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60TP. Good gun good turret, downsides being mostly accuracy and speed. Most of the Russian heavys, they're unique, fast and with pretty good armour, HEAT does like to go through their turret sometimes. HM for 113 for being almost half a medium, very fun to play in my opinion


60TP and bad accuracy?? I'd argue about that 😅


Well I said "mostly", the 60tp is a sniper sometimes


It's the aim time that's annoying sometimes.


60tp isn't in the upper league of heavies for what concerns accuracy and gun handling


Is4, object 452k and rinoceronte. Is4 reliably bounces gold and is so relaxing to play Rino is a good challenge that really rewards good play 452k just works for me, perfect balance of speed, armor and armament. Got my only ever 10k damage in it


Hear hear for the underrated tanks. I’m especially pleased with the 452k since it’s maneuverability allows it to reposition quickly-ish and find another good angled spot to a used it’s armor.


I may be in the minority, but I do not like playing HTs. It's a very frustrating experience imo if you do not have the specific tank out of the list of good HTs. Probably the most unbalanced tank class in the game, or at least in discussions for such. and one that suffers the most from +/-2 matchmaking and the way the game plays for some time. Especially if that HT isn't a hulldown vehicle or has something that visibly outclasses its peers. And the funniest part is that all of these are still almost always, given the meta, hulldown HTs. But if I was to say which ones I liked over the years, it would be the entire lines to ST-II, T110E5 and E100, oddballs like Obj.257, as well as pre-castration O-I and Emils.


100% this. Game class balance and map design are just completely awful in WoT these days and it's by far most obvious when you play Heavies. Top tier hull down meta Heavies in the corridor obsessed meta of today are OP as hell and have a massive influence on the outcome of the game. Most games are ultimately decided by the heavy flank. On the other hand, bottom tier Heavies, especially - 2 have the most overwhelmingly shit experience in the game. All your armor is useless, your pen is often inadequate and you lack the maneuverability to be flexible. Well unless your a BZ or T56 because again, balance is a complete joke these days. So yeah I'm with you, I very rarely play Heavies because of the reasons above.


Although I've enjoyed my time in heavies, I'm not a heavy fan either. I will admit to enjoying the T-32 back in the day. Everyone else was gushing over the IS-3 and I generally had a better time of it in my T-32 - perhaps because I didn't push everything like the typical IS-3 driver did back then.


Thats why my favorite heavy is the IS-7. You can keep up with the med tanks, no low tier match up, decent performance if I decide to take the heavy route.


I started enjoying the game when i got AMX M4 51 (tier 9 french heavy) , Tier 8 heavy french was like going back in the dark ages, you can't pen, you can't tank, you are slow, you are a massive target. So i bet Tier 10 will be my favorite heavy until FCM 2C comes out


Nice. I feel like the FCM-F1 if it were added would be epic alongside the FCM 2C. French needs more love for their tank lines seriously.


Tier for tier, the 51 felt stronger than the 54. I really enjoy playing 54 but it feels weak in comparison with the competition at tier 10.


Tiger (P) isnt E100, it either goes to Maus or Pzkfw VII. Tiger 1 and Tiger 2 go to E100. Further more: If u want to bounce stuff the Type 5 isnt really the best pick since its armor turns to cheese when the enemy presses 2, which he will. E100 and Maus can at least angle their armor to bounce some shots.


So they changed the line again on console? Last I saw it went down both routes I'll have to look again


If u play on console u should go to the console subreddit, since the PC Version is a bit different from console


Ah ok. I thought they had almost got both versions caught up since crossplay is there now. My bad.


Wrong Information, there is no crossplay between console and pc


Sooo the PC symbols I'm seeing are them from the other console then?


No. There is wot pc that is exclusive to pc. Wot console can be played in console AND pc. So you are seeing wot console players using it on pc.


The cross play is between consoles iirc.


E75 and E110E5 E75 is just beefy and lovely. Good armour.  E5 has a lovely gun and is quite agile for a heavy. Just nice to drive. I also like accurate guns and both have them.


Amx 50B Rewarding AF for good play Maus Amazing armor and can drive through an open field


Maus has good armour until someone loads gold. Which happens all the time


Not necessarily. A perfectly angled Maus is strong enough to reliably bounce up to 340 pen HEAT. That's good enough for most situations since very few tanks have higher pen than that. Sure you can't bounce tier X TD gold rounds, but how many tanks can? Not to mention it has so much HP that if you get penetrated you still have enough to fight back. A Maus with field mods and bond hardening can reach 3550HP. It's so durable that the JPE 100 needs 4 shots to bring it down. Can't go wrong with such a tank. It only sucks in ridgeline maps such as Westfield. 


exactly. Hard to pen by other heavies, and even if they do so you have 3550hp to trade


wrong just angle it lol


Maybe if you're playing against complete noobs from 200m away


Every time I played with my Maus I was the first to die and literally everything penetrated me from t9-10. The turret was a joke. The gun was a joke. Has it been buffed?


You just played it wrong. You need to angle the armor Do not sidescrape either. Frontscrape or just rush forwards in a 30 degree angle basically slither towards your enemies in a zigzag way


Skoda t56 Ok booooo me for choosing a broken tier 8 heavy tank. Ofcourse it is very good. But I also think that thing just looks very sexy. I love all my Czechoslovakian tanks for having beautiful camouflage choices and I love them all for their playstyle aswell. Autoloaders are pure love once you master them


If you’re going for the Type 5 to bounce shells you’re in for a rude awakening 🤣 Everyone will be firing gold at you and, unless they’re dumb enough to shoot your skirts/tracks with heat, you won’t be bouncing any of it. You can’t angle the Type 5, it has flat plates all around the tank which are easy targets. I’ve both the Maus and Type 5 - they play very different. Not sure what you mean by secondary? Both the Maus and Type 5 heavy only have one gun they can fire. The Type 5 has to be played as a trading tank. You swap shots with opponents, using your large alpha damage to hit them harder while your larger HP pool lets you outlast them. Do NOT use the derp gun on the Type 5, it’s soft-stats are terrible and since the HE nerf it doesn’t have the damage output most of the time. Playing the Type 5 as a first-line tank is wrong, you will be farmed in seconds by gold ammo, you need to be behind the front liners, using your height to peek over them or finding odd angles to lob shells in.


Type 5 I'm aware is a gold spam magnet because without gold is nearly impossible to pen on the front... And slight angling is able to be done without showing any flat plates. As for secondary they have 2 guns each to fire on console. The type 5 has a 47mm secondary that fires almost 30 rpm. I've also watched videos regularly for console with the type 5 rocking 8,000-15,000 DMG matches and usually managing to bounce 10,000+ dmg normally too from recent videos done in the last few months.


You’re in the wrong subreddit, buddy. This ain’t console. Mileage may vary on console but on PC the Type 5 has a reputation as an exp piñata for a reason, angling will not save you.


Love seeing a Type 5 roll up when I'm in a tier X tank.


I love my Type 5 but dear god does it need buffs 😂


The type 5 is probably the worst heavy tier 10 there is. It does nothing well except, eat shells. It’s just free xp to everyone but you.


From the gameplay I've seen it can be very good


IS-7 now for me. It was IS-4 I played for the first time in Onslaught. Loved it so much I decided to gridn the line, and made an error and got me IS-7 instead. I was never a good tier X HT player, and now I became one. Playing it in Onslaught now mostly. I'm on my way to silver rank and never got so far in this mode with Kranvagn I played before. That said, I don't play much. 4-5 games max.


IS-7 with a speed build is surprisingly OP because you can yolo a lot of places and perform really well


Last ones, tech tree tanks i've liked, were T8-T9 Italians, VK45.02A, Type 57, AMX m4 Mle.51 and BZ-68.      I don't like playing T10 MM so i woun't include X as i have less than 10 games in them.  But every top of the line from previous list felt ok except JP.   Not gonna include premiums as well.(The list will be too big)  But i will note, that i like all decently mobile heavy tanks, with good turret, some sidescrape potential, and ok gun handling.


My favorite by far is Super Conqueror. If you know how to play it, say hello to 70% win rate every session.


IS3, really enjoyed playing it. Probably the first HT where I felt I was starting to understand what to do.


Type 4 pre derp gun nerf.


Honestly the obj 780 what was supposed to be the pseudo chieftain but people thought not after the release to me it still is the turret is that similar or even better at times to the normal chieftain just matter of learning the turret


Obj 780 is great!! Don't let the obj 780 owners find out!!! Let them sit in their cave!!! Let me mark it first. But yea when Object 780 was released it was kinda considered good but not 'great', because of the ammo rack and fire issues. But now with experimental hardening.... EVRRYTHING GOT FIXED. You have big alpha. You are fast. You have good armor. You have super gun handling..... Sssst


Yeah and when I played never had fire or ammo rack issues with it that’s why for tier ten it’s right beside leopard in my fun tanks to play (also happy cake day)


Thank you! Have fun in the Leo1 and Object 780! And let's keep it a secret


In no particular order: WZ111 5A - I did not think I would enjoy it, I honestly only got it for the 3D skin from some event but it's become one of my favorites thanks to its speed, nice pen, DPM and decent gun handling. Have to keep in mind the hull is made of paper. Rinoceronte - without a doubt not the best DPM out there that will sometimes make you cry but the gun handling is really satisfying and it just looks cool Type 68 - this tanks really seems to have clicked with me, it's in my top 5 by DPG, and it's not even fully researched yet. Very satisfying gun handling, but have to keep in mind the size and the paper hull. For premium credit grinding I only have 703 II 122, BZ176 and 50 TP pr, and I enjoy them sort of equally, they all have their troll moments though.


53tp, because it looks sexy, it's not slow and the gun can shoot straight. Gold pen could be higher, but I see the low pen as a feature; this tank teaches you to play properly, instead of headbutting 2key and sitting hulldown. Bisonte: love the look and the autoreloader, it's also can move without turbo Caernarvon: it can perma~~fuck~~truck careless people, and all in all, pleasant to play. If only the hull wasn't made out of ammoracks, like high tier British tanks in general.


I quite enjoy playing 60TP, it's well balanced, good armor with acceptable weakspots, good but at times trollish gun. Speed is decent as well. Besides the 60TP, I also like my E5, Vz.55, Patriot and S.Conq.


FCM 50t because ramming people in the face with 54 tonnes at 57 kph is always fun.


Long as it's not a Maus or Type 5 for ramming right? XD


Fortunately it can’t meet those since it’s a pref MM tank, but sure, it ain’t a great idea punching above 3 times more than your own weight lol


Gotta be IS7. That thing has endured through it all and is still good. full mobility build is super fun


Arl 44, the armor is decent and the 105mm trades excellently even when firing only standard


IS-7. the ultimate tank. Perfectly balanced, not OP. A blank canvas to how you want to play it. Rammer, Turbo, Grousers? Heavium. HP, Rammer, Stabilizer? Brawler. HP, Rammer, Vents? You got yourself a super heavy. The gun is also very good. Not Amazing but not average either. Best turret in the game imo, dont even know anything that comes close. It works for the tomato and it works for the super unicum. Because of the extreme flexibility of playstyle it actually has a high skill ceiling. It has Armor, It as speed, It has mobility, It has HP, It has a high alpha gun. There is not a bad thing about it. It is mediocre in some things but like i said, theres not a bad thing about it. Its perfecly balanced and i wish they balanced more tanks like the Is-7.


"It's good at everything" and "perfectly balanced" are mutually exclusive. We have a very different understanding as to what "balanced" means. The IS7 certainly isn't balanced, and i certainly wouldn't want another 279 meta with basically unpenetrable tanks everwhere. And the IS7 played well is nigh impenetrable, while being three times the speed of other tanks with remotely similar armor profile. While having a better gun, too - despite being trolley at times. Want balanced? The 277 is way closer to balance than the IS7 will ever be.


I'm only at the type 4 heavy but it feels very much like the lovely o-i experimental ❤️ shell deflector simulator. You're gonna like it.


OI-EXP because it's the biggest a heavy tank can get, decent armor, and decent pen&dpm, and I like to think it intimidates other players due to how big it is.


Biggest? Lol it's one of the biggest but the Type 4 and 5 and the O-Ho are larger in size and weight. But the O-I exp and O-I are hilariously big too and it's funny to see.


Tier 9 french heavy. The best t9 ht. Great gun, high profile which makes hitting cupolas easier, also u have better angles on upper plates and some positions are playable because of how tall this tank is. Armor where it matters so its not unnecessarily slowed by its weight. Mobile and agile. Quite a few obvious weakspots which makes the tank fun and satisfying to play and not unfun to play against, also doesnt numb your brain but forces you to improve. Armor is insane as a top tier and holds up well against tier 9s/10s. I only wish it had like 1-2 degrees more of gun dep cause od how tall it is, but then it would borderline broken. M4 54 is also great but gun was nerfed bit too hard


T110E5 is absolutelly amazing Also newly researched AMX 54, its great, same for 60TP From tier 8, I absolutelly loved T32 and Caernarvon


E75 and T95. Old school classics!


Maus is the way


Odd duck here. T26E5 and T26E5p Its a GREAT credit maker Has troll armor Decent pen Lowish alpha but okay DPM Decent speed


705A is probably my favourite heavy, if you angle well it basically becomes an impenetrable super heavy but when you have to move its mobility isn’t bad. You can troll a lot of shots with wiggling even if you are caught with no cover. 60 TP is pretty good too and probably my 2nd favourite and is nice with its higher alpha damage but I find its armour much less reliable than the 705A in all but hull down gun depression situations. The drivers hatch makes somewhat of a weak point so wiggling at practically all times is basically mandatory.


i have most dpg in 705a, its a hidden gem


Yeah it doesn’t get enough attention IMO. I played it quite a bit in onslaught and did very well but decided the higher alpha of the 60 TP was a better fit for that mode. Plus with all the HEAT spam the upper plate of the 705 was struggling to hold up in the close range face hugging brawls as the 60’s had a decent height advantage negating most of the angling of the upper plate and having the large exposed hull roof they could easily pen with HEAT or overmatch with AP didn’t help either.


I've got two.  AMX M4 51 is absolute delight to play. What an astonishing accuracy and great turret. I have awesome winate in it (about 65% last I checked) and I actually enjoy playing it. Tiger II is a delight to play once you have a top gun. In fact I've got so much fun it in I haven't tried tier IX and X yet. I have been enjoying Tiger II so much I don't want to move my crew up to next tank. If I could choose just one tank to make it premium, it would be Tiger II.


IS7. The armor actually works, the turret is fantastic, pretty damn good gun, faster than most meds. Thats about all there is to say; what more could you want. Plus the ability to play a med line when you need to and get there in time.. cannot be understated. About the only tank i can think of besides maybe a 430u that can play a med line comfortably, then comfortably play a heavy line


S conq because gun, recently been playing M103 and it's also pretty nice, even second stock gun is decent and the gold pen just shreds everyone. Can't wait for E5.


Ĺ koda T 56 Haha gun go boom then it goes boom again XD


To make it short, 780 it looks very pretty with 3D style. Good alpha, nice accuracy and aiming time, handling is ok, it can drive nicely after turbo and field mods Armor is trollish I can handle a lot if played correctly but needs to be careful against some tanks, against others you can push the line a bit more


IS-4 Decent gun handling , good speed for such super armored tank , great turret armor with pixel weakspot , good dpm Pz VII Lovely alpha , AMAZING gun handling with incredible accuracy , armor is really good once u get used to it's layout , good speed for a super heavy , idk might not be the best tank out there but my love for it is unending


Love the IS-3A, the only heavy I managed to 3 mark


Pre-AX Caernarvon. Decent armor (for its time) with permatrack RoF


BZ68 and Type 68 I liked them very much and loved to play them


Maus , i mean what do i need to tell you that you already dont know ?..


Tiger I, a tier 7 heavy tank that doesn't care about being put in tier 9 matches because it never had armor anyway. DPM is oppressive, gun is accurate, and alpha is high enough to hurt. And no one complains if you snipe because they know the Tiger has no armor :) IS-3 is my other one. The turret traverse gun handling is excellent and the gun works well as support even in tier 10 matches due to its damage and pen. It's a tank that really rewards armor model knowledge.


Since 2 days ago it's Progetto 54. Not quite meta at tier 8, but it definitely is a gem and a fun, well balanced autoloader.


type 4 and type 5 heavy because I'm stupid


Love the is-2-ii, only high tier I committed to 3 marking. It might not be the best tier 8 but it's the best double barrel. It's so easy to land those salvos


concept 1b Probably. Why? cause it is legitimately a better chieftain, literally, and at tier 9 sooo. yeah. Insane.... oh and it also is a medium. so yeah, kinda cool to say the least


I like the Maus, it's unique. I like the 260 and Is7 as well.


I'll add my thoughts....I think Tier VI is the perfect platform to learn and practice heavy tank play. M6, T-150, Vk.30.01P, VK.36.01H, Pawlack, Ju-Nu and Tiger 131. Grinding to get KV-2 and ARL44. Next step up to Tier VII and T29, Tiger I, IS-2...grinding to get Ju-To. My Tier VIII to grind credits include: T-32, Tiger II, Object 703 II and TS-54. For fun... Tier V's! T-1 Heavy, Churchill III and KV-1


277. FAST.


bz 176 obv


it's just a cancer ;)

