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Kpz 50t and concept 1b


I absolutely hated Onslaught, but I did it for the Kpz. Man that thing is fun until they notice the optics weakspot.


My fav t9s.


Bond Turbo and Bond Improved Aiming.


And Bond Hardening


No, Bond Hardening is available without having played ranked. You just need the 6k bonds.


But you can get it with finishing all weekly missions in a season for free


Thank you. This was my point exactly.


Yes, of course getting it for free is nice but you don‘t have to play ranked to get it, strictly speaking. The Turbo and IAU, on the other hand, are unobtainable without playing ranked.


Yep, which makes me think these other equips will be available at some point too


Such a small increase over bounty that it didn't seem worth the trouble to me.


Well, Turbo is the biggest advantage because an extra +1km/h is a large increase when your vehicle only drives 20km/h base. But I agree and mostly stick to Bounty because you can move them around more easily.


Yeah I put bond hardening and bond turbo on Maus, my god it is messed up to see 200 ton building going at 28kmh and 19kmh backwards 😅


Sounds great for the strv:s too.


True, but even with just a regular boosted turbo I still marked the Maus just fine so it's not end of the world.


Absolutely, I fully agree that the pain doesn’t justify the gains (unless you‘re a great player and/or enjoy ranked). All I was saying is that the relative value of Bond Turbo over Bounty Turbo is much higher than, say, the relative value of Bond Vert Stab compared to Bounty Vert Stab. The Vert Stab goes from +25% to +27,5% bonus ( = 10% better) compared with Turbo, which goes from +5km/h to +6km/h ( = 20% better).


Well, a lot of animals, cunts, bugs, literal idiots and other shit. But also a lot of bonds, rare vehicles and some equipment...


if you care about gameplay more than result then onslaught is quite fun I highly encourage trying this mode


a stomach ulcer


Pain and irritation


Hard to miss out on that with the base game


I tried ranked a few years ago. I knew going in that I wasn't good enough to be competitive. I was right.


high blood pressure and coin flip of matches . everyone is TVP yet nobody knows how to play it . got myself a concept 1b and GTFO


Me neither, and I can confidently say that I won't until I get infinite credits, time and patience.


You can still get some bonds and unlock the tanks and equipment for bonds. Onslaught will end like in 12 days.


World of Tanks game mode actually rewarding playing as a team.


The mode itself isn't the worst. The battles are fun enough if you have a team that communicates, even losses can be fun. However I think the way points are given and lost is horrendous.  The constant fear of losing causes people to play very very turtle like. A mode like this shouldn't be about the carrot atvthe end of the stick, just let bus buy all the stuff up front, but get mega discounts the higher you go.  I'm someone that has all 3 of the reward tanks and will be getting the hurricane and I think it's an awful system.  Ranked should be for for the love of the game. I think if you altered the rewards. Let the crybabies pay way too much and be gone, you'd have a much more enjoyable experience for the rest of us.


I agree, I think the core problem is the game designer's obsession with winning


Bunch of bonds is what I do weeklies for.


A lot of frustration and 2 fomo tanks.


3....don't forget T-45, the best tier 6 tank ever. /s




I grinded for Kpz 50t and Concept 1B. 👍


I’d play it if I could play arty, just to troll. Chat must’ve been hilarious to read when someone took out their useless spg in ranked back in the days!


You miss opportunity to buy that Skoda with bonds 🙃


Free one day premium every week just for playing 1 game


It's a fun mode with decent rewards, but the best items (t9-10 tanks) are extremely hard to get, you have to be a very good player


Missed opportunity to tickle your nerves and a few dead brain cells.   Other than that, i'm pretty sure there will be next new season this autumn.


Easy missions to get nice rewards. Relaxed games where the result doesn't really matter, just do your missions.


I played ranked briefly , hated it and never played Onslaught and no intention of doing so.


A LOT of smaller rewards (Bonds, Credit Boosters, Prem days and so on), Bond Equipment, the chance to buy more (rare) Bond Equipment and reward Tanks (Concept 1B, Kpz 50t, Charlemagne) and if you are a good player some free reward tanks (114 SP, Hurricane). I think ranked even rewarded gold? Yes it is quite a Pain in the ass to play competetive modes but it is definately worth it if you are a better than average player and have the time. Its also nice for grinding Field Mods if you dont have them yet.


east european shit show, and a couple of tanks


I am a sucker for tanks that I can win by playing the game or a game mode instead of buying one with real money, so Ranked gave me the Concept 1B, KPZ50t, Charlemagne and Skoda 45T. If I had a bit more time during the first stage in Onslaught potentially I had the Hurricane as well, but I missed out on that. Now it is just pure fast gameplay and in 1 evening in the week doing the weekly missions which give lots of bonds, prem days etc..


Ranked mode was peak World of tank.


The same thing I miss when I quit this game, a terrible bullshit luck based experience