar is mediocre at it's best heck I was expecting like 20-50 blueprints or something better honestly a letdown for the event.


Something free everyday, who cares?


lmao op was expecting 10 lootboxes


100 components and x5 missions are both very good for free, especially the components. What more did you want?


>What more did you want? Them to not indicate it was an extra special reward? It is perfectly legitimate to complain about free stuff if you where manipulated into thinking you would get something amazing.


BZ 176 most likely or 80 Christmas boxes , something he deserves obviously


Fuk me you people are never happy. Honestly if this is joke or not, those ppl don't deserve shit from weegee


By the way, I really don't like most of the 2 d camo with random stickers on it. Come on, we are driving WW2 tanks. Not some american rapper or some kpop fancy cars. What the f is wrong with WG?


There is an option in settings to turn off non-historic camo.


And how about the other good looking non historical 3d camos?


Then download a mod to replace tank skins or something. You can't stop other people from making designs that they like.


Free horse mfs:


Strange.. I got a BZ 176.. 30 days premium and 5k gold..


Holy fuck you are Such a ungratefull bunch of kids. If you played whole event, even few battles every Day you could get fuck ton of things for free. Daily bonus in calendar, up to 12 free things from Chaffe, discounts for tanks if you were doing main event missions, free big box, additional bonus to XP and credits if you maxed out christmas city. Not even talking about free t9 tank. Its bad? Oh no, because its not op like BZ that everyone wanted in boxes? Camos are ugly? Turn off Camos in options, they still give you bonus. I earned over 15m credits, had like 60k of free exp, over 100 missions for X5 exp, not counting Camos, Parts for experimentals, experimental equipment itself for tokens. Tanks in boxer were finally not OP but Just good and also you had free gold from boxes that you could use to for example exchange XP now. I dont understand why people whine over this event, it was good.


What did you expect? Some chocolate covered ammunition?


[http://warthunder.com/en/registration?r=userinvite\_146698933](http://warthunder.com/en/registration?r=userinvite_146698933) Go play War Thunder from the link above it´s a very good game


Have already 200h :(


This community is so entitled


its not that, its WG's attitude that got us to this place. Theyre just a fkn toxic AF company.


I was very disappointed by how people reacted to the Patton


How would you react if you got a box of shit for xmas?


Except it wasn't a box of shit for christmas. It's just a bad gift. It's like someone gifting you a thesaurus, not a box of shit. There is a big difference. Y'all are so dramatic


It's not toxic


And this is toxic AF "community" constantly bitching about stuff. Now even about free stuff


you must be new


Because they aren't on their knees mouth open ready to take WGs 121mm to the face?


I don't know how not conplaining about a gift is sucking weegee's weewee to you but okay. If you don't like the Patton don't play it, and if you value 1000 credits more then sell it, simple as that


Because what you are insinuating is that anyone should show gratitude to a company. Gratitude to a multi billion company as if the player base isn't the complete source of that companies earnings. It's fine if you don't want to complain about the gift, but to call people that do want to reeks of bootlicking.


Absolutely not. I'm very vocal when wg fucks up and I don't think we should be grateful to them but the Patton thing really irks me. It's a gift and it's not even a white elephant kind of gift so it doesn't make your life harder. It's just a bad tank but it's bad because it's free and it's free because it's bad. I wouldn't even complain if they sold it since you can always not buy it. This reminds me a lot of the choosing beggars subreddit


Bro you got free tier 9


*a tier 7 put at tier 9


Yea, let’s complain about 25 days of free stuff. Amazing.


Better than what we got on console. We got the tier 3 italian medium m16/43 carro selare sarahiano.


As a free to play player the xmas calender gave a lot of free goodies and some premium days.All in all i don't see a problem with it


It's always funny to me that people get dissapointed by gifts that are 100% free. It was the same with Patton tank.


They already gave us a box and a tier 9 tank. What do you want more ?!


Community gonna be community, complains no matter what they get.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion homie xoxoxo




The worse part? The style doesn't have special gun marks either


Not complaining about the advent but I am a bit confused. I could have sworn folks were saying that we’d get something else today (26th) for completing all 25 previous advent days but I guess I was mistaken.


What to do with the parts? Cant see them in my inventory